Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Apr 1947, p. 7

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¥ 7 MLER PA! ihr 2 EAE RRY LIF FEARLESS EE 4-8 Eo -- - CHRONICLES OF GI) RM | TABLE TAL ry & GINGER FARM 5 TABLE TALKS EGGS FALL 100 FEET---BOUNCE .. - Oh, To Be Carrier Pigeons ---- By Gwendoline P. Clarke-. ©. The L . | ; . In England :.. Replace Telephone There is an oldish lady i : : AR e unch Box... y in E i bers Sepa ady in town | negative attitude spreads like a The spotlight has been turned Oh, to be in England, now that Few mien are less concerned Tt falls on A 4 iA Temember, prairie fire, and, like a prairie fire the school lunch box. Too ordi Aprils here Lot, i about a telephone strike than How. a on Ap ; efore that day there is nothing Jeft in its wake. has been found unattractive, 'un- +Paskagy of gareues, please? ard Ackerman, a mechanic, because: © Sams | Ay year, instead of However, on this occasion, except 'appetizing, and above all to be lack- 1 Dory, sir, one till Thurs- (1) He uses carrier pigeons te com- * ding a-car : took her a bunch for a few bad moments at the be- | ing in those foods, recommended A 10. be iE am munitate with his wife. and (3) he bad pick wy il narcissi, which I ginning we got along all rght. One | by Canada's, Food rules which are A iv © be in England, wow that 1 doesn't have a 'telephone anyway. a picked from our own garden; officer told me afterwards 'that 'I necessary to build healthy, virile Pls std Mr. Ackerman' frequently takes ov th ie Yearewhata difference! With | just rail-roaded the ladies into their | bodies, ks WAT del fs : to Kis work at the Todd Shipyards : Be iret Bros shoots only now just jobs. Which of course was Just a To overcome these deficiencies; A friend of my husband's just | in Brooklyn, N.Y, a. few of 'the 20 about» couple of inches above the lot of nonsense--they were just many communities have inaugurhted $08 18°24 (eat 8uid- Nell lie ron pigeons: he keeps in the backyard Soom it will be sometime yet be- | good sports, that was all: After all, | school lunch projects, with great the waiting list for at least two | of his Queens home. They can ore "we can pick a boudget of you can't railroad a woman into success, 'The homemaker has learn-- years. - hav | : make: the six-mile flight home in 10 spring flowers. "But the flowers | doing anything if she isn't so in- | ed the necessity of packing lunches, t os ne to he an American | minutes, with any messages Mr, v hat bloom in the spring, tra-la-- . clined. Of ¢ourse the women event- which are good 'to look at, good to 0. 50 ging 3 bis Sapir] Ackerman might wish to send. v hav nothing to do with the case" -- ually turned the tables® on' me. so eat and "good » for her child". that 0; he "hy, agian, 10 "I can tell my wife, 'Mabel, when : t is clearly a matter for the that I ended up with a convemor- Through this medium, the child has re' 19 be home, what to have for sup- pi weatherman, / ship myself--which the W.I, 'may also acquired proper eating habits. "Will v j ) per--things like that," Mr. Acker- Fe w re yet live to regret. What do you To pack really good luriches day - you. leave me the Daily [00 11a s reporter. 3 : Af oi 3 think, Mrs, H.? after day is a big task for the home- Bugle hereafter, please, 'instead of The mechanic likes to take bird £ fl ier slp ®t > not only the * . * maker, It requires plenty of plan- the Daily Clarion?" HONE 07 tite oad of é nro 5 owers that are backward. It was nin ticular] is time of "Sorry, sir, if you discontinue the : Sy ot ton teal 1 ; A . g, particularly at this time of .the ry, sir, at y scontinue the SEL {et actually April 11 before we heard t this point I paused to go year to give that needed variety. Bugle we can't serve you at all ; LB the swamp frogs singing--and ac- ' Sows for the Tsing if look The home economists, Consumer We're not allowing any changes be- Encore i 1 cording to the old saying, the frogs hh ae Sanssy pe, ound Section, Dominion Department of cause of the staff shortage." A concert was being held in a i ) must be shut up three times before vil "y pap yg Neale al