BB) | wi oy 5 A For ich er eo Serie BA oe oo Nl all, i. Te Eo En ni MC = i ad Ne mg SN, e¥ (1 4h Fr Sot A Ny 2) Dnt Jala el Pe a) Sr > CFS Ts ay - ve ~~ We a CniR foe ~ 3 Ne - = ow . Ta oe Eat = A fi Sei MI Te LT -- ERS Tt Be Ser A Ren a iho sy EL Sr Re, AA CN So a ~~ _-- 2 SR SERENE en? AR Tah, ~~ RA LOCAL NEWS MRS. KATE AIKEN COMING The ladies of the town are cordially invited to the United Church next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock to hear Mrs. Kate Aiken, of radio fame, give one of her interesting lectures. Mrs. Aiken has travelled extensively in Can- ada this summer gathering material for this address. Mrs, Aiken is of national fame. Mr. Homer Ferguson, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with his family in Port Perry. Mrs. J. Forman and Miss Margaret Forman, of Toronto, spent a few days last week end with friends in Port Perry. Mr. Melbourne F. White, formerly of Port Perry, Mrs. White and son Joseph, have returned from their sum- mer home at Bala, Muskoka. to their home in Kennedy Park, Toronto, where for the past twenty years Mr, White has been a member of the High School staff. MARRIAGE LICENCES Mr. John F. Raines, duly appointed Clerk, of the Village of Port Perry, has received a permit to issue mar- riage licences. - Mrs. C. A. Glass, Mrs. W. Nott and Mrs. H. Mulligan, spent a few days at Brockville with Mr. and Mrs. A. Glenny, and before leaving spent a short time at Morristown and Ogdens- burg. Miss Connie St. John entertained a few guests on Monday evening in honour of Miss Pauline Prentice, who is leaving Wednesday to continue her studies at Albert College, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mark are enjoy- ing a motor trip to Welland and other parts for a few days. A re-union of the five Jeffrey brothers was held recently at the home of Messrs. Frank and Howard Jeffrey at Prince Albert. Mr. Arthur of Millbrook, Mr. Clarence Jeffrey of Sask., and Mr. Grant Jeffrey, of Port Perry being present. An older brother Fred, of Weston, was unable to at- tend. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mus. Albert Short, of Sea- grave, wish to announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter, Marjorie Betty Mae, to Robert Bryce MacGillivray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell MacGillivray, of Bolsover, Ontario. The wedding will take place in the Seagrave United Church, on Saturday, September 21st, at 3.30 p.m. F. J. LYTLE, O.B.E. Whose appointment as Director of the Trade and Industry Branch of the De- partment of Planning and Develop- ment announced by Hon. Dana Porter. A native of Brantford, Mr. Lytle was formerly the Trade and Industrial Commissioner at Ontario House, in London. A practical farmer from Cambridge-|¥ shire, England, is currently addressing | Canadian farmers through the BBC's | §. He is Denis Bul-|% lard, prominent member of his county | War Agricultural Committee, whose | ¥ Overseas Service, talks on English farming topics are a frequent feature of the noon farm broadcast presented regionally by the 4 CBC. The program is heard in On-/|¥ tario Monday to Friday, at 1.45 EDT, § 100% ta tata tal tte 2:2 SERINE EE IRA FL BSR SR SR LES 0] . i Lakeview Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. ) Beh ats aA Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable pei OSHAWA Phone 1011 Parking ~ A PANDY Conoirion®D To I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST Thursday, Friday and Saturday, SEPTEMBER 12-13-14 Zeigteld Follies of 1946 starring FRED ASTAIRE, LUCILLE BALL LUCILLE BREMER, FANNY BRICE, JUDY GARLAND, and All Star Cast in PRENTICE'S BEAUTY SALON with or without appointment. PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up SHAMPOO AND STYLED SETTING, GLORIOUS TECHNICOLOR. ONLY 50e. Phone 223, Port Perry Monday and, Ticeday, ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. SEPTEMBER 16-17 NOTICE "A WALK IN THE SUN" The Port Perry Post War Service Society has resumed work, after the August lull. Word has been received from Headquarters of the vital im- portance and continued need of the ARDLEY FROCKS ARE PROUD TO PRESENT THEIR BEAUTIFUL ARRANGEMENT OF LOVELY Fur-trimmed Fall and Winter Coats Also: DRESSES, GOWNS and SUITS Your Inspection is Cordially Invited When in Toronto. 