Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Mar 1946, p. 2

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| THE INSIDE ON HOCKEY By ED. FITKIN J) If Dick Irvin had personally written the script, he couldn't have improved upon the chain of events that enabled Montreal Canadiens to gain complete and satisfying re- venge on the Toronto Maple Leafs this season. Even with his great teams of the previous two wartime semesters, Irvin found it impossible to chase the Toronto jinx. * » LJ You will recall that last spring-- equipped with only a dozen sound Soni ki Joan Crawford receives her "Oscar" as best motion picture actress of 1845 while confined to bed for in- flugnza, She's happy even if she couldn't attend Academy Award Show in Hollywood. Award was for her performance in "Mildred Pierce." Fans Take Their Hockey Seriously By Frank Mann Harris ('Sixbits') Throughout the length and breadth of this fair Dominion count- less crying-towels are all sopping wet with the sad. tears of sports fans who take their winter pastim- ing very seriously, And the reason for this deep and wide-spread gloom is, when you squat right down and examine it closely, a most. cyrious one--in fact one of the strangest of all the nutty spectacles sport has to offer, Untold thousands of sports ad- _dicts are all gloomed-up because a Toronto hockey team--the Maple Leafs--has failed, for once, to make the play-qffs. Visitors to this country continu- ally marvel at the hold this one team has on the affections of far- flung multitudes. In their travels they find mothers of families who are far more concerned over the state of Krank McCool's stomach- ulcers than they are over their little Willie's throbbing adenoids. They run across presumably sane men much more furious about the dirty deal Babe Pratt was handed than over the revelations that a 'certain foreign power' hasbeen doing a bit of friendly snooping in sacred places. They have school teachers tell them, in all seriousness, that it is pretty hard to convince kiddies that the correct plural of the word "leaf" is "leaves" when the youngsters know darned well it is "leafs" be- cause that's the way their favorites spell it, } * & * I can well remember the days when many exceedingly wise birds --1 was one of them--fiercely ridi- culed the very idea that people out- side an extremely limited area around Toronto would be the slight- est. bit interested in hearing broad- casts or Maple Leafs games, The West, on the Prairies, in the Mari- times, would sit and listen to a word-picture of the doings of ath- letes they had never seen, and never hoped to see--well, it was to laugh. * * » But they would, and they did, and they still do--until now the excited voice of Foster Hewitt is, in all probability, more familiar to more Canadians than any other voice in the world; until people who would not walk around the corner to see their own "local hockey team in action take their phone receivers ort the hook and answer their door- bells reluctantly, if at all, lest they should 'miss one word of what is happening to their far-distant heroes. * * * 1 Possibly the fact that it is on Saturday nights these air-struggles take place has something to do with their vast popularity. In the old Ia i days, wintry Saturday evenings had few attractions, especially for males beyond the stepping-out age. But now, while Mother helps, her pet charity by pegging a few cards of Bingo, while the tiny tots brush up on the latest techniques of mayhem and gang-fighting at the movies, pour, tired old Dad kicks off his shoes, puts a few crocks of some good soft beverage within reach, turns on the radio and is off on a vicarious sporting binge rooting "Come on you Leafs," Horsemeat Wanted Two million pounds of horse meat has been shipped to foreign «nations, but the United Nations ~ Relief and Rehabilitation Admin- istration has requests for 800,000, 00h pounds. more and has. told Un- "ted States packing plants it will 'take heir entire output