il: cab AT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS FARMS Yeon SALE START WITH TOP NOTCH CHICKS feed them right and treat them right and you will always want Top Notch chicks In the future. They are strong, fast growing selected birds from Government Approved pullorum tested breeders. Every one. is Top Notch quality in liv- ability. and heavy production. All the most wanted pure breeds and eross breds are available for prompt shipment, Why take a chance or experiment needlessly when you can gel the best for no greater cost. Take advantage of the year round market and good prices by gettin, all the Top Notch chicks you can handle right away, Prices greatly reduced for June. Prompt delivery. Free catalogue also older pullets » weeks to laying. Top Notch Chick- eries, Guelph, Ontario, ORDER CHICKS FROM A RELL- able breeder of burred rocks, Blood tested by tube method. Excellent laying strain, Mixed 1Zc¢., Pullets 22¢., Hatching ull through June. $1.00 books order, King's Corner Poultry Farm, Northwood, Ont, LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS 10c. Leghorn pullets 2lc. All Breeders double bloodtested and backed by high pedigreed foundation stock, Many Hurondale customers report best chicks | evér had. - Walter Morton, Dryden, -- We were well pleased with the pullets we re- ceived last year, Pullets laid well. Heavy Breed Pullets 17c. Sussex x N. Hamp, Rock x New Hamp., Barred Rocks, Pure Sussex and New Hampshire pullets 17c, Pure Sussex mixed 13c., Sussex x N. Hamp. Rock x Hamp, Rocks and New 'Hamps, mixed 1c. Sus- sex x Leghorn, Rock x Leghorn and Leghorn x New Hamp. mixed 1lc., pullets 20c, Assorted pullets 16c., assorted mixed 9c¢. Cockerel and started prices on request, Order from and enclose thls Ad. $100 per MIO deposit, HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, London, Ont, Wii HAVE JUNE CHICKS AVAIL. able prompt delivery, some breeds. July-August hatching to order -- book now to avoid disappointment. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamil- ton, Ont, . TT wr : wriAQYS, MONEY IN THEM THAR green gruss ranges Mister" and a flock of Tweddle chicks will guther ft up and put it right in your pock- et, Prompt delivery of your Twed- dle chicks now will assure bigger profits because plentiful grasa range will do au lot to lower feed cost, All popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses in non-sexed, pullets or cockerels from Government Ap- proved pullorum tested stock with a long record of high production and top quality, Tweddle June prices are low and wiil be still lower after June 15th. Fuel costs ure lower at this season too, And the marke: demand for eggs and chicken mea fs practically unlimited. It is good business judgment to order extra Tweddle chicks now. No waiting, prtgmpt delivery. Send for Tweddle , catalogue and pricelist right away. Also older pullets eight weeks up to laying. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. LAKEVIEW CHICKS SIPECIALIZED BREEDING PLANT 5,000 BREEDERS IBook your order lor June. With the scarcity oft ment, there will be a big demand for Poultry and Eggs this Full and Winter at attractive prices. It will pay you to put in un extra brood of chicks this yenur. Romi" DELIVERY -- With a cu. preity of 60,000 Fakeview Chicks weekly, we expect we cun give prompt delivery book your order ,. at, once for June or July, SEND DEPOSIT -- For quick ser- vice send deposit with your In quiry or order, and we will book your order at our prices which wre very reusonnble. We wlll promptly mail you an acknow- Jedgement of your order, and. If {t. shouldn't, sult you we guaran- tee (0 return your deposit at once, This plan will give you hetter service. ) THLE Jit WE EVER HAD -- Nell fcDonnel, Goderich, Ont. Colin campbell, New Richmond, Que- bre -- Well satisfied, lost 4 out of 104, Hope you can supply more. As high as 106 eggs from 11 Leghorn péliets. Wonderful pro- duction reports Reuben Kennel, Shakespeare, Ontario. DBRISEDST Lurge Type White Leg. horns, Pure Bussex, Sussex X New Hamps, B. Rock X New Hump. X .,L.eghorn, Leghorn -X New Hump. New Hamps., and Barred Rocks, be BE 3 ET LARGE WHITE