= " RE Sas FA ~ ATA rd TAT RAI LE Dian? 1 iif wo ea] » ; \ ¢ 7 oN RC ry Nl 4 = ELEN Pad LOCAL NEWS Rev. KE. G. and Mrs. Bruton are leaving this Saturday for a two weeks' vacation at Dorset, Ont., in the Lake of Bays area. 4 Rev. Harley Balfour, of Peterboro, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Balfour. Mr, and Mrs. Owen Cliff of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. gbert Cliff. Miss Ruth Brent, of Toronto, was holidaying at the home of relatives in town, Mrs. VanNest and family have re- turned to their home in Brantford after spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. B., Small- man, the and Miss Ruth Hall, R.N., spent week-end with her parents, Mr, Mrs. L. G. Hall, ¢ 'Mr. and Mrs. George A. McMillan left this week for a trip to Western Canada visiting relatives in Vancouver Regina, Winnipeg and other places. The following are this week holi- daying at Birdseye Center Park: Mr. and Mrs, L. Mayne, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Stan, Johnston, of Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. James Lardee, Freeman, Ont.; Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Sweet, of I'o- toronto, Misses L. Keetch, J. Taylor, kl. Cook, Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs. Victor Willey, of Toronto. Jack Goode, Jack Griffen, Fred De- Nure, Grant Michell have returned after spending two weeks at the Dan- forth Y.M.C.A. Camp, Lake Simcoe. They report a wonderful time. Mr. and Mrs. E. G, Michell gave a garden party on Monday afternoon, July 156th to the Entrance Class of Port Perry (1946) on the oceasion of the birthday of their son Grant. A short program of sports was enjoyed by all, with Principal Roy Cornish acting as oflicial playing-manager; after which lunch was served on the grounds of Birdseye Center. Mrs. Walley Wicken and son, of Galt and Mr. John Orde and Walley Wicken of Toronto, were recent visitors with |' Mrs. M. Orde. Miss Enid Wallace, of Toronto, was the week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S, A, Wallace. Rev. Harley Balfour spent the past week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Balfour, and leaves on Friday for Iroquois Falls where he will spend the month of August. Miss Verna Schurman, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Balfour for the week-end. Mr. Archibald this week Motors, MacMaster started in the employ of Beare Miss Miriam Peel has returned home after visiting her grandparents at Ida Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beare and Mr, and Mrs. George Emmerson, were in Wasaga Beach during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan and son Gordon, of Blackwater, spent Sunday with relatives in town. Miss Lucille Harrison, of Toronto, has been holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. KE. Harrison. Mi{ RonaJd Cooksley, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Cooksley. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beare and Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Beare, enjoyed a trip to Wasaga Beach, Midland, and Orillia on Sunday, Miss Joan Carnochan, of Myrtle, is spending her holidays with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mark. Mrs. Irva England, has returned to Toronto after spending a week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. F. Nott. Mr. and Mrs, Thompson (nee Edith Mowat) and son Jack, of Detroit, were visiting in Port Perry last week. Gary Boyd left on Monday to join his parents in Toronto after a week's holiday in Port Perry, Master Jimmy Farmer is returning to his home in Timmins, after spend- "ing a week with his grandparants, Mr. and Mrs. S. Farmer. Mr. Floyd Hughes and Mr. Bruce Herdman, of Fort Erie, were in town on Saturday, Mrs. Causley and daughter Winnie, of Lindsay were in town last week. Ee 5 3 4 5 ' Whang rowdy ition Phone 1011 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THERAYRE AIR CONDITIONED FREE Parking OSHAWA Thursday, Friday, Saturday, JULY 18-19-20 starring GREER GARSON and CLARK GABLE, in " ADVENTURE" Monday - Tuesday, JULY 22-28 "Colonel Blimp" with ANTON WALBROOK and DEBORAH KERR In Technicolor Wednesday to Saturday JULY 24-25-26-27 BING CROSBY, BOB HOPE, and DOROTHY LAMOUR, in "The Road to Utopia" Tuesday, JULY 29-30 Monday -" "Three Strangers" starring SYDNEY GREENSTREET, GERALDINE FITZGERALD Wednesday and Thursday, JULY 31 and AUGUST 1 CHARLES COBURN and ALEXANDER KNOX, in "WILSON" IN TECHNICOLOR Call 273, Port Perry GRAVELLE TAXI NOTICE Due to Wartime Prices and Trade Board regulations there will be a slight alteration in rates, affecting the three areas -- Caesarea, Uxbridge and Prince Albert. JUNIOR WAR WORKERS The Junior War Workers will meet at the home of Miss Helen Willard next Tuesday at 7 p.m. Note change of hour. Myrtle Station Mr. George West, of Ashburn, oc- cupied the pulpit on Suiflay meaiig and gave us a sermon thy" was thought provoking and earnest. He will again preach next Sunday morning and that will be the last Church service until Sunday, September 1st, when Mr. S, Saywell will be back to take up the work here, Mr, Arthur Gilroy has been