498 Danferth Ave., near Logan, Ph.GE. 1575 A ike She aie aie Sif allie TT Te TW Te WW WT Te starring DANA ANDREWS and' kind of help this Society provides. RICHARD CONTE me of Jen his wociely D The following paragraph is quoted from a letter recently received at Headquarters from the Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Asso- ciation: "Your gifts are more than ever wel- come now that we get nothing from America, and the Canadian Red Cross are gradually closing down over here. First, baby garments are the things we so badly need, as the layette de- mand is acute. We are snowed under with requests and cannot cope with them. Thanks to your great help we are carrying on the S.S.A.F.A. work at the same rate as we did during the war; the need seems to be just as great." We are also reminded that a portion of all finished articles of clothing are directed to the 'Save the Children Fund" of which Mrs. Cherry wrote so stirringly. This is an urgent request for help to ease families of war torn countries through the winter. spare time, please come to the work rooms at the Post Office on Fridays at 2 pom. Our heart felt wish is to carry on until the order comes to us, "Cease Firing". --_-- ee ------ ------- CARD OF THANKS County Motor Sales, Whitby, Ont, wish to thank all who in any way pro- FOUR DAYS, Wed. to Saturday, SEPTEMBER 18-19-20-21 "SARATOGA TRUNK" with CARY GRANT and INGRID BERGMAN Extra Bus Service to Oshawa. The DeNure Bus Line has just is- sued a new Time Table of trips to and from Oshawa. Two additional runs have been added--Tuesday and Thurs- day evenings, leaving Port Perry at 7 o'clock, returning, leaving Ohawa at 10.15; as well as the extra Saturday, Sunday and Holiday trips. Friday, especially Grant Christie and Sons 'who assisted in many ways in making the demonstration a success. For further information and private demonstration, phone County Motor Sales, Whitby 838. Reverse the charges. DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS DONE. Mrs. C. Rider, Cochrane St., Phone 222W, Port Perry Complete Tractor Tire service Repair Depot We are equipped to give a complete repair service to your tractor tires. Our vuleanizer will handle the biggest tractor tire made and we have the calcium chloride liquid in- flator to finish the job. 'A Complete Service in One Depot EXPERT EFFICIENT PROMPT SERVICE G. F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOP 46 King St. W. Phone 467 Bowmanville TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY---7 and 9 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th, 13th, 14th ZANE GREY'S BIG OUTDOOR STORY "WEST OF THE PECOS" Second Big Feature--LEON ERROL and ELIZABETH RISDON, in The Uproarious Laugh Hit, "MAMA LOVES PAPA" MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th, 17th, 18th § BETTY GRABLE, JOHN PAYNE, and JUNE HAVER, in hi The Sensational All Technicolor Musical Comedy, "THE DOLLY SISTERS" S208 RCAOS0S OEOBOROSOSORO CROCS CROB SP BOP PS SOBOBOPOPS also SHORT PICTURES eh fel Sot Ral Reb RA HE AE 6 EE Ee 8 eh Sob RoR BS 8 ER HER ART 0 " & OPEB ROBOBOB SRE 8S If you have any moted the Jeep Demonstration last Town;Hall WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18, 8.30 P.M. Adults 40c., Children 25¢. tax included - Port Perry [Sle _iies sills lel _3 Port Perry Coal & Ice (Formerly Lake Scugog Lumber and Coal Co., Ltd.) EVERYTHING IN FUEL COAL COKE WOOD ICE DELIVERED AS ORDERED We shall give the Best Service the market affords. Hugh D. S8anter, Proprietor. Phone 280 eo | BS OFFICE MOVED The Office of the LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. has been moved uptown, and is now located Next to Mr. Greer's Law Office. General Builders' Supplies, Planing Mill, Wood and Asphalt Shingles, Hardwood Flooring, Sash and Doors. ESTIMATES GIVEN LAKE SCUGOC LUMBER CO., Phone 240 w. LIMITED. Joe