ile On ras (as td eat " wl oat pe J ee "w to Sr ST ------ - 5 J vr A hy is Na Re AP PE AV AH a i RE a. TR LOCAL NEWS NEW CITIZENS Mr. and Mrs. John S., Parker and grandson, of Ottawa, have bought the Walker home on Cochrane St, Port Perry. Mr. Parker has been con- nected with the Gatineau Power Com- mission. We welcome the family to this community. PROPETY SOLD Mr. R. H. Frise has sold his pro- perty, south of the Fair Grounds to Mr. Kenny, of Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny have just started home- making. We welcome them to Port Perry. We understand Mr. Kenny is going into mink farming. Miss Annabelle Hillier is spending the week in Detroit with relatives. Rev. Li. G. and Mrs. Bruton are spending part of this week in Toronto while Mr. Bruton is attending the Clerical Alumni Conference at 'Lrinity College. The Church of the Ascension is ob- serving Harvest Thanksgiving Ser- vices this coming Sunday. With the abundant crops this year, especially in fruit, after last year's scarcity, there 1s much for which we have to be thankful. Mrs. Ida Prentice and Mr. William Bray spent Saturday at Lindsay Fair. TO-NIGHT and Every Thursday Night 7 to 9 In Port Perry High School gym- natium conditioning exercises and other forms of sport will be conducted by Mr. Jack Starkey. Everybody from 1b to 50 are cordially invited to at- tend. Especially those who are in- tending to play hockey this coming season. This is a great opportunity to get yourselves in Al physical con- dition. So let's all be oul to-night, boys! We want a winning hockey team this year, g Among those from Port Perry at- tending the MacMaster-Brent wedding in Toronto last Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. S. Robertson, Mrs, J. D. MacMaster, Dr. D. C. and Mrs. Mac- Master and Muriel, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'hapman, Anne and Jackie, Mr. and Irs. Harry Carnegie, Mr. and Mrs. | Garnet Weir, Mr. Grant McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beare, Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Beare, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. " Grant Robertson, Brantford. Mrs. Douglas Lade and son Wayne have returned to their home in To- ronto after spending the past two weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Balfour. Rev. F. G. Joblin accompanied his son Rev. Fred Joblin, to Toronto on Monday evening to attend his induc- tion in the Manor Road United Church on Wednesday by Rev. Dr. Russell. Mr. Joblin also attended a meeting of the Alumni, . Mrs. Nicholin, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. I .G. Joblin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Austin, of Port Hope, and their son Mr. O. Austin and Mrs. Austin, of Windsor, were recent visitors of her sister," Mrs. Wilfred Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope and children were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. McMillan have just returned from an extended trip through Western Canada. They tra- velled through to the Western coast. Mr. ad Mrs. Grant Robertson, of Brantford, are holidaying in town with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Robertson. : Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beare, and Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Crosier attendéd the Stuart-Johnson wedding in St. Paul's Anglican Church at Lamoreaux, on Saturday, Sept. 14th, The groom is a nephew of Mr. and Ms. J. T. Crosier. ARRIVING FROM OVERSEAS S.-Sgt. A. T. Crosier and his bride are scheduled to arrive home early next week aboard the Aquatania. JUNIOR WAR WORKERS The Junior War Workers will meet on Tuesday evening, September 24th at the home of Mrs. Gordon Reesor. COMING EVENT The Annual Tea and Bazaar of the Church of the Asecnsion will be held in the afternoon and evening of Wed- nesday, October 30. Please watch for further notice, BIRTHS GRILLS-- To Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Grills (nee Doris Walker), a son-- Raymond Herman, on Sunday, Sept. 8th, in Oshawa General Hospital, CROZIER---Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crozier Scugog Island, are hap y to announce the birth of their baby at Port Perry Hospital --Sharen Lee. WILL LIVE IN BRAMPTON Miss May Walker was in town on Monday last settilng up sale busi- ness. She was accompanied by her brother, Prof. Anson Walker, of Western University, London. Miss Walker will make her home in Brampton in future. After a long and honorable service -- as primary teacher, Miss Walker has ¥3 This | § largely 4 retired from the profession. step has become necessary through ill-health, Port Perry folk will long remember | ¥ leasure Miss Walker's work in| romary Department of Port Fy R. AH was the best |g Primary teacher in his inspectorate. + We wish her good health and happi-'§ i with the Public School. Inspector Hutchison said she FREE Parking 0 SHAWA era A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE AIR CONDITIONED Thursday, Friday and Saturday, SEPTEMBER 19-20-21 GARY COOPER INGRID BERGMAN, in "SARATOGA TRUNK" A story of violent Love. and Monday-Tuesday, SEPT. 23-24, "THE DARK CORNER" starring LUCILLE BALL and WILLIAM BENDIX (Adult Entertainment) Wednesday-Thurs.,, SEPT. 25-26 PHYLLIS CALVERT and STEWART GRANGER, in Madonna of the Seven Moons the Venture be closed on Mondays until 8 00 p.m. 'NOTICE Starting September 23rd, estaurant will G. C. KERRY SLENDOR TABLETS are effective 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Lawrence's Drug Store. DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS DONE. Mrs. C. Rider, Cochrane St., Phone 222W, Port Perry We are equipped to give your tractor tires. flator to finish the job. Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses oaly, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST PRENTICE'S BEAUTY SALON with or without appolatmend, PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up SHAMPOO AND STYLED SETTING, ONLY 50e. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY On Saturday evening, September 7, the home of Mrs, James Malcolm was the scene of a happy occasion, when Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter welcomed fifty friends to help celebrate the silver wedding of their sister and brother-in-law, Jessie and Leonard Joblin, of Nestelton, Rev. F. G. Joblin, cousin of the groom, took charge of the evening's program in his usual jovial manner. Mr, S. Jeffrey, of Blackstock, beloved uncle of the family, spoke of the couple's sterling qualities and hos- pitality. Mrs. Malcolm Emerson, of Nestleton, read a very appropriate address to the 25-yearly-weds, after which Mrs. Stanley Malcolm present- ed the surprised couple with a most generous purse of money and a beauti- ful bouquet, from cousins, friends, and Church associates at Nestleton. Mr, Percy Malcolm, of Toronto, then spoke fondly of his big sister and brother and presented them with a lovely black leather purse containing 26 silver dollars--the gift of the im- mediate family--supplemented with a corsage of red roses from his own garden. Additional individual gifts were also presented, with a bouquet of 26 lovely, dark red asters. The groom and bride responded to all the sincere good wishes with words of appreciation and gratitude for the kindly thoughts which prompted such an expression of love and friendship. Then a jolly old sing-song followed, led by Leonard in his enviable tenor voice. A pleasant social time was followed by lunch and the bride cut- ting her pink and white wedding cake, Those assisting the hostess were 8 sisters-in-law, Mrs. Rae Malcolm, of Yelverton; Mrs. Norman Malcolm of Blackstock; Mrs. Percy Malcolm, of Toronto; and Miss Ruth Prout, of Nestleton, All those present declared this a unique occasion of extreme congenial- ity and a long-remembered delightful Complete Traclor Tire Service Repair Depot evening. a complete repair service to Our vulcanizer will handle the biggest tractor tire made and we have the calcium chloride liquid in- A Complete Service in One Depot EXPERT EFFICIENT Phone 467 PROMPT SERVICE G. F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOP 46 King St. W. Bowmanville C2088 080808080 La DERE OAORSAORSROASRSR ONENESS BEE keview Theatre, TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY--7 and 9 an S-- -- P ort Perr THURSDAY, FRIDAY, JEANNE CRAIN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19-20-21 LON McALLISTER and JUNE HAVER In the Glorious Technicolor Horse Racing Triumph, "HOME IN INDIANA" also COMEDY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23-24-25 CHARLES BOYER and JENNIFER JONES In the Hilarious New Comedy Drama MCLUNY BROWN" RR RR ORR ROR ORONO ARDLEY FROCKS ARE PROUD TO PRESENT THEIR BEAUTIFUL ARRANGEMENT OF LOVELY Fur-trimmed Fall and Winter Coats Also: DRESSES, GOWNS and SUITS Your Inspection is Cordially Invited When in Toronto. 