for the past week visiting with his sister, Mrs. Cornish at her home in Little Britain. Jim Manderson is back at work again after a forced rest in Toronto General Hospital. Mrs. Roy Percy was in Toronto for '|a couple of days last week, the guest of Mrs. Earl Williams, The picnic on Thursday afternoon in Lynbrook park was a real success. The swimming tanks were the attraction for everyone. Those who went in en- joyed the water. Those who did not had almost as much enjoyment as they watched the antics of the bathers. Races for little and big were run; a ball game played; the swings and horses were well patronized and the booth was given the usual amount of attention. Supper was spread on the tables placed end to end and about eighty sat down to enjoy the good things. Chocolate milk was the treat provided for the children and they drank as much as their tummies would hold. A threatened downpour hurried the cleaning up operations and just as everyone took shelter in the cars, the much needed rain came, And what a rain! But no complaints were heard, The afternoon had been a perfect one and we realized how much good the rain would do. Mrs. Wilson James and her daughter Mrs, Very, of Cambray and Mrs, W. Draper, of Brooklin, were guests on Sunday of their cousins, Mrs, Francis Briggs and Miss Thelma Briggs, . : Mr, gand Mrs, A, E, Ramsey and Viola were in Aurora on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Cooper and the children, of Toronto, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, W. 7. Cook on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, Maitland Martin, of Whitby, and Mrs. Martin's brother, Mr. David Mills, of Winnipeg, igs Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST callers on Monday evening at the home of their cousins, David and' Mrs, Luery. Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper and Jim visited with friends in Sutton on Sun- day. Donald Johnson was in Colborne on Sunday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Cook. ™ ~ Mr. Thomas Smith Wh has been ill at the home if his daughter, Mrs, J. Cooper, was removed to Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital for more efficient treat- ment, We hope to hear soon of an improvement in his condition. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Quinn and Mr. Jaird Quinn and daughter Theresa, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Quinn, Allen and Mrs. Downey and the children visited with friends in Ux- bridge on Saturday evening. Mrs. Harold Hamilton, Jim and Kathryn, her brother Mr. Clinton Moore, of Brooklin, and his daughter, Miss Geraldine Moore, of Toronto, motored to Minden on Sunday to bring home their mother, Mrs. E, Moore, who has been holidaying there. ronto, cation with relatives there, day with Elwood and Mrs. Masters. Murs. father, Mr, Thes, Bmith. MUSIC EXAMINATIONS Perry, all the pupils of Mrs, J. E. Jackson, A.-T.C.M. (R.M.T.) were suc- cessful and all received Honours. The names in order of merit. Grade IJI-- Hopuors--Burness Wray, and Muy- ray Gibson, equal; Alan Reesor, Grade JI-- Honours--Reta Curl, Irene Emer- son, L Grade I-- First Class Honors--Joyce Dowson; Honors--Isabel Gibson, Elaine Yeo, It takes seven tons of raw materials to produce one ton of aluminum, The aluminum industry's electricity requirements led to development of important power plants in Quebec and Ontario. Over two million horsepower can be generated by the Aluminum industry' 1 powerhouses on the Saguenay River. ARDLEY When You are in Toronto, Shop at The 491-4986 Danforth Ave., at Logan PHONE--GE. 1676 Specializing in Wedding Gowns, Veils, Headdresses, Dresses Suits, and Coats. Also Costume Jewellery. The Store where You and Your Friends will be certain to find Satisfaction. FROCKS ~General Build Planing Mill, ns Wood and Asphalt Shingles, Hardwood Flooring, Sash and Doors, Coal, Ice. ESTIMATES GIVEN ders" Supplies: Phone 240w Little Miss Linda Downey, of To- | who has been enjoying the holi- | § days with her grandparents, Mr. and |g Mrs. O. H. Downey, has gone to Byook- | § lin to spend the remainder of. ths va- | H Mr, and Mrs, Hervey Painter and 2 children and Mr. and Mrs, Billy Lynd | and children of Prospect, spent Sun-|f Ivan Rodd of Manilla came i down on Tuesday morning and ag gd companied her sister Mrs. Cooper, and | § Mys. Linton to Oshawa, to visit her |§ At the recent Toronto Conservatory 3 of Music Examinations held in Ports LAKE SCUGCOGC LUMBER & COAL CO., LIMITED BRUTON 'S DRUGSTORE SUN TAN 0ILS-- NOXZEMA ....... 30c and 60c, VELVETA LOTION NIVEA OIL 50c. and 90c. NIVEA CREAM....50c. and $1.00 MINERAL OIL, heavy ic, | 98c, AGAROL 69c. and $1.29 $1.39 50c. and $1.00 Wampoles GRAPE SALTS 50c. WEEDANOL 2. 4. D WEED KILLER, ... Certified HEALTH SALTS 58c¢. 