Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Jan 1947, p. 1

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EDITORIAL ~ & P 2 1 isguring conditions. eir methods were not of a slave driving. cter, The expert studied the movements of * "Workman, and. then showed him how he could - 0 mplsh the. same or a greater task with less a neds cohitadit use. ontally we go 8 about life as though wa must put pf 'pain and drudgery and failure, artled when someone says: "En- up with so 1 We are Joy yourself; it'{s later than you "There are certain turning points in life; and it seems like good sense to look over our situations to see how much' more. we can get out of lfe-- not in a greedy; but' in a happy way for ourselves and for. the old time philosophy-- "What .be'.. structive thinking. Daily occupations often becoitis uén a routine "that we can unconsciously coinmit the same error Often the whole. picture year in and year out: 'can be pleasantly changed by a actions the method of the "effi xpert, 'who simply asks--"Why do you do this Ani in the The answer woul i way you do?" cause." © 'Each of us has to do this efficiency job our- é can secure plenty otherg do the same \ selves in physical life; but of help if we sead and wate tasks. There is 80 y miueh in' life to e Fl aes many ways of doing on comparative ease, that we might happy at our work if at all possible. { * I's ar \ enn tt Svat more pevaible ion can refuse to read the details crime; knowing' full well that all - itis At-is time to read 4 'the wind 'and-the sgn. "and opposition do comé off in the sunshine affected friendship, |: * ~ Nor is this merely 'a "Pollyanna" Ci _ mind. There is n denying the facts of pai But when hate and despair' rer hoved, we _ what i is best to be don. about it. It's good gensé to r . sore' spot will soothing ointmen will g 'wound 1947 we shall .ourselves and for thos¢ about 'us, xgsted {and will produce good re- us busy. 'and in THE TAYLOR SYSTEM ore or so years BLO | efficiency experts were "adapting humanity to fast changing manu-_ 0 Si of wo others] succeed in" this we must give. up ! / And that will take courage and some con- . / ! What has been' said 'aboy t ovata lariymin nt i Hy if-w _ sélves of a lot of our unhappy thinking. ~ "Just mow our péople hayg an 'unwholesome a ering after tragedy, and yapid communication foe _added to ouf sorrows in |this line. shut off the radio that is piling up misery; or. we enlarge our circle of happy: living. ain-and-- learn- the lesson Cloaks of indifferanee = igmber that seratehing a nerally heal. = 1. Our New Year's resglution should. be that' in - k for Rappier: ways of living for THE AGRICULTURAL REPRESENTATIVE Ontario County. farmers' and their friends will miss the kindly presence of Fred M. Campbell, the . efficient and much beloved Agricultural Repre- ° sentative." He has been transferred to Kent County, where he will find important work; and we are sure he will doit well, To gain the goodwill and. confidence of the ' 'farmers has been the happy accomplishment of Mr. Spuptell, And he did it in the most .un- assuming manner. ao tone of rural thought and effort has iniproved gr atly under his. guidance; and' Mr. bh ir, his sucdegsor, will find the ground well prep! red for fu her leo- operation and advanced effort. | | Both rural re dent and- townspeople are sorry to 10se Mix Cam bell, and extend' a welcome to Mr, 20 * Fair ns he ente 8/ 'this new field, Physically and think." fo on has 'to be, will wif [JonN BRACKE'S NEW POLICY A/ KEY « \ fro WORLD PEACE | (Canadian Statesman) John Bracken, tational leader of the Progres- /sive Consérvative Party, the official opposition in, { the House of Commons, revealed to a Toronto audience last | week that \the old National Policy of the party, originally conceived 70 'years ago by Hoh, John A. Macdonald, was no longer to be the policy of, the party todny. He came out with | a pronouncement in the nature of world free | / trade as i [condition precedent to establishing I © world peace. © If this may pe viewed as a Christ-" 7 mas message | it. comes at a very appropriate time, I 'for as he said, we must meet the vast changes | + following World War H, td avoid World War IIL/ { Mr. Bracken. told of Hitler's warning: "If goods do not pass x national boundariés, then armies Swill, yi © He suggested that bi-lateral. trade' pacts such is | the ivheat] agreement should beeplaced by multi- 'lateral negotiations to oof te "equi : lying to our,own' ey d likely be "Be: ws - nj y; and. there y duties wi st as wall be a e-can--tidy the world. . Prior "the: war Canada exported | food Products to 'world countries.' To revert! now to restrictiofist policies' was to [revert to the Hitler philosophy which 'clearly foreshadowed war and. the wdrst war in history Ey the outcome, Statesmanship was in every line of the Brac "thesis. Recently returned from the United N E- | tions Assembly where tia has-been chairman of Tan' important/ committee, Mr. Bracken] has had\ opportunity for an inside viel of the s aping' 'of te Premier of- Manitoba for 21 years, and undefeated in publjc life for 25 years, N . Bracken, has a background of experience, the pummation' "of 'which is this Aarseeing revision jof traditional policy.. Few will dispute the realism if his warn- ent and goods must: flofv more frésly to id another disastrous conflict [among the nations of the world: It is a/bid for Peace through Lo about the only means pos. J Every. citizen is urg d public meeting at the Hig - evening, if at all i goods "equitably" abe share( by: the people o But we can of niurder and, we can do about of and can see clearly worse, while a £ EE Ee of "It will keep 0 pend the chool, Frid it 8 the Town. I had the pleasure of being chairman of the Water and { gpa iniesfi] emestic 2-Wire services, w 8-wire domdstic services, 17 changes from; 2-wire to 8-wire domestic! service, gh This, I am sure, shows that our peo- ple will take [advantage . of Hydro power now that we can take care' of . their requirements. It is encouraging to note that there have 'been 8 new 'commercial services, 'and 2 new 8- _phase power consumers, = There have been several new transformers in- : increase the voltage and to operation; we haye built 1600 "new. primary single phase line, et 8-phase pms and 400 feet] borin life; rig several hun| of secondary line. "¢hanged a Fr re ling: 2 street SO relay controls, 2 idle for hy year of 1947. "| new 100 watt lights, and one changed | services on Quéen Streets (I believe uriig: the veatigy P offering my 8 i A | v5 Every member 'of the 18 is re- from a: 100 watt' toa 300 watt lamp, | quested to be present at hh and of course many minor. mainten- this will alse enable the new cutiv ance jobs. to outline winter entertainnient for - Your Hydro Beard will at all times the members, also, the much talked of | ope ready to discuss with you any im- "Jack" hunt discussed, 'and a date Bet provements 'and new services you may for the: drive. [| have in mind, we are anxious. tosin-|. _¢ ba re crease our: You Wid 'of power? 'as 'quickly as we can, od to secure power at a A Call fom j New Zealand' Tower rate. Hydro power is for the Mr. and 'Mrs. Alymer Lawker had a use of the people. We have op 13 new wales ser- "wonderful experience 'on. Monday orning, when they enjoyed a ten vices, during the year. We have had inute talk with their son William in {about 12 in number); several repairs|n to branch: shut- ffs. There has been an 'installation . of a compressor for areation of Water Supply.' We have also cleaned the settling sumps and remoyed tha miud on the lake bottom at the water" fhtake finger i Tuesday, 'December 31st--a differance - Fire protection of your home. and | putting | New Zealand some 80 .hours| business property has Been further|ahead,of Candda. protected by our purchase of a new firs |-Mr. and Mrs. William Chwher are truck; and we are now continuing' the test drilling for better drinking water. Ladies Garon I am. again ices to you by allow-! to make several repairs to the water ew Zealand. ! One curious fact might 'be noted. The call came -(via'San Francisco) at 10.10 apm. .on Monday, Deceniber 30; and left Néw Zealand at.2.30. p.m, on 0 hot interesfing conditions. Mr. | awker |s engaged as veterinary over large istrict. His duties take 'him ing my nam to go