Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Aug 1946, p. 8

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NT RET %. a Taw See 2 Shon 1 LS Yin EER TENS, : od ed AFELH § oh | 3 . w 3 ; fot : } A Fa A ef § A te RRNA So } hE A Ege A 135 of OEE ad ARVIN, 3 2 + > hs 5 Te ot a 5 : ARANETA or Se ast devi Ei Ssh i bok sla a re A ER AAS WS a tama eb at Sh Sed SHE = pe d #1 de x = ag ee ar Ran PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1946 tv SA a -------- er dh R 4 om -- ---- 'x . -- - . er yt RRS RR ORR 3 ASR a ot oF (EEE BREAD. NO MEAL IS COMPLETE without plenty of .. delicious, wholesome Every slice is a slice of Energy! CROTON Machine. WITH OBOBOPOBOBOPOPOROBOBO ROBO ROS OBOBOBOBOB SAA . O Per A. W. GILMOUR, 8 b PHONE 215 -- PORT PERRY : 8 LESS SSANHSARANRAR ARIK EA RR ERRRRARRIIR KIER, I805818 5% 00011 Gerrow Bros. Bakery LoS SAA AAASSARARAR RAR RRARRRRE BREE RESTART 5070 ooo rs * A SSASSEA RA ARR AR AR AR RAR ARKAARRILRARAI RLF AISA I 01 Pa S, Have your Furnace cleaned by Vacuum FURNACE CEMENTED -- $15.00 ESTIMATES FREE All kinds of house Favetroughing in stock. Place Your Orders Now! United Plumbing & Heating, Phone 32 THE i Johnston @|and Barbara, of Omemee, spent the ¢ [home of Mr, and $ | Sunday, July 14th, when about eighty 2lold friends $| with new, Next winter look after the furnace when it suits you. No need to get up to chilly rooms and hurry down to the cellar. Set the thermostat the night before and the house is at the temperature you want in the morning. Just fill the hopper once a day. Once or twice a week lift out a solid clinker. That's all the attention a Fairbanks-Morse Automatic Coal Stoker needs. Easy to install, too! No extras to buy. Stop playing nursemaid to your furnace. See the riéhey B-M Stoker NOW! ad 980 St. Antoine St., Port Perry, Ont. The economy of coal heating- with the drudgery taken out FAIRBANKS -MORSE Automatic COAL STOKER MADE IN CANADA Montreal, ROBERTSON ELECTRIC (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) CUTS FUEL BILLS, The F-M. Stoker burns lower-prico stroker coal and Syery wak of heat is NO MORE LOOSE ASHES ¢o fly around and dirty the house. Solid clinkers are easy to lift out and causa' np dust. (< ~~ THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED HA. 7121 Phone 179w Mr. Jack Manns has built a new garage adjoining the basement wall. Wedding bells are ringing again. Quite a number enjoyed the week- lend picking huckleberries and were quite pleased with the results, Mrs. David Hope visited her cousin Mrs. N. Eyers and aunt Mrs, J. Lati- mer in Port Perry on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Johnston, of Little Britain, and son Mr. Charles and Mrs, Johnston, Orma 12th of July with their nieces Mrs. J. Dowson, Mrs. David Hope, Mrs. Alex. Martyn. During a recent storm the wind 3 | twisted Mr. Alan Carter's new house on its foundation and badly twisted a $| ticld of fall wheat. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Carter visited in Whitevale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Reader visited their cousins Mr. and Mrs. S. Brooks | near Bowmanville on Sunday after- noon, The Hood Re-union was held at the Mrs. R. Carter on relatives gathered to enjoy meeting and getting acquainted Myrtle Station (Last week's budget) Basing his sermon on Rev, 22:3, Mr. Geo. West brought another good and practical message to the Myrtle con- gregation on Sunday morning. Mak- ing three divisions of it, Home, Edu- cation and Money, Mr. West told us that these may be great blessings to us and stepping stones to the higher 3 [things or by misuse they can be made stumbling blocks and a curse. Sunday School and Church services are cancelled until Sept. 1st. Mr. Don McIntyre and Miss Doreen Williams of Toronto, spent a pleasant week at the home of Doreen's grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Britton. Mrs. G. Williams was down on Sunday with her parents but returned to To- ronto with Don on the evening train. Doreen is remaining until the end of this week. Iivelyn Ross of Utica, is holidaying at the home of her grandfather, Mr, James Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. David Duchemin and Mr. Frank Downey spent Saturday afternoon and evening with friends at their cottage at Young's Point, near Lakefiield. JEMISON'S BAKERY I8 DEPENDABLE FOR GOOD BAKING Phone 93 w ART, JEMISON, Proprietor SCUGOG (Last week's budget) A little son was born to Mr, and