Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Nov 1945, p. 8

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NRE ers 3 ~ i A # x Planing Mill, W ESTIMAT General Builders' Supplies Shingles, Hardwood Flooring, Sash and Doors, Coal, Ice. ood and Asphalt ES GIVEN Phone 240w LAKE SCUGOGC LUMBER & COAL CO, LIMITED Saturday Special -- Fresh Baking Daily BREAD, BUNS, "Twisted Doughnuts" PIES, TARTS ---- STR ~The Manchester W. A. will hold a bazaar on Monday afternoon, Dec. 3rd at Manchester Hall. There will be a sale of aprons, tea towels, fancy goods, ete. Afternoon tea will be served, The regular monthly meeting of the "W. A. will be held on Dec. bth at the home of Mrs. Earl Innes, On Wednesday evening, Nov. 21st, a party was held in Manchester Hall in honour of Mr. and Mrs. A. IS. Spencer who are moving to Port Perry. The early part of the evening was spent in euchre and community singing. Then Mr. Grant Christie, acting as chair- man, called Mr. und Mrs. 'Spencer to a seat of honour, while Miss Mina Dob- son read the following address: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Spencer: Since you are leaving our community we, your friends, felt we could not let this occasion pass without in some way giving expression to the high regard in which you are both held. Our contact with you has always been one of happy association. You have proven toyal friends and splendid neighbours. You have spent the larger part of your lives here in Manchester, giving generously of your time and energy for the welfare of this community. Always you were ready to help where eyer your help was needed. Often 'your home has been opened for us and many happy hours have been spent under its roof. We always received a hearty welcome from both of you. Now it is with no little dis- appointment we see you leaving us. But you are not going far away. We shall look for you to come back often. You will be welcome anywho, any- time. We sincerely wish that happiness and prosperity will follow you to your new home. Please accept this gift from us as a token of esteem and friendship, and may it ever recall within your minds this happy occasion, Signed on behalf of this community, Jessie Dobson, Beth Sonley, Lola Wilson. Mr, Alex. Johns and Mr. Joshua Dobson presented a floor lamp and book ends.. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer thanked those present for. the gifts and invited them to visit them in their new home. Lunch was then served, bringing the happy evening to a close, * * = The Manchester W.A. held a very successful sale of doughnuts, pie and coffee on Friday afternoon at Mr. AE, Spencer's auction sale. The proceeds amounted to $20.80. Gerrow Bros. Bakery Phone 32 King, CELEBRATE SIXTY-THIRD WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ° On Wednesday, November 14th, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gordon, of Uxbridge, quietly celebrated: their 63rd wedding anniversary when friends called at their ToYonto street home to offer con- gratulations. Both Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don enjoy very good health, and their long years of happiness togather, show in their kindly faces and loveable dis- position. They are loyal church members and Mrs. Gordon's. war service record of 435 pairs of socks and ten quilt tops is remarkable for one of her age, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon were former residents of Scugog and Prince Al- bert, Ont. EEA OR A. SEN 0, 20 BANQUET AND PRESENTATION FOR RETURNED MEN AT SONYA Friday evening, November 16th, saw one of the proudest moments in the history of the Sonya community, when an official "Welcome Home" was tend- ered to six of their returned soldiers and airmen namely, Hughes William- son, Bill Meneely, Jack Stainton, Jack Phillips, Jack Mason, and Bill Mason. Two returned men unable to be pre- sent were Hugh McNeil and Dennis Fralick, while three are still overseas, namely Hugh Ferguson, Reid Mac- I'alarne and Elmer Stainton. The church basement and tables were tastefully decorated with red, white and blue streamers, flags, can- dles and a profusion of chrysanthe- mums, and a large "Welcome Home" flag at the front of the room. After a bountiful chicken supper was served free of charge to well over one hun- dred guests, Lt.