Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Jun 1946, p. 3

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| S ERNIE Ar a AEE eon Seder nH STII TRAS FIs ie FIRE LUA 340 CLASSIFIED AD VERTISING BABY CHILKS BARY QHIGKS FARMS FOR SALE BUY JUNE CHICKS NOW AND cash in next Fall, There. will be money in the pocket of the 1946 chick buyer, This is a year when you just can't go wrong. The world is still huogry -- there 15 asguars anteed. market -- and a satisfactory rice, All you need is a good chick. 'or chicks that will live, grow, lay and pay, order Top Notch chicks today. Prompt delivery on non- sexed, pullets or. coekerels in all the popular pure breeds and hybrld crosses, Send for reduced prices for June. Free catalogue. Also eight week to 20 week old pullets, Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario, ORDER CHICKS FROM A RELI able breeder of barred rocks, Blood tested by tube method. Excellent laying strain, Mixed 12¢., Pullets 22c., Hatching all through June, 1.00 books order. King's Corner oultry Farm, Northwood, Ont. CHICKS, SOME oDn LOTS, prompt shipment, Ask for list, June chicks avallable some breeds. July- August hatching to order. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N, Hamilton, Ontario. LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS . Leghorn pullets 2lc. All Breeders double bloodtested and backed by , high pedigreed foundation stock, Many Hurondale customers report best chicks 1 ever had. Walter Morton, Dryden, -- We were well pleased. with t pullets we re- celved last yearn Pullets laid well. Heavy Pallets. 17c. Bussex x N, Hump. Rock x New Hamp, Barred Rocks, Pure Sussex and . New Hampshire pullets 17c, Pure Sussex mixed 13c,, Sussex x N. Hamp, Rock x Hamp. Rocks and New Hamps, mixed 12c, Sus- sex x [eghorn, Rock x Leghorn and Leghorn x New Hamp. mixed llc, pullets 20c. Assorted pullets 16c., assorted mixed 9c. Cockere!l and started prices on request, Order from and enclose this Ad. $100. per 100 deposit, HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, London, Ont. ~ LAKEVIEW CHICKS SPECIALIZED BREEDING PLANT 5,000 BREEDERS Book your order for June. With the scarcity of meat, there wlll be a big demand for Poultry and Eggs this Fall and Winter at attractive prices. It will pay you to.put in an extra brood of chicks this year. PROMDIT DELIVERY -- With a ca- pacity of 60,000 Lakeview Chicks weekly, we expect we can glve prompt delivery book your order at once for June or July. SEND. DEPOSIT -- For quick ser- vice send. deposit with your In- qulry or order, and we will book your order at our prices which - are very reasonable. We. will promptly mall you an acknow- ledgement of your order, and if it shouldn't sult you we: guaran- tee to return your deposit at once, 'This plan wlll give you better service, THE (EST WE EVHR.HAD -- Nell FN Sodenish, Oat Qoun amp , ew chmon ue- bec -- We) satisfied, lost 4 out of 104, Hope you can supply more. As high as 106 eggs from 115 Leghorn pullets, Wonderful pro- duction reports Reuben Kennel, Shakespeare, Ontario. BREEDS: Large Type White Logs horns, Pure Sussex, Sussex New Hamps,, B. Rock X New Hamp. Rock X Leghorn, Bussex X Leghorn, Leghorn X New Hamp. New Hamps., and Barred Rocks. LARGE WHITE LEGHORNS Day old started up to 4 weeks old, Lakeview Leghorns are the large type, mated with cockerels from Ped stock -- 'Real Egg Machines. SEND FOR WEEKLY LIST: -- of Special Prices on day old chicks, pullets and cockerels, and start- ed chicka. MAY, JUNE AND FALL HATUHED Book your order for June, or Fall Hatched Chicks NOW. LAKE- VIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros, Exeter, Ont. ORDER TWEDDLE JUNE CHICKS today. No waiting, We can give prompt delivery on all the popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses in non-sexed, pullets or cockerels, By ordering Tweddle. chicks you save on the mortality, rate of your flock bhecauso every Tweddle chick Is bred from, pullorum, tested, Govern- mnt Approvd breeders of known livability and: productivity. Wheth- er you are raising poultry for the eggs they lay or for meat purposes, ou shauld huy only good, quality Jabs chicks, Good chicks mature daster, grow better and live better than poor quality chicks, . This means meat profits on a minimum of feed, thus better profits, June and July chicks. Free cata- logue. Also. eight week old to 2U week old pullete. