Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Jul 1946, p. 7

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Sl ad A A A EE A Ea en Rh SE rt a I PT a Saal ts 8 Br SUA £58 CE STE Ta AL fii NR NR RE af aie Rare UE RE TR LR ee ML ER RE NI a EE A So Gd Ri A ES Eh Lg Ted a A g ' : Ld AE EW FLA A ASP IRTAR SEER BN AE ANNI ERGO RCE RAAT A SR ROE RYS, LAS MA ELAM IRR AS HT VE TERR MO Wa LYN RATS SB TA 470s er <ex.ro ad : Ende shia adie SLs ------ : - . od - . ' E 5 -- -- FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger 7 : i, Al JUST IN FUN TI VOICE OF THE PRESS 2 | - Vengeance Long Wait Do, Don't Take A Tip But You Can Try You'll Find Em New York's Senator Royal S. The pompous stranger stalked One of the best tips these days The right of free speech doesn't The Census Burcau reports 3, Copeland, who is also a physician, into the office and demanded to is don't, in a canoe. carry with it a guarantee that 000,000 women have disappeared tickles the funny-bones of his din- sec the manager, -- Ottawa Citizen, someone won't punch you in the from the labor market since war's ner companions with this medical "I'm sorry, but he's not here," ) -- nose for ndiscreetly excercising end. 'The bureau admits it doesn't yarn: replied the clerk. "Is there any- We Could Retaliate that right know where 'they went. That's A man who had been bitten by thing 1 can do?" Russia has tossed a voting con Kitchener Record casy. lLcok in those nylon lines. a dog found that his wounds didn't "No," snapped the visitor. "I pn woversy into the lap of the Atom- - - Pittsburgh Press. heal ad consulted 3 doctor, The never deal with underlings. ri To" | | vic Energy Commission. Wouldn't Wise Swimmers aterm Am" Da armed Jy ihe Rppess wait until the w.anager veturns, lcommuTers - rp , 'Russia be surprised and hurt if One of the greatest of Anierican Too Easily » v ry Sonos, ad 1 we dog Very well, wake a scat, said I STATION | JTRS somebody lost patience and tossed swimmers, Johnny Warsmuller Once more we're finding out gag on evalu} red. fhe dog the Sine, and wenue on with his I, i wr or something into Russsia's lap! would never trust himselt to deep that the easiest thing to grow in K abies. As at was too late to wor -- - ( . Mh v -- fe} Brantford Expositor. water for any distance, expory as the garden is ured, give the man a serum, the doctor } About on hour'later the man got - - he was, without boat accompani- Guelph Mercury. Tei told him he would have to die of impatient. Preference in Food ment. Amateur swinnners court - hydrophobia. "How much longer do y hink EET Er o you thin Persons of a scienufic bent may death daily in Ontario, with brava bd I'he poor man sat down at a the manager will be?™ he de- find an especial Interest ina on do often, and mm defiance of all HUSBANDS ALWAYS ) desk and began writing. 'T'h: ohy- manded. EY lise : ¥ | Ip | I | : 2 rules of safety and caution Ihe APPROVE y if he fle sician sought to comfort him. "Oh, about a fortnight," was the Ciscovered Yoel puip aoc, Bug as Toll Gn fatalis : Your collee "p Br » ' ? red a conservative layman, our prefer- resultant toll an fatghies wells the 1a? Perhaps it will not be so bad," calm reply. "He started his holi- ence is still for o nk oh tragic story when it's Maxwell House. he sai EY 2 ev seca? nee : or a plank with a ' story. } N . : he Jud. , You needn't make your | days yesterday! he iy St Catherines Standard. They simply love it be- "I'm not making, my will" re- Not Yet ~-- Boston Herald. + - " cause "Radiant-Roasting" i ' Sie este Inte ? plied the man. "I'm writing out a "Will vou t f 1 - = oy : Good Lintentions brings ut all the ext list of people I'm going to bite." " a yout ™, some o MY Mose === Be Careful Police arrested