a Agriculture, have a few suggestions Oh, to be in... village schoolropm, and it was he we can really look for spring.. But |° Pied account , hat was all-- though which will simplify your cr, re -- Sandy's turn to 'give his bagpip ¥ it will get here--you'll see--that | 2° fan mail this morning, much to work, "Package from America for you, solo. When he had Peon ong: : is if we wait long enough. The wn A hp hive mya * * . : miss, With the duty and purchase the applause had died down, a volce N robins think so anyway. There are A y Jae vay, "MJ. MH, - Plan a lunch box preparation ; 3 tax, that'll be two pounds ten (10 from the back shouted: "Give us i two of them making a nest some- I AN -vely Ach "for 'the, papers, centre in your kitchen. Store all Fresh AEA EL TI ri nie dollars)" : -- 'Annie Laurie," Sandy!" } where hear ~the "hotse=T-am uot t was, nice of you to send them | canned and staple foods, also Fret ops, Sropped from the roof of a 100-foot high building in Oh, to be in England, now . .M[« "What! asked Sandy, surprised § quite 'sure where yet -- but every iv I Jas also glaa lo get. your equipment required at thls polnt. as hi has ig 53od with on: prepling S043 fuer, bounced pack and flattered, "again?" ; 3 3 7 tiie LJciok ott see one'an Feros letter, Mrs, N, P." you may be. Plan lunches for the next day ho roma million hg lanasd are ad of songelike "I know it's chilly darling, but al : SOY times two cheery little redbreasts nd to ney that I LY when planning and preparing the was a demonstration by the New York Hospital. Cornell 'Medical there's no use fiddling with that L$ 1 hopping around or calling back and ek eh Sons 2 Re ol m ne last ie meals. This makes possible Centre and the U.S. Rubber Company in joint research on prevention electric fire. The power doesn't as forth to each 'dther from: adidcens w whom ave always encour- the preparation of lunch foods of injuries in airplane crashes, Above, Margaret. Aglburn, research come on until four o'clock." 3a! tree 96s, Yes, the birds. and the aged to write and now is meeting | While -cooking, other -meals, } assistant, just misses Catching bouncing .egg seen at left. Oh, to be in England . | Th Beats are stele tting their: ome. with some success. In fact one hgeiinis fillings should be mixed ) Ps pial I magazine to which she sent a short the night before and stored in a "Yes our" rati X. variety of spring fever. « d Yes, I can renew your ration Mecea BAY last Y= > a out Pag day Sony suggested that she try her vod place. Seneral Bllings may be" . y y book -- but you have ont a Eo carr tu fre ain, bring ut sore, BY i and at writing a book. So that is made from one base--such as with TE EN T WN : iB hs' ing . 4 \) t PN fre da i I fron Ts just what she is doing. "W. G.", Tse Bree vary the flavour with P Y : ! : a on MECCA OINTMENT a g ' i relishes, i : ; ' al. J them as they winged their way Penis don't ps 3 have forgot eggs y2Jeiee or. hardicsoked By BARRY MURKAR r - Woe to be . . - B . - 0 answer your letter or that it in ' i : os la : LC 'Let's sce. I'll have the soup, the d Hy over towards the bas id then, to any. way oficnded mie The Tact. is Use fillings that will not soak the I think it was George Bernard | fell into five feet of ice cold-water, roast heef--" : S Rh : : i ui yin one of them landed I contained -£o nid. food: for bread and do not allow them to run Shaw who said that a woman's | My heavy boots pulled me com- "Beef's gone. I'll see if there's . ays eumatic Pain v while the othér two half circled and thought I 5 over the edge. ' tears are the Salt of the Earth. pletely under for a moment. I io ish left." . . -¥ ght I wanted to take my time : : a portion of fish left. 3 flew on towards town. 1 wondered y A variety of b i Q i : F | hi et ; - 1 wondered . in answering -t--and 1 still look i ariety o reads or Quick How true, how true. He might reached up through the water and Oh, to... . uns mn er ami y RA Ms they Pasta) consi Lous forivardsto Bhat pleasire heeds add interest to the 'lunch have added that when woman felt a hand. It pulled and I came Oh . ... * mr, His at one of them was a hen-bir : A . ers OX, oo : pulls the act of the flushed eyeballs, | with it. Opening my eyes, I looked -- But Saf } and was being escorted to a place hy the Nay I didn't find any Wrap in waxed paper all foods it sends most men, éven the tough I into the face of a man wearing a . gery Health 2 of safety by "her two gentlemen Pow ms po Jenn 2 my way ne packed in covered containers. onés scurrying under the veranada. 