Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Nov 1945, p. 4

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Vest "Aaa fal fh Ag | oN 3 - 'l "nl 2h | x '§ \ : Sy AT ' r # ¥. ow» £2 i Ie M $ {1% 3 J Ad 3 AAAS BE ey Nama ---- FORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THUBSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 16th, 1948 ANA CHE SNA --- Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY Port Perry Town Hall, Sat., Nov. 10th. HAL McINTYRE'S BAND IN "A BAND IS BORN" LOCAL NEWS || 75 wi ia Ws, Pd ae LB Tp ws no 1e11 AIR CONDITIONED A PAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE NATIONAL COD LIVER OIL NEO CHEMICAL FOOD Sp A ' / Age i T verre 49¢. and 89¢. Liquid $1.15 and $2.45 | reed): Toursdiy, Lida) and Slider, OPTOMETRIST ANDY CLYDE in "A WOLF IN THIEF'S sg Capsules. .......$1.25 and $225 ro . oo. d § y 2% 2 5.16 "3 } » : Mr. and Mrs, S. MacFarlane visited NOVEMBER 15-16-17 CLOTHING --20 Mi oC a . KEPLER'S COD LIVER UE Mr. and; Mrs. R. J. Harper on Sunday. MEET LADDIE, son of & : ; HING-- nute Lomedy. : and MALT ......75¢. and $1.25 | ALPHAMETTES 3 Mrs. John Abraham, of Toronto, has Te hampi . in PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL 3 $1.00, $1.85, $3.50, $15.00 : 8. ' » aa champion, SU " ) ' \3 bought the corner lot at Borelia, from ACTIVITIES Show Starts 8.15 Adults 35¢., Children I5¢-95¢ SCOTT'S EMULSION | yy AWPOLES COD LIVER 1 Mr. Thos. Raines, and will build a "SON OF During the past week a dinner dance CT init . house there next year. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ptolemy, and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Boundy attended the International Convention of the Lions Clubs, held at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lewis and family have moved from Enniskillen to Port Perry. They are living in the Ewers house on Queen Street, recently va- cated by Mr. and Mrs. Argue. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ballagh and family, of Valentia, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Whitmore. Miss Florence Trotter and Miss Edith Ballagh, of Peterboro also Mr. and Mrs. W. Ballagh and Rose Mary, of Oakville, were week-end visitors with Jack and Mrs. Whitmore. Mrs. M. Watson has returned home after spending a couple of weeks with her mother, at her former home in Chalk River, Ont. ' N/S Ruth Hall, R.C.A.F., Rockcliffe, spent the week-end with her parents. --_---- ee W.M.S, The . afternoon Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society met in the Sunday School room of the United Church, on Tuesday afternoon. The president, Mrs. Arthur Brock, con- ducted the meeting. A short business session was held in which plans were completed and arrangements made for the December meeting, A very inter- esting program was presented by Mrs, Tristram's group on the development of Christian in Angola, Africa. taking part in the program were: Mesdames Tristram, Hall, Swan, Smith and Jeffrey. The devotional period was led by the presi- dent. A Remembrance day prayer by Mrs. George Jackson closed the ser- vice. missions Those PLAY AT UTICA A three act comedy will be present- ed by the C.Y.M.C. of Uxbridge, titled "M'LISS" in Memory Utica, on Monday, Nov. 19th, en- Hall, at -- too» CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbours who so kindly remembered us at our shower at Prince Albert, and by the presentation at Scugog. Thanks a million. Ruth and Orval Heayn. NP OB SOON! - SOON! The annual bazaar held by the St. John's Presbyterian Church. Sale of Aprons, Fancy Goods, Bahy Clothes, Tea Towels, ete. Afternoon tea will also be served. George Fowlie On November 2nd, 1945, after an illness of nine days, George Fowlie died at Port Perry Hospital, Deceased was horn at Airdlin Farm, Parish of EHon, Aberdeenshire, Scot- land. He came to Canada with his parents (a lad of fourteen) in 1884. His brother Walter, had come here in 1880. The family first settled on what is now the Coulter farm. At different times they occupied the Ianson farm at Greenbank and the Honey farm at Honeydale. George spent most of his life in Reach Township. He was a man of quiet industry. and kindly dis- position--a thoroughly good workman. He had lived for many years with his brother, Walter, and his sister, Lamb. For twenty-one years he with the Christie family. Upon their retirement from active farm life they lived for a time at their home on the Manchester Road, moving to Port Perry on the first of May of this year, ' Nine days before his death George suffered a paralytic stroke. The sympathy of the community 1s extended to the bereaved relatives. worked CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Geo, Fowlie wish to express sincere appreciation of the sympathetic kindness of friends and neighboliraat the time of their recent bereavement, . Walter Fowlie, Mrs. |' LASSIE" starring PETER LAWFORD, Donald CRISP, Nigel BRUCE, June LOCKHART LASSIE and LADDIE in Radiant Technicolor. ADDED ""Swingshift Cinderella" LATEST PARAMOUNT NEWS Monday and Tuesday NOVEMBER 19-20 JACK BENNY and ALEXIS SMITH, in "The Horn Blows at Midnight' It's this year's BIG WARNER Laugh Smash. Wednesday, Thurs., I'riday, Sat., NOVEMBER 21-24 BETTY GRABLE, and DICK HAYMES, in "DIAMOND HORSESHOE" with Phil Silvers, Wm. Gaxton, Beatrice Kay, Carmen Cavallaro A musical -- in Technical. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. E. G. Bruton, Rector Sunday, November 18th-- 9.30 a.m. -- Corporate Communion for the Women's Auxiliary. 7.00 p.m.--Ivensong in charge of Rev. E. G. Brunton. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister Sunday, November 18th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.nr.--Greater than Melchisedik. 7 p.m. -- Returned men and their families are given a cordial wel- come to our evening service. A fireside hour with sing-song. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A. MacMillan. Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11th-- Sunday School 2.30 p.m, Evening Service at 7 p.m. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: P. Taylor 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. 2.30 p.m.--Bible School 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Port Perry Young Peoples' Union The Y.P.U. met on Tuesday, Nov. 13th. In the absence of the president, Thelma Beare opened the meeting with an invocation, hymn After the singing of 500, Betty Cook led in prayer. The Scripture was read by Wenda Kendall and hymn 286 was sung. Mr. Smith led in a short memorial service during which the Union was led in prayer and one minute silence was observed. i The program consisted of a piano solo by Kay Day. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, and the business was discussed. Hymn 560 was sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, Keep the date of December 7th, in mind ,when the Young People's Union will present another of its Variety Programs. SLENDOR TABLETS --- harmless and effective. 2 weeks' supply $1.00; 12 weeks', $5.00. At Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. Pain killer for corns! Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve gives prompt, sure relief, b0c, at Lawrence's Drug Store. RATION CALENDAR Coupons becoming valid on Nov. 16 BUTTER MEAT SUGAR ...cuivmnnnmmnd PRESERVES ............P20 and P21 was held. This is a dance where the students bring a lunch to school and enjoy an hour of dancing. On Wednesday of last week a basket- ball game, '"'I'own vs. School" was played in the gymnasium, We hope that many games will follow. Baseball, football or rugby have not been played to a great extent, but the boys have played a few games of touch rugby after school. Watch for further announcement re- garding our commencement to be held on November 23rd. SEAGRAVE The Seagrave W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Colwell on Wednesday afternoon, November 7th. Mrs, Fish- ley took charge of the Devotional kx- ercises and opened with the theme song which was followed by "From Ocean unto Ocean", Rev. Ms. Morris led in prayer. Mrs. Allan Crosier read Psalm 7:1-10. The hymn "Judge ternal Throned in Splendor". The topic "National Security" was given by Mrs. Fishley and emphasized the fact that faith in God was the basis of sceurity. Rev. Mr. Morris was asked to speak on the same topic and stress- | ed trust in God and humanity, as well as courage to go on doing our best. All joined in singing "What a Friend we have in Jesus." The President, Mrs. A. Bruce, then took charge of the meeting. Mrs. Dale's report on ditty bags was read showing that the W.A. had contributed $9.99 which filled three ditty bags. twenty-four members and five visitors in attendance. It was decided to have a Pot Luck Supper and the Pleasant Works" on Wednesday, Nov. 14th. members for a small bazaar. A lunch was served by the West Group. The teacher and pupils of Seagrave school held a Remembrance Day ser- vice on Friday afternoon. It was well arranged and suitably carried out by the pupils. The speakers, all veterans of World War 1, presented different views on the subject of war and peace. The service was as follows: (1) Invocation, Rev. D. P. Morris; (2) hymn 662; (3) Lord's Prayer in unison; (4) address, Mr. Dale; (6) Psalm 46, Leona Reynolds; (6) In Flanders Fields, Joyce Harding; (7) Scripture, Mr. Morris; (8) Prayer by Ross Short; (9) Offering; (10) hymn 570; (11) Address by Rev. Mr. Mor- ris; (12) anthem, Grs. IV, VI; VIII; (13) 23rd Psalm, Gr. 4, address by Roy Scott; (14) names of fallen, Don- ald Dowson--two minutes silence; (15) names of service men of 1939-1945; (16) A quotation, Marjory McBride; (17) hymn 523; (18) National Anthem Mr. and Mrs. Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keene and Phyllis attended the funeral of eighteen months old Doug- las Billingham, great grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Moon. It was held in To- ronto on Friday. Lieut. Thos. Dale, of Halifax, spent the past week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Mark are spend- ing two weeks at the home of their son Gordon, in Toronto. : Mr. and Mrs, J. C. MacTaggart are preparing to move to.their new pro- perty formerly occupied by Mrs, Tan- ner. Rev. Mr. Morris was conducting the services at Wilfrid on Sunday, while their minister preached anniversary | services at Zion. : Mrs. Colwell and Gordon visited in Toronto and Stouffville, on Friday and Saturday. ¥ Bill Matthews is spending a few days with 'Mr, and Mrs, R. Reynolds. Miss A. Frise and Miss King spent the week-end at the latter's home in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs, R. Reynolds and Leona, spent Cherry, on Scugog Island. Mr. and Mrs. H, Eagleson visited with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Eagleson at Valentia on Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Mac McMillan and family attended the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs, Neil MacEachern at Woodville on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. George Milne and Ellen spent Sunday with Mrs, Arm- . The roll call showed | Point play "Aunt Susie Shoots the] The W. A. is to cater for Mr. James Harding's sale on Saturday, Nov. 17th, Articles had been contributed by the Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon|* ONLY ANOTHER 250! .. . Until we will have to move to A LARGER AUDITORIUM The people are coming in the largest numbers yet! Last week 400 people were in attendance. ONLY TWO MORE RALLIES THIS SEASON--and This week promises to be the most outstanding so far: ® RIV. BARCLAY WARREN, outstanding young pastor ® HOME SWEET HOMIE TRIO, unusual girls' trio. © MAURICE KIENNEDY, deep baritone soloist plus! 0 BETTY, OLIVE and ALVIN FARMER, with their piano, piano accor dian, ® SERVICEMAN TESTIMONY--INTERVIEW . and come early . . . 8.00 P. M. SATURDAY -- UXBRIDGE Music Hall for a good seat and'a sparkling song service trombone, from Stouffville. "uxBriDGE YOUTH FOR GHRIST oa Sponsored by Uxbridge Ministerial Association . CHASE'S NERVE FOOD 60c. and $1,650 HALIVER CAPSULES 90c. and $1.55 BETAMIN TABLETS $1.00, $1.75 and $3.00 PERCOMORPH OIL 75¢. and $3.00 PHONE 49 eb a i {i or Scouts To Become Mariners For some little time, now, the boys have been discussing the pros and cons of sea scouting. Port Perry, by its very name, sug- 'gests water and with this lake avail- able it seems a pity that full enjoy- ment of it should not be given to the boys. To this end, therefore, Scouting is proposing to teach the safe use of the water by swimming, boating, sailing, ete. The Scout Troop therefore, as mentioned in the notice, has ceased to exist and the new Sea Scout Troop is strong in Lindsay. Guests with Mr, and Mrs. R. Scott over the week-end were: Mr, and Mrs. R. Bryan, of Toronto; Mr. F. Parker, Englehart; Mr. Douglas Rutherford, New Liskeard; Mr, and Mrs. Ken Scott and Marilyn of Oakwood. --_-- to @ o> PRINCE ALBERT The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association was held at the parsonage on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 7th, having been postponed a week. With the president in charge, the meeting opened with singing of hymn "A Better Day is Coming". The Scripture reading was taken by Mrs. Luke, and The Lord's Prayer was said in unison. As this was to be a mis- sionary meeting, Mrs. S Farmer had been asked to speak. "Reasons for Missions" she was as- sisted by Mrs. H. C. Smith reading articles on the subject. Mrs, Farmer spoke about such great men as Living- stone and Stanley. These ladies were thanked for helping in our progran. During the business period a motion was carried that we get another stove for the church kitchen. Another mo- tion carried that we get some new tea towels for the church, The mak- ing of quilts to be sold was discussed. The next meeting will be at the home of Newnham. Mrs, Harper favoured by reading two timely articles. Lunch was served to about twenty ladies and an enjoyable time spent. Mr. and Mrs. W. Regan spent a couple of days last week at their home here, it being the occasion of a birth- day anniversary for Mr. Regan. Mrs. H. Collins attended the funeral in Toronto of the late Mrs. &.A. Evans. The house formerly owned by Mr. W. Heayn--the property having been purchased by the Pine Grove Cemetery Co.