TISING YE bd Fos : . H I TR------ =x AGENTS WANTED CLASSIFIED -ADVER FOR SALR MEDICAL AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OIL- Burners, Electrical parts, Radlos, etc. Economy Distributors, Kings- ton, Ont, EXCELLENT HARNINGS TO Agents calling on householders tak- Ing orders for new post war elec- trical appliances, Not on sale any- where in Canada, show four thmes take three orders. Inquiries also in- vited from men now on routes, Flu- O-Ray Corporation, Hamilton, Ont, WANTED, RELIAUVLE AGENT TO sell baby chicks for honest and re- liable hatchery. Royal Farm and Hutchery, St, Jacobs, Ont. BABY CHICKS PULLETS ALL AGES FROM 14 weeks to laying. Prompt delivery. Fall hatched chicks booked to or- der. Free catalogue, Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. AVOID LAST MINUTE RUSHES BY ordering your January chicks now. Every egg Canadian poultrykeepers can ralse is already booked. Some chicks immediate shipment. Bray Haterery; 130 John N., Hamilton, nt. WISE I'OUL/TRY RAISERS ORDER their 1947 Tweddle chicks now, By ordering early, you receive the breed of chicks you want on the date you want them. You have ev- erything to guln by ordering now. If the price goes up you get the advantage of the old prices. If the prices drop before delivery you get full benefit of the lower prices, Best of ull when you order Twed- dle chicks you are assured of High Livability and Productivity, All opular breeds and fine cross- reeds, sexed or straight run, All strong Healthy Government Ap- proved birds from pullorum tested "weddle stock. Send for early book- Ing pricelist and free catalogue. Also for immediate delivery laying and ready to lay pullets, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Yes, that Is what all Ralnbow Chick buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow Chicks. All breeders are 100 percent free from pullorum. Order your chicks now direct from this ad and not be disappointed. Tom Barron Leghorns, $12.00 per 100. Pullets $24.00. Barred Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100. Pullets $21.00, White Rock Mixed $15.00 per 100, Pullets $25.00. Brown «ghorn Mixed $14.00 per 100. Pullets $25.00, Leghorn-Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100, Pullets $25.00. Red-Rock Hybrid $12.00 per 100. Pullets $21.00. Spe- cial prices on cockerels Guarantee 100 percent live delivery to your station, $1.00 down, balance C.0.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, On- arlo. 2000 NEAL CHOICE NEW HAMP- shire laying and ready to lay pul- lets for immediate delivery. Also other breeds, 12 weeks up to lay- Ing. Fill up your pens. Ilgg prices are good and will remain good. Fall patched chicks for November and ecember delivery. I'ree catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 13c SUSSEX X HAMPSHIRES 13c¢ BOOK YOUR ORDER NOW FOR SPRING CHICKS without delay at these prices, Mixed Chicks 13e¢, Pul- lets 23c¢, Cox Tc. Leghorn X Hamp- shires Mixed 13c¢, Pullets 28c. All breeders pulloram tested under Gov- ernment approval. Order now to in- sure delivery when required. Bon- nie's Chick Hatchery, Box 256, ISl- mira, Ont, INCREASE YOUR TOULTRY profit, Start the 1947 season right with Top Notch chicks, For years more and more poultry raisers have been learning that it pays to rely on-Top Notch. Our system of pre- selecting only the finest pullorum tested breeding stock -- culling all weuaklings before shipment--means low mortality and strong healthy birds of high productivity, Top Notch Chickeries can supply you with all the better known breeds and excellent cross-breeds. Now ls the time to get your oder in, to as- sure delivery of the breed you want when you want them. Also you protect yourself against possible rise in prices, but get full advant- age of uny price drop. Send for pricelist and catalogue. Top Note Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. : GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Read what Mr, Broadhurst of Joli- ette, Que, says about our chicka: April 30, 1946--"The 208 chicks re- ceived In splendid condition, not one dead nnd only one died since, They are the most vigorous bunch of chicks I ever received and I have been handling chicks for over 40 years. Order now and get the best, Here are our prices, Barred Rock Mixed, 12,00; Pullets, $21.00; White Leg- orn, Mixed, $12.00; Pullets, $24.00; White