for 1046, An. UNRRA; spokesman : esti mated, however, that only about: ie hd 'pounds: will be avafl- ab! : ? mere notion that folks in the Far - men--the Leafs eliminated the powerful Habitants in the Stanley Cup semi-finals and went on from there to win the world champion- ship from Detroit. Stories out of Montreal after the defeats of Can- adiens were that Irvin was so agi- tated over losing to the Leafs that he left town without saying good- bye to his friends, It seemed that he was destined to be completely buffaloed by the team he coached for 10 years, no matter how suc- cessful he proved against all other opponents, « . . But this year, slowly but de- vastatingly, Silver-haired Richard achieved a full measure of revenge that was good to the last drop. At season's start, Leafs were looked upon as invincible, a team so power- ful that it would cakewalk to the league championship. Critics were The Farm Forum It's True That . . . ....at the O.A.C. Turkey Re- search IFarm, between 10 and 2% week-old turkey: on wire, consum- ed or wasted 85 'b« of feed, while birds on range ate 5614 lbs, For the entire ... weck period, birds on wire required 98% Ibs. while birds on range got through with 70 Ibs. * . " ...othe suger situation critical enough that no sugar will be available to beekeepers who m- tend to' go into heekeepirg for the first time this spring. However, ex-servicemen who can establish the fact that they were bona fide -beekeepers at the time of enlist- ment will r ceive consideration. . . . ....the new approach to the con- trol of "Bang's" disease in cattle by calfhood vaccination "as pass- ed through "the trial and error' stage and has proved itself to be onc of the most successful ap- proaches to the control of this dis- ease. . * * ....Canada's contract for 1946- 47 with the United Kingdom calls for the delivery of 125 million pounds of cheese. With the pre- sent high salés in fluid milk, the allocating of the supply of needy channels may be a problem in 1046. With the increase in civilian popu- lation, even though butter ration- ing prevails, an increase of 17 mil- lion pounds will be necessary to at- ford a weekly ration of 7 ounces per capita, The printing press was invented about the middle of the 15th cen- tury. is still" Ki » throwing verbal harpoons, on the other hand, at Irvin and his Cana- diens. The Habitants, they said, would revert to type and the glory that was theirs Curing wartime hockey would fade with the return of the pre-war stars. lrvin laid his plans on two basic desires: (1) To prove that Canadiens were as great as he had contended; and (2) to gain vengeance on the Leafs. To say hie achieved both desires is put- ting it mildly. - . * When Canadiens defeated Leafs, 4-2, in their first meeting of the season, in Montreal, Irvin quickly carolled to the world: "We'll win the championship this year because we've got Toronto's number." How right he turned out to be! At Maple Leaf Gardens; which had previously always been an unhappy 'haunting' ground for Irvin and his Habs, the Bleu-Blanc-Rouge flew to five consecutive victories--and it was their triumph last Saturday night, right in Toronto, that sealed the fate of the battling Leafs. « * « Today Dick Irvin and his Cana- diens are N.H.L. champions for the third successive season. What's more they are rated by most hockey men as the team that should. zoom to the Stanley Cup championship heights. But come what may the Habitants--and Mr, Irvin, in par- ticular--have the satisfaction of knowing they won't be hounded this year by the spectre of losing to the Leafs. HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies by the Makers of Mécca Ointment Mecca Pile Remedy No, 1 is for Protruding Bleeding' Piles, and ia sold In Tube, with pi for internal apiigtion, Price 750. Mecca Fils Remedy No. 2 is for External Itching Piles. Sold In Jar, and is for external use only, Prioo 50s, Order by number from your Druggist. . skin Eruptions Here Is « cleun, stainless, penet- rating