w= bt man Same <n he po oo ao LA Ee SE 5 a wey fo .. > ne Fei EN oe HN al A eal ieee LOCAL NEWS Bill Brinkman, A.B. whose vessel is docked at Halifax, made. a brief call on his father, Mr. C. Brinkman, last week-end. Bill is staying with the Navy, and will not likely be home again until some time next year, He likes his job. Mr. Cliff McGill of Oshawa, has bought the home previously owned by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mills. We say wel- come to Mr. and Mrs. McGill and fam- ily. Pain killer for corns! Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve gives prompt, sure relief, 60c. at Lawrence's Drug Store Dr. J. B. Lundy is attending the Winter Clinic of the Academy of Dentistry, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mrs. J.undy accom- panied him to Toronto. Mr. and 'Mrs. A. J. Ablitt, Sr, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Balfour. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reneau, of Toronto, were visitors during the week-end of Mr, and Mrs. Egbert Mac- Gregor. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Grant McDermott is gradually im- proving after his recent accident. Miss Helen Peel and Mr. M. Bell, of Toronto, were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R., A. Peel. Mr. Archibald MacMaster, Toronto, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. J. D. MacMaster. Miss Jean McDermott, of Toronto, spent a few days at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tinsley, who were married recently, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. John Tinsley. SCHOOLS CLOSED Both Port Perry High School and Port Perry Public School are closed to-day as the Warden of Ontario County has declared a Public Holiday throughout the County. SEVERAL BREAK-INS Last evening, Port Perry was again _ visited by thieves, who broke into the Lake Scugog Lumber and Milling Co.] office, Cawker Bros. Butcher Shop, and Hogg & Lytle Ltd. The only place any loot was taken was at the Hogg & Lytle office where $1.30 in coppers was taken, Chief Holmes is investigating, JUNIOR WAR WORKERS ~ The next meeting of the Junior War Workers will be at the home of Mrs. Norman Mein, on December 4th at 8 p.m. NOTICE Married Couples wishing to play Badminton during the winter months please register with the undersigned not later than Saturday, December 1st. Samuel Cawker EUCHRE PARTY Come to the Euchre Party at Pros- pect School on Thursday, November 29th at 8 p.m. Gentlemen 25e. Ladies with lunch, free. . Keep December 14th open for the Christmas Concert at Prospeet School, I. 0. D. E. Phone 1011 FREE Parking OSHAWA AIR CONDITIONED A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Friday and Saturday, NOV, 30th, DEC. 1st. Edgar Rice Burrough's "TARZAN and the AMAZONS" starring JOHNNY WEISMULLER, BRENDA JOYCE, and JOHNNY SHEFFIELD Desperate Jungle Beauties . . . Fight the White Man's Evil . . . ADDED--LEON ERROL. . 1" 1) . 11] Let's Go Stepping COLOR CARTOON and the LATEST PARAMOUNT NEWS Monday, Tues.,, Wed., Thursday, DECEMBER 3-6 BETTE DAVIS, in "THE CORN | IS GREEN" with John Dall, Joan Lorring, Nigel Bruce. A glorious Story .. . for the sereen's most Glorious Actress. Your Christmas Gift Problem solved---GIVE Books of Theatre Tickets in Attractive Holiday Envelopes. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. E. G. Bruton, Rector Sunday, December 2nd-- - Ist Sunday in Advent, Church at I'l o'clock with Rev, Mr. Bruton in charge. Sunday School at 2.30 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister Sunday, December 2nd-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--The Church reaches out-- a long reach. 7 pm.--The singing of Christmas carols under the leadership of the choir will be a feature of short evening service, All are invited to join in the Christmas music, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A. MacMillan. Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11th-- Sunday School 2,30 p.m. Iivening Service at 7 p.m. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: P. Taylor 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. E 2.30 p.m.--Bible School i p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, '8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. SLENDOR TABLETS -- harmless and effective. 