'hat with a badge that plainly said Britons Must : With Kruschen . 'X : friends oT Was the one just a young |. ae a fact bi i ot esserts such. as baked custard And this little introduction takes us --Game Warden, . S H "Many people seem to think, becanse a... A bird and not considered old enough e - > my: frit thought and fruit gelatine ~fiay be packed into another story. "This way you dope," shricked\ J... Stay at | ome | complaint runa in the family, that there % | Er Jor distant hunting grounds. Again ~ a Tul Another. ehumk. of wood 3 LR SuRned vp dn ioly Shey ~~ "What are you doing tomorrow | Susie. I tur d lunged back Abott--n--mmitlion--Rrivchi- nemo _Is little they can do about it. On the . _ _. . . ¥.05 WR may have been she had a few} On the fummace. i = ene ded, PTL night?" agked Susie over the plionie: "| "across the stream, stumbled up the [= ag hi ul rin peaple™ J EOE all Pi Fiere sonion for taking FAH Vhotes to do at home and went $e dishes op rs mpi scalloped "Going fishing." bank and we headed through the buivig they No ¢ 3 yp vryage. pian the Re ew ot $3 ack 10 Eetion with them. One | CANADIAN STYLE y : nu : "Can I come?" asked the voice | bush as hard as we could go. A : PP lp R20.) Jor an om it: 4 Lid : a Props To give added interest' and he ; eo 20 indefinite perioll, writes J. IF. A. pre:dorian-libps fee trom 1h p thing I did discover -- watching x HN variety slip in a few tid bits from at the other end. : crashing of broken twigs and un- Frost in the London Daily Tele- "Rheumatic pain runs in my family, t herons isn't exactly a good policy time to time--such as candies, nuts No, you'll fall in and anyway, derbrush followed us a short dis- graph. The reason: ships requi My father suffered very badly with it pass when one is driving and the road is raisi : ' women are only in the way." tance and was lost. Lo ER LC I have been taking Kruschen Salts, off 3 aisins, dates, or a wedge of cheese. 1] ) va) sitioned by the Government during Ing 7) Spa 1 o one hole so hard i fruit or A ach d: . (oy ne, i> weakened, Jast. Up > far ¢ : back t 'ners; < : av Cruse fo 1 p i ing ff Was A wonder the. Springs snevived Ws id Sree cach day to pro "$e youl seally: wank dogo" p at the far end of the bush bas 0 Oper s tho e that have Kruschen is a great help in keeping i a : cthing fresh and crisp. "Yes, Barry, and I wont be in we fell on the ground, panting and een returned aren't ready for ser- Ressitiatiy pain out of my shoulders. 4 * J "Mock Chicken Spread 8, any; am i De.) exhausted. S tee ere | vice vet or are being held hy y general health is very good, I Mi : SSR 1 oop Comey tithe Cooked the way; honest. I'll bring some RT oon my teeth were fuel shortages. Br 67 and can do a day's work with 3% Maki: Rr a Jot pial Gi 'pork or veal sandwiches and some cokes," . Yl get a live wine ofteded home, inp up be without Kruschen."-- meeti L week . % cup chopped or shredded raw' Okay, I'll pick you up at seven. Susie and try to get you warmed An editorial approves the order TE ' etings. ast wee was our CRHPOHE ; . * - In a fe : 7 downing Riek 2 The whole secret of Kruschen is in its Women's Institute Annual. Oh 3% a 3 eal 1 wou geting dark ihe. ties up. na fw moments, my clothes allowmg ritish and American action upon the organs of elimination. Yiessed 'event '-- } look 2 cup chopped celery y fi an ; we're steaming from the heat and firms now to import: German goods. Kruschen helps these organs to remove ; b dev how we look for- 2 tablespoons sweet pickle 'relish evening as we started down Te wie otdil It says sue ifti st ietione ore i ave $: ward to it! Sound 1 iI ) p € FE hb Susie was stuffing warm sand- t says such a lifting of restrictions from the body