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries. Limited, Fergus, Ont. Send . tor reduged pricelist for Tweddle RELIABLE CHICKS Started chicks for June delivery, Barred Rock, Leghorn and Hy- brids, = Leghorn x Barred Rock, Hamp, x Barced Rock, Light Bus- sex all three and four weeks, it pays dividends to have a good flock of started chicks, don't put off write now for prices and when available for shipping. Also baby chicks of same breed still available. Miller's Chick Hatch- ery, Fergus, Ont, Phone 263-W, HEAVY BREED PULLETS Te. Sussex, Sussex x Hamp. Rock x Hamp, New Hamp. and Barred Rock pullets 17c. Book your order NOW, $1.00 per 100 deposit, Order from this Ad. Chick Hatchery, London, Ontarlo, = BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS? We have hundreds of buyers {n Detrolt and Windsor. Give all de- tails and price, rite or see V. W. Dowle, Maidstone, Ontarlo, DYEING AND ULRANING HAVE 'YOU ANYTHING NERDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us tor information. We are fa to answer your questions, apart. ment H Parker's yo orks Limited. 791 Yonge B8treet. To- ronto, EMPLOYMENT WANTED 'Hurondale POULTRYMAN, EXPERIENCED, married ex-serviceman desires work on breeder, hatchery farm; good references; separate house required; available at once. Box 98, 78 Adel- aide W. Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE 160 ACRE FARM, 130 UNDER cultivation with or without stock and machinery, Ned Meg Namara, Masson, Quebec. $15,760 7-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, electric, double garage large barn, 85 acres, frontage on Yonge and Westwood beautiful trees, suitable for subdivision. Radial Service, Toronto 7 miles. Ellas Beemer, Langstaff, Ont, HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THR Robertson method Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. YOU CAN NOW GIVE YOURSELF a genuine creme cold wave perman- ent.at home, Results guaranteed for lovely soft natural waves In 2 to 8 hours, A Chic Deluxe Creme Cold Wave kit contains identical ingre- dients used by many beauty salons for costly - creme cold waves, It gives the results you want, deep long-lasting waves and curls, so lustrous, soft and natural-looking. Easy as putting your hair in curl. ers. Camplete kit with full instruc- tions, $1.35. If not obtainable at your local drug or cosmetic counter, send postal note to Canadian Beauty Craft Co., 684 Dundas St. KE, Toronto, and the complete kit will be mailed to you. HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER AND MAID Permanent positions, best wages, comfortable home, large grounds. Twenty minutes from downtown Toronto. Two adults one school child, Excellent opportunity for wldow older daughter as mald, two sisters ete. Write Advertiser, 69 Edgewood Ave, Toronto 8, Ontario, MEDICAL GREAT DANE PUPS FOR BALE; very well bred; fawn with black mask; all males; Dam; Jaco-Lyn of Lyn-Dee; Sire: Tarr of Tyedes- ley; Phone 2411 Barrie or write Wm. Stewart, Brookdale Kennels, 156 Ellzabeth Street, Barrie, Ont, TURKEY POULTS -- PROMPT DELIVERY We can give prompt "dellvery on Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults, or book for June delivery. Poulta hatched from bloodtested, pullorum free breed- ers, under {deal conditions in most modern 1946 model, all electrlc and automatically con- trolled turkey Incubators, and hatched In separate, new turkey air conditioned Hatchery, Send for Price List and full partlcu- lars, No orders accepted less than 50. ACT QUICKLY -- BOOK YOUR ORDER WHILE THEY LAST, LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH, Box 183, Exeter, Ont. Phone 179. BLECLRIC MUTORS NEW, UBED bought, sold, rebulit: belts pul. leys, brushes, Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd. 2826 Dufferin St. Tor- onto, Ont CHOICE PROGRESSIVE EVER. bearers 25 for $1.00; 60 for $1.76; 100 for $3.00; 200 tor $6.00. Pre- ald Riverside Nursery, Weat liver, Nova Bcotla. 