2 weeks' supply $1.00; 12 weeks', $5.00. At Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. Deaths WILLIAMS -- At Oshawa General The members of Scugog Chapter Imperial Order Daughters of the Em- | pire will meet in the Community Room at the Library on Monday, December 3rd at 3 pm. A special program is being arranged. NOTICE The War Work Committee would like the ladies who do the quilting to know that the rooms are the second floor at the Post Office, and will be available for them Friday afternoons. TROPICAL PRODUCTION Mr, James Read brought a small ripe orange to the Star Office. He had grown it on a tree that he has been babying for a couple of years. He says that these home grown trees do not come into full production until they are four years old. Bazaar Saturday, December 1st The annual bazaar held by the St. John's Presbyterian Church, will be on Saturday, December 1st, There will be a sale of home cooking, Aprons Fancy Goods, Baby Clothes, Tea Towels, etc, Afternoon tea will be served. a Hospital, on Wednesday, Nov. 21st, 1948, Oliver Williams, husband of the late Alma Greenwell, in his 81st year. Mr. Williams was a former resident of Scugog" Island, RIDER---At Cannington, on Thurs- day, November 22nd, 1945, Clarence Frederick Rider, beloved husband of Leola McMan, in his 41st year. THE WHITE KITCHEN RESTAURANT Is now under new manage- ment. Good Cooking and 'Prompt and Courteous "Service Assured, Tobaccos, lce Cream, and Soft Drinks -- as available. The patronage of the local and travelling public 18 solicited, Arthur Asher, Proprietor ods Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST Council Briefs A snow plow for Port Perry is expect- ed to be here about Dec, 16th, 1946, It is a new one with attachments for the front of our own truck. Let's hope it is here in time. No, the garbage collection system has not been decided on yet. There are many items to be considered, such as: (a) What is to be classified as gar- bage; , (b) What about the container pro- blem? (¢) Can the cost be assumed by the taxpayers in general or must each householder be charged individually? (d) Routes to be worked out on a schedule. (e) Will the town dump be restrict- ed to Port Perry only. (f) This Council must either say "yes" or "no"'--before long. The Council is having 'School Signs" made and erected on Queen St., near the school. The construction of a water system for domestic use and fire protection is at present a dead issue. Our town clerk has received instruc- tions from the Council to order suf- ficient street signs to cover all streets intersecting Queen street in the village of Port Perry. This issue has been talked about for a long time, and now it is almost a reality. This by-law is a little old-fashioned but still part of our municipal make- up, and has never been rescinded, or lately enforced. Byrlaw No. 693, dated June, 1914, and states--"No child under 16 years of age shall loiter in any public place within the village of Port Perry after nine o'clock in the evening or be there, unless accom- panied by his parent or guardian'. A delegate from the Post War Citi- zens' Committee met with the Council on November 19th. It was the wish of the delegation to find out if the Coun- cl could purchase land on which the proposed projects are tobe erected. There is a possibility that the people will be asked to vote on this issue be- fore long. " "Contrary to popular belief--a tenant may qualify and be elected for muni- cipal office, Section 52 of The Municipal Act, R.S.0., 1937, Chapter 266. : 1, Every person shall be qualified to be elected a member of the council of a local municipality who,-- (a) is a householder residing in the municipality, or is rated on the last re- vised assessment roll of the municipal- ity for land held in his own right for an amount sufficient to entitle him to be entered on the voters' list and re- sides in or within five miles of the municipality; (b) is entered on' the last revised voters' list as qualified to vote at municipal elections; (¢) is a British subject; (d) is of the full age of twenty-one years; and (e) is not disqualified under this or any other Act, 2, The rating for land shall be in respect of a freehold or leasehold, legal or equitable, or partly of each. 3. "Householder" shall mean the person who occupies and is assessed as owner or tenant of a dwelling or apartment house or part of a--dwaell- ing or apartment house separately oc- cupied as a dwelling. : Remember, it is your duty as a tax- payer to be present at the Nomination meeting. It is your money that keeps the town going; so come and hear how it is spent and why, and a special in- vitation is extended to the ladies. Maybe you will hear a lot of things that you should know. E. G. Michell. Welcome Home L.A.C, William Beare, R.C.