antiseptic oil that brings speedy 'relief from the Itching and discomfort. Not only does this healing anti- septic oil promote rapld and healthy healing In open sores and 'wounds bat bolls and simple ulcers are also relieved. ig In skin affections the itching of Eczenia (3 quickly stopped. Pimples -- skin eruptions dry up and scale off in a very few days. The same is true of Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum, Itching Toes and Feet and other in- flammatory skin disorders. You can obtaln Moone's Emerald Oil in the original bottle at any. modern drug store. Satisfaction or money back. [e 111814 RELIEF FOR (folic): EP eel 1] BRONCHITIS ASTHMA SIMPLESORE THROAT CHILDREN LOVE VENO'S White Hybrid Corn Contract Signed Heralded as a' big step 'owards stabilizing 'the corn industry in Southwestern Ontario, the Keliogg Company of Canada signed-a con- tract with the White Hybrid Cora Prodi.cers in Chatham for delivery of from one to two million bushels yearly of white hybrid corn. The ctract will have a direct effect on some 2.000 farmers in thie Chatham district, ard will mean a -- t-.raover of approximately $3,000, 000. To facilitate farmers in supply- ing the contract a huge corn dryer and seed ¢'evator wil be erected on an industrial site at cost of ap proximately $100,000, by the white i a) hybrid® firm organized by Harold Webster of Chatham and E. M, Warwick of Blenheim t~ supply the 'demards of the Kellogg firm. White hyorid las never been grown to anv exten in this areas befor¢ . BARRY CHICKS HAHY CHICKS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN MONKTON POULTRY FARM CHICKS You buy baby chicks for one reason. To recelve dividends on your (investment, you must be certain where your money Is In- vested. We offer you baby chicks from a Poultry Farm with every breeder pullorum tested and gov- ernment banded. Write for our 1946 price list and descriptive ca- talogue, MONKTON POULTRY FARMS, MONKTON, ONT. JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN waiting for two and three week old started cnicks in all the popu- lar pure breeds and hybrid crosses in non-sexed, pullets or cockerels. Also six week up to 14 week old floor raised pullets, for immediate delivery. Send for special price- list. Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ontarlo, RELIABLE CHICKS Just think what this means to the buyer. Your Investment Is made worth while when you purchase your chicks from us. Qur repeat orders year after year fs the proof of our quality chicks, Blood testing for pullorum done each year, we only hatch from clean flocks, Millers Chlck Hatchery, Fergus, Ont. (Successor to J.D. Johnson), BABY CHICKS, GOVERNMENT banded and blood tested, Barron strainS, C. White Leghorn and B. P Rocks. Acton Poultry Farm, Box 878. Acton, Ont. YOUR GOVERNMENT APPRUVED chicks from Accredited Flocks should be ordered now. Barred Rocks, New dampshires, New Hamp X Barred Rocks, and Light Sussex X New Hamp Hybrids. All breeders blood-tested for both the regular and X strains of Pollorum for your protection. Lincoln Chick Hatchery, 2 Race Street, Bt. Catherines, Ontarlo. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CO-OPERATIVE COLONY IN CA- lifornia. Membership now open. Quarter brings, booklet. Reciproc- al Foundation, Box 9767 Los Fellz, Los Angeles, 27, Callf, START A BUSINESS OF YOUR own at home on less than $10.00, My 60-page booklet contains 200 business -plans. 