2 FOR SALE--HOUSE ONE-STOREY FRAME, SIZE 24x18, and 22 x 14, Apply Box 2, Glen- coe, Ont, ATTENTION FARMERS For Sale: Tractor Tires, mude of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, $10.00 each. \When ordering state diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Ltd, 5 Wiltshire Ave, Toronto, Ontarlo. NEW BACON COMBINATION HAND Cultivator, Hoe and Plow avalil- able In almost unlimited quantl- ties for immediate shipment, Dis- tributed by W. F. McKenzie Co. since 1866, Leamington, Ontarlo, Canuda. Celebrating 80 business in same location and name, We ship to dealers, depart- mental, chain and seed houses, See your nearest dealer, hard- war store, or ! WRITE us DIRECT : or IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT anywhere in Eastern Canada $14.80 prepaid and $15.80 prepald to Western Canada, Shipments made same day order received. W. F. McKENZIE CO, since 1866, phone 26, LEAMINGTON, 'ONTARIO. FILES Complete sets of Su reconditioned files now available; from 67 -- 14"; Including flat, half round, square, round, etc.; rough and smooth, $8.00 per set F.0.3. Montreal, RECUPETOOLS & METALS LTD, 1212 Aldred Building; Montreal, 25 FREE CHICKS OUR. HARY HCks ARE. THE rogeny 0 ou on an . 4¥ ered Birds. A TALan blood: teated, Prices from 2c -to 25c, All uaranteed' excellent layers. Don't elay, order now, (Goddard Chick . Hatcheries Britanpia. Heights. Oat : LAKEVIEW CHICKS Specialized Breeding Plant Of 5,000 Breeders r order for June and th scarcit gt. be.a b emand d Yeas 'this Fall and attractive prices, It j ou to put in an extra of chicks this year . Prompt fleMyery -- With a eupacity 60,000 Lakeview chicks .week- ly, we expect we can give prompt dellyery, but to be safe, book our order at ance; for, Jung or uly i Gr A ~ Large 'Type White Leg. ev Hussex x Leghorn, Rock 3 Leghorn, Leghorn x New Hamp. mixed 11%e¢,, pullets 20c., cox 6¢. B Rocks, Rock x Hamps, New 'Hampe,, Sussex, Hussex x 'Hamps. mixed $12.75, pullets $17.00, cox 14.75, Send deposit of $1.00 per 00. We guaan ee 1008p live de. Hvery. this ad, Large 'White Kix -- Day ole rder from and enclose and started up tu 4 wéeks old. Jakeview Leghorns are. the darge type mated with coekerels from aed Bo SALAS Mychner, end r We y List -- o priden on day old. hicks, pullets, and cockerels and started chicks. June, July nad Fall Hatehed -- Book sour order for June, July or Fall {fatohed chicks now, LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros,, Onintlo, of meat. : Ave, Denver, Colorado. 4 TRACTOR cultivator, C. Payne, FORD-FERGUSON, 41, on rubber, row-crop plew. Good condition. Newcastle, Ont, 3 ENGLISH SETTER I'UPS, 0 NGE Belton purebred, reasonable, Harold DBeirose, Cooksville, Ont. 1 1 STEAM BOILER -- ESTIMATED 60 h.p., 52 tubes 2%" LD, x 160" long. Outside dimensions. 47" dla. x 182" long. Front plate with doors, relief yalve, steam box and gauge included: Driced to sell $150 f.o0.b. lant Renfrew, Light Alloys Lim- ted. i SQUARE DANCE CALLS, INSPRUC- tions, forty dances, 'Handbook, American. Square, Folk 'Dances'! $1.00 Prepaid, Wesley Rader, YMCA Educational = Dept, 25 -- E, 16th NREAUTY SALON FOR SALE, WITH full égquipment;and established busi- ness, located In thriving Weatern Ontario town; lease. gives use, of up-tosdate living apartment In con- nection 'with salon: terms, ' Plekard: Exeter, Ontarjo. 20 PURENRED, FULLY ACCRED-' ited, young vaccinated, Guernsey cows, 6 fresh, rest freshening from July to December, and a few bred purebred heifers, calves also vaccinated, Adam Cald- or, R. 3, Glanford, NOW IN CANADA TOPULARLY Advertised Lekrolite Clgarette Lighter flameless wickless wind- proof flintless works like car 1ight- er guaranteed unconditionally $1.96 FBI, P. O. Box 97, Stn, "G" Mon- treal. FARMS FOR SALE RANCH-FARM -- 200 ACRES $5,600, 100 acres cleared, 30 in grain. Balance timber, Good bulldings, atock, Implements. J. McCauley, Rosseau, Ont, years. yearlings and | DON'T WAIT -- EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains of Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. BTUMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of 