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs, C. E, Beare, Sgt. Walter "Mike" Sheridan, R.C.A. L.A.C. Reid J. D. MacFarlane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart MacFarlane, R.R. 2, Blackwater. Coming home on the "Empress of Scotland" are Gnr. Len, G, Colbear, R.C.A., son of Mr, and Mrs, L. D. Col- bear, Port Perry. Trooper Charles C, Cann, 11th C.A. R. R;, son of Mrs. George Cann, Port Perry, HH r, oR PA SPRL S RR Tar a ae a IR -- THE HIT OF THE SEASON -- New Stars Lynn Merrick, and Songs Larry Parks King Cole Trio, in "STARS ON PARADE" and CARTOON Port Perry Town Hall, Thurs. Nov. 28th Show Starts 8.15 ~ Adults 35¢., Children 15¢c-25¢ Tribute to the Late Dr. J. H. Hardy (Perth Courier) Having recovered from a prolonged and a serious indisposition, John Howard Hardy, B.A., D. Paed., E.D., formerly of Perth, pussed away sud- denly and quietly in Toronto ifi the early evening of Wednesday, Nov, 14th, 1946. ; Sincerest expressions of sympathy were never more justly deserved nor more gratefully received than those sent to Mrs. Hardy, his wife, and to his loyal family, Winnifred, teaching at Brockville Collegiate Institute; Janet, a fourth year student in Fine Art in Victoria College, Univeristy of Toronto; Morley, a Captain in the Dental Corps serving in Holland with the 12th Manitoba Dragoons; John, only recently returned from service overseas with the Hastings and Prince lidward Regiment; and Edgar, attend- ing Upper School in Port Perry, Ont, A modest but beautiful funeral ceremony was held on Saturday after- noon, November 17th, at 2.30 in the United Church in Port Perry. Rev. W. C. Smith, of that church, who spoke as a boyhood friend and Uni- versity student companion of the late Dr. Hardy jointly officiated at the divine service with Rev. W. R. Alp, of St. Paul's United Church, Perth, who spoke on behalf of the people of that town. Dr. Hardy was subsequently laid to rest in the family plot in Little Britain Cemetery in the presence of those beloved of him. His pallbear- ers were his brother, Mr. R, F. Hardy, barrister, Toronto, and brothers-in- law, Dr. S. L. Honey, Dr. E. M., Honey, Major R. C. Honey, Mr. G. L. Honey and Mr. H. W. Honey. Present at the funeral were Dr. Hardy's four sisters, Mrs. T. H. Turner, Oakwood, Ontario; Mrs. S. L. Honey, Toronto; Mrs. R. W. McBain, Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Mrs. A. Greenwood, Strathroy, On- tario, and one brother, Mr. R. F. Hardy, barrister, Toronto. A second brother, Professor W. G. Hardy, Head of Classics, University of Alberta, was unable to attend. ~ Also present were Mr. A. G. Hooper, Superinten- dent of secondary schools Education representing the Minister of Education for the Province of Ontario; Mr. A. E. O'Neil, Principal of Oshawa Col- legiate Institute representing the On- tario Secondary School Teachers' Federation; Dr. H. Bennett, Dean of Victoria College, University of Toron- to and Dr: A. C. Lewis, Principal of the Ontario College of Education. In addition to the above, many personal' friends of the family throughout the Province attended the service. The wholly unexpected and untimely death of Dr. Hardy came as a tre- mendous shock to his many friends and acquaintances and was a para- lyzing and heartbreaking blow to his wife and family, all of whom had so faithfully and so unselfishly shared in his successful struggle against ill- ness to become re-established follow- ing his retirement from the Perth Collegiate Institute of which he was Principal, Classical Master, Cadet and Physical Education Instructor for a period of over twenty- three years. last . December 'Fifty-four years 'ago, on a farm in Mariposa Township, Dr, Hardy was born, the eldest son of the late G. W. and Mrs, Hardy. He received his education in successive steps from Cannington Continuation. School to Lindsay Collegiate Institute, thence to Victoria College in the