LEGHORNS Duy old started up to 4 weeks old:, Lakeview. Leghorns are the lurge type. mated with cockerels from, Ped stock -- 'Real Egg Muchines?! SEND FOR WEEKLY LIST: -- of Special Prices on day old 'chicks, pullets und cockerels, and start. ed chieks: . : JUNE AND FALL HATCHED --- look your order for June, or Fall Hutched Chicks NOW, LAKE- VIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros, Exeter, Ont, =, raped RELIABLE, CHICKS Sturtda ohlcks tor June dellvery. iar ed Rogk Leghoru and 'Hyr rlds, Leghorn x Barred Rock, Hamp, ix Barred Rock, Light Huar sex all three and four weeks, It pltys dividends to. have :a good fleck .of started chicks, don't put off write now: 'for: prices dnd when avallable for shipping. Also baby chicks; of dume breed. still avaliable. Miller's Chick Hatch- ery, Fergus, Ont, Phone 263-W. HEAVY BREED PULLETS Huwsskx, Bukkex x Hump. Rdck Xx Hump. New Hump. and Barred Ruck gillete Wie Boe Jaur order, N « $LL0U per eposit, Uraer from this 4) Hurondale Chick Hatchery, London, Ontarlo. 28 FREE CHICKS Our, bahy chicks are the progeny of Foundation and Registered Birds. All Breeders blood-tested. Prices from 3c. to 25c. All guaranteed ex- céllent layers, Don't: delay; order now, ,Goddard Chick Hatcherles, Britannia Helghts, Ontario. LAKEVIEW CHICKS, | Specialized Breeding Plant Of 5,000 pi Book your order for Juné and July, With th scarcity of meat, there will be a big demand for Poultry and Eggs this Fall and Winter at Attractive prices, Tt will pay, you. to put in_an extra Nrood: of chicks this year Prompt Dellyery c=: With aieapacity of 60,000 Lakeview chicks week: Iyy the expect we ean givaiprompt delivery, but to be safe, book your order at once for June or July . Grade A -- Large Type White Leg- horns, Sussex. x Leghorn, Rock Xx Leghorn, Leghorn x New Hamp, mixed 11%¢, pullets 20c. cox 6c. Racks, Rock x Hamps, New amps, Suskex, Hussex x Hamps, mixed 1118, pullets $17.00, cox 14.75. Hend deposit of $1,00 per 00, We guarantee 100% ive de- Hvery, rder from and enclose thia ad, J 1} Large White Leghorns -- Day old and started to 4 weeks old. Lakeview Leghorns are the large type. mated with cockerels from ; Atoelt «= "Real Egg Machines" fiend Tor Weekly fist -- of special prices on day old chicks, pullets, and cockerels and started chicks, dune, July and Fall Hatched -- Book our order for June, July or Fall "LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros, Exeter, Ontarlo, Rock X Leghorn, Sussex | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANT TO SFLL YOUR BUSINESS ? We have hundreds of buyers In Detroit and Windsor, Give all de- tails and price, Write or see V. W. Dowie, Maldstone, Ontarlo. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions, Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. EMPLOYMENT WANTED POULTRYMAN, MARRIED EX- perienced in hatchery and poultry farming. Desires steady position with going concern, State fully, liv- ing conditions, wages, schools, and churches near by in first letter. Apply Box 99, 73 Adelaide W,, Tor- onto, FOR SALE ATTENTION FARMERS For Sale: Tructor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, $10.00 euch. When ordering stute diameter and width of wheel, Nutional Rubber Co. Ltd., 5 Wiltshire Ave. Toronto, Ontario. k CARPENTRY -- NEW BOOIK. Complete data on framing wally, stairs, roofs, trusses, interior and exterior finish, A mine of inform- ation for those interested in con- struction. Sent postpaid, Three dol- lars. Masterprint Company, Toron- to 14, Canada, : DIESEL STATIONARY ENGINE, Marshal 56 H. I', excellent condi- tion, reasonable, Henry Foster, Corinth, Ont. P'hone Straffordville 14 R 21. ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED hought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St, Toronto, Ont, FILES Complete sets ot Gu reconditioned files now available; from 6" -- 14"; including flat, hulf round, square, round ete.; rough and smooth, $8.00 per set [F.O.I3. Montreal, B RECUIPETOOLS & METALS LTD, 1212 'Aldred Building: Montreal. FOR SALE -- HOUSE ONE-STOREY FRAME HOUSE near Strathroy, Ont, size 24x18, and 22x14, Write Box 2, Glencoe, Ont. FOR SALE -- ALLIS-CHALMERS No. 40 All Crop Harvester with at- tachments, Wilson Oughtred, Cains- ville, Ont. GREAT DANE PUPS FOR BALE; very well bred; fawn with black mask; all males; Dam; Jaco-Lyn of Lyn-Dee; Sire: Tarr of Tyedes- ley: Phone 2411 Barrle or write Wm. Stewart, Brookdale Kennels, 156 Ellzaheth Street, Barrie, Ont. NEW BACON COMBINATION HAND Cultivator, Hoe and Plow avall- able In almost unlimited quanti- ties for immediate shipment, Dis- tributed -by W. F. McKenzie Co, glnce '1866, Leumlington, Ontarlo, Canady, Celebrating 80 years busingdg in same location and name e¢ ship to dealers, depart- mental chain and seed houses. See yéur nearest dealer, hard- war store, or WRITE us DIRECT . or 4 IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT ahywhere In Eastern Canada $14.80 prepuld und $15.80 prepald to Western Canada. Shipments made same day order received. W. F. McKENZIE CO., i ; sinte 1866, phone 26 LEAMINGTON," ONTARIO. OUR SPECIALTY RUSTY STEEL roofs und. leaky asphalt shingles, Built up gravel and pitch roofs, All work guaranteed, Write for estim- ates, Peterborough Roofers, 906 Water St. I'eterhborough, Ont, OFFICER'S BRASS MOUNTED HO- ney. Combed Pad all leather saddle in A-1 condition, Send Money Order, 45.00 takes it, Wm. Pogue, 86 A fachonnell Ave, Toronto. PERFECTION WMILK «- MASTER? Milker will operate on any line pipe {nstallation, Single unit with 60 1b, capacity," stainless steel pail, $116.25. Immediate delivery units and vacuum pumps, Box 113, Ter- minal Station "A', Toronto. 20 PURENRED, FULLY ACCRED- fted; young vaccinated, Guernsey cows, 6 fresh, rest freshening from July to December, and a few bred purebred heifers, yearlings and calves also vaccinated. Adam Cald- ar, R.-3, Glanford, TURKEY POULTS -- PROMPT DELIVERY We can give prompt delivery on Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults, or -book for June delivery. Poults hatched from bloodtested, pullorum free breed- ers, under 'deal conditions In rhost modern 1946 model, all electric and automatically can- trolled turkey Incubators, and hatched In separate, new turkey alr conditioned Hatchery. Bend tor Price List and full particu- lars. No orders accepted less than 50. ACT QUICKL -- BOOK YOUR ORDER WHILE THEY LAST LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH, Box 183, Exeter, Ont, Phone 179. FARMS FOR BALE RANCH-FARM -- 200 ACRES $5,600, 100 acres cleared, 80 fn grain, Balance timber. Good bulldings, stock, Implements, J. McCauley, Roaseau, Ont, Lacs -- -_ A NUMBER OF GOOD 100-ACRKRE farms with hydro, good buildings and also bush on these farms; a number of §0-acre farms $2,000 and up, a number of 100-acre farms $3,000 and up, & number of 160 and 200uacre farms $4,000 and up; these farms havé all got good bulldings and also some with bush and hydro. These aré all good value that should be picked up at once. J, C. Long, Renl-Bstiate Broker, Brussels, Ont. $10,000, -- 150 ACHE FARM, EX. cellent location on County Road, one half mile from Charleston Lake which is noted for fishing and Sum- mer resorts, One hundred acres till- uble, balance.pasture und wood lot including six hundred trees, muple sugar bush and sugar house, (wo wells; wire fences; level field for cultivating with tractor; one hund- red foot cattle barn with large feed storage, iron roofed wih lightning rods; seventy five foot original cattie barn and shed; tool shed; large machine shed; two hen houses; brooder house; garage and dwelling for hired help. Principal residence, frame construction with hardwood floors throughout, Good basement, hot air furnace, large cistern piped for hot and cold run- ning water. First floor; hall, large living room with fire-place, dining room, butler's pantry, large sum- mer and winter kitchens; second floor: three bedrooms, bath room, Hydro installed in dwelllhg and out buildings. Grounds include' a small orchard, grove of evergreen trees, rose bushes, and gravelled drive- way. Cuthbertson Real-Estate, Brockville, Ontarlo. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson. method, Information on request regarding classes. Robert- son's Halrdressing Academy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. YOU CAN NOW GIVE YOURSELF a genuine creme cold wave permuan- ent at home. Results guaranteed for lovely soft natural waves In 2 to 3 hours, A Chic Deluxe Creme Cold Wave kit contains Identical ingre- dients used by many beauty salons for costly creme cold waves. It gives the results you want, deep long-lasting waves and curls, so lustrous, soft and natural-looking. Easy as putting your hair In curl- ers. Complete kit with full {nstruc- tions, $1.35. If not obtainable at your local drug or cosmetic counter, send postal note to Canadian Beauty Craft Co. 63¢ Dundas St. E,, Toronto, and the complete kit will be mailed to you. HELI WANTED WANTED: EXPERIENCED SINGLE dairy barn assistant, Good wages, board & working conditlons. Apply Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill, Ontario (phone-Maple 656W). \ MEDICAL GOOD RESULTS -- EVERY SUF. ferer from Rheumatic Pains or Neu- ritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa, ['ostpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD woRMS otten are the cause of {ll health in humuns, all ages, No one immune! Why not tind out if this is = your trouble, interesting particulars -- ree! Write Mulveney's Remedies Specialists, Toronto 3. ARTHUIUS Try it. it works. Arthur's Kczema _ Ointment, one of the must effective ointments known for the relief of 'eczema: S0c., Ye, und $175. I'or in- formation write Charles Arthur, 82 Spruce Hiil Rd. Toronto, Ont. TRY I'l! EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neurltis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. MUSICIANS NOTICE: MUSICIANS NOTICE PROKFES- sionals, Amateurs, Students, Any instrument. Memorize quickly, sure- ly, improve technique. The book "Practical Music Memorizing" shows you how, Sent for $1.00 R. Townend, 21556 El Sereno, Altadena, Calif, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A BODDINGTON BUYS sells, exchanges musical inatru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. - OPPORTUNITIES FOR "WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing " Pleasant dignitied profesdion, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free, Write or call t MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Branches: 44 King St, Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. ! PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on request, { PHOTOGRAPHY FILMS DEVELOPED 25 OTS, GUA- ranteed one day service, NO WAIT- ING. Bay Photo Service, North Bay, TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your filma properly developed and ' printe 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26c, REPRINTS 8 for 26c, FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE. You may not get all the flims you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto, GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE PROMPT 'MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll -- 6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 26¢ 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTH 25¢ Size 4x8" In Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on Ivory tinted mounts; 7x9" In Gold, Bllver, Cir: canalan Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 6% each, Tf enlarge: ment coloured, 79¢ each. Reprinta Made From Your Negatives 3c. Each DEPT. WM STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Rox 120, Post Office A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly. WING'S PHOTO SERVICE All prints with deckle edge, 6 or 8 exposure rolls 26c, each, Box 2, Station J, Toronto, ECZEMA OINTMENT. be Reprints 3c. | i RY ¥ 58 Ee Ne Wg Sas Arriving in the state landau at the reviewin 80 DSSTONG0 8 > g stand in The Mall, Lond _ AT VICTORY PARADE 3 on, as representatives from the four corners of the world parade to celebrate victory, King George and Queen Elizabeth were greeted with cheers. All along the route of the parade, which was headed by the King and Queen until they reached the reviewing stand, thousands roared and tossed their hats irito the air. On reaching the stand thelr Majesties took their places and the parade passed in review before them. 25,000 More Men Needed For Harvest Almost 