Rock Mixed, $15.00 Pullets, 25.00; Brown Leghorn Mixed, 14.00; Pullets, _$256.00; Hybrids Rock-Red Mixed, $12,00; Pullets, $21.00; Hybrid Leghorn-Rock Mix- ed, $12.00; Pullets, $25.00. You also get free chicks, Goddard Chick Hat- chery, Britannia Heights, Ont. EGGS AND MEAT ARE THE TWO cash sources of poultry income, Get our calendar and pricelist and learn why our high egg record, large bodied birds will make more money for you. Big Rock Farm, Mlile Roches, Ont, BIG BOX HED BERRIED CHRIST was Holly $1.26 delivered. Xmas Gift House Bulb assortments from $1.60, Three good bulbs introduc- tory offer, 10c, Golden West Seeds, Box 267, New Westminster, B.C. UDHEEDING TURKEYS «-- NHW postwar variety broadbreasted Beltsville small whites, hens ma- ture 9 pounds $7.00 each, Toms 18 pounds $10.00 each. All {mported stock. Available to December 10. Shale Turkey Ranch, Moore- e . CHOICE QUALITY DEEP KEELHD Rouen ducks and drakes also Mam- mouth White Pekin. Fred H, Gul- let, R. 2, Welland, Ont. 5 COMBINATION BUCKEYE ELEC- tric Incubators for sale cheap. Set- ting capacity 12,000, hatching ca- pacity 4,000. 26 or 60 cycle. Appl Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontarlo. CHICKEN BATTERIES, 2 START- ers, 2 finishers, bank barn 40 x 60. Cheap for quick sale. Whallng Tur- key Ranch, Moorefield, GENUINE BROAD BREASTED Bronze Turkeys, Toms $20, Hens $12. Picked from flock of two thou- sand from pullorum free breeders. Nay hatched. John Jeffery, Appin, nt HOSPITAL Maternity and Medical 30 bed Gov- ernment Licensed fully equlpped, near No. 3 and 24 Highways. Could be operated by two nurses, good turnover. Owner leaving Canada, 7 miles to nearest hospital. "or full Jifermation apply Box 329, Delhi, nt. MODERN GENERAL BUSINESS, large turnover. Good quota. Home with clty conveniences, $12,000 cash, balance terms, Box 110, 73 Adelaide St. W.,, Toronto, NOW IN CANADA, POPULARLY advertised LEKTROLITIE cigarette lighters. Flameless, wickless, wind- proof, flintless. Works like car lighter. Guaranteed unconditional- ly. $1.95 IB.I, PO Box 97, Stn. G, Montreal. NEW PARTS for UNIVERSAL BREN GUN CARRIERS Bogle wheels, sprockets, track and many others. LEVY AUTO PARTS 735 Queen West, Toronto, RACE HORSE CRIBBAGE DESIGN colored 12" x 12", Round track, 4 lanes, Advances, "novel features. Irast, exciting, Send 26c. Box 168, Point Richmond, Calif. RIDING STABLE BUSINESS, FIF- teen good saddle horses, well equip- ped, good location. 2630 Tecumseh Road West, Windsor, Ont. REGISTERED months type. Ont. REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL, 14 months old, dam has 15,762 lbs, of 4¢6 milk as a 4-ycar-old, slre's dam 21,354 lbs, of milk, 776 1bs, fat with an 8 lactation total of 130,994 Ibs of mllk, 4,780 lbs. fat. A good individual, more white than black, accredited and vaccinated. Apply Peter A. Crerar, R.RR, 1, Stratford. TIRES We are overstocked at the present of good used trade-in tires (guar. anteed to be In excellent shape). 600 X 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C.0.D. equipment for vulcanizing and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE, corner Queen and York Sts, HAMILTON, Ontarlo, ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP YORKSHIRES, [J] and under, choice bacon Perry Winch, Jr, Keswlck, Special ruck VISIT HOLLYWOOD BY MAIL. See the places that make the Movie Capital famous, Six 4 x 6 Photos A 0. Ricca, Box 609-A, Escondido, al, WIGGLE FISH & MAGNETIC PUPS, Ideal Xmas Gifts, "Wiggle Fish swims madly about lashing his brilliant colored body like the fightingest Bass ever, self winding, no springs to break. Everyone from baby to grandpa loves him. price 60c, Hotsy & Totsy the Merry Magnetic Pups. Dogggone fun for Old and Young. You can make em dance, jump, whirl and wriggle. People go wild about them. Prlce 50c, Also Jitterbug 60c. Roy Sales Co., Box, 1081 W. Winnipeg, Man. FU» FOXES AND FURS DRESSED AND made Into neckpleces, collars and capes. Take advantage of this offer before rising prices take effect Jan, 1, 1947. Oliver Spanner & Co Ltd. 26A Elm Street, Toronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request régurding classes. Robert- son's HAflrdressing Academy, 137 Ave Road, Toronto. ya PERSONAL 100 CHICKS FREE With every order of 100 pullet chicks we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Barred Rock Pullets 2) White Rock DTullets $25.95. hite . Leghorn Pullets 24.95. Brown Leghorn Pullets $25.95; Red- Rock Hybrids, $31.36. IL.eghorn- Rock Hybrids, ih] All chlcks gold are from bloodtested stock back by high pedigreed stock, $1.00 books you rorder, Balance C.0.D. Guaranteed Delivery Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada DYEING AND CLEANING MAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for fnformution We are glad to an- swer your questions, Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited 791 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ontario DOCTOR OF BIO-PEYCHOLOGY, Grapho-Analyst and Personal Coun- gsollor wil ladvise you In your per- sonal, domestic, business and rell- gious problems Write your prob- lem and enclose stamp for 'reply. Dr. L. B_ Henn, Assinibola, Saskat- thewan, Canada, 'MACHINERY FOR SALE, ONE SLIGHTLY USED precision chain raw, newly recon- ditioned, Price $350.00. Frank W, Mitchell, R.R. 38, Brussels, Ont MACHINES WANTED, SLOTTED Joint Sash Machines, Elbow Disk Hander, Sash Relisher, Chain Mor- tiser., Box 111, 73 Adelaide St. 'W., Toronto, MACHINERY LOCATED FOR firms, factories. Describe [t, Sell your surplus machinery through us, List it. Low cost, Ixport goods wanted, U.S.A. War Surplus week- ly catalogue sheets 30 year, Spare time workers needed, make $50 or more weekly, Get mail order ma- chinery plan. Particulars, remit $2.00. Immediate orders, listings, Write Stan Whiteside, 1 Horn 8t,, London, Ont, FOR SALE BROODER STOVES NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER cour "SQuperflame" Ol 'Burnipg jrooder Stove, Our shipments of these stoves will arrive-on or about January 1st, 1947, Model 652 has a 62" heavy galvan- {zed hover thermomstatic heat con- trol, automatic draft regulator and down draft cap.. Maximum eapacity 1000 chlcks--Price $29.90. fndly end $5.00 deposit with your order, alance C.0.D, GExpresy Collect, ur nearest station, YREAVER VALLEY CREAMERY Clarksburg, Ontarle, USED MASSEY HARRIS MACHINES 1942-102 Super Tractor on rubber with 3 fr. plow and 8% ft, Cult] vator, 1929-20-30 'I'ractor on Steel, six foot Combine on rubber, Seven Foot Power Mower on rubber, Three Disk Plow, Six Foot one way disk, Ten foot etiff tooth Cultivator, No. 8-Ensilage Cutter. Chas, B, Cralg & Son, North Gower, Ont, MEDIOAL NATURE'S HELP--Dixon's Remedy far Rheumatic Pains, * Neurltls, housands pralsing It. Munro's Drug Store, 3356 EIgin, Ottawa, Postpald $1.00, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema, rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disap. point you, 'tehing scallng burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples and ath- lete's foot willl respond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may seem, PRICE $1.00 PER JAR jend Post Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. E. Corner of Logan Toronto. GOOD RESOLUTION--EVERY SUF« terer of Rheumatic Pains or Neurl- tis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 836 Elgin, Ot- tawa, Postpaid $1.00, STOP ITCHING TORTURES OF eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, ath- lete's foot and other skin irrita- tions with Ellk's Ointment No, 6. Itch relleved promptly, skin healed quiskiy or money refunded, $1.00. Order today from FKElik's Medicine Co., Dept. 67, Saskatoon, Sask, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A, BODDINGTON Buys, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue (ree Write or call. MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King 8t., Hamilton & 74 Rldeau Street. Ottawa, PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. [Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on request PHOTOGRAPHY IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST OUR YEAR ROUND PAST SERV. fce and fine quality work will please you. For satisfaction try Im- perial, 6 or 8 exposure [ilms, de- veloped and printed, 80c, IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1. Toronto. TURN YOUR "SNAPS" INTO MON- oy. b0c to $10.00 paid, Particulars, Prudentlal Press, Toronto GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Itoll--6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25¢ 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 208¢ Size 4 x 6" In Easel mounts, Hand Colored and Framed Enlargements at special prices, Prints from your negatives 3c each. DEPT, M. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, I'ost Office A, Toronto, Print Name and Address Plainly. COMET PHOTO SERVICE Quick Mall Service, work guaran- teed, 25c per roll, Reprints 3c each, 6 x 7 coloured in folder mount, Tbe, Box 6, Postal Station D. Toronto. TAXIDERMY ATTENTION DEER HUNTERS we Have your trophy mounted by Can- ada's Leading Taxidermlst. Finest workmanship at reasonable prices. We tan Deer Hides into Leather suitable for Gloves, Windbreakers, ete. Oliver Spanner & Co Ltd. 26 A Elm 8t.,, Toronto. TRAPPING -- "MINK - FOX - WOLF TRAPPERS, trap for bounty year round with best gland scent system money can buy. Particulars free, A E, Flsher, Box 420, Calgary, Alberta, WANTED WANTED WHITE GUINEA FOWL, Whaling Turkey Ranch, Moorefield, TURN YOUR FEED, MASH, AND graln bags (whole or torn) Into cash, We pay frelght rates and highest prices. Write today to the jondin Bag Company, London, On- arlo. . SHIP YOUR POULTRY FARM EGGS TO H. G. BUTT 248 Scarborough Road, Toronto, JHghest prices, Write for quota- ons, WANTED TO BUY--SIAMESE CAT or kitten, Also Chlhanhan puppy or oung dog. Apply Box 120, 78 Ade- aide W Toronto. Big Farm Strike Still Goes On All over Western Canada farmers have been selling just enough grain to get by on without paying in- come tax, says The Windsor Star, The rest goes into storage and, if kept dry, lasts very well. This is a strike against the Government-- specifically, against the Depart- ment of National Revenue. Thou- sands of farmers, indeed, refuse to make out any income tax returns whatever, If and when Ottawa bills them, they pay up with a grunt. And, hoarding their grain, they stay on strike, Japs Going Home The fifth and what may be the last party of voluntary Japanese repatriates will sail from the West Coast for Japan during the week of November 25th, it is announced by Mr. A. MacNamara, Deputy Min- ister of Labor. In the four previous sailings of this type, almost 3,800 Japanese went to Japan, It is anti- cipated that 175 Japanese will leave on this fifth sailing, ISSUE 47--1946 ONE WAY OF TAKING Not advised for wobbly skiers is this way of taking ski movies used by St. Jovite instructor Luggi Foeger in making his new color film "Ski Pro's Holiday". The above photo is self-explanatory; the photographer mounts the camera on the back of one ski, starts the mechanism and shoves off. The performers follow close behind within range of the camera and the net result (if you don't fall and break your camera, skis and neck) is something that Hollywood might well envy. Foeger used the device in making his film at Banff last spring. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS In a recent column we spoke of the possibility of a hockey club go- ing right through a scason, and getting into the playoffs, without ever winning a game. This was taken by some of our readers to be a mere flight of fancy on our part; but a quick peek at the Big League standings will show that it wasn't so very far out of line, at that. For there, after a total of ten games played, were the Bos- ton Bruins in second place; yet no less than five of the Bruins eleven points had come to them by rea- son of games which ended in a deadlock. » #" " Toss out all ties, and Boston-- instead of nestling tn the sccond slot--would have been down on the bottom on cven terms with Rangers, Black Hawks and Red Wings. So down with tle games-- they're holding us back from the ideal set by the poet who wrote about what Heaven was going to be like. Heaven-----he said--was a place where the home team always wins. " * " But at all cvents, the Maple Leafs are up there, for a while any- way, and Mr. Smythe seems to be making good on his promise to give the fans a team that would be trying to win, rather than trying to look at. The 1946 1s by no means the best that ever wore Leafs' uniforms--or even second or third best; but they don't go out looking as if the whole thing was a beastly bore, or stop and apolo- gize when they brush against an opponent too rudely--all of which is a rather welcome change from what went on not too long ago. " * » Within the past couple of weeks an old friena of ours, recently re- turned to this country after an absence in foreign climes covering a considerable stretch, saw his first major-league hockey game in sev- eral years. Asked as to his im- pressions of the sport, as played nowadays, he said