the acid deposits which (| Peat i n ha s rather as if 3 tablespoons mayonnaise through the bush, following a small wiches in my mouth. We trudged is good Dbecausé¢ anv increase in give rise to rheumatic pain. So try the 2 hy San o an expected birth "14 teaspoon salt . . stream. Susie carried the lunch and home, tired, without our equip- German exports, which will help morning dose of Kruschen for the next n the neighbourhood, doesn't it? Ys teaspoon pepper I played the flashlight on the wa- ment and our seven fish to pay for imports of goods, will month or so. For rheumatic pain, take . Kk Maybe I am not too far out at that ombine all ingredients and mix ter. It was quiet and long lines of To make the niet conilitete "ly reduce the burden on the British holed ons teaspoonful in hot water first --certainly both can sometimes be ,/thoroughly. Yield: 134 cups. moonlight. played through the had gone ofi to bed afid locked hoe taxpayer. - Boag, ie ues ning: Poin shack: Stic asd : described as painful long drawn out Baked 'Bean Salad openings in the branches aver our door. As Susie fund and head- JR gtone: _-affairs] However, from now on it 2 cups baked beans 'heads. Suddenly I jabbed into the ed for hoi Heise she called y t: i B is our annual meeting to which 'I . "% cup diced cooked beets . water. There was a splash: : "I don't think rn take you fishing 'am referring." For some unknowh 42 stalks celery, chopped "Missed him," I groaned. We again. You get in ie way and - ne fray I an put in cas Chajemen 2 12i spoons chopped sweet moved along a little farther. Susie fall in." By. end you or the election of officers. "Good 'Pickle } walked behind, not. saying a word SH 1 ag ! y ROL. . ub 1. grunted, * ople ' ® griet I thought to myself, 'how 1 jSbhoon Pls, 9 ut An hour later we had seven fish thine ad es sous people £63 am I going to make these wonien oiled salad dressing to moisten in the basket. TWh vo 2 i , gon von : ' A 3 . at happened to you?" ask : say 'yes'l" You know how it is-- Mix lightly together and serve "Gosh I'm hungry," said Susle, lic Po a asked fy ag ' well chilled in lettuce cups. Serves A" " pop as he opened the door, letting & somcone says "Oh no, I couldn't fiv : ps. | let's stop and have lunch. the light fall on a drowned rat. As af possibly do that!"--and then that 3 i Milk Gingerbread "Just wait until we get up a little © jf he didn't know 8 L0 ~ ¥ ' "on SEES 24 oi 1 1 ¢ : 14 cup mild-flavored fat Js and then we'll quit," 1 re- eo Fishing, bah! Worien, bah! Ve Anls . : . . Le 1 ame Wardens, bah." I grow ii . Airlines Safer 2 eggs "What's that?' asked Susie. 1 headed Rl faved b ah : 2/3 cup sugar id A As] 3 and headed for bed without ans- pCi] Airlines have made more progress 14 cup molasses back aed I Wis hh igri ering bn. " a 7 : 3 : - back an orth through the trees . {5 in safety and other general im- [7% i 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour u : fi an x y : : p ahead. : pS provements in the last 10 'years Lime and navy blae with 'a gold 2 % cups sifted pastry flour Yipee!" 1 Iped. "G ' A Child i § : ; ear "an . 2. tap 2. baking soda ipe', gulped. "Game war- Jhild's Gift gy : TH pr ee Sr A | sen en make hw We scm. | A ChMTe, ; " 'Mi : bled along the edge .of the stream Ann Dobie, 6, had 3 G. Bruce 'Miller, manager of the | bodice, and a lime 'bow falling 2 teaspoons cinnamon "Don' , : obie, 6, had a personal « FX fd t fall in now, whatever you reason for sendi £ : SC { Northeast Airlines at Montreal air- softly over the blue skirt present a 1 teaspoon allspice oh ' sending £2 10s ($10), Wri 3 4 "I called over my shoulder. mostly i i he Nati 4 £4 : i rt. : : study in contrast, 1 teaspoon ginger do, nostly in _pennics, to the National : £y ' | po : Moral ; he 14 teaspoon salt We 2 . : . 