University of Toronto, from which he graduated as an honour student with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Classics, demic proficiency in the humanities went hand in hand with his ability as an undergraduate debater and with his athletic skill in tennis, basketball and boxing in the latter sport of which he Welterweight Champion, a successful university. career, Dr. Hardy undertook training in the teach- ing profession which fascinated him and accordingly he was awarded a specialist certificate by the Ontario College of Education, His aca- intercollegiate Following éxcelled as an PRINCE ALBERT Welcome home to Pte. Albert Har- per-and L.-Cpl, G. McCrea. Both are looking fine. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, of Wilmington, U.S.A., visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Somerville. Mrs. Greaves has sold her property to a young married couple, who have taken possession. Mr. and Mrs, Broadhead are in- tending to spend the winter in Oshawa with their daughter, Congratulations to the girls who are painting the kitchen floor at the Church, © - Mrs. Frank Vickery and daughter Mary, in Toronto, one day last week. Mrs. James Kirby visited in the city over the week-end. C. G. I T. The C.G.I.T. met again on Monday, November 20th. The meeting opened with the C.G.L'T. purpose, followed by a short devotional period. Business was then discussed. It decided that we hold a Christmas ser- vice this year gimilar to the one held last year. A practice for this will he held at our next.meeting. . The program consisted of two very fine guitar selections by Connie St. John, After these we went into our groups for a short time, and then ad- journed. fiigh School Notes : By Bruce Gerrow Those who attended our High School Commencement Exercises agree that a very enjoyable evening 'was: spent. The programme opened with O Ca- nada. Our principal, Mr. Crane and Mr. I. R. Bentley, Chairman of the Board of Education, acted as chairmen. High School awards were as fol- lows: High School Entrance Prizes-- Ruth Williams and Aileen Skerratt. Intermediate Certificates -- Jimmy Baird, Wm. Bell, Mabel Bonnell, Ivan Bruce, Mac Christie, Claudia Coulter, Donna Crosier, Gordon Goode, Ted Griffen, Marilyn Griffen, Lois Jeffrey, John Kerry, Stanley Lane, "Stuart Lane, Murray Lee, Joyce McKee, No- rine McMillan, Marie Moase, Florence Nasmith, Audrey Ploughman, Mary Reader, Ena Rider, George Stone, Wil- liam Stuart, Marie Sweetman. Secondary School' Graduation Dip- loma--Lois Parr, Betty Real, Wilfred Richardson, Barbara Spencer, Dorothy Tristram. : Secondary School. Honour Gradua- tion Diploma--Margaréet Hocken, Wes- ley Jackson, Doreen Johnson, Emerson McMillan, Verna Moase, John Cawker, Harold St. John, Willie Stone, Academic Awards 1. 1.O.D.E. Scholarship (value $25) -- Florence Nasmith; 2. P. P, Lions Club Prize (value $10)--Lois Parr; 38. Reader's Digest--Margaret Hocken. Athletic Awards-- Port Perry High School Fiéld Day-- Class Shield, Boys--Grade IX; Class Shield, Girls -- Grade XI; Girls' Jr. Championship -- Ruby Gibson; Girls' Intermediate Championship--Marilyn Griffen; Girls' Sr. Championship -- Florence Nasmith; Boys' Jr,' Cham- pionship--Stuart Nasmith; Boys' Int. Championship--John Gatenby; Boys' Sr. Championship--Grant MacMillan, Interschool Field Meet--Junior Boy --Art Sheridan; Junior Girl--Ruby Gibson. # Bassett Cup--President Boys' Ath- letic Organization, Strathcona Tpust Silver Medal -- 'Wesley Jackson, + Dr, W. J, Dunlop, Director Publicity and Extension, University of Toronto; gave an inspiring address entitled, "Securing the Best Education", which was both humourous and interesting. . As usual the singing was furnished by Grade IX and Grades 10, 11 and 12, The highlight of the evening was the Valedictory Address, given by Margaret Hocken. ~ The programme ended with God Save the King, Lawrence's Drug Store News PORT PERRY, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1945 (You Can Save with Bafety at Your Rexall Stere) KEPLER'S COD LIVER and MALT ........7T5e¢. and $1.25 SCOTT'S EMULSION : 69¢. and 98ec. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD [| . - NATIONAL COD LIVER OIL and MALT ............49. and 89¢. [| 60c. and $1.50 HALIVER CAPSULES 90c. and $1.55 NEO CHEMICAL FOOD Liquid .........