25,000 additional men will be required on Ontario farms to harvest the bumper crop ex- pected this year, Ontario Agricul- tural Minister T. L. Kennedy said recently, . He said 2,500 farmers from Western Canada will help with the Ontario harvest during August. They will be paid a minimunr of $70 a month with board. The Ontario Department of Agriculture is trying to hire 1,200 tobacco curers from Southern United States to assist growers and more than 1,00¢: German war prisoners are working on Ontario sugar beet farms. MACHINERY NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phone EL. 1871 H. W. PETRIE CO. LTH 147 Front ft. W, -- Toronto AR LAN SY "and other Weeds "win inlLawns THE 2-4-D WEED KILLER One spraying will kill dande. lions, plantains, ragweed bindweed, poison ivy an other broad-leafed weeds, destroying them right to the tip of the root but will not harm grass. Non-poisonous to humans or animals and will . not stain hands or clothing: A . 3 "GREEN CROSS" PRODUCT AT YOUR DEALER » ow dm - G51 "Gin Pills Helped 0 So I REY Ba nk" my Sore Bac says Montreal Rend "I bad rb tic aches and stiff backecontd hardly straighten op ter bending. A friend advised in Pills + « now I'm ever §o aan AD ae Gi ill ( ght reli of Kicumsle J 41) packs e 'proves their merit. uf Bei si Bl GIN PILLS "Ce tb USA mt Natighal Drug & Chamient I, Corhipany of Gariada, Lirhitéd . ruvrouiArny ACME QUALITY & SERVICE Roll "developed an@ 8 prints 26c,, reprints 8c. édch, 4" x 6" enlarge- ments mounted in attractive fold- ers 2 for 25¢, Work and service guaranteed, * Lov ACME PHOTO SERVICE ,. Btm, H, Toronto. STAMPS ' GOULD, OULD STAMPS WANTED BY Collector only, Hmall or larger lots, Can pay more than Dealer for lteris | cah use, Must be good. Best' of references, BE" Symond, Rocanville, Saskatchewan, ; TEACHERS WANTED QUALIFIED TEACHERS wanted for 8. 8. No. 6 village 'of Quadeville and Extension Bruce- ton, County of Renfrew, Duties to comfnénce Sept, 8, ""Balary $1,200, Apply to 'Mack Kennelly, Quadeville, Ontarlo, 0» WANTED TWO WANTED TO PURCHASE PULLETS Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns any age from F weeks up to laying, Good priests paid. Apply to Box No, 95, 7: Adelaide W., Toronto, ISSUE 25-1946 SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Race tracks from around New York report that the lay in the mutuels has been dropping off cou- siderably, Rcason§ given for (his shrinkage are the shelving of the Daily Double, also the reappear- ance ot. the scen of big book- makers who take--while the law 1s looking elsewhere--a lot of the play from gamblers who do not like to put .hdir money througn the machines. * * * Somchow or other everybody seems to have overlooked what is probably the r al cause of the drop in betting--tne fact that a lot of the boys are getting a bit short of cash. What with various forms of taxation, 10 ray nothing of the "bite" put on by the tracks, every time a dollar goes into one of those mutuel machines, ovly around eighty cent or less comes our And with most folks betting a. least four races to an fternooa, it doesn't take much of a knowledge of higher matlematics to sce that racing's chiefest nee: is bankrolls, rather than horses, that noscess great staying-power * * So old Jack Johmnsor has passed out of the picture--for (ur money the greatest heavyweight who ever scuffed his feet in a resin- Just Low good he was, nobody will ever know---as he never went into action without at least two st-ikes or. him. Highly as we rate Joc Louis, we don't believe "ie could have laid a glove on Jack--and we have an idea that Jack had be cver really cut oose, cou" hit even harder than Louis. - * * We knew Jack Jolinson--or at least were acquainted with him-- both when he was rolling them high, wide and handsome, aad when he didn' have » feather to fly with. And while he was bv no means a Sunday Schoc! Library hero at any time, we've got to rive hir at least this much; in the ftush of prosperity he acted « good deal better than a lo. ¢f white folks we have watched in similar cir- cumstances; when he was broke, and given the cold shoulder by hundreds i.]'d befrie.. ed, he took it with