a woman for : ¢ ¢ extra : cake?" asked the young wife © = Sy a. Saviug none for a yuine dav ia trying to jump into the Chicago goodness in this superb her husbannd. wv wae v ED y DAVIE ty lor a ramy day is i he y it NY : ) pe ] . Olt, all right, says a contemporary, as river when she couldn't find meat blend + S-- " That Should Hold Him No, thank you," ag fhe seoly, Ie) . long as you don't get soaked Tater for her husband. Cops shouldnt I of finer 'coffe es. : A Scot holding an Iuportant Sob are you frat - isn't good He's able to sleep 15 minutes longer since he got that on, : act so fast; she may have been Af 0 Landon van olukye hone tour oe ., t ned, hot good street hawker's equipment!" --St. Thomas Times-Journal. trying to get him a fish. ) -------------------------------- f ted by an English friend about his nou » -- --Ottawa Citizen. ) . * 3 nationality. By a curious chance the "Good enough for what?" n a] Answer to Previous Puzzle Is That The Reason? oT The St. Regis Hotel my two met on holiday. "Good enough to become an B b C \ i Women, it seems, are more fas- A Flag Suggestion i "Hallo," chaffed the EngKsh_ angel® omber ommander cinated by horrors than men, One of the ditheunlties foreseen if 0 Every gi a A oath 53 man, "how on earth is your office B |] which may account for their mar- we decide to have a Maple Leaf on Shower and Felephone bs managing without you?" Prepared HORIZONTAL 59 Czar rying sows of din, our flag is that of choosing one Daunte. $3.80 ap { "Fairly well," answered the Scot, Jahe was 5 wordless and im 1 Pictured head 60 Companion --Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph., from our seventeen varieties of Good hav, tM and Dane- , cautiously. "You see, I left two ' i maple. Why not solve the whole tng Nightly a Englishmen and four Welshoen in |» ooiaent fellow, One day he said of U.S. 20th VERTICAL MANN A Cynical Note. matter by putting a sap bucket on Shesnonene gy Car)tow Ne lace." to the local grocer: "I got to have Bomber Come 1 Cogni i ) ga sa Tel. NA 4140 Ad my place. a sack of flour; I'm all out, an' my mand, Brig.- AT ot al A marriage expert says that the flag, the sap to do honor to the gi at Nothing To Report family is starvin'" Gen, vee Goris 0h men like ww marry girls "whose taxpayer and the bucket to symbol- -- Hes W ell, Joan, what 7 He scandal "All right, Jake," said the er Arian ion ! knowledge is less than theirs." ize the Government? ) === Ww while ! Ye been away? , grocer. "If you neec a sack of 11 Fowl legend : 16 Father 39 Apex This undoubtedly explains why a -- Peterborough Examiner. 1 While you've been away there's | flour and have no money to buy it 12 Incline $ North Cayo. 18 Gaelic 41 His ---- lot of men are bachelors. fermen 1 been' no scandal, Freddie! with, we'll give you a sack. But, 13 Native metal Jina (ab.) 20 Peer bombed Japar: -- Kingston Whig-Standard. Too Good To Last All Beautifully Furnished NYE see here, Jake, there's a circus 15 Cut oft short 4 Auricle 22 Arrival (ab.) 42 Equal -- When this country was discov i ; 34 : : : ; op . 3 y was discov- With Running Water SK Weak coming to town in a few days, and 17 Bamboolike 5 Woody plants 23 Sacred song 47 Observes Dangerous Money ered, the Indians were running af- Rates: A) _ They had completed their sales if 1 give you a sack of flour, are grass ig atten~ 3% Sanen parts a Direction A Mid-West professor predicts fairs with no debt, no taxes, no ' fr at the cattle market, and were talk- you sure you won't sell it and rake 18 Periods of Toll 27 Sicilian 51 Sidi that the monctary system of the strikes and no coupons, and the S150 up P ing about farming. "Better ste your family to the circus? geological 3 : i yi future will be based on uranium. wonien were doing all the work. A {0 p . " , K { : "Oh " 1 Juke, "I i time 8 Onward volcano plosive (ab.) | i J . : . NIAGARA FALLS : across home with me and have a y » no," said Juke. got " i 19 Dibbl 9 Pedal 28 Smells 53 Female saint! But think of the disaster to the The white man sure put his foot mn yr TT in glass of cider, as it's so hot," said circus money saved up already. 