Phoenix, Mr. T. Sharp, were in Newmarket on Tuesday afternoon at- tending the funeral of a cousin, Mr. Jos. Phoenix. School started last week with one new teacher, Mrs. Aiken, of Simcoe. Mrs. Ethel Bagshaw, of Vrooman- ton, visited relatives here on Sunday. Mrs, Mills, of Toronto, is spending some. time with her daughter Mrs. Lloyd Lee. Franklin Phoenix left on Monady for Edmonton, The Woman's Misiosnary Society held its meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Pilkey, at Brooklin, on Tuesday afternoon, BETHESDA Best wishes for a speedy recovery from her operation, of Miss Joyce Mc- Gregor. She is in Toronto General Hospital. Miss Mabel Card, of Toronto, is FRANCES CRAMER who was singing and dancing at the age of five--in the late 'twenties, is now with "The Jack Allison Show" on PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th, 1946 [at Re SE EE EEE EERE ERE RE St A RE 0 Rt A St Lawrence's Drug 00 6s =¥s 4% 4% 478% 4% t¥n +%n 4% 45 tPe 4% 4% 4%s +% 4% tu 3% +%o 4%s +" 4% 474 4 BO RRR rR PCO BNOD ABSA (You Can Save With Safety at Your REXALL STORE) PORT PERRY HIGH TEXT BOOKS, PENCILS, INKS, PORT PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. 3rd SCHOOL OPENS SEPT 9th We are prepared to serve you with a complete range of-- EXERCISE BOOKS, MATHEMATICAL SETS, ETC. Agency for SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN PENS ART SUPPLIES, PENS PHONE 49 EERIE A M. LAWRENCE ee Bill 9 oy PIR 0 0 0" on 0% PORT PRRRY OO OOO OO OOO OB OS ORO SOROS] RR RR RR RS RR RR ORORORORORD THE WHITE KITCHEN RESTAURANT SPECIAL NOTICE This Restaurant will close every Wendesday, ALL Day Open All Day Sunday Good Meals at all times Arthur Asher, Proprietor Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abbott, of New Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashenhurst, of Hamilton, spent the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashen- hurst. Mrs, Wm. McGregor in Toronto on Tuesday to see Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leask, of Leask- dale, spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dobson. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheaton, of Toronto, with her "parents, Mr. and Murs, S. Ward. : Miss M. Shier, of Leaskdale, visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Parish. Myrtle Station Church service on Sunday morning was not as well attended as was ex- pected. There are many vacant seats waiting for occupants to hear the worthwhile messages that Mr. S. G. Saywell brings every Sunday morning. His sermon on Sunday was based on St. John 8:12--"I am the light of the world", On Sunday September 29th, the an- nual Thank Offering services will be held. More information later. Weiners and rolls and corn on the cob will be served in the Church base- ment on Wednesday evening, Sept. 18, under the auspices of the Woman's Agsociation, after a sing-song and games. Keep this date in mind and every body come out and enjoy a plea- sant evening. Of interest to the young people of this district as well as Prospect will be Rev. Dr. Fletcher's address in Prospect Church on Sunday at 8 p.m. Dr. Fletcher, who comes from Oshawa will speak particularly to the young people on the occasion of the annual Sunday School anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Britton and son Robert, of Toronto, spent a few days very recently with Ray's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Britton. Mrs. George Luery, of Sterling, was the guest last week of her brother-in- law and his wife, David and Mrs, Luery. The sympathy of this community is extended to Mr. Russell Taylor and Mrs. Bert Duff in their bereayement at the death on Friday of their mother, Mrs. William Taylor, of Ashburn. Mrs. Taylor was a resident of this villaga a few years ago and will be remembered as one who was neighborly, friendly and ever ready with her assistance when it was needed. She was in her The Churches PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, September 15th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m,--Divine Worship. 