111 health in humans, all ages. No one im. mune! Why not find out if this ia our trouble, interesting particu- ara -- Pree! Write Mulveney's Remedles Speclalista, Toronto 8. IF YOU'RE BALD READ THIS! Do something about your baldness new. Hexonicin Scalp Preparation . +. the new, remarkable treatment for baldness . . . has grown halr in case after case professionully con- trolled and supervised. New halr has definitely appeared in most cases after treatment with Hexonicin Scalp Preparation. Effective also in feminine baldness. Start this new treatment for baldness now. Re- member, If Hexonicin Scalp Pre- paration does not produce results after following directions YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK . every jar aold is Insured with a leading Cana- dian Insurance Company. Don't postpone, Send $3.00 (cheque or money order) today for trial jar to Hexonlein (Canada) Limited, Dept. GL Pls Ossington Ave, Toronto 3, ansda, bi HIGHLY RECOMMENDED -- EV. ery sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A BODDINGTON BUYS sells, exchanges musical {(nstrue ments; 111 Church Toronto 2 T OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING RCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halrdiess ins Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands succesaful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. [Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING BCHOOLS 368 Bloor St. W, Toronto Branches: 44. King 8t. Hamilton & T4 Rideau Hftreet Ottawa. .e set 1 NURSERY STOCK STRAWBERRY PLANTS Progressive FEverbearing Strawberry Plants, fruit first season. Plant now for Fall crop. 26 -- $1.00, 50 -- $1.75, 100 -- $3.00. Postpaid. River= aide Nursery, West River, N. 8. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & (COMPANY Patent Bollcitors, Established 1890; 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of Information on request. PHOTOGRAPHY "TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your flims brapieris developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE KOLISN 26¢. REPRINTS. R tor 26c, FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may. not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your flims to TMPERIAL PHOTO SERVIUB -Rtatlon 1 Toronto. ANY SIZE ROLL for RB exposurepr DEVELOPED & PRINTED 23e, 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 26c 'Sige 4x6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6'" on ivory tinted mounta 7x9" {n Gold, Silver, Clrcas- alan Walnut or: Black Ebony finish frames, h%c each, Tf enlargement coloured, 7%¢ each, Reprints Made From Your Negatives 3c. Each - : DEPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Post Office A, Toronte, Print Name and Address Plainly. WING'S. RHOTO SERVICE All prints: with deckle edge. 6 or 8 exposure rolls 25¢, Reprints 8c, each, Box 2, Statian J. Toronto. SUPREME SATISFACTION Can only be attained by having your films processed by highly skilled technicians using the very hest materials and modern machin- ery, All ls obtainable at lowest B ces, Roll developed and 8 prints e, reprints 3c. each, All work guaranteed, TRANS-CANADA FILM SERVICE Toronto 13, Ont, STAMI'S Troops Enjoy English Pubs Returned Veterans Notice Difference In Canada Thousands of Canadian service- men, fresh from European battle- fields, where they wrote a glorious chapter in Canada's history brought back with them happy memories of their leisure hours in English pubs --hours of good companionship in an atmosphere of real sociability. The traditional place of the pub- lic house in English life has been strengthened through the centuries. Through the trying war years all classes found welcome relief from strain in 'the friendly atmosphere of these popular community meet- ing places. It is small wonder that Canadians were deeply im- pressed by what they saw of this phase of English life. So deep was that impression that there is a growing sentiment among re- turned men favoring the establish- ment of a similar system in Can- ada; one which would foster that normal atmosphere of sociability and emulate the companionable spirit