-Col. Welsh acted as Toast 'Master in his usual capable manner... Following the toast ot the Rev. Mr. Stewart proposed a toast to "The Armed Forces", which was responded to by Vetéran Stanley Miller, of Sunderland, The toast to "Canada" was proposed by Veteran J, Anderson, and responded to by Allan Glover, a a returned man, now of Sunderland, and formerly a school weacher in this community. Lt. Col. Welsh then gave an address which at tiniés was quite humorous but which also included .the serious present unsettled conditions of world affairs, Mr. Hughes Williamson on behalf of the returned men, thanked the ladies of the community for the delightful supper and the various committees for the success of the evening, Mrs, Johnson, of Blackwater, led in community singing and accompanied by Mrs. E. Ferguson, sang several well received solos, Mr, Jas. Smith, of Sunderland, also favoured with several solos, which added much to the enjoy- ment of the evening. Following this Messrs, Frank Innes, "most educated dog. | auspices of W.I, stock School on Friday. Merry Makers. McCarthy, very funny act. Charlie's Irish Uncle--a Scotty -- Ontario's His tricks will amaze you, Hear Danny Boy with his famous guitar and uke banjo, Formby style--songs nld and oew. See and hear Miss Betty in cowboy and sacred songs at SHIRLEY School House, 3% miles south of Port Perry, and 1 mile east, I'riday, November 30th, under Children 20c., adults Program at 8.30, BLACKSTOCK Mr. Matthews, manual training in- spector, and Miss M. Clarke, inspector of household economics, visited Black- Joc, On Thursday afternoon household science class--girls of grades 9 and 10, had a demonstration of their work to which their mothers and friends were invited. They paraded in dresses | of their own making and later served afternoon tea with Marion McMullen pouring tea. The W.A .of the United Church held their November meeting, bazaar and afternoon tea in the basement of 'the church on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ballentyne, Toronto, Field Represent- ative for Robin Hood Flour Mills, was guest speaker. Her subject was Peace Problems and Kitchen Short Cuts, and cach lady present was given a copy of favorite Robin Hood Recipes, Mrs. Lorne Thompson sang with Mrs. Sad- ler as accompanist, The business of the meeting owas short. Murs. Samells, treasurer, gave the financial statement, and Mrs. Gra- ham the secretary's report, both show- ing a very fine contribution for the society to the year's work of the church, Mrs, Graham also gave re- port of election of officers at October meeting, which is as follows' Presi- dent, Mrs, W. Archer; vice-president, Mrs, Hector Shortridge; secretary, Mrs. M. Graham; treasurer, Mrs, T. Samells; fruit committee, Mrs. C. Hill and Mrs. Byers; pianist, Mrs. C. Mar- low. A good- representative from United Church attended Presbyterial meeting at Oshawa on November 14, A num- ber of young people also attended the Young People's Rally in Oshawa on November 18th, The W. A. of the Anglican Church met at the home of Mrs. R. Parr, Nov. 16th. Roll Call was answered by "Our Favorite Hymn. Flower committee reported flowers sent to Mrs. Lang- feld who has been ill. Donation was given to Little Helpers fund." The committee reported painting at church not finished. Program; Mrs, Mec- Arthur introduced study book 'More Than Conquerors". Reading, "Thy Kingdom -Come", by Mrs, Harry Mc- Laughlin; reading "The Fool" by Mrs, Velma Bailey. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the hostess. Durham County team, coached by Agricultural Representative E. Sum- mers, won two firsts in the provincial contests, Swine and Potatoes, They came close in the Dominion contests with seconds in both departments. Charles Langmaid, Solina, and Neil Moffatt, Orono, were second in the Swine Class. Miss Jean Werry, of Enniskillen, and . Ross Ashton, Bow- manville, came second in the Potato class, a most highly creditable position and not far from tops. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stinson opened their home for a party and presenta- tion in honour of Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy who have sold their farm] farm and are making their new home in Hampton, Mr, and Mrs. Mountjoy were presented with a beautiful electric lamp, a fancy dish and purse of money for which both made suitable replies, Mr, Clarke Williams acted as chairman and Jim Gray read the ad- dress, The evening was spent in danc- ing after which lunch was served. OSHAWA The Alger Press hag bought the Knox Glass Plant, and will house their three printing plants in the building. The Board of Education is seeking to secure the Bishop Bethune property upon which to build a technical school, A movement is on foot to start a farmers' market, A Extensive Recreation Centre is be- ling studied. Given in marriage by A, M. Reid, of Crystal Springs, the bride was lovely in a floor-length gown of white sheer and a three-quarter length veil. Her only jewelry was a string of pearls, the gift of the bridegroom, and she carried a bouquet of roses and mums. Her only attendant was Miss Stella Fleiler, of Oshawa, who wore a blue street-length dress with black acces- sories and carried a bouquet of baby 'mums and roses. Ray Birkett, of Port Perry, was groomsman, A reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Pickard following the ceremony. The rooms were decorated with pink and white streamers and bouquets of flowers, The bridegroom's mother received the guests and wore a dress of navy blue sheer. Later Mr. and Mrs, Moore left on a wedding trip to Toronto and points west "with the bride travelling in a green wool dress with black acces- sories. On their return they will re- side in Oshawa, SCUGOG The fine weather brought out a good attendance to church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Cooke delivered a fine message. Let's all be there again next Sunday. A splendid time was had on Friday evening at the home of Rev. and Mrs, E. B. Cooke, at Port Perry. Singing and games were followed by a tasty lunch. Mrs. Alan. Martyn, Miss Mar- jorie Milner, Mr. Owen Reader and Mr. Douglas Crozier are the commit- tee to arrange for the next meeting to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Samells, on Wednesday evening. All are invited. : ' The W. A. meeting will be held in the Township Hall, on Wednesday, December 6th. Mrs. E." Fines and Miss Marjorie Milner are busy pre- paring the program. All are invited to come and have a social time with us. ' Another shower was held on Tues- day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crozier. The hall looked very pretty decorated in pink and white crepe paper, After the address was read by Mr. Anson Gerrow, the bride and groom were presented with a decorated basket of gifts and as the gifts were unwrappped by the bride and groom, Mrs. R. Burnham, read the names of the givers, and Mrs, Joe Dowson set Saturday for the week-end. Mr. W. Mark and grandson Lloyd Harrison, of Port Perry, visited the former's daughter Mrs. Orr Jeffrey on Saturday and enjoyed a rabbit hunt which proved very successful, Mr, and Mrs. S. Massey, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. E. Fines, and intended to set out trees on their new lot on the road to the booth which Mr. F, Lewis is getting ready for building in the spring. Jack Frost got ahead of them for the earth was frozen. The funeral of another old Scugog resident was held in Whitby on Friday in the person of Mr. Oliver Williams, who spent the most of his 81 years on the island, until he moved to Whitby a few years ago. He leaves to mougn his passing, one son Harold, Whitby, and one granddaughter Elva, and one sister Mrs. J. A. Sweetman, Scugog. He was laid to rest at Prince Albert. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hope and sons Keith and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. C. "I Graham and Mrs, J. A. Sweetman, at- tended the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. W. Crozier, of Man-|. chester, were guests of their daughter Mrs. George Samells, in honour of Mr. Samell's birthday. Many happy returns of the day, George! A welcome home took the form of a reception for the home coming of Merle Dowson, who arrived in Toronto on Wednesday evening of last week, and was met by his wife and family. On Thursday night all met at the home of his father, Mr, F. Dowson, 'A very pleasant time was enjoyed playing progressive euchre, Mr. Frank Farley] was the gentleman winner and Mrs, Alan Dowson won the lady's prize. All were glad to see Merle return J home safely. We extend a welcome home to Pte. Arnold Goose, who has just arrived from overseas, and looks fine. Myrtle