rs EA oe Rr 2 A SP yi Wh 2 ¥ + T RE . RT a a SN 0 EO Orin) SR MEY Ne . MR RAN a a 8 SINGS La Aw SN ea Po in " ' Se il 7 TRIN Th ts 3) i S83 AL v 3 Soy LE TPRAATALEHL A FRE AA DRA AOR tr AOLATRMR MA SEES & Be 5 Se SL SEE AR a a ------------------ ESRF LITEM N fa S ANT EAA ACNE) $ 3 vale 5 5 SE -- Mother, here's an adorable out fit to make for your toddler! Pat- tern 4775, button-it-herself dress, smart coat and bonnet and slip . . all in one package! Easy to scw. Pattern 4775, toddlery' sizes 1, 2, 8, 4, 5. Size 2, frock and bonnet, 14 yds. 35-in.; 34 yd. contrast, Send TWENTY CENTS (20c¢.) in coins (stemps cannot be ac cepted) for this pattern. To Room 421, 73 Adclaide St, West, Toron- to. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. What monogram should #« bride-to-be put on her linen and flat silver? 2. When one calls at a woman's home, and finds her absent, is il proper to write a mesage-on the card? 3. Will you give the minimum number of dishes sufficient for a supper? ~ 4. What are the most import. ant things to observe when set- ting the dinner table? 5. What is .the best way for a young girl to acquire self-control in public? 6, In what way shoyld one ex- tend an invitation for a motor drive? Answers 1. She should use the initia:s of her maiden name, as the linen and silver are her property and do not belong to her husband. 2. Yes. "Sorry to miss you", or similar phrase, is 'sufficient. ', One hot dish, such as Chie ken a la king, a crisp salad, and coffee, 4, Two of the most important things are that the centrepice b2 placer exactly in the centre, and "that the chairs of the quests aro exactly opposite each other: 5. Probably the best way 18 contact with older people, who have already acquired a proper perspective. 6 This invitation is. usually given verbally. or by telephone. GOOD EXCUSE Perhaps one reason for slacks was to enable tiny tots to grasp a trouser leg when they couldnt reach their mothers' skirts. -- Christian Science Monitor What a sleepy doll! Made of a man's sock, she's always ready to take a nap with Baby. Pojamas are of scraps; removable for added fun, Use yarn. for the hair; your tot will love it if it matches her own! Pattern $03 has directions for doil and pajamas. . Send TWENTY CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to (Name of Your Newspaper), Needlecraft Dept, for: this pattern to Wilson Publigh- ing Co, Room 421, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto, Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS, DRESS, Quality Guaranteed "SALADA TEA DARK LIGHTNING By HELEN TOPPING MILLER CHAPTER VI He sald, "What's this picture?" and his voice was hoarse and strange. Gary caught the tension, . and looked across at Mona Leo with eyes that were a little sorry, "It's a rough idea of the geologl- cal struoture under this ranch, sir," he said. "I looked it up to- day on an old map that Hughey Fothergill owns--after I'd found what I thought were surface indi- cations up there in that gulch a- bove the pasture. This map shows a promising structure, that's all." ie went over it all then, marking out lines with a pencil on the sketch. What you're getting at is that this land is the kind of land they find oil under?' Harvey put in, «That's what all this scientific stuff means?" * * * "It means that this land is the kind that oil 'might be found un- der," Gary qualified, definitely, I'm not making any statements, Only a competent geophysicist could give you reliable advice, They have the knowledge and the instruments--I'm just a beginner. I've studied the stuff but never had an opportunity to work at it." Mona Lee could see Harvey fidg- eting in his chair. Then he jumped up. "What's the reason we can't go up to that place now? Fve got a flashlight. And there's a moon. Want to go, Mother?" "I guess not . . .well, If you're all going trailing out there like crazy, 1 might as well go along.' * * * They tramped through the pas- ture, a strange procession, Adel- aide skipping ahead and Gary and Harvey behind her. The heam ol Harvey's flashlight went search: ingly ahead, He carried'a spade and a cloth sack thrown over his shoulder, And when they arrived at last at the little canyon he be- - gan digging immediately, tossing Jumps of rock and earth into the sack that Adelaide held open. WE'RE POINTING STRAIGHT AT YOU IF YOU WANT FAST RELIEF FROM A ugh. Cold ©® Here's what o. Get a bottle of BUCKLEY' S rR. Take afew sips, Feel its instant effective action sprea through throat, head and bronchial tubes, It starts at once to loosen up thick, chok- ing phlegm, ease the cough, soothe the raw imitated membranes of throat and upper bronchial tract, Don't take ~ chances-- take BUCKLEY'S. Canada's largest selling Ee ond cold remedy. It's different--it's all medication--no syrup -- acts faster-- goes farther. f=). 