60c, prepaid, H. Caton, 222 Dufferin St, Toronto. Ontario. RUSTY STEEL TREATED OUR 'SPECIALTY RUSTY STEEL roofs and leaky asphalt shingles, Bullt up gravel and pitch roofs. All work guaranteed. Write for estimates, Peéterborough Roofers, 906 Water St. Peterborough, Ont, NEWMAN'S BRED-TO-LAY CHICKS White Leghorns, Barred Rocks and Barred Rock, White Leghorn Crossbreeds; double tested. An Ontario Breeding Station over Fifteen years. Elmview Poultry Farm, Willlam J. Newman, Nor= ham, Ontario IF YOU WANT POULTRY PROFITS you want 'Top Notch" chicks. - Top Notch Chickeries are anxious to .help yduwget the most from your chickens, That's why we offer you a substantial cash dis- count on all deliveries made dur=- ing March -- to encourage you to start early and be in time for the highest priced markets. A flock _that is started early produces pullets whose larger eggs are lald in time for the early demand -- its cockerels are plump and full grown when prices for poultry meat are at thelr best. Send for frees catalogue today, Also for immediate delivery started chicks two and three weeks old. Also six week upto 14 week old floor ratsed pullets. Top Notch Chick- eries, Guelph, Ontarlo. RAISE HEAVY TYPE FAST- MAT- uring Hybrid Cockerels $3.00 Barred Rocks $5.00 Hamp/Rocks $5.00, Blood-tested. Live arrival guaranteed. Tmmedlate' shipment. Pullet prices on request. Hay Hatchery, Watford, Ont. A-1 BABY CHICKS FROM BLOOD- ed tested stock. White Leghorn} Barred Rock; Hybrids, ~~ Some started chicks avallable. Write A, H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY TWED- dle. chicks today. A sizable cash discount is yours on all Tweddle chicks delivered In March. A large and profitable . early market atvaits your eggs and poultry meat, {f you start a healthy flock at once. Every Tweddle' chick whether pure bred or cross bred comes from Pullorum tested GQov- ernment Approved breeders of of known productivity and livability. Every means known to - poultry science {s utilized to produce the finest chicks possible, Prove it to yourself -- write for your free copy of the. Tweddle catalogue today. Also for immediate de~ livery two and three week old started chicks and 4 week up to 14 week old floor raised pullets, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Férgur, Ontario. ' 330 Bay Street SILANCO MINING & REFINING |. Co. Limited INFORMATION ON REQUEST Bought -- Sold -- Quoted ' Harold A. Prescott & Co. MEMBERS -- The Toronto Stock Exchange, The Winnipeg Grain Exchange. TORONTO WA, 4831 "Good Advice to Those WHO SUFFER WITH PILES Ma he you are one who Is io ith keep hing: Pivout sad Ibi tn your every bowel mave- ina ys a Greaded, painful hould not tp HF trl I ty city Poird by 8 Profersisnal Medel - - 1 mo < 3 & SHEE Hil eile 33s28 fd pe Lo 838 S82 SH £ 52 ie +f E | pl 2 £5 ait i OUR BABY CHICKS ARM THE THE ONLY PURINA DRYO-FR Rerreq otk A tred otk a A 5 Tham ate. hlooditacied on the. | fiona MEE an efrains of pullorum. Order WHY GAMBLE When you can buy quality chicks, backéd by our liberal guarantee. Mareh and April chicks still avaliable. . All. breeders banded, culled. and donhle blood testéd by: Government offléials, to insure our customers, Free catalogue and. price list. Order now from Frey's Hatchery. 8t.. Jacohs, Ont, WE'VE SOME STARTED PULLETS, prompt shipment -- such breeds as N. H x W. I... New. Hampshires, and many others, March {8 the popular 'chick' month, lets' have your order for delivery now or later, Bray Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamilton, Ont, 10 WEEK OLD LEGHORN PUL. lets 70c. 2,000 Hollywood Leghorn Pullets 10 weeks old at $70.00 per 100 for shipment March 18th, Large husky Pullete from henge with records nf 300 eggs per year for 10 generations, These pullets will lay plenty of big egge next Summer and Fall when exge are a good price. Alro day old chicks hatohing twice each week, rocks, reds, leghorna, australorps and § hybrid crosses. Wriite for price Hat and ealendar. Rig Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont, Npx: W, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO. FUSS" and bothér with day old chicks, we can give you just what you want in well started two and three: week old chicks In none sexed pullets or coeckerels, pure -breeds and hybrid crosses, Also floor rafsed pulléts four weeks up to fourteen weeks, Send: for spe: clal started pricelist and ecata- logue; Tweddle Chick Hatcherles Limited, Féargus, Ontarfo, Site t™ Sttttstitbitetirto--y 25 FREE CHICKS progeny o At sedorn Elstored tors All 'guaranteed excellent. ers, Don't od SARL Lp now. ard 'Chick: Hafcherfes; Bri: tannin Heights. Ont rice H EN : NEW DISCOVERY, TESTED SAVES 45% gasoline, guaranteed, send stamped envelope. 