in nomination for! pretty niuch over the country. Council for the year 1947. If elected, Sport ig ood both in hunting and 1 promise to give he sme attention ishing. The many friends of tliese to the affajrs of the Municipality as. young ople will be pleased to hear have during the past year. I take this' of their happy living pon conditions. opportunity of wishing you all a very | OSHAWA ia and Pr Prosperous Naw Year. » Osha ' telephona 8 avored) Yours truly, R, H, Frise. | : 60, 20 day during the Christmas PORT PERRY-ROD & GUN CLUB Yuk One eall came from Buenos Ai The annual meeting of the Club will Tax arrears are. down to $18,000. be held in the Library on Monday, Total collections are stated as $797,600 Oth, 1047, «| An extensive school building pro- 2 meeting there "be 'the ¢ am 1s. being outlinad for Oshawa in 'of officers for the year, as well 1047. Like every other school centre, 4 a « : orp. cards will also be aval conditionsar 0 srondef, |outline of hi [i {ous committees p {| cieties., /| the Power eh = Corneli-University;-he~was-in- of the erection, test, and ogeratitn of: thowell, and are enjoying life under|| Prof, G. A Christie| - Honored. Baris in Décember Prof. Grgham Christie was made an honorary niem- ber of the American Society of Me- chanical Enginee Phe following work and service -to humanity will be of interest to the people of this community: + JE RE ALEXANDTR G. CHRISTIE Honorary iMengrership, 1946 "Honorary Membership is conferred upon Dr, Alexander Graham Christie, La native of Ca¥rada and' an esteemed citizen of these United -States of eminence in engineeting education and steam power ¢ngineering and. as a tribute to his "excellent professional and cultural attainments and leader-' ship {ign 4 / \ 3 So read the © foitation" for. this honor given to' Dr, 'Christie, who has "held embership .in the ASME. since 907, Noone a Fellow in 1936 and was resident in 1938-89, He: has also given freely of hig time and service in the Baltimore® ion and on numer- this and other so- sent ¢hairman of Codes Cominittee, to as devoted himself for He is a whose work he many years, Born in 1 in, M Rihistar, ont., Can., he was. rhduated) versity of Toronto: in /1301, later re- Then, after a year of teaching at the first steani: turbine built by the, Allis-Chalmers. Company, and directed the contruction and operation of power plant in Canada. 3 This experience led to an assistant | professorahip in- steam and gas en- gineering at the University of Wiscon- ciate professor. 'In'1914 he joined the faculty of The Johns: Hopkins Univer-' sity as gssociate professor of mechan- ical engineering, being promated in 1920-.to| a full professorship. ince' ha been Jn 'charge off the powe 'projects, 'and hds contributed numerpus articles to technical. jours I nals hdre and abroad as well as to en- ginesf} g handbooks. 'America, in recognition of his. pre- ceiving his ME, thers, and took part- Fer Reeve--F. . Frise, Wm. Carnegie. Arge--- Ror School-Trustees------ Dr. Irwis, sin in 1909 and" he-datar -becamo-asso-: flue) ce the Resin and construction of Port Perry In spite of the unusual hour at which the Port Perry 'Nominations were held, there was a fair "gathering of ratepayers at the new municipal building. The following made: For Reeve--Fred Reesor, Letcher. toh For Councillors--R, H. Frise, Robt. Johnston, E. Hayes, Wm. Chapman, A. L. M¢Dermott, Edgar Leask, J. KE. Jackson, H. E, Brooks, KE. Michell, Grant Gerrow, Wm. Carnegie. For School Tristees--George Lane, George Holmes, Gordon Reesor, Dr. Irwin. . : nominations were Ww. M, A public meeting, for the liscussion of . Municipal affairs, hu: veen ar- ranged for Friday evening at the High School. Sevéral important mut- ters are under consideration in town affairs for 1947, and it is important|. that all the ratepayers who can at- tend should be present to be informed pi what has been done, and what is proposed for the future. a There should be a large attendance k Port Perry has- a|' at this meeting. good outlook and what the ratepayers decide will give guidance to the Coun- cil' ; o> The tolloving persons have quali- fied for municipal office in Port Perry. 