of the pub. Those who seek reform through the encouragement of true tem- perance in drinking undoubtedly would welcome the introduction of community meeting places where beer is served as an adjunct to food and healthful recreational ac- tivities, Growth in this sentiment is re- flected in the number of news stories relative to the English pub- lic house which have appeared in the past few weeks in Canadian newspapers. One of these, date- lined Bilston, Fungland, told of the unveiling of a memorial plaque in a local pub, honoring customers who had lost their lives in the war, Rev. N. Keen, the local rec- tor, speaking at the. ceremony, re- marked that too many young pcople thought - the church and the pub were hostile institutions, while ac- tually the church had much to learn about good-heartedness from the public house. Malta Damage It will cost about $104,000,000 to make good the war damage 'on Malta -- most-bombed part of the British Empire -- according to Sir Wilfred Woods in a financial sur- vey of the "island. Reconstruction of the island -- awarded the George Cross by the King in 1942--will cost an additional $56,000,000. KIDNEY ACIDS Rob yourRest.. Many people never seem to get a I rt dy ist ooo on 'nerves'--when it may be their kidneys. H .kidneys filter poisons and excess acids the blood. If they fail and impurities shy ia the system--disturbed vest often f . If you don't rest well Bey Keio Fh, Thidy 3 30 t you can rest better--and fed better, 136 for faster PAIN RELIEF Neuritis Neuralgia Instantine 12°05 258 00 Mone NEW CONCRETE MIXERS 4 cu, ft. and 6 cu, ft, power 2Y; cu. ft. band or belt Concrete Block Machir. >ry Rock Crushers Enquiries Invited Wettlaufer-Welker Industries Ltd. 1290 Bay St. Toranto, 8. Phone Midway 99017 ~ WANTED WANTED SMALL BUSINESS IN town or village prifetably garage, but not necessary, Parrett Real Es- tate, 1228 Dundas West, Toronto, GOOD, OLD STAMPS WANTED BY Collector only. Small or larger lots, Can pay more thaf Dealer for {tems [ can use, Must'be good. Best of references, BE. Bymond, Rocanville, Baskatchewan, WANTED TO PURCHASE PULLET: Barred Rocks, New Hampshires White Leghorns any age from ' weeks up to laying, Good pric pald. Apply to Box No. 05 °° Adelalde W, Toronto, wi £75 Ra © a NE) This "flying wing" glider, pictured during test flight in England, has for three years helped gather technical data for the construc- tion of a huge, jet-propelled flying wing plane thau 1s expected to make the London-to-New York hop in seven or eight hours. Wind- mills (arrow) below wings drive small motors which reduce air turbulance. Glider has wing span of 54 feet, and weighs 6000-pounds. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS > ("A Six Bit Critic") ag aa No doubt you're heard of binks, they uy who not si. long ago in- venfed the sensational new system fcr playing the races, and startea in to make a terrific clean-up at the tracks. Well, it's Binks' wife that's making the clean-up now She's going out scrubbing. « * * Baseball players are talking about forming a Union, and hockey players are whispering of doing the same thing. If this kind of thing goes on, pretty soon it will be unanimous--(we almost said Union-animous but mercifu'ly re- frained)--with all our movements, from the cradle to the grave, care- fully orgaiized, codified, and re- gulated. But there's one bright spot in tue picture, at least, In sport, there is no necessity of forming anything like a Consum- ers' Union, for the reason that we ultimate consumers of sport can always refrain fron. prrehasing the product, if we don't ike the qual- ity, which is more than can be said in the case of food, fuel, transport- ation and other necessities, * * * Which reminds us of just about the sorest sports magnate we ever beheld--which is saying quite a lot. This particular magnate had just taken over control of a certain team--(in just what branch of sport we decline to state)--and had made the grand and con- descending gesture of calling in all the local sports' writers, -all- that were oun of pokey that is, and ask- ing their advice on how to run the team and increase its popularity