$1.15 and $2.45 ~~ Capsules...........51.25 and $2.25 ALPHAMETTES $1.00, $1.85, $3.50, $16.00 M WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER EXTRACT c.ionsisrssrenn$1,00 BETAMIN TABLETS $1.00, $1.75 and $3.00 PERCOMORPH OIL - 75¢. and $3.00. PHONE 49 Uncomfortable...slouch- ng...bulging...because ou bought your corsct by size alone? Switch to Charis...the corset that secognizes more than size... Charis considers ALLyour measurements. A Graduate Charis Cor- setiere prescribes from "as many as 77 models in asize. No wonder Charis cradles your every curve. | No wonder women who dragged all day now tay bright till night. - PERSONALIZED " CORSETRY It must give the right suppart, or Charis won't let you wear it! sTED ri ; MRS. H. MacMASTER Box 102, Port Perry, Phone 44 RATION CALENDAR 1 Coupons becoming valid Nov. 29th-- BUTTER ....iiiciinnnen, I £3 § SUGAR ...... ...66, 67 PRESERVES P20, P21 MAR, imipinmilimipiaisehdl . DONATIONS TO PORT PERRY "HOCKEY CLUB ; Cash Ted Jackson remiss sri eer $10.00 Fred DeNure ... wee 10,00 Milton Goode .......... 10.00 , Dominion Stores . 5.00 i I. R. Bentley ......... ven 5.00 Wm. Taylor, Sr. ... .. b.00 W. L. Parrish ...cvviiinininiinees 5.00 y Carnegie Hardware ..... we 5.00 Wm. Carnegie ........ we 0.00 A, W. 8S. Greer ..... .. 6.00 Glen Owen ........ . we 0.00 Irwin Tripp ...... . b.00 Herb. Brooks .... we - 6,00 Arthur Brock ........ we 5.00 A. L. McDermott . 5.00 Cecil Beare .......... ny 5.00 Dr, G. M. Rennie ..... . b.00 Harold Archer ..... . 5.00 Gordon McKee ..... 65.00 W. E. MacGregor... . 5.00 Cephas Sleep .......... 6.00 Samuel Farmer ... 4,00 Morrow Bros. ........... 4.00 Gordon: Robertson ... we 3.60 Dr, LAY cic 3.00 White Kitchen .......covrnvirennennnnn. 8.00 Frank Smith ....... 3.00 V. P. Stouffer ..... 2.60 H. H. Mulligan 'comin 2.00 Dr. 'Armstrong ............ 2.00 Hooey's Barber Shop ........cocvvivene 2.00 Ross McLean .......... Sebert House .. R. J. Harper .... Dr, Irwin cine. a Jeffrey & Taylor ovine Art, Jemison vein Keith Hooey ...cvniirinnasie ie Reesor Fuel & Lumber ............. A. B. Cawker iris, TPR Sweetman Transport .i. Murray Williams .......... oie 2,00 Geo. Stephens ... wiser 1,00 Ed. Michell niin. 1,00 Prentice Beauty Shop .......... wee 1,00 R. B. Smallman ......c.cconviinines 1,00 Percy Rolph ...ccivicnnnicreniins 1,00 Venture Restaurant ........... 1.00 Chas, Howsam .....qummnine 1.00 Geo. Palmer w..ivininnnn, vw 1,00 Wonder Bread ........oviiinnes 1,00 Prizes for Euchre Taylor's Restaurant H. 4. Durkin A. M. Lawrence Grant Jeffrey Sam Levinson Hogg & Lytle Danny Woodward Howard Stone Gordon Robertson Hayden McDonald T. Bakogeorge 'The executive would like to thank those who so kindly made donations to the Port Perry Hockey Club, A M. LAWRENCE 120 Renall sur v 0 1 ED PORT PERRY NOTICE On and after this date, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone other than my- self, without my written order, Dated at Myrtle Station, this 16th day of November, 1946, Arthur Cameron Mitchell PRENTICE'S with or without appointment, PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up SHAMPOO AND STYLED SETTING, ONLY 60e. - & ~ : Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. Taylor's Auto Electric PORT PERRY GENERATORS =~ 2 FIELD COILS REPAIRED and EXCHANGED ' BEAUTY SALON -- dE STARTERS A BILL TAYLOR :: Proprietor Bilt Smoking In The Loges THEATRE, OSHAWA Continuous Show Dally - Thurssday, Friday, Saturday, NOV. 29-30, DEC. 1° Grand Week-End Twin Show! Salvo of Songs! Barrage of Beauty! Broadside of Laughs! BING CROSBY » BETTY HUTTON SONNY TUFTS, in "Here Come the Waves" Added Thrills for You! All the Action of "Wildfire" in this tale of Adventure! "Pride of the Plains" with BOB LINGSTON and SMILEY BURNETTE vo ' Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, DECEMBER 3-4-5 Penetrating! Absorbing! Anton Chekov"s "SUMMER STORM' The Story of a Siron Who Destroyed All Those She Loved! , with GEORGE SANDERS Linda DARNELL, Anna LEE Everett HORTON, and on the same Program: The Witty, Joyous Gay Musicall 'MEET THE PEOPLE' starring LUCILLE BALL, Dick POWELL, Bert LAHR, BioomsT SHOW VALUE IN OSHAWA | Virginia O'Brien, June Allyson "Rags" Ragland Vaughn Monroe and Orchestra Spike Jones and his City » Slickers, The ideal Christmas Gift-- Biltmore Theatre Tickets--all _ packaged ready to give, Enquire at the Box-Office!