a Wert wy mo A ei Bs a A a Tn rn Sw EN _-- a Ne A Mo LE Mn i 0 SE AT Cer i SE 8 we prea RN ae a ERA 2 a SN gh PW ! --r ERE 5 roy REN ry POORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1946 Gerrow Bros. Bakery Phone ¢ 32 2 | SE EE I ESE EA AER RAIA RATATAT SL Enjoy the Convenience of Modern Plumbing Come in and inquire about our Easy Payment Plan AT -- United Plumbing & Heating, Per A. W. GILMOUR, PHONE 215 - PORT PERRY ra ea Ee tele et Tet PRT Sed tt Rl ott ot Bo 000 0 0 TAH AA 0 srs BAKERY I8 DEPENDABLE FOR GOOD BAKING Phone 93 w ART. JEMISON, Proprietor "4 ft. Softwood Slabs, in Ontario County | LIMITED INVESTMENT SEC URITIES 8 YONGE STREET TORONTO 1 Canada Savings Bonds from our } representatives W. G. TuBBY & COMPANY SLLABWOOD FOR SALE $7.50 Cord 4 ft. Hardwood Slabs, $11.50 Cord At our Yard, or $2 per Cord extra, If delivered Phone 61, Port Perry Carnegie Lumber Company Moved NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS in the former to household appliances All makes and sizes of Electric Motors repair- ed and Reconditioned. Small Motors for sale. Small Gasoline Engines for Sale. STAN. CAUSLEY, Proprietor | 'HI-HEAT STOVE and RANGE OIL BURNERS Six inch by six and a half inch double burners Complete with Glass Tank. $39.50 Extra Charge for Installation. FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE Will Fit any Stove and Range ROBERTSON ELECTRIC Phone 179 w, -_- Port Perry ges gle ile BSR Sie WANTED YOUR EGGS HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID What are you receiving for your EGGS? ALSO THE BEST MARKET FOR YOUR LIVE HOGS--LAMBS--CALVES CHICKENS--HENS Pickering Farms Limited, WHITBY, ONTARIO PHONE 336 fe DAY OR NIGHT Ahhhh!... Canada Savings Bonds Machine Shop|; SWITZER BLACKSMITH SHOP | All kinds of Electrical |¥ and Mechanical Re airs | facmmommrooscssmomoscsons DELICIOUS, ROOFING NUTRITIOUS, ASPHALT SHINGLES ECONOMICAL : We have 2 jand-4 ar Stok 24 Asphaly Get Pep-U-Up Bread To-Day | Buy Your CEDAR SHINGLES Expected to arrive in a short time--a Car of B. C. Cedar Shingles. Place your order for delivery upon arrival. REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER F. E. Reesor Phone 73w F. G. Reesor ; ~ W. H. Landon, Optometrist, SPECIAL OPTICAL SERVICE 16656 Danforth Ave., TORONTO, will be at I. R. Bentley's Jewellery Store, SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Please Make Appointments Beforehand. : leu Theatre, Port Pony. Ont. : Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9. Saturday Matinee at 2.15 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 25th, 26th. DENNIS MORGAN, ANN SHERIDAN and IRENE MANNING in the Glorious Musical Comedy Hit "SHINE ON HARVEST MOON" COLOUR COMEDY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 29th, 30th JOAN CRAWFORD, JACK CARSON, and ZACHARY SCOTT In the Sensational Award Winning Drama "MILDRED PIERCE" BHORY PI Tyra CHRIST yoUTH for Ch Your {op CHRIST THERE WILL BE Ales Outstanding PROGRAM on . TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29th, a 8.00 p.m. in UXBRIDGE MUSIC HALL, by VETERANS FOR CHRIST presenting . . . ROY CREIGHTON, U.S. Marines, Assistant Director of Y.F.C, at Oceanside, California, ELTON BRITTON, message Doug Haugh, pianist, Lloyd Allen, solo, py Bill Smith, violinist, Earl Smith, M. of C. f= All ex-service men. | ' UXBRIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL CHOIR, directed by Mrs. Dobson, Grades 7-8. Sponsored by Uxbridge Ministerial Association v2 yOUTH for J7 Hugh D. Santer, Proprietor. Port Perry Coal &Ice| ~ WE HAVE SUPPLIES OF COAL COKE WOOD ICE DELIVERED AS ORDERED We shall give the Best Service the market affords. 8&7 Phone 289 GASOLINE dt MOTOR oiLS i om THE PICK OF | /A%ale | THEM ALL Sie FUEL FOR OIL BURNERS GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS F. CG. HASTINGS, AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS PHONE 151V. Pore PERRY, ONTARIO ORORORORUIORORORORORORO CROROPORORTROROPO RRR RR RR A ER A A A AS A A AAR RES SRR BOBORBOBOBBOBOBOSAAABOASECAORACAAOACASEALALE DEAS ADR SDE 8S - There is still time to buy Canada Savings Bonds = but don't wait for a representative to call on you, There will be no national house- to-house canvass = these are "Serve Yourself" Bonds, so it is up to you to make sure you buy. "Pp Buy them through your Bank, In- vestment Dealer, Trust or Loan Company, or through your Payroll Savings Plan. They are safe as Canada = pay good interest = and you can get your money back at any time. Ww. 7, K I N (+ Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist UXBRIDGE. ONTARIO King and Cedar Streets Phone 138 - DRESSMAKING AND 'ALTERATIONS DONE. Mrs, C. Rider, Cochrane 8t., Phone 222W, Port Perry TOWNSHIP OF REACH The Assessment Roll of the Town- ship of Reach for the year 1946, upon which the taxes for the year 1947 will be levied, has been returned to me. TAKE NOTICE that a Court of Re- A ne vision will be held in the Township=. +=" Hall, Manchester, on Saturday, Nov- : ember 2nd, 1946, at the hour of two a B o'clock p.m. to hear appeals, duly ; notified, for or against assessment. FRED CHRISTIE, Clerk. 8 "