Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Nov 1945, p. 5

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--§ po w Exseutar, ~ - Phone Bethany 7 r 13. "died November 2nd, 1945, are hereby ~ of which the undersigned shall then PORT PERRY, ONT.,, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1045 ( BROCK THEATRE'. Phone 618, WHITBY |[' Air Conditioned Thursday, Friday and Saturday, The firm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved) RUSSELL 'D. HUMPHREYS 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 n attendance at. my Port Perry office on Tuesday, and Thursday afterncon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 94 NOVEMBER 29-30, DECEMBER 1 Two Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Satudray Matinee at 1.30 RITA HAYWORTH, in "To-Night and |i ARTHUR W. S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday aftérnocon of each week, or by appointment. slong Block, Port Perry. Phone 25 Every Night" IN TECHNICOLOR withJanet Blair and Lee Bowman. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, DECEMBER 3-4-5 Last complete show at 8.20 W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. - "Having a Wonderful Crime" starring PAT O'BRIEN, GEO. MURPHY, CAROLE LANDIS Also an ADDED Attraction "THREE IS A FAMILY" Phones: DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON office equipped for X-RAY WORK Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen St., Port Perry Office 68w; Residence 68; | The Best the Market Offers Your Phone Orders Receive Careful Attention 4 H | CAWKER BROS, Family Butchers EEE at Choice Meats at all Times WE BUY AND SELL THE BEST Phone 72w, 'W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER PORT PERRY with MARJORIE REYNOLDS and CHARLIE RUGGLES Next Thursday, Friday and Seturdai.) DECEMBER 6-7-8 ; Billy Rose's I DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop. hone 237, Res. 215 Port Perry "DIAMOND HORSESHOE" IN TECHNICOLOR starring BETTY GRABLE and DICK HAYMES Rising values means adjustment of DR. ED. BAILEY |} VETERINARY SURGEON Uxbridge and Port Perry Phone 127, Uxbridge Reverse charges on all phone calls to me, INSURANCE Are your. policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may : be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 A Port Perry W. J. KING Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO King and Cedar Streets. _. Phone 138 'LIVE POULTRY WANTED Also new and used feathers. Best prices paid. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R.1, declb I HAVE NO AGENTS. t KEN SPEARS TEACHER OF * Guitar & Theory : Cassimir St., Port Perry POPULAR COURSE LESSONS Instruments & Supplies NOTICE All kinds of Electrical and Mechanical Repairs o household appliances All makes and sizes of| Electric Motors repair- od and Reconditioned. - Small Motors for sale. Small Gasoline Engines or Sale. Electrie or Gasoline Drive Pump Jacks for Sale. MACHINE REPAIR SHOP . STAN. CAUSLEY,Proprietor Reasonable Rates F a 0 CBC FARM CHAIRMAN Orlo Miller is the chairman of the National Farm Forum broadcasts for the 1945-46 season. This program will be heard on Mondays at 8.30 p.m. a FRESH EGGS FOR SALE Phone 212M, Port Perry. ar a NOTICE TO CREDITORS b In the Estate of George Fowlie, late of | d the Village of Port Perry, in the |M County of Ontario, Gentleman. All persons having claims against|h the Estate of the above named who notified to send to the undersigned on or before December 16th, 1945, full particulars of their claims. diately after December 16th, 1945, the assets of the deceased will be distri- buted among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 10th day of November, 1945, 11 HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for the with hurst, on Sunday. oratorical Tuesday, November 20th, her Croxall, over the week-end. BETHESDA Mr. and Mrs. Fairless and family, Mr, and Mrs. Turner Ashen- Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Brown and Miss Eileen, visiting friends in Oshaws, on riday evening. :Mr, and Mrs. S. Spencer, Toronto, spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C, Ashenhurst, A number from here attended the contests in Uxbridge on The' W. A. will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Dobson, on Wredoniday, December bHth, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmott Croxall, Mr, nd Mrs. Stanley Croxall, were visit- rs in Toronto one day this week. (Too late for last week) The Bethesda Anniversary