Station A touch of Christ--was the subject of Mr. S. Saywell's discourse on Sun- day morning. White Gift Sunday win again be ob- served this year and the date will be December 16th. A gift of vegetables, fruit, good second-hand clothes, will be very acceptable to the distributing committee and gratefully received by the people to whom they are given. RURAL resuming PLANNING for EXPANSION OF TELEPHONE SERVICE To keep step with farm progress and to 'extend service to more farm families, the telephone industry is working on important new devices and methods. Plans are already under way for the rural telephone expan- ~ sion program suspended in 1940, when " equipment and material became ur- gently needed for the armed forces. Surveys are. being made -to determine the needs and to provide the facts for carrying out plans to expand farm telephone service, The goal is to bring the telephone to the greatest possible number of farm families, - T. R. TRAYNOR, Branch Manager Ao EAT RR A A ILE RE ERC SER R FRX vo Ln URL ge Ls y Lp AE Fr HCAS eC LR AD ES On tL MEARE FS read Ls I iA oh if 2: : habdeit to SELENE IRIS Ta TN ARR SERED PIR ERNE ANE SAL SHR FREE n nt RRR VEE SARA £8 NOTES. A ASE i da a * He * ) . : _ PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1946 I'ergie Munro and Ray Williamson, on them aside to be admired later by all . behalf of the community, presented Kenneth Moore their friends. Then there was a NEW HIGH PRICES FOR each of the six returned men with a Weds Bride fro hower of confetti, 'The bride and LOOK! Vv POULTRY op 0 "J B i. sh : J EMISON'S BAKERY printed address and a gold signet ring, Riedy m groom thanked all for their gifts in LIVE while Mr, Fralick accepted the address Prairies a very pleasing manner. SPECIAL . : IS DEPENDABLE FOR and ring for his son Dennis, Addresses } The bride and groom also received Till further notice, we will 23¢. } were ulso presented to the families of | A quiet but pretty ceremony was|, lovely shower at the home of her J per Ib Live Weight for Fat ucks G oO0D BAKING boys who made the supreme sacrifice, Lytton he home of bi fad parents while on their honeyinoon in namely: Thos. Meneely, Bill Satinton, | Mrs. Davi 'ickard, recently, when}, \weqt. : Les Williams and Charlie Mason. The !Ruby Marie Hegg, daughter of Mr. and], Harold Martyn is spending a Unel further notice, we repaying he fant fn Fries for National Anthem brought to a close a| Mrs. Otto Hegg, of Crystal Springs, )s.. weeks in Simpsons' store in Ta- elive p very enjoyable evening. Sask.; became the bride of Kenneth| Top Grade Heavy FOWL, _ coon. 28¢. pound : ON. Pre George Moore, of 'Port Perry, son of] "yyy, George . 8 d he Top Grade Light FOWL, 4 to 5 lbs... weamnen2le. Ib, - ree 3 pdb , ge Sweetman an er y » Phone 93 wW. ART. JEMISON, Proprietor ------ ol Mrs. Fred Cowling, of Burketon, Rev.| jo upiier and her husband, Mr, and[| * * Top Grade Light FOWL, under 4 Ibs. .............19¢. Ib. COMING! IN PERSON = |W. C. Smith, of Port Perry, officiated yrs, David Miller, accompanied Mr, J." Top Grade BROILERS, 2 to 8 Ibs.......... 28¢. pound anny oy, radio arust, a Slat the ecremony. oS i 1 from Toronto, on BE Featuring Little Joe L. Sweetman, tome fr ' Top Grade Roasting CHICKENS, over 4} lbs., #8e. lb. Ducks, and Geese. WHITBY, ONT Top Grade Roasting CHICKENS, under 4 1bs., 26¢. 1b. TOP GRADE CAPONS, over b lbs, We are also in the market for Dressed Poultry--would like to receive your shipments of Dressed Chickens, Turkeys, PICKERING FARMS, LIMITED ahah 80¢. pound Telephone-- Whitby 386 Poultry LIVE and and Dressed Poultry. AL - for fowl. enough. charges collect. ouw 'R. WORSLEY service at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Roy Percy visited last week with her sister at her home in Detroit. Mrs. R.A. Cox spent Wednesday daughter, Mrs. R. Mason, at her home in Trenton. On her return she brought her little grandson, Brad, to visit this week with his grandparents. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Cook, Clarence and Keith were in North Oshawa when they attended a birthday party in honour of Shirley Beadle. Mr. Frank Millman and Miss Curl, of Toronto, were guests on Sunday of the Dave Duchemins. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson and family who have lived near Audley for quite sometime, moved on Satur- day to our village and have rented Clarence Harrison's property. . Mrs. Harold Stredwick is visiting with Toronto friends this week, The Federation of Agriculture again presented a most interesting evening of motion pictures in the community hall, The salmon fish industry of British Columbia in technicolor; the airmail service to Britain during the war; the rubber industry, were the highlights of the entertainment. Mr. and Mrs, James Edgar, of To- ronto, were Sunday yening guests of the David 'Luérys, ° A Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Pollard, of To- ronto, have moved into their son's summer home at the south village, Mrs. E. Masters spent Monday and Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs, Billy Lynd, of Oshawa. Mrs. W. Draper, of Brooklin, is man- aging the Stredwick household while Mrs. Stredwick is enjoying a vacation. Art Mitchell spent Sunday with his parents near Newmarket. Mrs. Russell Lunney entertained the Ladies' Bible Class of Burn's Church, Ashburn, on Tuesday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Briggs and wee Beverley, of Langstaff, were Sunday afternoon callers at the (Albert Eyers' home, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Vout, of To- rontd, were guests on Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ash, Mrs. D. Healey, of Victoria Road, visited on Thursday of last week with her niece Mrs. H. Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Cooper and children and Mr, and Mrs, Neil Martin and little daughter of Toronto; Mr, Lorne White, of Vancouver; Mra, Stratton, of Los Angeles; Mr, and Mrs, "| Prosser, of Toronto, were visitors dur- ing the week with W.J. and Mrs: Cook, Sunday School at 10 o'clock; Church and Thursday of last week with her -- DON'T FORGET -- The PORT PERRY HOCKEY CLUB "EUCHRE & DANCE?' on FRIDAY, DEC. 14th IN THE PORT PERRY HIGH SEROOL 'Wanted DRESSED We have recently installed a Poultry Plucking Plant, and are buying large quantities of Live present we are paying 29¢. per pound for Grade A Roasters, head and feet on, and 3c. We pick up at your farm if quantity is large Why not drop us a line, or phone us, CAMERON. ELECTRIC HATCHERY CAMERON, ONT. ~ PHONE 8 r 11 PROSPECT Misses Beth and 'Ruth Diamond spent the week-end with Greenbank friends. Mrs. J. Bray spent the weosksand in Oshawa with friends. T= Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the Durham home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker, of: Utica, were visitors at the E. Diamond home on Sunday. Mrs. H. Thorne, of Oshawa, was a recent visitor at the Wm, Holtby home. Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Adams, Aurora, were vistors at the Mrs. E. Holliday home on Sunday. A large number of Prospect people met at the school on Saturday evening in honour of a bride and groom, Mr, and Mrs. J. Raymond (nee Marjorie Martyn) of Toronto, and presented them with a lovely electric lamp. The bride and groom responded and thank- ed the people for their handsome gift, after which lunch was served. ' Mrs; F. Martin has réturned home after spending a' pleasant summer in Safkatchewan with friends, . Mr. and Mrs, A. Chumblay, of Osha- wa and Miss Pearl Chuinblay, of Ot- tawa 'were recent visitors at she, Me, i Martin home, t © Mr. and Mis. F. Middleton, of Black- stock, were recent visitors ak the A. Orchard home. Mr, and Mrs, L. Smith attended the Federation of Agriculture convention held in Toronto Wednesday of last week, da : The W,A. meeting was held at the home of Mrs, Wm. Holtby, Nov, Zlat. There was a splendid attendance of members and visitors. After the de- votional and business were over, a short programme was given which wag much enjoyed. Miss Y. Somer- ville sang a solo, "In the Garden"; Mrs; W. Kilpatrick gave a reading, "The Plug of Tobacco"; Mrs, Cornish gave a reading on the life of Pauline Johnson; Mrs. F, Martin gave an in- teresting account of her trip to the West' which she enjoyed immensely; Mrs. L. Beacock gave a Quiz contest Collection over $6.00, Miss Leona Devitt, of Blackstock, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs, L. Beacock, ; Mrs, G, Little, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Martyn, of Whitby, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, H, Martyn, 4% C0

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