49) & LHD Sag V l= 4 = 'I can't do that. -pat, a little collapsed, "Whatever we do, Dad, let's not tell Oliver." "Why not? He works with oil" "Because he'd want to run everything , And Grace would move in and take charge and think we ought to let Oliver run it. He doesn't know much about production anyway, he just ped- dles leases." "Of course," Gary said, as they turned back to the house, "the sensible thing to do is to sell a lease, that 1s, if there should be oil down there, It you sell out to a production concern, they'll put down a test well and then close the area and hold it for future production." * * * But Harvey disagreed violently with the idea. "If there's oil down there, the thing is to get it out. And it's my land, and if there's oll under it, I want it. I don't want some buneh of capitalists to get rich from what belongs to me," "Of course," Gary said "it there 1s oil down there--and if it won't cost you too much to go down after it--and iI*the Govern -ment will let you produce it after you find it. There are a lot of tricky angles to this oil business." "There are a lot of angles to the cattle business, too, but I get along, Come on back to the house, I'm going to call up somebody &- bout this business. You kids help Mother along--I'm going on a- head." Adelaide said, very blandly, be- fore he swung away, "You know, Dad, Gary's leaving tomorrow ., . going to Mexico." * + * "There," sald Adelalde com- placently, hanging on to Garry's ~arm. "You see? What did I tell you?" "Oh, but--Ilook here, Mr. Mason, I've got a job. I've got to get to work. I owe you too much already." "You've got a job right here till 1 get the dope on this ofl busi- ness. You found this oil didn't you? You stldk around till we know what's what" And Gary Tallman, because he was in love and weak with the knowledge that going away would tear his heart in two, agreed tenta- tively. Back in the house, Harvey be- gan thumbing through the tele- phone hook 'frantically. Mona Lee in a deep chair. Gary sat in a corner, look- ing white and spent, Harvey was shouting into the telephone now. " * * * It was midnight when he hung up, at last, hot and triumphant. "Well, I got me some fellows who know their business," he an- nounced, "Had to chase 'em all over Texas and part of Louisiana, but I got 'em, And they'll be out here Friday." "Friday's unlucky," Mona Lee. faintly. "Not for us. Not if we get those men on the job, Why don't you folks go to bed?" "What's the use--with you yell- ing enough to wake the dead? Gary, you go along, You're not strong yet and you've had a long day." "How can I sleep," exclaimed Adelaide, "when I'm bursting with excitement? And its three days protested Am Friday." "Roll over and shut your eyes-- that's what I'm going to do," an- nounced Harvey, lumbering up. "Tomorrow I want you kids to drive up to Dallas and get me # good map." (To be continued) with soup, so tasty as a snack! They sell so fast, you just can't buy Christie's Premium Soda Crackers that . aren't dependably fresh, And more! they're crisp, light, tender. So good Christies Biscuits KER IT'S a 720 AT COUNTS Christies PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS CHRONICLES We drotet that winter "was upon us this morning but then a warm sun appeared, snow vanished, the hard ground softened and we rejoiced in a reprieve from winter, no matter how brief it may prove to be. I think all of us welcome 'spring and summer and we glory in the grandeur of the autumn season, but winter . . . well, that's something else again. Of course it depends upon one's age . . . the very young think in terms of 'sleigh rides and snowball fights; teen-agers of hockey, dances and skating parties, while to staid middle-agers it means problems concerning storm windows and coal bins, Storm windows . . . I don't want to see or touch any for months-- although 1 don't mind looking through them. You see, way back in the summer of '44 we ordered five new storm windows. They were de- livered on a cold rough day last December -- unpainted, of course, We never got them on at all. They were just left in the storeroom. Round about September I began to think they really should be painted if they were to,go on the house this fgll. Thinking was as far as I got--that is until the end of October. Then my conscience wouldn't let me rest any longer-- those windows would have to be done. * * * Have you tried painting new storm sash? Do you know what a slow job it can be? If you have, then, unless you are a magician, you know you can paint only one side at a time--and with two coats of paint that means wrestling with the job four different times -- or more, if you are interrupted. Your cyes tire, your feet ache and you continually find yourself painting the