6 i! fa A ¥ Be it) [a TT a nig Za SRS SEEN Ca He ----- SERRE pet: SES mS Thank SN SARNAS A ° SE rs 5 3 ® ; ath Bho NEALE 0) \ eS in Sa A Si ek i i Bn ad i BANE FV RL FE hee he Lae Fo, Lo pi Nh - BRP ee ge YY hy PEA IN IN SEARS La ada inbs mms betiver sas la aide red benrtas a a SRC siemens ihiaa PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1946 B LIGHT IN TEXTURE EACH SLICE IS A SLICE OF LASTING FOOD ENERGY The Best and Cheapest Source olf FOOD ENERGY A Phone 32 : RRR ROR RR IRR MOSSEL REESEA Gerrow Bros. Bakery EE RAE BE RR EE RI RRR BEE AL A UR SASS : THE PORT PERRY HOCKEY ASSOCIATION "Juvenile and Junior" ho, RR RRR PEASE BOISDEOIOOBS » REGISTRATION FORM Juvenile--under 18 years, Nov. 1. Junior--under 20 years, Nov. 1. § PLAYER'S NAME 8 Address Phone No____ ¢ Date of Birth g¢ Position Played _____._____ ________________________ ______ 5 (Goal, Right Defence, Centre, Left Wing, etc.) Parent's or Guardian's Signature) INSTRUCTIONS-- Forward applications to Bert MacGregor's : Butcher Shop, or to Arch. MacMaster, Secretary. . ALL FORMS MUST BE IN BY DEC. 15, 1946 This space kindly donated by A. W. Gilmour, Port Perry [ARR BRARARAR ARBROATH ICIP TTT I P00 0 0 0 etttte JEMISON'S BAKERY 18 DEPENDABLE FOR GOOD BAKING a ---- IT.B. |S CURABLE] "When detected early, T.B. is curable . . I urge everyone to accept a free x-ray for your personal ben- efit, and for the safety of those around you." Dr. M. B. Dymond, Medical Officer of Health A day spent in detection means weeks saved in treatment . an opportun- ity is provided for everyone to secure a free x-ray in the present campaign which is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Oshawa. ~~ No embarrassment; no disrobing. Results are reported in confidence to your lacal family physician. It is the pur- pose of the Kiwanis Club (assisted in Port Perry by the LIONS CLUB and others) to make it possible for every citizen to have the privilege of a free x-ray, and thus provide for happier homes; as the result of the knowledge that "a clear bill of health is in existence."" Thouands of citizens of Ontario County will take ad- vantage of this opportunity; but those who do not take advantage of it may be a menace to the whole project. It is so simple to know that your health is secure from T.B, December 10, 11,12 At the Port Perry'H. S., as you are notified PORT PERRY COMMUNITY Do Your Part by Enrolling for a FREE X-RAY TEST This free service on the part of the Kiwanis Club has been made possible by the purchase of Christmas Seals. Co-operate with your canvasser who will arrange an appointment for you. The examination requires only three minutes. Port Perry Lions Club Phone: 259J, Port Perry. Phone 93 w ART. JEMISON, Proprietor T. agin ie --ageec aie owe fie die of NEW STOCK OF USED RECORDS Del. AVAL Milkers and Separators } Repairs and Parts in Stock Electric Floor Heaters $9.40 and up Trilamps Complete $25.00 Baby Bottle Warmers $3.95 Electric Motor Kits for boys $1.59 Flash Lights Eleetrie Clocks Silex and Cory Colfee Makers Travelirons Toasters ROBERTSON ELECTRIC Phone 179 w, pipe ie ARES ibe SSBC SSE Nie wiles sive Soi BE =e SL We want your POULTRY & EGGS WE SELL DIRECT TO THE CONSUMER You can be assured of the Highest Market Price for these Products. EGGS CHICKENS FOWL DUCKS CALVES HOGS Port Perry Phone Whitby 336 Get Our Prices Pickering Farms Limited, WHITBY, ONTARIO PHONE 336 DAY OR NICHT "LOOK! A CHEQUE FROM UNCLE JOHNS" It is Bobby's tenth birthday... Uncle John has sent him a cheque. His father explains how Bobby can go to the bank and get cash that very day! When you make out a cheque, you give an order to your bank to pay the amount specified to the person named. If he lives ON the next street, or thousands of miles away, he can take your cheque to his local bank and get the money. He cannot get it without a receipt--his signature on the back of the cheque. If yours is a Current Account, your cheque comes back at the end of the month, and so you have a per- manent record and receipt of the payment. The enormous convenience of the chequing system is just one of the many services provided by your bank... for you. This Advertisement is RR RRR RR RR 20% 0 TT VE RS - O R880 0 ON SS ASPHALT SHINGLES We have on hand a large stock of Asphalt Shingles and Rolled Roofing. CEDAR SHINGLES Expected to arrive in a short time--a Car of B. C. Cedar Shingles. Place your order for delivery upon arrival. REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER F. E. Reesor Phone 73w F. G. Reesor : EERE Cee Pade ed, SPECIAL OPTICAL SERVICE W. H. Landon, Optometrist, 16656 Danforth Ave., TORONTO, will be at I. R. Bentley's Jewellery Store, SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Please Make Appointments Beforehand. a RL St a Ut NE A | Automatic Oil Burners IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION Cash, or On Time | Fuel Delivery by Metered Trucks | HARRY O. PERRY, Tore ae, ~ CITIES SERVICE OIL CO, 294 Court St., OSHAWA Phone 2015 Order Your PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS at the Star Office-- A Beautiful Selection 1101 LAUUER RD.--0SHAWA | Brick veneer, two heated finished bedrooms on | -third floor, three bedrooms with large closets . and bathroom on second floor. Living room, 'dining room, with built in book-cases, electric grate, large mirror, kitchen with most modern type of built-in cupboards. Venetian blinds throughout. Hardwood on first and second floors. Basement with games room, fruit cellar, complete laundry, stool and basin. | i | This home is heated with the latest General Electric oil-fired furnace and air-conditioning. Completely Insulated, Two car garage. Landscaped grounds. Can offer almost immediate occupancy. Practically auf drapes and curtains are included and hall and stair broadloom, Price $9,800.00. Terms may be arranged. » eo For Further Information APPLY BRADLEY BROS. REAL ESTATE OR OWNER, D. H. CHRISTIAN, PHONE 1000