50c, and $1.29 Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. Phone 16 "PORT Penny NOTICE TO WAR WORKERS The War Work Committee wish to announce that the rooms will be closed during the month of August. It would be appreciated if all finished wark would be turned in this month, FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH (Queen St.) Rev. Stanley Milley, Minister Sunday School at 10 a.m. Y ership at 11 a.m. Evangelistic at 7 p.m. . CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Roy Goode wishes to express her appreciation to the friends, neigh- bors and relatives for their acts of kindness and words of cheer, during her recent illness, ~ Year's payments by Dominion Textile To plant employees To Income Tax To shareholders®® SINCE 1939 Amount paid to plant employees . . ..... DOUBLED Income Tax payments . . . . . . INCREASED SIX FOLD Profits paid to shareholders . , . NO INCREASE AT ALL °68% out of this is wage rate increases; the remain 88% is due to increased production' since 1939, og ®As of June 18, 1946, there were 8,765 shareholders, DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED "Cotton . . . the Master Fabric" ¢ Year ended March 81 1839 1046 Increase $4,503,785 $0,207,538 106%° 244,513 1,500,647 617% 1,485,842 1,485842 NONE 4 IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear friend, Mys. James Ruddy, who died suddenly July 20th, 1846, We walked together, you and I, In sorrow and in joy; We shared oup pains and happiness, With love without alloy, We little thought that morning When you were leaving home, That you so soon, in death would aleep, And leave us here to mourn, | I did not see the ig you hare, I did not see you die, I only know you passed away Without my last good-bye. _ Ever remembered by your friend, . Hopkins, RO OO HO IY PPR PP OPO GP ORO SR SR RR SR OR OR ROR ORR OR ORRIN Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your REXALL STORE) REX AID STABLE SPRAY 5% DDT For effective control of all live stock pests. Quart size ....... vend 19 Gallon size ............ vee 2.85 FLY TOX ..... 2ec., 43c., and 78c, ENGLISH HEALTH SALT REXALL HEALTH SALT, 12 oz. 43c. TANGEL for sunburn GYPSY TAN LOTION ......... GYPSY CREAM for heat rash ....50c¢ PALM BEACH WHITE SHOE «B09, «...50¢. and $1.25 wennBle, DRESSING PHONE 49 0,00 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% o%e of 0% 0 0 0% iN A M. LAWRENCE me Reng mes, OR ORO ORO OOOO ROS OS SOSOROBOROROBOST SE RS A RS RRR OR ORORORO Rs PORT PERRY The God of Creation This is a "Sermon from Science" with a powerful Gospel message. "The God of Creation", an amazing sound film in natural color, presents the Gospel in a unique and effective manner, It is to be shown at 8 p.m., Friday, July 26th, in the Baptist Church, at 8 | Port Perry, You are invited, THE WHITE KITCHEN RESTAURANT SPECIAL NOTICE This Restaurant will close : every Wendesday, ALL Day 'Open All Day Sunday Good Meals at all times » Arthur Asher, Proprietor PRENTICE'S BEAUTY SALON -- with or without appointment. PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up ONLY 6560e. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. SIE unfailingly, her voice is ¢ T. R. TRAYNOR, Branch Manager. S\N alld litters. SEYAR PERFORMER: LITER IIT. Answering every call, ., keeping pace with steadily increasing telephone demands... her devotion and . skill have kept delays to a minimum, And always, 'the voice with the smile" + +» competent, friendly, reassuring. You know she will get your call through the minute she can| SHAMPOO AND STYLED SETTING, PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, July 21st-- A group of young people from Calvary Baptist Church, Oshawa, will take charge of both services at 1 a.m, and 7.16 p.m. Come and hear Young People. All are welcomes, these Christian PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, July 21st-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. . 11 a.m.--Service under the auspices of The Ontario Temperance Fed- eration, . July 28, August 4, August 11-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Rev. W. P, Rogers, of Bow- manville, 4 farmer pastor, will be the preacher. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. E. G. Bruton, B.A. Rector, July 21--5th Sunday after Trinity. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11, a.m.--Morning Prayer and ser- mon by Mr, T. A. Wardle, Toronto July 28--6th Sunday after Trinity. 10 a.m,--Sunday School 7 pm.--Evensang and sermon by Rev, J, McKibbin, Blackstock. Anyone negkling the Rector between July 20th and' August 3rd, please call Mr. G. E. Sulman, 8 " 8T. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PORT PERRY Sunday, July 21st-- 10 a.m.--Sabbath School and Bible Class 11. am, -- Divine Worship. The pulpit will be occupied by the In- terim Moderator, Rev. Mr. Me- Diarmid, 'of Uxbridge. A full congregation is urged, BiogmsT SHOW VALUN in Osmawa Smoking In The Loges Biltmore THEATRE, OSHAWA Continuous Show Daily | Thursday, Friday and Saturday, JULY-'18-19-20 STATE FAIR: starring DICK HAYMES and JEAN CRANE. -- also -- Law of the Bad Lands with BOB BHAYNE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, JULY 22-23-24 It all Came True with ANNR SHERIDAN and HUMPHREY BOGART V.,~ -- 'also -- Pride of the Blue Grass with EDITH FELLOW. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, JULY 25-26-27 Captain Kidd starring CHAS. LAUGHTON and RANDOLPH 8COTT ~--. also -- Junior Prom FIRST OSHAWA SHOWING with _ABE LYMAN'S ORCHESTRA.