--was moved last week by its new owner, to the south of the village. Properties continue to get electricity. Mr. and Mrs. J. McMilan's home is now being wired. Mr. and Mrs, A. Bond have gone to Toronto for the winter. Mrs. McKerihen is in Toronto this week, tn -- o_o PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, The Junior Farmers and Junior In- stitute met in the Uxbridge High School, Tuesday, Nov. 13th. ~The Junior Institute opened their meeting with the response of a favorite quilt pattern. The girls are now making a quilt for a lucky draw to be held at a later date, ~ At our next meeting in December, a demonstration will be given on how to wrap Christmas gifts, Each girls is to take a Christmas gift, to the value of bc, for exchange of gifts, The joint meeting was then held in the auditorium with the guest speaker, Mr, McIntyre Hood, editor of "Junior Farmers' News". The meéting was then turned over to Rae Doble and Grant Smith, who put on a much en- joyed program. - Please keep in mind the speaking contest to be held next Tuesday night as well as an amateur show. At the close of World War 1, the population of Palestiné was 650,000. It now has reached the 1,600,000. recent survey of the country by American scientists that these figures could easily be raised to 6,000,000. : The 4,000 miles boundary' between Canada and the United States has been unfortified more than 100 years. Her subject was' Montreal's teen-age comedian, Frank Heron who is heard on CBC's "The Little Revue" William Holt a BBC comentator heard over CBC on Sunday at 6.55 A has established being formed. A Sea Scout is still the same kind of a boy, he still learns crafts and goes camping; but as a Sea Scout he gains additional knowledge in the use of boats, ete. Boys who perhaps do not want to take part in these extra ac- tivities will still be taken care of. It should be noted that there are strict regulations governing the use of boats by Scouts, so that the maximum of safety will always be observed. DOES YOUR CORSET BELONG ON SOMEBODY ELSE? Your corset is the right size... yes, but what about the fit? Two women of the sama size seldom have she same propor. tions. Turn to Charis . ; . the Corset that considers ALL your measurements. A Graduate Charis Cor- setiere prescribes your corset from as many as 77 different models in a | size. No wonder Charis i cradles every curve of your body, makes you look more youthful. IT MUST GIVE THE RICHY SUPPORT, OR CHARIS WON'T LET YOU WEAR ITI PERSONALIZED = [e131 04 ¢ MRS. H. MacMASTER Box 102, Port Perry Pat Bailey, "who added' a caiple of years to her age in order to make her CBC debut in 1936, has since become one of the best-known radio person- ities in Canada. She is now going overseas to sing for the troops in Holland and German, and hopes to find one brother in the audience, hp . a JOLLY MILLER Wednesdays at 8.00 p.m. Sir Ernest MacMillan at work qb A M. LAWRENCE 170 Renally swe J A It's the fifth year for Alan Savage with "Jolly Miller Time" on CBC, on DEVO PORT PERRY I NOTICE On and after this date, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone other than my- self, without my written order. Dated at Myrtle Station, this 16th day of November, 1945. 4 Arthur Cameron Mitchell PRENTICE'S BEAUTY SALON with or without appointment. PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up SHAMPOO AND STYLED SETTING, - ONLY 650e, Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. 9 Taylor's Auto Electric PORT PERRY GENERATORS STARTERS FIELD COILS REPAIRED and EXCHANGED BILL TAYLOR :: Proprietor BigarsT SHow VALUR.IN OsmAWA Bilt Smoking In The Loges | 118) x THEATRE, OSHAWA Continuous Show Daily Friday-Saturday, NOV. 16-17 Dont' Miss This Grand Show! Veronica LAKE, Sonny TUFTS, EDDIE BRACKEN, 'MARJORIE REYNOLDS In the Big Star and Girl Technicolor Hit! "Bring on the Girls" with JOHNNY COY, : (Just voted Best Dancer on the screen) and SPIKE JONES and Orchestra, In addition to this--Second Thrill Hit! "Riders of the Badlands" starring Charles Starrett. Monday - Tuesday, NOV. 19-20, Book of Books on the Screen! BETTE bavie at her greatest n . "Mr. Skeffington" | with Claude Rains, Walter Abel, : Second Grand Feature! It's Slightly Scandalous . . .. and Terrifically Funny! "Music in Manhattan" with Anne Shirley, Dennis Day, Phillip Terry, and + Two Top Bands! Wednesday-Thursday, Nov.21-22 The Mightiest Spectacle that cver flamed across the screen! Tyrone POWER, Alice FAYE, Don Ameche, Brian Donlevy, in "In Old Chicago" Plus this mystery thriller! "Slightly Honorable" with PAT O'BRIEN, EDWARD ARNOLD, RUTH TERRY, BRODERICK CRAWFORD, and Big Cast!

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