8. Brodie, Vilna, Alta. HOISTS, GASOLINE OR ELECTRIC driven in stock. Hydraullc holsts. for dump truck Installed and ser- viced. . WELDERS, V-8 LINCOLN ELEC. tric Welder, 450 amps, completely rebuilt. New P & H Gas Welder, 200 amps. Automotive Products Co., 8282 Wellington St. Montreal, Que. HERCO "RED TOP" Electric Chicken Brooder Write for particulars Huron Engineering & Research Co. Goderich Ontario BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 8CHOOD Great QVoportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousards successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys tem, Illustrated catalogue (ree. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W. Toronto Branches: 4+ King 8t. Hamilton & 74 Rldewu Street, Ottawa, PATENTS FETHEKSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Sollcitors. t2stabligshed 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Tnformaton on request FARMS FOR SALE 200 ACRE FARM WITH GOOD buildings, hydro, water In house and barn. Good cattle run, bush lot, with or without stock and implements. Terms ({f desired. Dias E. J. Colson, Bracebridge, nt. * 60 ACRES, SAND [LOAM FARM FOR sale, suitable for Tobacco. Bix roomed house, Barn 66 X 38 feet. Hen House, Plg Pen, Garage, Im- plement Shed. Immediate possess- fon, Price $3500. Edwin Giles, Con- session St Glencoe, Ont. - PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING BEKORA Christ," Wonderful book free, 3leglade Mission. Rochester 11, RIGHTEOUSNESS, JUSTICE AND peace. God will establish them soon! Write for free copy. "The Kingdom of God. What Is It?" Christadelphian Church, 86 Hazel- ton Ave. Tororito, Ont. HUMAN PLANS ARE reo litary BUT r God has a plan. Free lit ture: Frank & Ernest, 166 East: Tth Ave., Vancouver, B. C, HUNDRED - ACRES, HALTON County. Cattle raising, general farming, chickens, orchards, two homes, all equipment, Toronto- Hamilton buses. Twenty Thousand value for Fifteen, Box 87, 78 Ade- lalde W., Toronto. OPPORTUNITY TO 'RAISE REAL chinchilla animals, Profitable bu- siness of your own at home, pe- digreed breeders from prize win- ning strains, $886 pair, fully gua- ranteed; free literature. Imperial Chinchilla Ranch, 3860 Dominion Blvd, Sandwich West, Windsor, \ NEW WRITERS NEEDED TO RE- write for magazines and . news- papers, Full {information for stamped addressed envelope, FAC. TUAL FEATURES, 39 Lee Avenue, Toronto 8. RETURNED VIETERANS IN RURAL Areas not cepable of hard work, It you can drive a car and sell, why not try selling Lightning Rods? Small investment required to be In business for yourself with good firidncial 'results. Gov- ernment C'cntrolled Business, Write tor particulars and territo- ry openings. The B. Phillips Com- pany, Limired. 200 Malin Street. Toronto, Ont. . GET EGGS IN COLD : WEATHER "Automatic" time. switches for poultry lights, $24.00. Sterling Time Recorders, 989 Notre Dame 8t. West, Montreal, Que. ATTENTION MR. FARMER Are you interested in having your barns and other buildings spray painted this spring? If so get In touch with Neil --Crits, Spray Painter, Stratford, Ont, for an early start, Newest equipment in spray painting: work guaranteed, and free estimates given by writ- ing to the above address, DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE ' YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H Parker's Dye Works Limiteq, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. : el 100-ACRE FARM, LOT 29, MULMUR, loam land, splendid 8-room house, hardwood floors, large barn, stone foundation, all cemented. Spring water in pasture, and well with windmill near bulldings. Wireline fences, l-acre orchard. Near school and church, 6 miles from Creemore. Price, six thou- sand. Hydro and telephone avafl- able, Apply 143 Donlands Ave. Toronto. ~ FARMS FOR SALE. WE CAN SELL - you any slze farm you wish to buy, at reasonable prices. Por particulars apply at Donohue's Garnge, Renfrew, Ont. FARM FOR SALE, 193 ACRES, mile west of Kitchener Iimits, Kitchener Stratford highway, $25,000.00. For {information write Stanley W. Moser, Kitchener, CR. 4. . - 200 ACRES, QUICK SALE, NEVER falling water, new house, 6% miles from town, No. 2 Highway, Box 86, 73 Adelalde W., Toronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. [Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Halrdressing Acad- amy. 187 Avenue Road. 