Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Sep 1946, p. 5

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- - LE -- Fe Nye tA REE TF, Lo WER TEN WG INE Are A FE PSSA HR CRRA RA AR MERIEPIREF APSR RUF Steir, A 16705 So NEEUEeret atte YE 3 Sees SLRCRLAFEEC IAF LI SE as - ------ ------ a A. her mi a aS EE a " -- < . wR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1946 BROCK THEATRE F.W. BROCK & SON Phone 618, WHITBY MEN'S COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Mercury, Penman's, Stanfield's--Big Assortment. hy j Cawker Bros, Family Butehers, Phone 29 Per Suit--$1.35, $1.75, $2.50, $3.50, $6.75. bil BOYS' UNDERWEAR IN STOCK NOW 4 Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 Men's Combination Overalls--K haki. Vi ARMY GOODS. $3.35. Wit, TARS and SPARS Khaki Pants for Men -- $2.25 (The firm of Greer & Humphreys fs dissolved) FIREENELLEILIIIS LEE The Best the Market Offers 24%: Simcoe Btreet North, Oshawa. Your Phone Orders Receive Phone 814 In attendance at my Port Perry ofies oa Tuesday, and Thursday aftermcon of each week, or by appolatment. Queen Street, Port Perry. Phome 84 Careful Attention ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office ca Wednesday morning and Friday afteracon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry. Phone 2% W. A. Sangster DENTAL BURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to § pm. Office Upstairs, over C. Bleep's Insurance Office. starring JANE BLAIR and ALFRED DRAKE {4 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 23, 24 and 25 Last Complete show at 8.16 NOEL COWARD'S "BLITHE SPIRIT" IN TECHNICOLOR with REX HARRISON and CONSTANCE CUMMINGS Plus an ADDED Attraction "I'll Remember April" Choice Meats at all Times WE BUY AND SELL THE BEST W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER Phone 72w, PORT PERRY DR. J. B, LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Over Bell Telephone O Queen 8t., Port Perry Phones: Office 68w; Residence 68) Be AT Sr DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG Men's Jumbo Knit Sweaters, Maroon. 3 GIRLS TO LEARN DENTIST ALL WOOL. $6.75. & ' with GLORIA JEAN and Leonard Block over Prentice's Wi KIRBY GRANT. Barber Shop CUTTING. FITTING AND SEWING CUSTOM > Phone 237 Port Perry MADE SLIP COVERS AND DRAPERIES. Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, SEPTEMBER 26. 27, 28 "Flame of Barbary Feltol Runners, 18" x 9', 75c. i BABY'S KNIT GOODS -- Bonnets pis PERMANENT POSITION WITH EXCELLENT FUTURE. GOOD WAGES WHILE LEARNING. POSITION IN TORONTO. DR. ED. BAILEY VETERINARY SURGEON | } CONGENIAL ROOMS AND BOARD AVAILABLE. hb ' fo Coast" ke or Lor Rake MARTIN FAHY LTD Bootees, Sweaters. Boys' 2-piece Wool Suits. as starring JOHN WAYNE and Reverse charges on all phone calls 9 o All on Display this Week. A) ANN DVORAK to me. 390 EGLINTON AVE. WEST - - TORONTO \ ||| Ladies' House Coats, glazed chintz, $6.00 and $6.50 | od AUCTION SALE NEE 2 Cone: Heat Foomatic | SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER. i yi "THE DAVIES" Now in for 1947 Lot 6, Con. 6, Reach Township, will gol By" puction, Shorthorn Castle cE Terma Gash." Salou 1pm. Wednes PRINTED DRAPERY. Several pieces, 90c, 83c, 68¢ yd 5 ARE COMING TO P ORT PERRY English Dinnerware--32, 44, 67, 97 piece sets A United Church, Wednesday, Sept. 25th VENETIAN BLINDS in stock mer months, Write to 84 Warren . ° . i, i, J Sh FOUR STARS IN A FOUR STAR CONCERT Width 30, 32, 34, 36,42. Length 64 inches. oct «¢ ° most -- sooo oe INOBLE DAVIE, Baritone. NELLES DAVIE, Basso Charles Luke, Raglan, on Sunday, Sept. 8, Red Cow with white, about 700 Ibs., 7 years old. Phone Brook- lin 66 r 11. Reverse charges. Re- A basso cavernous as Paul Robeson's, with tenor timbre in topmost register. Vera Henderson Davie, at the piano, was a minature orchestra without orchestral dis- traction." These four talented artists will appear in Port Perry United Church-- Under Ausploes of the YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. Admission §0c. Pe WANTED -- Honest person for on Tuesday, September 10th. Dog is FRANCES DAVIE, Mezzo-Soprano LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER. permanent position as maid in Osha- wa, in small private home. Live in, and a good home for the right per- son, Summer cottage for the sum- about three years old. Answers to y name of Trevor. Finder please notify "+ E. Taylor, Phone 2874w, Oshawa. STRAYED--From the premises of . i. } "THE DAVIES" have been acclaimed everywhere, Toronto Telegram said ' 4 . of their Concert at Georgetown--*'Threée beautiful individual voices--not a forced or quavering tone among them. A mezzo-soprano mellow as the thrush and limpid as the nightingale, A baritone of John Charles Thomas' range and sympathy. . ob hens Shier 108 0% VERA HENDERSON DAVIE, Musical Director BASKET FRUITS are Good This Year. ward. 0S NOTICE siti All kinds of Electrical |} and Mechanical Repairs || to household appliances |; All makes and sizes of |}: Electric Motors repair-|} yy ERR 0000808000 Alberta Coal We have on hand a supply of the Alberta FOR SALE--140 Barred Rock and New Hampshire and 46 Leghorn x Barred Rock Pullets, all over five months old; also 50 Light Sussex Pullets, 6 months old. Apply Bruce Holtby, R.R. 2, Port Perry. 'Phone 120 r 22, . AUCTION SALE LSATURTDY, SEPT 28th-- Auction _ WANTED TO BUY sn nner ecss; |od and Reconditioned. | Coal in the handy Briquefte. This is a FOU Shovthern Stile, BY) Yorksune Woy BoM hth GASOLINE and MOTOR OILS | Small Motors fot sale. good clean fuel, and can be used in either : hogy, horses, and sheep, the property |) [oC foo IU iy Gasoline Engines |} the Cook Sto ; of Harold Page and Ronald Stiver,|¢t prices. Masel Ju Yass BR 4 : Small Ga [1] § Stove or the Furnace. will be sold at lot 20, con. 7, Scott, |!» Tyrone. RUR2OLE at Leaskdale. Sale at one. Terms : 2 Cash. Changing over to dairy herd.|™GR™SATE Battery Radio, Gen- | 4 Ted Jackson, Auctioneer.(, ,) Electric good condition. Apply QUANTITY APPLES FOR SALE|[to Mrs. Max Heidt, R.R.4, Port Perry, i for Sale. Electric or Gasoline Drive Pump | Jacks for Sale. : MACHINE SHOP Also on hand--a good stock of Clean Coke in either Range, Nut, or Stove, Place your order for one of these good ABLE THE PICK OF ® THEM ALL . : Phone 198 r 21. 4 f | Taman Sweets, Mcndh lod, - \& 8Y STAN. CAUSLEY, Proprietor |# uets Greenings an ippins. ply to 5 "1 milo Hast of SO STOVE OIL FOR OIL BURNERS : ton Leas sf EPSOM | GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS |i REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER NOTICE TO CARTWRIGHT The Frum Yomens Lssecistich i i F. E." Reesor Phone 73w F. G. Reeso Nt I ef A F. C. HASTINGS, TAYLORS' jj r | i > Earl |frey at Epsom. All ladies welcome. i Juives Yaseinped, Please notify arti ry and Mrs, Clifford McCulloch and '& iJ erry. family visiting Mr. and Mrs. Drew Me- | & 1872.52, Port verry, Culloch on their way to their new|$ WANTED--Small house, furnished |home in Frederickton, N.B. . son 0 for months of October, 1946 to March| Miss Vera Prentice entertained Mr. AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS PHONE--161w. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO A TRI ICE CREAM and Sandwich Parlor eA eee eo a an ASAT i . C. McCulloch and family, and |is leaving the community to reside in [throughout Western Ontario on var-|CIGARETTES, 4 py emis. Young "ope wi and Ms bg a McCulloch | din-| Uxbridge. The Mizpah Benediction |ious radio stations and in concert TOBACCOS Ridley Blvd. Toronto. ner on Tuesday. was then repeated. Mrs. Ivan Geer|these unique performers will present Y i - The young people of Epsom are|conducted a "Hymn" contest, Mrs, L.