Mrs. Russell Fines on Tuesday, July 16th, on his aunt Norma's birthday. Congratualtions. Mr. and Mrs, Charlton and friend, of Toronto, spent a pleasant weak-end with their daughter, Mrs, C. Leach and Mr. Leach at the parsonage. The green peas threshing was com- pleted last week. The crop was a lit- tle lighter than last year, on account of a shorter season, There are a couple of new Mercury cars on the Island owned by Ira Aldred and J, L, Sweetman, I Collectors for the Bible Society will be calling on you soon for your annual 'contribution to this very worthy cause. I" Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Denison are home again after a pleasant holiday with relatives near Napanee, They also visited the Thousand Islands and Ivy Lee where the International bridge "is located. Mrs. Adam Gray of Hamilton, spent "the week-end with her daughter, Mrs, 'Harry Murray and Mr. Murray. * Mr. H. H. Goode has had his coal shed at the elevator" raised fifteen "inches at the front and extended to the (north fifteen feet, the full length of the shed. This will allow for larger bins and accommodation for the electric loader. I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Asling and children of Brooklin, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ross. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Lyons and Billie and Mrs, Harry Boyce, of Osha- wa, were tea guests of Mrs. Harold Stredwick on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lunney and daughter were at Center Island, To- ronto, on Friday, where a birthday party in honour of Mrs. Lunney, Sr., was held. Mrs. M. Wilson of Toronto, has been visiting for the past week with her son and his wife, Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Wilson, 3 Mr. and Mrs. W. Malley, of Bowman- ville, spent the week-end with Elwood and Mrs, Masters, Miss Audrey Grant has accepted a position at Jackson's Point for the sumnier, Little Miss Kathryn Hamilton is holidaying with Oshawa friends and relatives, Mrs. Roy Scott, of Seagrave, visited on Sunday with her mother Mrs. Long. Mrs. 'W. J. Cook was pleasantly sur- prised on Sunday when her family of sons and daughters gathered to honor her on her 83rd birthday. Pooling their gift money, they bought and pre- sented to their mother, sets of very lovely curtains for her living room and den. Miss Ethel Bright of Raglan was a visitor with her cousin Mrs. Arthur Maw, on Wednesday and on T raday, Mr, and Mrs. Dyson Cowan of\ Roge- bank were guests of the Maw fa + Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oliver and Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Wilson of Whitby, ware guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn on Sunday afternoon, Friday was the 19th wedding anni- vetrsary for the Harold Hamiltons, but it passed quietly, Sunday was a birth- . service at the Summer Bible School. Massey-Harris Home Freezer ih, i Won, Eliminate your problem of keeping Food Fresh, by placing an order now MASSEY-HARRIS Repair Parts + L. S. Morrow, Local Dealer Sales and Service Repord; saving ortion of os a habit that will stand you in good stead when you have the opportunity to make a sound invest- ment, or need funds in an emer- gency. Open an now, an Or of even a small our income soon account with us make a practice of depositing amounts regularly. 701 THE CANADIAN BANK COMMERCE R. HELM, Manager, Local Branch let embroidered silk Swiss muslin, matching shoulder veil caught with pink roses and she carried yellow roses. The groomsman was Byron Brown brother of the groom and Robt. Parker was usher. About thirty-five guests attended the reception which followed at the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. Cryderman wore a be- coming green crepe dress, corsage of red roses and black accessories. Mrs. Brown, mother of the groom, looked smart in white silk jersey, corsage of Perry Fair'Day. make Entries early. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd is Port Exhibitors please 'and white accessories, red roses and white accessories. For going away the bride donned. .a white silk jersey, white chesterfield top coat After a honey- moon spent in Muskoka and Halibur- ton, the happy young couple will live in Toronto. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Charles Llewellyn Mounce, Deecased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named Charles Llewellyn Mounce, who died at the City of Toronto, in the County of York, on the 8th day of July, A.D. 1946, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned solicitor on or before the 10th day of August, 1946, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after August 10th, 1946, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the under~ signed solicitor shall then have notics, Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 16th day of July, A.D. 1946. ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C., Blong Block, Port Perry, Solicitor for the day anniversary for Miss Geraldine |) Moore, of Toronto, a niece, For a surprise for both parties, Mrs. Hamil- ton's, brother, Mr. Clinton Moors drove into Toronto on Sunday morning gathered up some friends of Geraldine, Misses Myrtle Ladrew, Pauline Bagley and Gwen Williams, and brought them to the Hamilton home where a very happy afternoon and evening were spent in honour of the two occasions. Mr. and Mrs, Garfield Culleton, of Lansing Mich.,, were guests of John and Mrs. Grant on Monday and Tues- day. Mrs, Harold Stredwick accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Poulter, of Oshawa, when they motored to Fair Haven on Sunday evening where they attended After a brief illness in Oshawa Gan- > x -- AT -- PORT PERRY Sponsored by the Business Men--on Monday, Civic Holiday, AUGUST 5TH, 1946 PG te RW Saas SNEEY above Estate. - - FIFTEENTH ANNUAL 'SPORTS DAY | CIAL. ~ -- wl eral Hospital, Mr. Thomas Smith pass- ed away early on Saturday morning in DONATIONS TO THE PORT PERRY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. his eighty-first year. Mr. Smith was well known to many residents of this community, having come here from the Stouffville district some thirty years ago. For a number of years he owned and ran a livery business here, but sold out and he and his wife, the former Emma Byam, moved to Osha- wa. Mrs. Smith was a great sufferer of arthritis and predeceased her hus- band fourteen years ago. Since then Mr. Smith had made his home alter- nately with his daughters. The funer- al was held from the home of his daughter, Mrs, James Cooper, on Mon- day afternoon, with Rev. G. Telford, of Oshawa, conducting the service. The flowers were many and beautiful and were tributes to the esteem in which the deceased was held. The pallbearers were all nephews of Mr, Smith. Relatives were present from Lindsay, Barrie, Uxbridge, Brantford, Oshawa and local points. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. James Cooper (Lillas), Mrs, Ivan Rodd (Eldeen), of Manilla, One daughter Mrs, Percy Maynard (Elva) died about two years ago. One son, Ross, of Brooklin, Ont., tthirteen grand children and four great grand children 'also survive. Much sympathy is extended from the community to the bereaved family. Ferns, roses, phlox, baby's breath and hollyhocks formed the setting in Myrtle United Church on Tuesday afternoon for the wedding of Marjorie Yvonne Cryderman, second daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Malcolm Cryderman and Robert William Brown, son of Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Brown, St. Catharines, Rev. A. C, Luffman, of Greenwood of- ficiated and Mrs, D, Luery played the wedding musie, iven in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor-length gown of white silk jersey and overdrass of silk net, long veil caught with a headdress STREET FAIR M. A. Gerrow, President. of white roses and carried red roses. Her bridesmaid was an aunt Miss Reta | Riddell, who was gowned in pink eye- | 7% Sack Race, etc. Memorial Service, and Presentations at 7.00 p.m, Made to Port Perry Men and Women who served in His Majesty's Forces. HORSE RACES -- 2.29 Trot or Pace - - - - . . . . 2.24 Trot or Pace - - - - . . . . 2.18 Trot or Pace - - - . . . . . FREE FOR ALL - - - - . . . . SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT $25.00 IN CASH PRIZES SPORTS Boys' and Girls' Running Race; Three-Legged Race; Boys' Bicycle Race. - Roy Cornish, Chairman Ted Jackson, Chairman. Monster Street Dance WES. JACKSON'S 10 PIECE ORCHESTRA :: REFRESHMENTS . BOOTHS :: GAMES PURSES $800.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 CLT IR ET ASR AAT oC aos | 'A YEAR'S FUN PLANNED FOR ONE DAY Admission to Grounds 50c. Autos Admitted to Grounds Free Street Dance and Lucky Draw, 50c. ' rt V. P. Stouffer, Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING HER IW oOo Lape ANG dw

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