a cheerfulness and uncom- plaining fortitude t' we only wish a lect of us could match. "Born forty years toc soon' wouldn't be too bad an epitaph to cave on tombstone--and witu all his faults we count having met hin., and having seen him in action a really worth-while page in the book of memory. * * * Somet' in, which happened in a recent Ontzrio soccer game hrings up, once again, the old question "Jus. what is good sportsmanship?" --a question tha has been argued over countles. times, and is no nearer settlement now than in the beginning. And wich, we migh. add, will doubtless be not a bit closer to a derision after we stick in our tw. cents' worth. Still, don't think (hat's ~ inf to' stop us. a * Anyway, in this particular game, a penalty :lot was awarded against cone of the teems, The Captain of the opposin, club cidn't happen to agree with the referee's dacision, so instructed the player taking the penalty-sho. tw ain. deliberately vide of the net. And the news: paper comment was that "the Cap- tain showed fine sportsmanship" or words to that effect. * * * Now, was that actually good sportsmanship? Or was it some- thing else~ say a bit of swanky Wel), like a lot of her things, such as feminine bathing costumes, a whole, lot depends on what angl: you're looking from. Many of those sught up in + Old School Tie, cricketing, or play the game at all cos:s' tradidor are much given to deploring the crudé baseball cus toni of bawling-out the Umpir.. They would doubtless say that he Bit Critic") soccer Captain did the fine, noble and sporting thing, But to our no doubt cockeyed way of thinking, he offered jus. as great an insult to th referee as if he'd started in by calling that official 1 blind burglar an! worked up from there. v * . The point of the matter is this-- once you accept the services of an official you're just as Lound to ac- cept his decisions in vour favor as tt ose agains you. And refusing to accept a penalty--if doie in such a way that aobody can mistake your intention--is nly a slightly more subtle manner of expressing the same thing that ball-players do by holding their A certain type of lawn-tennis player used to be greatly g'ven to such exhibitions of 'sportsmanship'. If one of t.em thought a decision had been given--wrongly--in his favor, he would deliberately toss off the following point; alwerys, you may Lo sure, dicing so in a very marked manner But the practise was greatly curbed by a referee who once, after a player had served a 'double fault' in such a manner, got down off his stool, socked said player in the eys, aud departed with the remark, "If you think you can referee this game and play it at the same time--go ahead and co 1." * * Which should be plenty for just now--Dbe secirg you next week. Control Emotions And Live Longer Some Good Advice On Best Way To Avoid Accidents Calm down and livel That's the advice offered during the national accident-reduction campaign by Herbert J. Stack, Ph. D., director of New York Universi- ty's Safety Education Centre, to motorists whose chances of remain- ing alive and unhurt during the last half of 1946, he says, will be the worst in history. In an article in the July issue of the American Magazine the pro- fessor states that "nine out of ten smash-ups would be prevented if we could wipe out their underlying psychological causes' which he lists as -anxiety, anger, day-dreaming, impatience, tmidity, bravado and the closely related habit of taking risks. Dr. Stack urges motorists to "correct your driving habits; im- prove your driving attitudes; and mount guard over your cmotion." Safe Driving Formula He offers this formula for safe driving: I. Don't let impatience get the better of your common sense. 2. Don't I-t daydreaming, worry, or resentment trap you into fool- ish tricks. 3. Don't let boorish drivers get your goat, 4, Remember that use of the highway is a co-operative, not a competitive, activity. 