that what struck him most was the sceming scarcity of really colorful or "standout" in- dividual performers. . * "It seems to me," he said, "that in putting all this emphasis, on speed, they've sacrificed a whole heap of the individual skill that meant so much a few years ago. It's whole lines, not the players who make up those lines, that catch your eye now; in fact it looks to me as if you could switch uni- forms on a pair of opposing teams FOR ("A Six Bit Critic") * between periods and, with just a very few exceptions, not make cnough difference in the general ef- fect to be really noticeable." * " = Whether or not such criticism is entirely justified is not for us to say, being largely a matter of per- sonal opinion. Still, we have talked to more than one fan who, right after a game was over, could recall but little of what actually happen- ed -- of who had done what -- in fact, practically nothing at all out- side of the final score. In other words, it might be that modern hockey-team builders have adopted assembly-line technique to such an extent that they're turning out models Svhich, while uniformly good, all look pretty much alike to the casual glance. * w w The football season, as is its habitual custom, is beginning to get really interesting just as the weather tends to become really foul; and with playoffs and post- playofis threatening to stretch well on toward Christmas, prospects are very bright for fine, large crops of bronchitis and pneumonia in the offing. « " . Sometimes it seems to us as our football schedule-makers and play- off planners should be forced by law to make their arrangements for a coming season in January or February, rather than in the Sum- mer or carly Autumn, as at pres- ent. If that were the case, possibly they would show some signs of realizing that this Canada of ours, although a most wonderful coun- try, is hardly located in the banana belt. * " . Matter of fact, the big trouble with football in Eastern Canada is too many leagties, and too many teams, trying to harvest the gate- receipts from too few cities. It is a pity that something couldn't be adopted after the style of the United States "conference" plan, where no team meets another twice in the same season--so that every game presents a fresh attraction to the spectators. Here we have a couple of teams meeting first In home-and-home games; then, per- haps, once again in the playoffs. na Ji i TC «or Money Back For quiek relef from {tching caused by eczema, wihistes foot, scabies, fap es ands othe thi use pure, cool ted, DoD. b. BRECCRIPTION. "Coraptonn Lid staluless. Boothes, comforts and quickly calms Intense itching. Don't suffer. Ask today for D.D.D. PREBCRI ion Eu f ECCp CHEC ED OINTMEN * "Burns, Sores, Cuts, Etc. If Russia Still Owned Alaska? Grounds for Uneasiness If Russia Held Bridgehead Into Western World History has many "ifs". And they are the ground for much in- tiicate speculation. Some of these "ifs" are What, for in- stance, would have happened had Cleopatra's nose been longer than it was? Or what would have hap- pened if Marshal Blucher had been unable to reach the field of Water- loo? But there are "ifs" that bear upon the future rather than upon, the past. Such, for instance, Is the "it? concerning Alaska. For what would our experts in the military defense of the Western IHemi- sphere be thinking if Russia had retained its possession of Alaska? Alaska has come into the news recently when its citizens voted two to one to have thelr territory made a state of the American un- ion, says The Montreal Gazette. But it was little more than one of the accidents of history that brought Alaska in the first place under American control. Upon this vast northern area the Russians had established a pri- mary claim, It was discovered by Russian Cossacks, who ae be- lieved to have reached the Alaskan coast about the last quarter of the 16th century. Further Russian ex- ploration and some degree of Rus- sian settlement followed. But the strategic importance of Alaska seems to have wholly eluded the attention or the interests of the Czars. To the Czars it was noth- ing more and nothing less than a source of furs. Negotiations for the disposal of Alaska by sale to the United States were begun as early as 1856. Finally, in 1867--which was, in- cidentally, the year of the Con- federation of Canada--William H. Seward, the