7 p.m.--Divine Worship. Wednesday--Prayer meeting at 8 p.m. All are welcome. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, September 156th-- Rev. Clifford Smith, Minister 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--The Teacher Legacy. 7 p.m--The choir will lead con- gregational singing of well-known fs. The hymn story will be told. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rector: Rev. E. G. Bruton, B.A. Sept. 15--13th Sunday after Trinity. 9.00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Sermon, Sept. 22--Harvest Thanksgiving Service. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, September 15th-- . 10 a.m.--Sabbath School and Bible Class. 11 a.m.--Divine Worship. FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH (Queen 8t.) Rev, Stanley Milley, Minister Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship at 11 a.m. Evangelistic at 7 p.m. ~ HEAR MRS. KATE AIKEN Under the auspices of the W. A. in the United Church. Mrs. Aiken, of Toronto, will speak to the ladies of the town on Tuesday afternoon, in the auditorium of the Church. Light re- freshments will be served. Silver col- lection at the door. Biooegr BHOW VALUR (N OsmAWA Smoking In The loge 118108) 0 THEATRE, OSHAWA Continuous Show Daily Thursday, Friday and Saturday, SEPTEMBER 12-13-14 "Doll Face" with PERRY COMO and VIVIAN BLAINE --also-- "Bells of Rosarica" with ROY ROGERS | Monday and Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 16-17 GREENBANK Mr. Britton Love, of Lumsden, Sask. visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Phoenix. Messrs. Wm. Phoenix, Charles and Mrs. T. Ashenhurst, W. L. Evans, . OROPOROBIPUPOROPOROPOROPOPOPOPOPO oO OPORQ o OROROPONOIOPORD OPPO POROPOPTBOPO 099 BR A A A A A as as BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE BABY FOODS-- Johnson's Baby Oil 60c. & $1.10 Pablum ........ ARAL ..A45¢. Mennen's Baby Oil 60c, & $1.19 8. M. A. ene, cies cone 98¢. | | Cuticura Baby Oil ..........60c. Lactogen 79¢c. and $1.79 Johnson's Baby Cream .......55c. Dextri Maltose ....65¢c. and $3.00 Johnson's Baby Talc 28¢. & 55¢. Allenbury's Barley Flour ....39c¢. Mennen's Tale ............. wenn 28€, ROCK-A-BYE BABY SETS, $1.25 to $2.25 Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. Phone 16 " - PORT PERRY "eA" 40 A" A%% 4"% A%% 17% 47% 1" 10 4% 1% 1*% 4% \"% V%% 4% A"% V"u 3% As As +s 1% *4 1% +%% +%% v's 4" N78 AVN vO1 oP Vr SP A Ae OROAAORAANAAOBORORNSRORO RDO HO Ba Ba A A As A a Rs Ra Ass spending a few days with her sister, Mr. J. St. John, of Vancouver, is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs, H again after a $2 | week spent at Ellen-Cliff Lodge, near 4 the week-end at Niagara an 8 | view with friends. ninety-second year. A number from here attended the funeral service which was held in Ashburn church on Monday afternoon. Interment was in Utica cemetery. Mr. and Mra, T. Carey were in To- ronto on Wednesday of last week when they attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Miss Audrey Hinton 5 and Mr, Jack Neville, Mr, and Mrs, R. A. Cox are home leasant and restful Minden, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bradley spent Lake- Mr. and Mrs. William Poulter, Mr, [and Mrs, F. W. Johnson, Mr, and Mrs., 3 | Lawrence Lyons and Bill, all of Osha- g8| wa, and Mr, and Mrs. William Lyons, $2 |of Maple Grove, were visitors during 4 te oki with Mrs, Harold Stred- $2 | wick, Miss D., Leach of Hamilton, is spend- : ing a couple of weeks with her friend, 3 | Miss' Mildred Harrison, Littla Miss Kathryn Hamilton 1 | celebrated her eighth birthday on Sat- #3 |urday and in honour of the occasion, § | entertained twelve little friends. Mr. Albert Eyers made a business & [trip to Caledonia and Preston on Mon- day, returning on Tuesday evening, "Case of the Kingdom" with THOMAS MITCHELL and VINCENT PRICE. 2 hi Good-Looking" with HARRIETT HILLIARD, OZZIE NELSON Wednesday and Thursday SEPTEMBER 18-19 "The Great John L." with LINDA DARNELL and - GREGORY McLURE --also-- The Crystal Ball with RAY MILLAND and mw | PAULETTE GODDARD a