No ani - w RE Em SE ~ a' RAAT, Br as ES 5 EI AC SR A we en. & PEE Lh wi SSE 0 ptm i 4 AH RRO mtb BIR I GE 1 "bp Mrs. M. Byers, and Community 23 AAR Sate uh, oe RE RIRN MEER IER A A LEERY 24, 12) Ag MRE oh ARLE 3 by falas) ; MA ' , / # £54 ; LEAN Rt aimed Na 0 RW SO Sh i ta lh i HEN A Sd BE a -- . ------ rr -- ---------------- I8 DEPEND JEMISON'S BAKERY GOOD BAKING ABLE FOR Phone 93 w ART. JEMISON, Proprietor py: Shingles; Hard General Builders' Supplies Planing Mill, Wood and Asphalt Sash and Doors, Coal, Ice. ESTIMATES GIVEN wood Flooring, Phone 240w LAKE §CUGOC LUMBER & COAL CO., LIMITED \ D) Saturday Special--"Jam Top Buns" - Gerrow Bros. Bakery Phone 32 WHEN THE BOYS COME BACK TO THE FARMS They'll probably want telephone service, if thoy Rian fy it before.. War has. taught a lot of those in uniform -- and . their parents, too -- to rely on telephones niore than ever. - Our plans are ready to make rural tele- phone service in Ontario and Quebec \ available to a greater number of users in the post-war period. Much of the preliminary work already "are available, had been done when war interrupted the program extending rural telephone "service. We intend to resume it as soon as the necessary materials and manpower Ea a i a -------- : BLACKSTOCK Blackstock W. I. met at the home of Mrs. E. Larmer, on Wednesday after-~ noon, November 7th. The subject for the program was Citizenship Logisla- tion, Peace and International Relations and Canadianization. Roll Call: Our Responsibility to. New Comers, Motto for the month: "There is no satisfac- tion comparable to that .of making one's neighbour happy. - The program was as follows: reading, "Things I meant to do" by Mrs, Trewin; reading, "Excerpts from spetch made by Mr, Stephenson, M.P., for Durham, on the subject, "Durham County"; quiz on Legislation by Mrs. Hooey. There were 26 qhestions, Mrs, V. Archer scoring highést, having 26 correct an- swers, Reading, "One Day at a Time" singing. -It was decided to send $16.00 to Central Fund. Report of Achieve: 0 oy \ --- ry Lith, The guest speaker was Rev. J. I. Kennedy, of Claremont and music by the choir with Vivian Sadler soloist. Armistice day was observed with } service in the town hall and later at [the cenotaph, | A memorial service was held for FO Roy Carter, on Sunday afternoon (in the Anglican Church, . | A number of Nestleton friends of I Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson and "Jean, presented them with an electric table lamp in the basement of United Church prior to their taking up resi- dence in their new home in Blackstock community. RE a a SCUGOG SCUGOG You are invited to the services and Sunday Srhool next Sunday at the usual hours, Rev. I, B. Cooke gave a fine "Re- membrance Day" sermon on Sunday which was followed by the singing of "Abide With Me". Mr. Leonard Hope and Mr. Alan Carter have received their discharges from the army, and Mr, Keith Hope has a six months' leave, The W. A. supper at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. Carter, on Wednesday evening was a grand success. Those present enjoyed the many favorite supper dishes, Proceeds $15.00. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crozier, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fralick and children Gloria and Stephen, attended the wed- ding of their friend Capt. Galway, and Miss Doris Carins, of Toronto, on Tuesday, in All Hallows Anglican Church, Toronto. The bride and groom have been summer visitors with their parents for several years on the Is- land at Stephenson's Point. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Laing, of Belle- ville, and Miss Joy Hood, of Oshawa, were week-end guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Hood: y Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crozier ar- rived home on Saturday night from a honeymoon trip where they visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jules Kaye, at Quill Lake, Sask. A very warm welcome was given them on Monday night at the home of his parents, where they are residing. The evening was started with a big noise, after which all were invited in the house where song and music were enjoyed. This was followed by a tasty lunch of ice cream, cake and coukies, Sorry to hear Mrs. Gordon Collins is in the hospital at Newmarket. Mr. David Kight, of Port Perry, is spending a few weeks with hig sister Mrs. Herman Midgley. Mrs. Abbott and daughter Regina, of Oshawa, and Mrs. Risebrough and daughter Betty, of Glen Major, have also been .the guests of their sister, Mrs. Midgley. Miss Kay Prentice spent Monday with her friend Miss Allene Sweetman. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Jeffrey were after service guests of their son Orr and Mrs, Jeffrey, on Sunday. Mrs, Annis, of Whitevale, spent 'the past week with Mrs, Ray Hobbs, Mr. Ralph Milner gave a splendid blackboard talk on the S. S. lesson on Sunday. i News for the children! We under- stand Santa Claus has has left his home in the north coming south with his reindeer. ASHBURN The regular Sunday: School and services were conducted at Burn's Church on Sunday, Nov, 11. Follow- the lesson period in the Sunday School, a set of slides on the church's missionary work in British Guiana was shown by Mr. Edgar Heron and explained by Mrs. Russell Lunney. A special "Remembrance Day" service was observed and Rev. J. A, MacMil- lan chose for his text, Matthew 6:10-- "Thy Kingdom Come", 1 ! A number of the members of the | i i T. R. TRAYNOR, Branch Manager. yy; fg, attended the special leadership ment 'Pay for Girls' Garden Club was given, It was decided to fill 3 ditty bags and sponsor drive to fill others. The last, shipment to Red Cross warerooms from Cartwright Red Cross consisted of articles purchased by Mrs. Dean with proceeds of con- cert put on by Cartwright teachers and pupils and Girl Guides on Oct, 11, to help advertise the National Clothing Drive and to raise money to buy new garments for war stricken European childfen. The articles sent were: 33 pairg mitts, 10 helmets, 14 pairs of stockings, 20 toques, 6 pairs shoes, 1 child's slip, 1 child's kimona. A box containing caps, mitts, and stockings, purchased with $10 gift to Red Cross from Blackstock Continuation School had beén sent previously. At present the household science class are work- ing on more garments for this project, Special services were held in the United Church on Sunday, November training and thank offering services held at Port Perry on Monday, Nov. b, afternoon and evening, when Miss Lilly McArthur and Miss Matthews were guest speakers, The regular bi-monthly meeting. of tse¢ Young People's Society was held at the home. of Mrs. Edgar Heron .on Wednesday, Nov, Tth at 8 p.m, Mrs. Wes Routley and daughter Helen spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Hamill, Manilla, Mr. Henry Doble visited his brother in Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, on Sunday. : Mrs. E. Ashton is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Herman Kerry, Epsom. : Misses (i. Stephen, Florence Doble and Muriel Hill, spent the week-end at their respective Homes here, Mrs. H. Philp, of Manilla, is visiting with her daughter Mrs, Earl Beadle. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Reynolds spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Heron, | ' a a -- T vo Miss Vera Leach visited her sister Murs. Alan Fisher, Taunton, on Sunday, The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Guild was held in the basement of the Church on Wednesday, Nov. 7th at 4 pan, We as a community wish to extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family of the late Wm, Parrott, ~~ - Myrtle Station Mr, 5. Saywell brought a very fine message to his congregation on Sun- day morning and his listeners showed their appreciation by the keen atten- tion they gave it. He said that Re- membrance Day was a time to look torward to, not backward, 5 Sunday School next Sunday at the new hours, 10 a.m. Church service at 11 o'clock. Mr, and Mrs, Norman. Bryant, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Knapp, of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with Stan and Mrs, Nottingham, Mr. and Mrs, James Cooper and family spent Sunday afternoon and evening with Mrs. Ivan Rodd at her home near Manilla. Mr. I. Smith, who had been with his daugliter, Mrs. Rodd, for the past week, returned home with the Cooper family, We wonder if this mild weather is Indian Summer? Its grand and we can take a lot of it. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cox, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with their parents, R, A, and Mrs. Cox, 5 Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bray, who were very recently married, have rent- ed a part of the parsonage and are getting settled in their first home. Miss Clara Minty, of Toronto, and Mr. Arthur Parrinder, of Port Hope, were guests on Sunday of the Archie Parrinders. Mr, O. H. Downey is away deer hunting this week and expects to bring home his quota of the hunt. Mr. James Spanton, Miss Ruth Spanton, Miss Hilda Lewis and Mr, F, Millman, all of Toronto, were guests on Sunday of Dave and Mrs. Duche- min, ; : Mrs. L. L. Ross, of Utica, spent Sunday with her father, Mr. James Dickson. Miss Hazel Valliers, of Oshawa, week-ended with her grandparents, T. and Mrs. Carey. } Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hudgin and Patsy, of Toronto, were down on Sun- day with Victor's mother, Mrs, H. Hudgin. Mrs. Oliver Lane is visiting this week with her sister at her home in Toronto. EPO -------- -- ---- Woman Strangled at Ajax Lorne Harris, Ajax, is held in the Whtiby jail on a nominal charge of vagrancy following the finding of the partly elad body of 23-year-old Mrs. Audrey Lyons in her home at Ajax, on Saturday. Police said the woman, mother of two children, had been strangled. A garment had been coiled held in place by two safety pins. Her husband, L.A.C. William Lyons, is stationed in Newfoundland with the Royal Canadian Air Force and return- ed to his home immediately. According to the police, four per- sons attended a party at the Lyons' home on Friday night. - The next day, a neighbor, Mrs, Nora Kyle, noticed the milk bottle was still on the ve- randah and the blinds 'drawn. She heard the childten erying and after investigating found the woman's body in a bedroom. A neighbor who accompanied Mrs. Kyle called Dr. Kenneth McLean, of Ajax, who in turn notified Provincial Constable Janes Sutherland, Whitby, and Chief John Irvine, Pickering Twp. Later, Insp. I. C. Gurnett of the Pro- vincial Police took over the investiga- tion. : BETHESDA - Bethesda anniversary services will be held in the United Church, at 2.30 and 7.30 pm. The guest speaker will be Rev. Mr. Burgess, Mount Albert. Special music will be provided by the Bethesda Male Quartette, the Young Boys' Quartette, and a baritone soloist. Mr, and Mrs, Ponton and son Bruce, were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mra, E. Parish, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dobson and fam- ily attended the Leask-Suggitt wed- ding at Port Hope on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Brown attended the funeral of his sister, widow of the late Dr. R, Newman, in Toronto, on Thursday last, Miss Dorothy Stemp with Mr, and Mrs, Wim, MacGregor on Sunday. The Bethesda Men's Quartette pro- vided music at the Memorial services at Vroomanton last Sunday evéning, Miss Eileen Brown visiting Miss into a rope, tied around her neck and | Dorothy Parish, at Sunderland, on Sat- urday. The brilliant Canadian artist on CBC, -- 'PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1945 NEW HIGH PRICES FOR LIVE 'POULTRY Until further notice. we are paying the following Prices for LIVE POULTRY, delivered to our plant in WHITBY LOOK! Top Grade Heavy FOWL, ______._.______.... 28¢. pound Top Grade Light FOWL, 4tob1lbs. _____________ 21e¢. 1b. Top Grade Light FOWL, under 4 lbs. ____,______ 19¢c. 1b. Top Grade BROILERS, 2 to 3 1lbs..________._ 28e¢. pound Top Grade Roasting CHICKENS, over 4} lbs., 28ec. lb. Top Grade Roasting CHICKENS, under 44 1bs., 26e. 1b. TOP GRADE CAPONS, over 6 lbs; ....... 30c. pound PICKERING FARMS, LIMITED WHITBY, ONT Telephone--Whitby 886 AS JEAN DANSEREAU -- DON'T FORGET -- The PORT PERRY HOCKEY CLUB "EUCHRE & DANCE" on FRIDAY, DEC. 14th IN THE PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL BRITISH ARRIVE AT SINGAPORE Allied prisoners who were interned at Changi prison camp, Singapore, giving a big cheer when the Allied occupation forces arrived. "many R.A.F. personnel. Picture by radio from Colombo, via Cable & Wireless Among the men are arise im any family Banks are continually making small loans io meet these emergencies which can upset the best-planned budgets. These small loans enable individuals to consolidate debts, and to pay back from income, Small loans furnish just one more example available to you at your bank.! This Advertisement is Sponsored by your IMRENES Three out of every five bank loans are for less than + $500. Many of these are used to take care of such expenses ! as doctor or hospital bills,: temporary embarrassment | at tax-time, a sudden journey, the winter's coal bill, Again, educational needs of the family often are financed "by small bank loans. | Ee ; 7 Bank i ---------------- boi