Services were well attended on Sunday. Music was provided by the Quaker Hill Boys' Quartette, Bethesda Male Quartette, nd Mr. Douglas Ross, baritone soloist of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas were Sunday guests of Mr. Allie Ross and son nd Mrs. L. G. Brown. Mrs. Fred Palmer, Uxbridge, has een spending a fow days with her aughter and her husband, Mr, and frs. Roy Crapper, Miss Clara Palmer, of Toronto, at er home here over the week-end, Mrs. Mildred Playter, Toronto, with parents Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Mr. and. Mrs. Clifford Ward, of Imme-} Greenbank, spent Sunday with their daughter and her husband, Mr, and Mrs. John Dobson. Master John Croxall, Manchester, holidaying with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Croxall, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lynde, Ash- burn, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 'aradine, on Sunday. Mrs. R. Stillwell, Uxbridge, was a Sunday visitor with Mr, and Mra. F. - Dobson, located at the corner of F. E. Reesor Sih te prs po po Our PLANING MILL and COAL YARD are now two blacks south of our old location. OFFICE AS USUAL ON QUEEN STREET REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER Phone 73w "eg er es 0 8" 4 0 "0 a en" Water and Scugog Streets F. G. Reesor P CROPOBOBOSOO SR 080 5% 3" 2% 2 0% 2% 4% 4% "ea CSOSA OSTA AI AA 256 Pages. ON THE SHORES OF SCUGOG A Well Illustrated Local History CLOTH BOUND. A Book you will want to keep for reference. $1.50 Mr. and Mrs, Robert Paradine visit- ing relatives in Grand Rapids, Mich. A number from here attended the supper and play at Epsom on Wed- nesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. MeNeil and daughter, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hart attended the Whitney-Johnston wedding in ' Ux- bridge on Saturday. , Mr. and: Mrs. Frank Kendall and son, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hart on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Lickiss and daughter, of Uxbridge, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dure, Uxbridge, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. C. Ashenhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGregor enter- tained at a family dinner in honour of her mother, Mrs. H, Ashton, Sd ih cE a a ASHBURN Sunday School and church services were conducted at Burns' Church on Sunday, Nov. 26th at 10 and 11 a.m. Mr. Hugh Knight tendered his resig- riation as secretary-treasurer of the Sunday School. Mr.,.Arthur Richard- son was appointed as treasurer and James Childs as secretary. Rev. J. A. MacMillan had charge of the church service and chose for his text 1 John, chapter 4, verse 8 "He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love," The Ladies' Guild held a Pot. Luck supper in the basement of the church on Tuesday, Nov, 20th, at 7 p.m, There was a good attendance and a delicious supper was enjoyed by every- one, Following the supper, a short programme was given consisting of Mrs, Edgar Heron, Doris Mae Heron, 1 Messrs. Fred Stephen and Edgar Heron sang two numbers. A set of slides on "Profitable Poultry Keep- ing", was shown and explained by Mr. Walter Kerr. The singing of the Na- tional Anthem brought the program- me to a close. Proceeds $25.00. Private Murray Hubbert returned home from overseas on Wednesday, Nov. 21st. Miss Bernice Thomas, of Colling- wood, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Hubbert during the week-end. Misses Glenys Stephen, Florence Doble and Muriel Hill, of Toronto, spent the week-end at their respec- tive homes. Mrs. Lewis Moase, Mrs, Les. Cross and Miss Betty Goose, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Goose, The Young People's Society met at the home of Miss Ruth Richardson on Wednesday evening, Nov, 21st. Capt. Fred Procunier, who recently returned from overseas, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. Lynde. UXBRIDGE INIOR FARMERS Contest Night Friends gathered in' the Uxbridge High School on Tuesday evening, November 20th, to hear some very fine speeches and amateur showings, Our congratulations are extended to Mor- ley Bain, Zephyr, on being the first prize winner; the runner-up was Eileen Brown, Uxbridge. The third prize went to Wilmot Phair, Green- bank; fourth to Evelyn Blackburn, of Uxbridge. For the amateur contest, we wish to thank everyone who took part, Remember our next meeting in December. The date will be publish- ed later, | F. W. BROCK & SON Christmas Suggestions English 65 piece Dinner Sets, $22.95 FOR EIGHT PEOPLE Christmas Cards, boxed assortments--25c., 50c., 59c¢ TOYS, GAMES A- L ON DISPLAY NOW From 10c. to $2.00 Ladies' Fine Handkerchiefs: 2c¢., 30¢., Te., $1.00 'Men's Winter Overcoats, all sizes, $22.50 GOODRICH RUBBERS and OVERSHOES NEARLY ALL LINES AND SIZES IN STOCK Sunworthy. WALLPAPER JFor 1946--Nearly all in stock now. 12c¢. per roll and up. Sun-Tested amd GROCERIES Mixed Peel, V21b. pk. 18c. Blk. Tea, 59c. Ib. Salted Peanuts, 9 oz. 25¢c. Plum Jam 24 oz. 33¢ Apple & Raspberry Jam, 24 ozs. 3lc. Oranges, 288s,30c.d. Cooking Onions 6c. lb. Green Celery, lg. 15c. Grapefruit, 4 for 25¢ Pastry Flour, 24 lbs., 75c. 7 C. J. PARK, D.C, CHIROPRACTOR, of Toronto, will be in his Oshawa of- fice, Wednesday and Saturday of each week, 10 a.m, to 9 p.m. Room 6, 16 King Street Kast. Phone 7561J for appointment, feb16 BOARD AND ROOM Would give good home to two elderly gentlemen with means, Rates reason- able. Phone 256W, Port Perry, FOR SALE 200 Hybred Pullets, starting to lay. D. Ducehmin, Myrtle Station, Phone rooklin 43 r 14, FOR SALE Child's large wagon with rubber tires and rack; child's skates and botos, size 1; porcelain top table. Phone 67 r 31, Port Perry. FOR SALE Lady's winter coat, size 16, nearly new, grey, with mouton shawl collar. 90 r 11, Port Perry. FOR SALE Child's coat, bonnet, leggings and muff, six year size. Mrs, Will Forder, Nestleton, Phone 196 r 13. : FOR SALE Stewart hand-power Clipping Ma- chine, good as new. Apply to W. C. Sonley, Port Perry (R.R. 4) PORT PERRY Pentecostal Assembly Rev. I. B. Fifield. Sunday School--=10 a.m. Worship--11-a.m. Evangelistic--- 7.00 p.m. Pastor SPECIAL SPEAKER Evangeiist MRS. C. B. SMITH, Wife of the General Supt. She has a message for you. KVERYBODY WELCOME COUGHS, BROKEN WIND Coughs, distemper, ete, quickly mastered by ZEV where everything else fails. Try this great remedy, made by the makers of Buckley's Mix-! ture, if you have an animal suffering from any respiratory malady. $1.00 a bottle at A. M. Lawrence's. LOST OR STOLEN 2 Heifers--1 yearling Heifer, roan, car tag 90768Y2; 1 Hereford Yearling Heifer, ear tag 90768Y2, notify Russell Down, R.R. 2, Oshawa. Lot 7, Con. 6, Fast Whithy. AUCTION SALE POSTPONED The Furniture Sale of the Jennie Medd Estate has been postponed to Saturday, Dee, Ist, CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Ellen Pettit, wish to express sincere ap- preciation and thanks for the many kindnesses and words of sympathy at the time of their recent bereavement in the illness and death of Mrs. Pettit. - FOR SALE 6H High Grade Pullets, ready to lay; also a Hereford Bull, 9 months old. Apply to I. Mackin, Saintfield, Phone 114 r 12 Port Perry nov29 FOR SALE Heater and a Phone 213. Quebec number of stove pipes. STRAYED from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 16, Con. 6, Reach Township, a red and whote (white face) yearling steer, Missing since Nov. 21st, Finder please notify Alonzo Williams, Phone 189 r 22 or wrirte R.R. 1 Port Perry. dec.6 Because Candaa's potato crop is well under average this year, dealers will be able to import enough potatoes from the United States to supplement the domestic crop and maintain normal consumer supplies. Finder | = WANTED Horses for mink meat, Apply to Roy Henders, Phone 75.0 Port. Perry. dec 7 CBC CHAIRMAN The CBC's first full-time chairman, A. Davidson Dunton, brings wide exeeu- tive experience to his new post. Fdu- cated in Canada, England, and on the ISuropean the Montreal- born newspaper man was editor of the Montreal Standard for four years and Wartime In- formation Board for three years, continent, general manager of the Auction Sales THURSDAY,. NOVEMBER 20th-- 1H Shorthorn Cattle, 2 Horges, 30 Pigs, 102° 5r. M-H Tractor on rubber, three furrow Plow, Cultivator-Tiller, rubber tired Wagon, Hay Loader, Side Rake. Most of machinery nearly new. All the other usual implements, also Hay and Grain, the preperty of DONALD MILNE, Lot 21, Con. 14, REACH Twp. See bills for complete list, ete, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7th---Farm Stock, Tmplements and Household Furniture, the property of Peter Kostur, Lot 15, Con; 9, Brock Twp., I mile north of No. 7 Highway, on tidge Road, 4 miles north-east of Sunderland. Terms Cash, Sale. at 12.30. See Bills. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer i RN CRC A ~~ NW el" -- ----

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