493 Danforth Ave., near Logan, Ph.GE. 1575 OPEN SEASONS /c GAME BIRDS FALL 1946 The following open seasons for the hunting of game birds in the Province mses; of Ontario have been declared. Ducks and North of Southern Bruce County, Geese (other Lake Simcoe, City of Peterborough, Sept. 16th than Brant) No. 7 Highway and Southern Nov. 29th Prescott County. South of the above. Sept. 25th Dec. 9th Geese (other Counties of Essex, Kent and Flgin. Nov. 1st than Brant) Jan. 10th Ruffed and Except in some South and South- Oct. 5th other Grouse Western Counties. Qct. 14th Woodcock . Throughout the Province. Oct. 1st Oct. 31st Pheasant Regulations to be announced later. BAG LIMITS Ruffed and Ducks Geese Other Grouse Woodcock Dally - « = - 12 5 5 8 Season « - - 150 25 20 100 REMEMBER--Automatic shot guns must be plugged to three shells . . rifles may not be used for shooting birds . . . only one wood-duck per day . . . no open season for Prairie Hen or Hungarian Partridge. BE CAREFUL WHEN CAMPING . . . HELP PREVENT FOREST FIRES For further details as to bag limits, open seasons and hunting regulations, write to: ARNIS FSH ISAS SAAAISS SSS LAWRENC DRUG STORE NEWS PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1946 SNS NN SSS E'S You can Save with Safety at the REXALL STORE Now is the time to begin your season's program of buildin reserve energy and resistence to winter ills, : You will find our Vitamin Department well stocked with preparations of reputable quality and reputable theraputic value, _ You will also find our staff glad to answer your enquiries. The following partial list of vitamin preparations we carry will convince you that our prices are right. AYERST, McKENNA & HARRISON Alphamettes $1.00, $1.85, $3.50, $15.00 Alphamin Capsules ...... 3.756 Calcium A Capsules ..... 2.00 Cod Liver Oil, plain.....45, 1.25 Cod Liver Oil, 10D.........69, 1.69 BRITISH DRUG HOUSES Multivite Pellets Radiostoleum Capsules........ . Radiostoleum Liquid .....90, 3.50 BURROUGHS WELLCOME CO. Kepler's Cod Liver Oil and Malt ........... 75, 1.25 Avimal Liquid .............. 1.50, 2.50 CHAS. E. FROSST & CO. Neo Chemical Food Liquid ..........1.15, 2.45, 4.45 Capsules 1.25, 2.25, 5.00 Ostogen A .. .00, 2.00 Ostoco Drops ......... 3.00 Dekem D Capsules 1.50 Osteforte Capsules ............. 5.00 Osteforte Comp. Capsules 6.35 Tutamate Capsules ....2.25, 3.75 F. W. HORNER mantel] ....oviinn Fiiagiene 90 Maltlevol conan 2.00 ELI LILLY CO. Hepicebrin Capsules ............ 3.00 Homicebrin Liquid ........... . 90 MEAD JOHNSON CO. Cod Liver Oil, plain .... .45, 1 Cod Liver Oil, 10D .... .50, 1 Oleum Percomorph ... .75, 3. Yiolterol 3 NATIONAL DRUG CO. Malt Extract with Cod Liver Oil ............ .49, .89, 1.59 A & D Tablets .... .60, 1.35. 2.50 B Compound Tablets., 1.00, 2.50 cresieiene CECTITTTTTTITINNCN | 3 FY . Multiple Vitamin Caps 1.25, 2.50 PAGE-GRIFFITH LTD. Betamin Tablets 1.00, 1.75, 8.00 ABD & D Capsules....1.10, 2.00 Uniplex Tablets... 1.35, 2.50, 4.75 PARKE DAVIS & CO. Abdol Capsules ............2.00, 8.45 Abdel with Vitamin C..1,50, 2.70 Haliver Oil Capsules .... .90, 1.55 Haliver Oil Liquid .... .50,. 1.75 Natola Capsules .75, 1.25, 2.25 Natola Liquid .............. .65, 2.50 Irradol A... 1.50, 3.45 PURETEST ABD & G Capsules .......... .75 Cod Liver Oil, plain .... .75, 1.25 Cod Liver Oil 10 A & D........ 1.00 Halibut Liver Capsules ........ ,90 Multiple Vitamin Capsules 1.10, 1.85 Plenamin Capsules ....1.75, 5.00 ROBERTS LAB. Allergitabs ........ccoueuu.. 1.00, 2.50 Vitavax Capsules ........2.50, 7.00 SCOTT'S 5 Cod Liver Emulsion ..., .59, SQUIBB'S Basic Vitamin Formula .... Adex Tablets .........oesrverenne 1.00 Viophate D Wafers, ¥% ... 1.50 Cod Liver Oil ................ .,55..1.10 UPJOHN'S Super D Cod Liver Qil .90 1.40 Super D Perles ............1.25 .3.50 SE ETT OO ORORORORORORORORORO S000 00000 080808080808080N 20 2928208090800000 OBOBOSOBOPONOSOSOBOBOBOBOPOSO OS oS 080808080808 Super A Capsules......... wee 3.00 Unicaps 450 ¢ WAMPOLE'S i Tasteless Cod Liver Extras, m : HOFFMAN LA ROCHE Vi Penta Perles 1.25, 3.75 Vi Rochettes .......... RAI: Hon. W. G. Thompson Minister Port Perry Coal & Ice (Formerly Lake Scugog Lumber and Coal Co., Ltd.) EVERYTHING IN FUEL COKE ICE DELIVERED AS ORDERED We shall give the Best Service the market affords. COAL ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND FORESTS Hugh D. Santer, Proprietor. 35 Phone 280 F. A. MacDougall Deputy-Minister ee Ue EE See ie Sais > - WOOD OFFICE MOVED The Office of the LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. has been moved uptown, and is now located Next to Mr. Greer's Law Office. General Builders' Supplies, Planing Mill, Wood and Asphalt Shingles, Hardwood Flooring, Sash and Doors. ESTIMATES GIVEN LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO., Phone 24.0 w. LIMITED. GSTORE coming Fall and Winter, regularly. To keep free-from the discomfort of cou begin taking a Vitamin Tonic now. Resist- ance built up during the summer can be retained by taking vitamins ghs and colds during the FROSSTS NEO CHEMICAL FOOD FROSSTS NEO CHEMICAL FOOD CAPSULES ...$1.25, $2.25, $5.00 ALPHAMETTE CAPSULES, defatted Cod Liver Oil $1.00, $1.85, $3.50 PARKE DAVIS ABDOL CAPSBULES.......cccooovviovviiiiins $2.00 and $3.45 VITA DIET MULTIPLE VITAMINS, ....... Vieni rie 30's $1.15, 90's $2.70 WYETH'S VITULES ...cccoovvvvnrinnnn TY A RIE SI 100's $5.00 WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER HALIVER OIL CAPSULES ... MEAD'S OLEUM PERCOMORPHUM MALTLEVOL~The original vitamin tonic ENTORAL~--Oral Cold Vaccine ARI TES. Sh 00's 95¢. 100's $1.55 MN $1.15, $2.45 and $4.45 ote te este e este, EEC 90808000808 POR ORR RR ROR VR RORORORORORORORORCRC ETRE RE RS SE EE 2020080900080 08 A A ARSC ARC RoROR00sON % | Sunda | Worship at 11 a.m. PHONE 49 O 0000900000 SAAB AD A M. LAWRENCE 1780 Rang sere OPO oO oO SEER RRR ROR R0909000909090904 PORT PERRY SAAB The Churches PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, September 22nd-- 10 a.m.--8unday School. 11 a,m.--Divine Worship. 7 p.m.--Divine Worship. Wednesday--Prayer meeting at 8 p.m. All are welcome, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Clifford Smith, Minister Sunday, September 22nd-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 am.--The Sunday School as a vital agency. 7 p.m.--He took his half of the road out of the middle; but many drivers observe the courtesies of the Christian road. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ; ANGLICAN Rector: Rev. E. G. Bruton, B.A, Sept. 22--Harvest Thanksgiving Service. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Sermon, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, September 22nd--- 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m,--Divine Worship Preacher: Rev. C. J. Beckley. FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH (Queen St.) Rev, Stanley Milley, Minister School at 10 a.m. Evangelistic at 7 p.m, THE WHITE KITCHEN RESTAURANT SPECIAL NOTICE This Restaurant will close every Wendesday, ALL Day Open All Day Sunday Good Meals at all times Arthur Asher, Proprietor LLOYD'S CORN AND CALLOUS Salve gives immediate relief from corns and callouses. 60c. at A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store, WANTED Old and crippled horses and cattle for slaughtering purposes. Also pick up dead horses and cattle promptly. Phone Port Perry 76J, or H. E. ELSON, UXBRIDGE, 95 r 21. Phone collect. We pay the highest prices nov2s Friday and Saturday, SEPTEMBER 20-21 "Whistle Stop" starring GEORGE RAFT and AVA GARDINER. -- also -- "San Antonio ° 199 Kid starring BILL ELLIOTT BOBBY BLAKE and Monday - Tuesday, SEPT 28-24 Her Highness & the Bell-Boy starring HEDDIE LAMARR and ROBERT WALKER -- algo -- Double Exposure with CHESTER MORRIS and NANCY KELLY Wednesday and Thursday SEPTEMBER 25-26 Impatient Years with JEAN ARTHUR and CHARLES COBURN -- also -- "Murder My Sweet" starring DICK POWELL and CLAIRE TREVOR