'By Reesor (elected by acclamatioft.)' : * For Councillors --- Wm, Chapman, Robert Johnson, FE. Hayes,~R-- H. 'Five : qualified --four required. Election necessary.| George Holmes, Gordon Reesor, Geo, Lane, F or qualified--Three needed. 4 necessary, . The election will be held from 0 a.m, to' 6.00 p.n,on- Monday, January 6th, at the following places: Polling Sub- division No. 1--Clerk's Ofte, > > Noninanons SL Sr A ST "Polling sub-division No. 2 -- Hall, Polling Sub-division No. 8 -- Town Hall, There has been: no municipal elee- tion in Port Perry for some years. Every ratepayer that can reach the polls should vote and secure the Coun- cil they believe to be able to serve the best interests of Port Perry, Reach REEVE-- Thomas Harding Cook Ashenhurst RERUTY-REEVE Roy Scott H. O. Dobson COUNCILLORS Leslie 'Smith Armour McMillan Harry Phoenix Earl Howsam Town * Saywell a the, a Christ Child with « Wt {1h on earth, good wi ENE nice feature at the "ela { was the presentation by Mr. Saywell on behal; gregation, of ol i a pin of 'gold £47 Ov récoghition, of Bh organist, Lye pleasant sup 1 accepted} y of thanks} | 3% Mr. and obs : little Ena ' visitors-in Toronto on Fi Beatrice: Denison accor parents home for the @ Mrs. Lewis: Hill of © Sunday oi with ? Mus, Billy Lynde aud | "their Clxre 'Howsam, 'who Malcolm Bailey All Reach nominees qualified, ~ there will be an election. "month has been up o Mived home on hd My. and-Mrs. Jack 'Nevi Lorna Hinton, of T nto l day guests of Mr. and } REEYE-- Frank Gerrow * Earl Heayn : A. R. Hood - ed COUNCIL-- = _, vk 3 George W, Samells - Angus Wilkinson + i Carleton Graham Jess Demara Ray Fralick John Hardy 'Clarence Carter \ Anson Gerrow vr . Ray Milner Donald Croziers=-- Gordon Cherry Duglas :Crozier Alfred Prentice Russell Pogue Continued on Back Page NES S SLES? LU St ---- A LETTER FROM FLORIDA Dear Mr. Editor: | The Port Perry Star-reached us here! yesterday, December 24th. rend with niuch interest, setting forth in a forceful 'maner what. our attitude should, be towards others. I would like to tell how delighted 1! was to read the latest 'subscription list: of donations to the Port Perry Mem- orial Hospital of $14,062.19," which Il "think very clearly shows that the peg- © MYRTLE STATION - (Too late-forslast week) ~The Christmas "Tree" entertainment ) Your was carried through vary successfully article Qn "Chtistmas is Coming" was on Friday evening. The boys and girls ~~ It was real- presented their program to a capacity Aly a worthwhile effort on your part, crowd. which showed its. appreciation by hearty applause. Jim Hamitlon welcomed the audience in verse and the school sang: the opening chorus, "Praise. My Soul". The junior girls acted a letter drill which first spelled "His Star", ahd ended with "Christ- Sas", Kenneth Heron, in a a recitation, lds the honorary degree of ple of Port Perry and the surrounding "told how-good and-thoughtful and kind. f Engineering from Stevens country, really feel that it is very im- he always was, "just afore Christ Institute 'of Technology and Lehigh portant that we should have a fully mas." {The Christmas Stars", by the University. HOCKEY SCHEDULE, GROUP "JUNIOR "C" O.H.A.". January : 1--Uxbridge at. Whitby 3---Whitby, at Port Perry 3-- Uxbridge at Orono 6--Orone at Port Hope 7--Port Hope at Uxbridge . 8---Port Perry at Whitby - 10--Whitby at Orono I. 10--Uxbridge at Port Hope | - 14--Whitby at Uxbridge 11--Port Perry at Orono 16--Port Hope-at Whitby | 17--Port Hope at Pdrt Pet 20--Whitby. at Port Hope GN 1 |20-- "Orono at Port Perry 21--Port Perry at Uxbridge 22---O0rono at Whitby [51 par at Port Perry 2 A \ ' 24--Port Hope sab, Orono, 7--Port Perry at Port Hope Sti at Uxbridge 1129--Uxbridge at Whitby 131 Uxbridge at/ Orono 31--Port Hope at Port Perry ' Kebruary f 3 rono at Port Hope hithy at Uxbridge | | ort Perry at Whitby - hitby at Orono ; Pi xbridge at Port Perry 10-4Orono at Pert Perry | 11 fronton at Uxbridge 12+-Port, Nope at Whitby 14-5 Uxbridge at Port Hope 14/--Port' Periy at Orono Port Perry at Port Hope Orono at Uxbridge rono at Whith, . hitby at Port xbridge at Port. BE + Hope at Orono | i 0 Perry at Uxbridge ity ie 1 