5. Make courtesy, as well as safe- ty, your goal and give the pedes- trian consideration. One of the best ways to correct faulty driving habits, says Dr. Stack, is to get an experienced mo- torist to sit beside you and criti- cize your every action. In his arti- cle he cites specific cases to show how various psychological causes led to fatal crashes which might have been avoided had the motorist controlled his emotions. Life Rafts The U.S. Coast Guard recently completed a year of intensive re- search on ifferent typ 1 of life rafts, says Forest and Outdoors. After exhaustive tests it has been shown that plywood rafts have the greatesy life-saving value. If Farmers Should Adopt 40-Hour Week A Veteran of Two Wars Asks Some Questions on Subject Perhaps somewhat Canadian farmers are noting the growing demands for forty-hour weeks did wonder how the rest of the population would like it if the farmers also should go on the shorter week and be compelled to increase the price of all fa:m pro- duce as a necessary result, H. C, D. Hervey, veteran of two wars, writes to the Calgary Herald, with definite ideas on the subject of the 40-hour week. Here are questions he submits to employers, labor unions and to the man in the street: "Are you in favor of making any provision to give the farmers & 40-hour week? "Will any of you produce or in- vent a cow that can be persuaded to take a milking holiday from Fri- day afternoon at 5 o'clock until Monday morning at 8 o'clock? "Will any of you produce or in- vent a pig that will not squeal and will be perfectly content to do with- out being fed all day Saturday and Sunday? "What about the hay or grain that is ready to harvest--will some- one arrange to have the rain held back on Saturday and Sunday? "What about our,boys who, after years of overseas Sefvies, have re- turned to our mixed farming areas to an 80-hour week. Are they to be paid for 40 hours only or are they to be paid time and a half for the other 40 hours? If so, who is going to pay them and from what source is the money coming? "Will a 40-hour week on the farm mean two shifts? Will two shifts mean a 50 percent increase in the farmers' costs? If so, will you city boys agree to pay the farmers' prices to cover this in- crease cost? Will you pay 60 cents a- pound for good beef, 60 cents a pound for butter, 70 cents a pound for bacon, SO cents a dozen for eggs, 15 cents a loaf for bread, 15 cents for milk, $2 for a chicken, and guarantee to take all the far- mers' produce at these prices? "If a 40-hour weck is granted on the grounds that it will increase cmployment, will those getting the benefit of these shorter hours agree to legislation being passed impos- ing penalties on anyone taking on additional work?" Being a realist, Mr. Hervey asks: "Fro the far. ers' wviewpoiit where is all this going to end? If times return to normal, what hap- pens to our markets for farm pro- duction in other countries if our costs ga up SO percent?" He says that unless the farmers wake up to what is developing right under their noses, the farmers are going to find themselves in the soup. "Farmers, industrialists, business men, cmployes, labor leaders, in fact, all of us," he says, "should cut out a lot of this nonsense and wake up to the fact that work, and work only, on the part of all, is tle basic solution for prosperity and happiness." Many farmers and other people will agree with Mr. Hervey. They would like the 40-hour eek, with Saturdays and Sundays off, but cannot sce how it is going to be done. HOLD. EVERYTHING Tr h i - "I can't do a thing with him-- he says it's passive resistance!" Old Age Pensions For Everybody Eventually old age pensions will be paid in Canada to everyone, just as children's allowances are paid now, writes W. L. Clark in the Windsor Star. There will be no means test, no burden of proof r sting on the individual to show that he or she needs the money. Those who do not need the old age pension will repay the money through income taxes, just as those who do not need the children's allowances repay through taxation today. In that way, the old age pensions will be distributed to all and those who need them will benefit. Whether the pensions should bes Qin at 70 or 65 is an argued point, That is, it is afgued at the monient, But, eventually the age at which pensions will begin will be 65, wistfully, Ld Sate RY dW ge I RY rt x Ee or » A