4 i Sather Union Fund for relief of - . Py v, 0 ¢ EE g : 1 cup sour milk e fell over logs and crawled od distress in England, : ' By (A : ft . - u : A. Aniwer. to Previous Pusale: Cream fat until fluffy; gradually Through underasish, hee Jas 2 She Aviles "Here is all the (12 ? b : , h - cream in sugar. Add beaten eggs | steep bank on our left and the | money I have. I want you to give enor : & [= AIDA TIC . B , : ; 4 on co Governor Yi AEC AINE : and molasses and beat well. Mix i on ole sigh : 343 thie fasmess. I am so sad that Sure it's delicious, when you ND . » SALE Sil TERNS ur: TE] | and sift dry ingredients and add J iii 2 log lip ere some- You oe % oo" avy ARona S. . make it with Canada Corn \ | HORIZONTAL 60 Pertaining to | = 2 5 ini A ls i Trend Tyo h £7) iin farmer when I rr up" Wey 4 . Starch and it will be a favourite with i ; ing lightly. ake in moderately ¢ bush on. : . . } he whole family . Nn | Ea 1,7 Pictured laity ' 5 the other side of them." , : the whole family. ! ; ; governor 62 Lieutenant slow oven, 325 deg. F. 50 to 35 ¢ other side of them. ' . . ) a 1 eS UY ; PE os Mi oa © | minutes. Makes gingerbread 8 x 8 x [he light was coming closer and | pg = g8 a p ~~~ The-quality of Canada' Corn Statch Ro. 1 Notions. .ss03 Searcher =r dh 214 inches; -- mirth a both voices of two "fen carried ~ | ow lo ombat i8 the reason for its popularity with erent rsa Et Bik worms 64 Lasts through the cool night air, 1s housewives from Coast to Coast. ARTA Jo Sone VERTICAL - voi Schad Dass oy Grae Rig ey fs] EUMATICPAIN Moen, Sue recipe calls by Lom i ! : unior came home from schoo ' : nd shine i ny Starch be sure to" use Canad: X A 18 Assistant 1Kind of sheep 19 From 43 Paid notices after the third day th hly dis- | on the log." 'Rhevmatic paing may often be caused by Corn. Starch ite debra 1 e third day thoroughly dis g } 3 Ada 'orn Starch, its dependable qual- ! ; : 20 Native of 2 Ignored 21 Age 45 Tun 23 Susi . : excess uric acid, a blood impurity- that ' ' pe ¢ qu 2 i Latvie 3 Disencumbes 28 Clams 28 Constantly * ~gusted and declared that he Susie stepped gingerly across should be extracted by the Kidneys. If ity ensures excellent results, of 4 ; ALY Hh onstantly wouldn't go back. Mother, troubled, not making a_soind. When she kidneys fail, and ic acid remains, it ' . | BA 22 IFFish 4 Editor (ab.,) 24 Deviate 49 Compass point : tor ! acl he o . : y3 IaH, and excess uric ac : 2 | ; 2% Ating 5 Conduct 27 Ate : Si 5 questioned him about the cause of | reac 1ed the other side I 'tossed the may cause severe 'discomfort and pain, Also Manufacturers of Crown Brand Corn Syru ces { : X : ; 50 Transaction re qi . . : : ic. pak i MTP i © *. 25Scattish +6 Prostrated 29 Hangman's 51 Ardor is, displeasure. light across. Grabbing our equipg Fist: Veoumatia Juin by has So : [§ : ' . sheepfold 7 Observed knot 54 Wapiti NWell® declared he, "1 don't | ment, I stepped ont on the log. ~ kidneys in good condition. Gehand use Tie RAY { ) piti K v , ey ; I; y res \ 'Dodd's Kidney Pills. "Dodd's help your \ COMPANY. Limited [6S qd . 26 Requires . 8 Hour (ab.) 36 Herons 56 Small shield now how to cead and write ana ey YoI wal midair" rode. kidneys get rid of trouble-making poisons ; ; i Rihie ; Y 28 Silly. : 9 Be indisposed 37 Gratify 59 Biblical they won't let me talk, so what's ed a deep voice from behind me, . and excess acids--help you feel better. Ponlieal A 3 y yz Terontel Jig 4] i RN AX: % 30 Natural power 10 Puissant 40 Colonize pronoun ~~ the use in going?" . "Jeepers," 1 yelled, slipped and See what Dodd's can do for you. 137 \ - a . Ae 31 He ---- gov-11 Revere 41 Plays the part 61 Hypothetical . ' . - ) 8 A " ernor of 17 Born of host structural uni a : pd Te ---- EVE $e 3 South Dakota - " ' : 3 : ) Shee © ON pion REG'LAR FELLERS--On The Way To Fame Te By GENE BYRNES RR 33 Symbol for I y T™ : ---- ' Ve thulium ! ; FO _ 84 African : ou ZA antelope HY 2 35 Steal P : . Q, ah : 30 Epistle (ab.) N : RN 8 Print measure 5 H oN 39 Eléctrical unit | 3! , a + 40 Street '(ab.) \ X - Wh HG 42 Clear space in J DuF CY } ; a forest wet ~ With opeY RE A - is Jorest : A OMe POKE. YRS od I} \ Rou 2 1 " 2 7) iY A : rimson 4 = oo 47 Sonsibilities : 4% 1 3 : Dined ! Sua ) Z4 LS 3 Facility ! i : | onsen : ff 2s wo §5 Meat Aunt \ Yes / Lg Py i == 4 ; ay ; 56 Girl's name | | ' : Loo "= woo > §7 Tasto solo | a , 7 (ab.) li Bed -- dens 58 Lixivium hy Shp does Airis : : aes Sinem ie

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