'l'oronto. HELP WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED SINGLE MEN to work on dairy tarm. Beneteau Bros, R. R. No. 8, Amherstburg, Ontarlo, i WEST END. COOK-GENERAL, live in, country 'girl accepted, char help kept; good wages. Brule Gdns.," Toronto. FARMER AND WIFE, EXPERIEN- ced, wanted immediately. Beef cattle and field crops, no milking, Good future for right man. Write or phone D. Welch, R, R, No. 4, Arthur, Ontarto. 'FOR BALR MEDIOAL 'FOR SALE CERTIFIED SEED PO- tatoes, Green Mountalns, Chlppa- was. 'Katahdins, celling price. H. H, Garrod, Thessalon, Ontarfo. 2 FOXHOUNDS, BLACK, WHITE and tan, § months old, Starting to run. Will sacrifice. Joe Doyle, Ayton, Ontario. HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCY- ¢le needing slight repairs, send for snaprhot. Make offer, Sell cheap. R. Nettle, R. R, No. 1, Plekering, Ont. $265. 10 ACRES IN MUSKOKA DIS- trict, 2. miles from beautiful lake. We have a number of other prop- ertlés throughout Ontario at low. ést prices, E, J, Wllgan, 164 Clare- mont, Toronto, ENGINES, GAROLINE, AIR COOL- ed, four cycle, two to six - horse power. Amalgamated Enterprises, R2% Church 8t,, Toronto. : ELECTRIC MOTORR NEW, USED bought, so'd. rebuflt: belte pul- leys, brushis, Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd, 2%?6 Dufferin 8. Tor- onto, Ont. LIGHTNING ROD DEALERS? It you want the best equipment avaliable at the cheapest price, write for particulars, The B. Phil. lips Company Limited, 200 Main Street, Taranto, Ont REGISTERED YORKSHIRE XXX bred sows, - AR prize winning champion ancestry Charles M. Abbott, Sunny Hill Farm, North Hatley, PQ, "GLO", CLEANS BILVERWARRE like magic! -No rubbing! No Po- Hshing! Immerse & WRinwe. Gua- ranteed: 6 pkgs; b6c. Postpald, Agents wanted, Smiths, Water 8t., Unlfonville, Connecticut. JIGSAW. Heavy caat:frame, . 12" throat, tilting table, nischanism runs on oil; holds any type blade, turns to cut any length required. $12.95, Sent C,0.D. Brown, 88 Mottitview, Toronto, Onty : TRAPPERS «= QLAND. HOENT Tur no for all a 1s Foden Ah ma Ln : Dp wolves all summver fof bounty, For particylars, write A, E, Fish now from Frank atchery, 11 Jahnke Bt, Chatham Ont, or, Dox 420, Calgary, Alberta, | BAIIMEEKA WANTED -- EVERY SUFFERER FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor Instantly. 46c. bottle, Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Btore. Ottawa of Rheumatic Pains or. Neurltis to try Dixon's: Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 236 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, "ETERNAL LIFE AND HOW TO Obtaln. it, Free booklets on, this great dubject. J. Taylor, Gospel Hall, 611 Arlington St, Winnipeg, PHOTOGRAPHIC TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26¢ REPRINTS 8 for 26¢ FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the filme you the quality und service you desire want thls yea: but you can get all by sending your flima to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICER Statios 1, Toronto WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE of home photogriphic equipment and supplies. Write for price list. Economy Mall Order Co. 245 Yonge St, Toronto, Ont. FILMS DEVELOPED 25 CTS. GUA- ranteed one day service. NO WAITING. Bay Photo Service, North Bay, i BE FIRST TO HAVE ONE ENLARGEMENT IN GLASS AND PLASTIC CRYSTA FASEL 69c Bend your nzpative and get this newest-styls glass enclosed en- largement 8% x 