and gate receipts, « * * "I want to do something new, something big, sometning that will "get the team talked about," s:id Mr. Magnate. "Can't any of you fellows think of some sensational stunt we can work, something that's never been pulled before?" * * * "I know something that's been been very successful in a lot of Seagram Gold Cup Bes i Top-flight Canadian and U.S. golfers will tee off at Beaconsfield, Quebec, late in June in quest of the Seagram gold cup and the Canadian Open Championship. Unlike the S'nley Cup -- "bat- tered old mug" of professional hockey --, the Seagram gold cup has to all appearances led an ex- emplary life. Each year it goes into the custody of the club of the year's winner, and the winner him- self, gets a replica for his perman- "ent possession, As things have worked out, that means that the Gold Cup has spent most of its life on exhibition. in U.S. clubs, for only American golfers have won it as yet, For the past year the Gold Cup has been in the possession af, the Toledo Golf Club, where hio's Byron Nelson took it after sjoot- ing a winning 280. The Seagram Gold Cup wad pre- sented to the ,C.G.A. in 1936 by J. [Frowde Seagram of Waterloo, Ont., as the Canadian Open Cham- pionship Trophy.- Sam Snead, who hails from Hot Springs, Va., has won the Gold Cup three times -- only man to win it more than once. Lawson Little, Jug McSpaden, Harry Cooper, Craig Wood and Nelson have cach won it once. % b other lines, but I don't think it's ever been tried in sport," remarked one writer, at the same time grab- bed a double handful of the free Ivnch and seeing that his path to tl:e exit was clear. The magnate demanded further clucidation. "Well," said the writer, "why don't you prin in all your adverusing and on the back of all your tickets just seven simple words--SATIS- FACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY CHEERFUL- LY REFUNDED", * * * As we hinted before, the mag- nate did not scem to appreciate this beautiful sugges.'on, but got hot enough 10 fry an egy. How- ever, this seems to be the more or less normal condition of many of the elite of sport--cxcept when the team is winning and scllouts the rule--so probably hardly worth mentioning. However, if--during the process of universal unionisa- tion--they ever form a Managers and CoAches Union, there is one bisic rule which we sincerely hope and 'rust they will adopt. + * * This will be a rule something to the following effect; that if, during the progress of a game or contest, any 'higher-up' shall publicly butt in on and interfere with the duties of the Manager or Coach, said 'higher-up' shall immediately ren- der himself lable to a nice solid sock in the jaw, no matter whether he be Owner, President, Principal Stockhcider, or whatever. And we don't think it necessary to go into further details, as the practise of hiring a Manager or Coach sup- posedly to run the team, building him up as a great expert, and then when things go wrong publicly treating him as a triple-ply moron has become 'far too common and widespread to need any T-crossing or [-dotting. + * * But we can say that the spec- tacle some of these front-office ex- hibitionists insist on making of themselves at times is one that a lot of the cash customers are rapid- ly getting very tired of wit _ssing. *® * * We thought maybe you would be interested in hearing abbut a cer- tain lady of our acquaintance--a lady who is « conswant deplorer. She deplores such things as comic strips, © -ensational movies, and a whole lot of other matters which she feels have ¢ baaefur influence on the manners and morals of the youth of our fair lana. * * * So last Sunday afternoon she came home from some uplift meet- ing or other, and was somewhat surprised to find her youthful son sitting entranced before the radio, he not being the kind that goes in greatly for Symphony music or other such-like radio fare. "What are you listening to?" inquired the fond motker, - * « * "I's a play," replied the lad. "It's just finished and, say, mother, it was about the hottest I've ever heard. This guy the hero nrurders his brother and is best friend, has his two little