|a program prepared and selected by WANTED holding a corn roast on Friday evening | Snodden being the winner. Lunch and|their concert mistress, Vera Hender- Will pay cash for small house with Sept. 20th, at the home of Mr, and a social hour was then enjoyed. son Davie, who has given them all FILMS We close ALL DAY Sunday Week Days In presenting her concert ensemble, |g a.m,--10 p.m. conveniences, or will rent similar|yeo" Wilfred Evans. their vocal training. Mme. Davie is a lace at -reasonable price, Apply to M nd Mrs. Norman Holt and Don |"THRE DAVIES" ATTRACT WIDE gifted musician and herself a former box 262, Port Perry. are spending a holiday in Bowmanville INTEREST AT TORONTO singer, having studied and sung F Dini and Toronto | a h tl ; fiaraghant Canada and United States FOR SALE -- Extension ning- nto. , mong the successful contestants in| for many years. f| The Epsom omen's Association l i Bodetond. spr oy and [met Thursday afternoon, Aug. 29th BE Ian emia od in ys 3 3 oR the home of Mrs. Robt. Clark. The, ? i » o|Mme. Davie has employed many un- mattress and bed. Apply to William Mrs. I. W esided. in all classes, were "The Davies", a oyed - Ettey, Manchester. president, Mrs. agner i © family ensemble of concert and radio usual features. Her family troupe The meeting opened w °F \¥ 1 singers. Winners of several awards, | Will present opera, oratorio, art and BULLDOZER AVAILABLE _for|of the hymn "I've found a Friend", popular songs in solo, duet and trio h eceived first and third prizes ) i. cleaning stone piles, fence rows, €s-|Mrs, Norman Prentice led in prayer og hy ow, Wo groups po) apes arrangements. Mure. Davie has e calating and levelling. Now workipg | with the Lord's Prayer in unison, songs in both foreign and English |further discovered some numbers of a on Sengog, Island. For particulars Torenty members answered fhe Jol language as well as operatic solo|humorous nature not commonly found Phone R. Fralick, 103 r 21. septZ6 tall Seo Jiks yisiiorsy hi: ok treas. classes. "The Davies" attracted wide |in the general repertoire and has in- usiness - WOMEN "FEM-AID" Hak been rat given. Mis, A. Christie interest and received man cluded them in the varied program -- # ure " . A. 0 ents from Toronto teachers and|which will be presented here. } Ho oy, Sean Tos |led the devotional as follows: the W.I C8 FO totale teachers and whith Ward an evening of exciting 3 I , sung, Mrs. Holt read i a : t \ brilliant sing ) me, $4.60 per box, at Lawrence's oly i 12:1-12), Mrs, Ueputitul smooth voices", one teacher patriainient ah driizan 3 singing ug Store, Port Perry oct1l Christe Toad the lesson Shougiits and . tickets look Torres i Mrs. Luke the prayer. rs, J. - FOR SALE--House in Port Perry, "Hel Frances Davie, mezzo-soprano, an good condition; priced low for nick Jon peal a) londid Baper oh! Re ap 0 Bo thor Kobia Davie, baritone, sale, Apply to C. Andrews, North, hymn "Blest be the tie that binds" and Nelles Davie, dasso, hey Were Lilla St, Port Perry. was sung. Mrs, Ivan Geer had charge | 2CCOmPan 5 > mot re Md FOR SALE--650 PLYMOUTH ROCK [of the Progam ts. I, Preniice Sead : Davie: irector, era ender $ "Being too ", Mrs. C, . Fe oF pv Pang wh Ray EE , Wing ohe Old Dairy Cow", These competitors recelved consis- lod, Also Fall Apples. ' i ins read a m, tently high marks throughout the Jot, RRA, Top, Perry; Phane 112 & Mies Tern Ronson, Aslin oe a | two-week festival and received much 2. i iinngh Bl "It's the Brain praise from the adjudicators, FOR SALE -- Electric VACUUM |{hat Counts", Mrs, H. Kerry read an] It Is fresh from these successes Cleaner, Lawn Mower, large clothes|address and a presentation was made [that "The Davies" will L. r here horse, Apply Elmore Wagg, Princelto Mrs, Robt. Clark, who we are sorry |in concert soon. Already widely heard |lengths. Phone 67 r 82, Port Perry. Albert, 266 r 12, YOUR EGGS HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID What are you receiving for your Saturdays 8a.m.--11 p.m, Jimmy Taylor, Billy Taylor, Jr. Proprietors EGGS? Our quotation Saturday, Aug. 17th was CRADE A LARGE 470. ALSO THE BEST MARKET FOR YOUR LIVE HOGS--LAMBS--CALVES Rising values means iio of CHICKENS--HENS ; NY : INSURANCE Pickering Farms Limited, 3 Whatever your insurance meeds may WHITBY, ONTARIO be, consult H. W. EMMERSON PHONE 336 es DAY OR NIGHT Phone 41 Port Perry 'W. J. KING Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist UXBRIDGE. ONTARIO King and Cedar Streets Phone 138 compli- The gronp consists of a sister --e PD -- FOR SALE--Circulating Heater in Phone 2138, good condition. FOR SALE--A small quantity of dry soft wood cut in 12 inch stove

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