414" for your mantel or dressing table --. or to crystal clear new plastle mount your plcture shows to its best ad- vantage. Pecked to ensure safe dellvery and postage paid for only 69 ceqts. Any slze roll (6 or 8 exposures) developed wunhd printed 25 cents. Enlargements 4 x 6" In easel mounts, 8 for 26c.; framed on Ivo- ry tint mata, 7 x 9" in Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black Ebony finished frames, §9¢ each. If' colored, 79c. Canada's largest studio does qua- Hty work promptly -- and at low- est cost. (Print name and Addrers Plainly on PAR 'DEPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Dox 12818" Cokt' Office $y Toronto: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells. exchanges miisiéal Inatru. 111 Church: Toronto 2 ; RADIO SUPPLIES 2 ALL TYPES RADIO TUBES AND BATTERIES. CHRYSTAL SETS $6.95 Complete with head phones; beauti- ful cabinet, no tubes or batteries re- mants. "quired. Just connéct to your present aerial and ground. RECORD PLAYERS $29.95 25 or 60 cycle to connect to: your present radio. : Send depokit with order. Wayne Radlo, 446 Parliament, Toronto. ; STOMACH aN! THREAD WORMS often are tne cuuse of ill health in humans: al" ages. No one fm- mune! Why not find out if this is your troubls, interesting particu- lark -- Freel Write Mulveneys Remedies "yacinlists, Toronto 8. FRUIT JUICES; THE PRINCIPAL ingredients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neurltis. Munro's Drug: Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa Postpaid $1.00, - id dd i INGRROWN TOENAILS Ndll FIX ralieves pain instantly and removes ingrown nall in a few applizatinns $1.00 a bottle. WART FIX Ugly Waris elt away painlessly with this evaranteed remedy. 36e. a bottle, . COUN FIX Eases pain ul once, and removes stubborn Corte in a few minutes. 35c. n bottle Sent postpala hy A. Thomson, Chemist. Dept. A, 868 Bt. (Ylarens Ave. Toronto. Estat lished 1706. MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING WHY SUFFER? do what coutitiess' numbers' happy users are doing for effective rellet of: Chronle Ca tarrhal conditions (as in Bron- chitls, Asththa '& Sits Palins). 8kin disorders such as Boils and Plitifas Arann g Rieimatis ns; sk your ruggist or- Olloflesn and Tantelohs - ADAM'R' GARLIC PEARLES © or write Ichmond Adam Co. P. 0, 874, ancoltver, Can, §3 per: 100 Ponhlén. enough for '6 weeks, of the and _Jearn the: vital facts." nad Boll..R ducts Sou Diinbac ton, Ags LEE . A, H, EitpThomds, noted Slow logit, explains all: in: 1 {l And. Health," fen fof ' your' ¥ ' SEEDS FOR SALE RAINBOW GLABPIQLUS ASSORT- ment, twe healthy bulbs of six ° named vgrieties for: One Dollar postpald/ J. Parker, 176 Shaw Rt. Toronto! Ont, FREE CATALOGUE OF BRAND'S Rritish Columbia Seeds, - Dahlias and Gladioll, Now 'avallahle, Write Morris Seed 'Agency, Box 23 Como, Quebec, ; i NO. 1 REG,"AJAX OATH. $1.40 PER bus.: 1,600 bus. No. 1 Ajax Oats Commercial, $1.15 per bus. No. 1 Cartier Oats Commercial. $1.16 per bus No. 1 Galore Rarley Com- mercial, $1.40 per bus, No. 1 O. A, C. 21 Brrley Commercial, $1.40 per bus Bags [ncluded. Cann's Mill Ltd." F, O. B. Exeter or Whalen Corners, is TOBACCO POUND RAMPLE PACKAUR Lent Tobacco. . Virginia hurley and prior, receipts and flavoring, $3.60 postpald. Ruthven Tobacco LRA hype Huthven Ont WATCH REPAIRS GUARANTEED REPAIRS TO ALY; makes of watches and clocks, Prompt service, Reasonable pris gen, Sena watches for frés estls ale. Accurate Watch Repair C 17 Pembroke, Room 3, Toronto." WA NTED : Saddd ad hha ood WANT HOUSES IN i AGE towns and highwn: "Pa Eh SHTO0.00" clash prarerved' Cag handle few 'better houses; mlno: amit rte 10 acres. Het' of, 'price, 'ete, Drummond. Lt] pa Ahad pd ! SMUUTH FOX: TERRIER FEMALE : a mt ny Sn pens 0 WECIPAY HIGH RET "Hage Sara HS ¥. Levin Fur ment WwW, ISSUE 19--104¢ mpany, Depart- 162 8 1 Toronto, Ont,' * Pading Avinge, Your fifms properly 'déveloped 'and, give a friend Supported in this . ®

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