3 . / A 1 L LLL A) ERA "Philadelphia is a city of two and a 1 : York City. | Harris, Miss 1. McChw, Mrs. Emma : Hundreds of new ' homes have is] hispital in Port! Perry. Personally I was really delighted in foading the new, list, and I am very, sure the hospital board will be much pleased and encouraged by the inter- est shown, - j Our trip South this "genioh, was a very pleasant one, Left Toronto 7.30 /jp.m., reached Philadelphia 9.30 a.m. half. million people. Left there at 3.30 the 2nd day and arrived in St. Patersburg 4.20 p.m. on time to the ninuté by the silver meteor from New Mrs. W. H. Harris; who pegdeeded us to St. Peterburg; by plane met us on our arrival and reported a very pleas- ant trip by plage. | This is Christmas Day, and we have just returned to.our apartment hfter [having had our Christmas dinner with / [ Mr, and Mrs, Fred Brock, Mrs. W. H. McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beatty--nine in all, The dinner ho Al in.every respett, and was enjoy d by the entire party. ine The weather is just fine--témpera- ture 60- 80, The city puts forth every effort to. interest the tourists, . i are continually changing and enlarg- ing the business places of the eity. en built during the past two years. The churches ave filled, and several churches holding two and some ti services each Sunday, Three of ho churches hold 2,000 br niore, and many churches will accommodate from 500 to 1,600 people. We were sorry to learn that Mr. Roy O'Neill and Miss MéDermott are in hospital, We wish for them a speedy recovery, Wishing you the seasons gréotings. - Yours truly, ~~ 8. Jeffray. of Gradd 1, was. acted very "nicely. | Carol Lunney ina monolegue, amused] the audience by enter taining - or sis ors beau 'while he was sup- posedl waiting for big sister. « A J- © 8th at 2:30 p.m. Mr, and Mrsy Gordon Ham Hobhj ¢ left on hig children a pie : relatives. in ort ie Mr. Gray,four on Friday mas' vaeatios borough, Mr. and Mrs, Alfes rento, were: visitors wi: Ash eily on Satya chéster, will hold ite first the New Yeap at the hom Lei Thog fog on Thursd All 'the lad invited to attend. 0 , will meet in the Be the Library oh Monday, : Ji 6th, at 3 pm, A MARRIE VETE RANS OF CWAC Fe AND RCAF: A The Uni Port Per ic 0 Murs, "Walter - Rogers; Thomas Melville La son of Mr. add Mis, Th of Utica.. Rey. Wesley in at the ceremy served four years. in' 'The favorite season", was a' in a.court room with Jim Hamil- judge, Kenneth 'Heron ag/¢lerk court, and Llia Crydernian, as "Spring", Margaret Johnson ag" "Sum- addie Collier, as "Autimn" and Chafles Ash as "Wintér", who were standing on trial. The jury, composed of six qr seven children, in song, turned down Spring, Summer and Autumn, but chose Winter as the! favorite season of the year. Follow- ling thig, a chorus by the school, "Ding Dong; Mer rily on High", was heartily sung. There were good recitation by | Kathryn Hamilton, Bernice Harbron. angl Doreen Cryderman. A sing-song sunburst ol the roll neckl 0 length véil and%- American Beauty' chryanthemums, Her attendant Lakey, of Toron bridegroom. Her silk jersey in st carried a bouqu themums and her costunia § soties. yg ; Mr. De "man, At the, of Christmas Carols, led bythe teach- [bride's er, Mr. Gray, was enjoyed in which overy one was invited to take part. Indian club, swinging by "Margaret Johnson was well done! Art Cryder-" man pla vod some mouth organ selec- tions; Kathiyn Hamilton, in a mono- logue, falked to her doll about the Visit. of Anta Glaus} playlet, "Dinner for One" ond: d with dinner for: several poor crea- e|tures who otherwise would not have enjoyed Christmys dinner. A star drill by the senior and intermediate girls in costume was attractively act-| "As the last notes of the National ma ed. Anthem were sung, Sarita 7Slaus en- tered the door, Making his way to he prettily decorted tree We poe, bi 31h 3 to pass out the 'mound of gaily drap- ped parcels and for the next quarte hour, paidemonium signed. But | [Le ceived PATEL Cr ref Ky 1 3 bide PGA brown' hd Earl oh with bab; buds. Mrs. Go John Clark, of _ Holtby of P luncheon, =" \{ + For" Ph ¥ 5 5

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