21 Pirative of extremity' 29 Compound (ab.) neighborhood when a dollar is things, trying to improve on a OPE OST E % Farmer No. 1. Farmer No. 2 went, : . Edward 10 Sea eagle _. ether 54 Symbol for | split. system like that. C.N.R. STATION iy sampled the cider, and was asked Just Get Him 929 Skill 11 High school 31 Regular (ab) tantalum --New York Sun. -- Ottawa Citizen. -- = ay his opinion. "Ah," he said, "how The Hollywood magnate told an 23 Parent (ah.) 33 Compass point 56 Either $4 many barrels did ye say ye madg¢?' | assistant that in his opinion a cer- 25 Ironers 14 Electrical unit 38 Particle 57 Part of "be" ko "Fifty-three!" was the rep tain writer was the only man for 28 Whirlwind m 3 ny "Now, what do you think of that?' a firm they had under consideration, 30 Sprigs "Well," said Farmer No. 2, The assistant was tactfully doubt- 32 Character= [£4 slowly, "it wtre a great pity ye ful. "Don't you think perhaps he's istics , § 3 didn't have one 'more apple left. a little too caustic?" he suggested. 84 Peer Gynt's . 4 You could have then made fifty- "I don't care how much he costs," mother i 3 1} four." roared the producer. "Get him!" 1 MY evard i oN 37 Envoy ig oo 4 ! ; LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher dW by _ ---- ania ---- ' 43 Manuscript 7 o : 2 (ab.) x ; : #id pind 44 Toward (Y ' Fi _ 45 Early English \ ix } : LES } (ab.) i : Sova CF TonIneTs Ag 2 A 46 Senior (ab.) li J wr 47 Soak up § : - . 48 Novel Ta BY M * bett H oh 50 Plant part Kyte baa | a es a é er clgare e LAY 52 Pause Nye Ve Xi 55 Individual VS B ' &; 2 58 Station (ab.) i BEE EE RED EE UE) BEN EE BED EN GEN NE EW Ei i THE SPORTING THING - - To oT POP--Carry On ' By J. MILLAR WATT 2p - 3 1 ope, 1 ALWAYS WHAT ABOUT \ OH! THEY THINK > Po! BURGLARS 9 A "THERE'S some FRONT DCOR bh ba Py WIDE CATCH opPeN ! | i ° N & /) Is (Released by The Bell radiate, Ye J "We have a lot to be thankful for dear . . . thankful that our neighbors haven't got the things we can't afford, either." w MUTT AND JEFF--AND THE TANK IS FULL OF GASOLINE TOO--OH BOY! By BUD FISHER MOPS | by GLADYS : PARKER WHERE CHA { OH, THESE DAYS JEFF CALL UP MY WIFE | | OH, BOY/ WHAT | YOUR WIFE SAID[ You BOUGHT A\[ YEH, 1 KNOW - BUT \T bt wy CET ALLTHAT | T'VE BEEN | AND TELL HER NOT T¢ | | A BREAK! NOW | 0.K.,MUTT! How | CAR?-- BUT You || WOULDN'T LOOK NICE i SEILER ta ll 1 piled 7 QTR 1 | worry? EVERYTHING'S | | LET'S SEE- TLL | DO You LIKE [{ HAVE A CAR!/~ | To GO AWAY WITHOUT fl dr HAI | i PLENTY! ITS | GONNA BE O.K. THE ("| NEED FIFTY FoR| THE CAR 1 : BUYIN' SOME LITTLE [3 i fee : il hil sil BEEN PILING A reNT WiLL BE PAID THE RENT-TEH | JUST BOUGHT! D> | THING AFTER USING f° 8 Fi od] is end UP ON ME! AND EVERYTHING! FOR 'THE GAS-- : pe h THE piconet 4 i Po mre / & \ eT : IY fol ¥, . i . a - | ia Job 3 a : le e722 ¢ i = | ™ ' ; p R ! An AVL 4; { ; } I : ' (i 4 {i AUR "Why didn't you dig up a date ) | 8 for me, too?" i ocr, ade os REG'LAR FELLERS--Liquid Refreshment = > 0 m 2 m = ho ~ = ez) wn» ror ph 4 A X iA SMART NOW ) \ 17 A BOY! THIS | GUY LIKE ME OKAY! I'M ALL SET!.~ TWO-GUN DUFFY ou PAIL 15 HEAVY . ORTER FIGURE | LINE UP JEST LET EM AT YOUR. SERVICE, A i BEIN' A WATER-BOY A WAY FELLERS! CALL ME. ONCEY SIR! ia 7 HAAS ITS, | +MORE. ~~ DRAWBACKS! 7 - sr a #7 A TA EAT TN arian rv russes, | 5 - RR : Ze pla EL os ow

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