U.S. Secretary of _ State, negotiated the treaty by which the United States acquired this vast areca for the sum of $7,- 200,000 in gold. } The sum now seems insignifi- cant. But at the time of the pur- chase many American citizens con- sidered Alaska to be only a remote and useless mass of rock, ice and snow. Alaska to them was "Sew- ard"s Folly". ' But Scward's folly is now Sew- ard's prudence. Some American military specialists have cast anxious eyes towards the great northlands. Certainly there would be grounds for some uncasy pon- derings if the Soviet Union now held this immense bridgehead into the Western Iemisphere. Monday Holidays Scarce Next Year The coming 10 months are going to sce a scarcity of Monday holi- days. The Ottawa Journal reflects. Christmas and New Year's fall on Wednesday. 'here is Easter Mon day, next April 7, but that never is observed very wholeheartedly. Do- minion Day next ycar falls on a Tuesday--unless Parliament in the meanwhile abolishes it. So it is that for full-scale Monday holidays, and the long weekends they allow most workers, we must wait for Civic Holiday and labor Day next August and September. classic. Names and Duties Of 3 World Councils Sitting In N.Y. Area Three international groups aie meeting in the New York area te discuss the making and the keep- ing of the peace. Here is a quick view of what they are and what they are doing: Council of Foreign Ministerg-- Set up at the Potsdam conference on Aug. 2, 1945, it is composed of the Foreign Ministers of the United States, Britain, the Soviet Uniom and France, In its meetings at the Waldorf-Astoria, which opened last week, it is st ying recommenda- tions of the twenty-one nation Paris conference in shaping the final peace treaties with Italy, Ru mania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland, and will start discussions of Germanp's future. The Council is not connected with the United Nations, General Assembly of the United Natjons--Representing all fifty-one member nations, this body is now in a committee phase at Lake Sue- cess, N.Y. Security Council of the United Nations -- Composed of eleven member nations, including the Big Five as permanent members, it is theoretically in continuous session and convenes at least once every fourteen days. ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS Orr. -- CNJt. STATION MACHINERY NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phone EL 13871 H. W PETRIE CO LTD 147 Front St W -- Toronto WE BUY a& SELL? Yoo WII Enjoy Staying At The St. Regis Hotel N'ORONTO ® Every loom With Shower und 'Telephone @® Single, 82.50 up-- Double, 1.50 up @ Good Food Dining and Dane- Ing Nightly Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4133 LIFE can Begin AFTER 40, 77. Around 40 our energy lessens. But, exe perience has taught us to do our work with less effort. The years ahead should yield the greatest accomplishments, the most enjoyment and happiness. They can, too, if we avoid the kidney and bladder disorders such as Back~ ache, Headache, Rheumatic Pains, Lassituda, Loss of Sleep and Energy which so often attack those around 40. For over half a century Dodd's Kidney Pills have been helping mea and women to keep kidneys and bladder ia good order. If you are nearing 40, or past it, for the sake of your health and a happier future use Dodd's Kidney Pills today! 128 Bath the fastest neutralizers of excess stomach acidity known! Thus you get double- action relief--from acid indigestion and sluggishness, Remember . , VALI RIN A] 2 Be T0 BE SURE OF THE BEST MADE IN CANADA Don't let constipation get you down. Do this for effective, yet remarkably gentle relief: Simply take 2 to 4 tablespoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia with water. You'll wake up feeling on top of the world --refreshed and bright. In addition, Phillips' Milk of Magnesia is acknowledged by science one of Ghesvd VEm wna MUTT AND JEFF-- al LSE. AH WELL, JEFF NEVER STUDIED LAW ANYWAY By BUD FISHER | FALL DOWN? |LAW OF WHY DON'T (GRAVITY! LAW OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON GRAVITY | GRAVITY 15 A MUTT? | FORCE! IT DRAWS IT'S LIKE A MAGNET! IT STOPS EVERYTHING FROM FALLING OFF THE EARTH! NoW DO You UNDERSTAND? THAT LAW WAS BUT MUTT WHAT L CAN'T FIGUREOUT IS WHAT KEPT 'EM ON THE EARTH BEFORE 5 a rr GL 2 pl? ha ry ig Re ¥ Ad \ w ok eS I stole hr A Fe RTE an