nephews smothered to death, and double-crosses pretty near ecverybody he meets. Gee, mother, he was a real go-getter!" * * * naturally the lady was aghast at such tidings, "It's a shame--it's reaily criminal," she cried, "and I'm going to have our Women's Club send a petition to Ottawa acking no, demanding-- that an immediate .top be put to these disgraceful gangster dramas heing heard on the air. The very idea of such a thing--especially on a Sunday. Tell me, my boy, what was the name of this horrid, blood- thirsty, degrading thing?" -. * LJ Quite But she was somewhat taken aback when the youth made answer --"You know, mom, the one they've been talking about so much RICHARD TH . THIRD, by Shakespeare." Britain Gets Lead In Auto Industry Export of Autos and Trucks Tripled--U.S. Production Slowed by Strikes . Britain's automobile and truck exports, doubled and trebled since the end of the war, are leaping a- head of thosc of the United States while that country's gigantic indus- try is slowed down by major strikes, according to the Londom Daily Mail. "Figures reached a new record in April, when 11,122 cars and 11,410 commercial vehicles were sent over-seas," the rewspapeér réporied. The article quoted statistics showing that Britain's total ex- ports were tripled in the first three n:onths of 1946. "American manufacturers expect Britain to export 250,000 cars this year, a monthly ave.age of over 20,000. This is compared with the estimated United States exports of a 12-month 75,000 vehicles over period." The paper quoted "a leading American exporter" as saying: "Most British industrialists are really putting their backs into the export effort, There is room for an impiense volume: of both British and American goods iu the world today, but te British have certain- ly got ahead first." Some To Chicago Chicago residents who would have to wait a year for an Amer- ican model, are buying British cars, the article contirtied. Less than 100,000 cars and trucks have heen built in the United States since last July. Some 90,000 could have been exported under the quota sys- tem. "With all the immediate signs of a British advantage, experts warn against overconfidence. One American industrialist at least es- timate: that the whole mass pro- duction machinery could he work- ing at full pitch within 60 days of a return to normal conditions. "Other estimates are that, once the major stitkes are over, Amer- ica's vas. production resources will be at full pressure within a few months." HOLD EVERYTHING WHOLE WHE SovTHERN if "Ah! Vacation posters again!" Black 'Market In Meat Causes Insulin Shortage The country today is faced with a shortage of insulin and other pharmaceuticals prepared from meat animals, says the Milwaukee Journal. The reason is that a large part of our mecat supply is at pres ent being prepared by fly-by-night slaughterers, who use only the meat and throw away the by-pro- ducts. This is one of the serious ef- fects of the present black market in meat. It is not merely a matter of unduly high prices, but also of almost criminal waste of hides, fats, bones, glands and other ""in- cidentals"" of the inecat animal's car- cass. Unless the meat situation is brought back under control, we can cxpect not only a continuation of poor distribution and high prices for meat, but also a shortage of leather, soap, fertilizer and the various therapeutic substances de rived from animal sources: It Now Costs More To Retire -- Until a few years ago scores of thousands of Canadians could con- template sccure retirement on life savings of $10,000 to $20,000, says the Financial Post. A farmer could sell his farm, or a small merchant his store, invest the proceeds at 6 % and this income plus that from what he had already saved would allow hin to live in comfort the rest of his days. He can't do that now 4nd with interest rates still declining he will be in greater difficulties tomorrow. Twenty thousand dollars invested in good sccurities gave a man an income of about $100 per month before the war. To get the same income now requires an investment of $40,000.

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