glass as well as the woodwork. On one of these occasions son Bob volunteered to help. I accepted gladly--until I found it took me longer to clean off the smears on the glass than it did to paint! May- be painfers, like poets, are born and not made. As to that I don't think I was born a painter either. Came the day when the windows were finished, also the arrival of a carpenter to fit them -- and there was I getting dinner and running - around ahead of the carpenter to clean windows before the storm sash was put on. Why didn't I clean them before? Because I don't like doing the same job over again. Clean windows ahead of time and as sure as anything it rains in the night leaving them woefully strea- ky. There was no. use looking to ~-the men for helpthey were busy enough drawing in red clover seed. * k % Eventually the windows were on -- old as well as pew--and that same night the wind whined and howled, and rattled the shutters from one end of the house to the other. feeling more thankful every min- ARMY SUIT Gloria Collaton wears a revamp- ed CWAC summer uniform, for which she spent only $2 for braid and buttons to change it into a smart civilian suit. The insignia and epaulets were removed, black braid applied down the button. litte and the right sleeve, and civilian buttons added. START THE DAY with ~ delicions Maxwell House Coffee. It's a superb blend of choice Latin-American Coffees. You can't heat it for mellow, full-bodied goodness, of GINGER FARM . . . . . I lay in bed listening to it, - ISSUE 46-1045 By ' Gwendoline P. Clarke ute that I had stuck to my job and got ahead of the weather for once, If that were the only job thdt need- ed doing . .. " That's what I mean about wint- er , . . unfinished work gives you a sort of panicky feeling -- after all, cold weather discomfort is of- ten only the result of being caugnt napping -- because, as you very well know, we can all add greatly to our own comfort by a little*fore- thought. And don't I wish I had sense enough to profit from my own words of wisdom. Sunday School Lesson November 18 The Outreach of the Church Acts 11:19-30; 12:24-13:4. Golden Text And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation -- Mark 16:15. Growth of the Church Acts 11:12--The phrase "the hand of the Lord was'upon them" is an expression occasionally found in the Old Testament to indicate a direct interposition of God in the affairs of men, either for blessing or for hindrance. 22-24,--Barnabas had one: theme with which he exhorted the mem- bers of the church at Antioch, that they should cleave unto the Lord. His ministry was apparently not that of teaching, but of exhort- ation. Both are needed. Teaching must come first; exhortation is an inspired encouragement to practice what we know. And the church continued to grow by the adddition of new converts, 25.--Saul was needed at this juncture to.cope with the rapid growth of the work at Antioch. It was here that the disciples were first called Christians. The follow- ers of Jesus were called Nazarenes and Galileans by their Jewish fel- low countrymen, but this new name was intended to mark the difference between Jews and Gen- -- tiles on the one hand and those who, whether Jews or Grates, were followers of Christ. Strengthening of the Church 27-30.--Many prophéts appear in the New Testament records. Some of them, as Agabus, foretold the future, and some, no doubt, were possessed of the gift of tongues, Acts 12:24-25.--John whose sur- name was Mark was the son of Mary who was sister to Barnabas and we learn in Col. 4:10 Mark did become valuable to Paul who said "he is profitable to me for the min- istry." The Dual Commission Acts 13: 1-4--To worldly eyes the sending forth of these men ° would seem of no significance, none would take any notice of . them. Had it been a Roman army going forth, with banners" flying, to serve the Emperor, what excite- ment there would be, what cheer- ing! But these two insignificant Jews, accompanied by John Mark their attendant (Acts 13:5), passed "on unnoticed, their only weapons were the Word of God and prayer. These men however, were to do a work which would long OU7- LIVE the Roman Rowan Hispire, TABLE TALKS. " Satistying ong Supp The habits and preferences of a nation are supposed to be reflected in the nursery rhymes, If this, is true, food must take first place in man's thoughts, for Little Miss Muffet, Jack Horner and a lot of - others concantrate on the subject. Tommy Tucker sang for plain bread and butter, and your family should certainly sing loudly when you serve any of these recipes from the Consumer Section, Do- minion Department of Agriculture, Tomato Barley Casserole 3 cup barley (about 2 }4 cups cooked) 214 cups boliing water 3 cups canned tomatoes A% cup diced cooked carrot : 4 cup sliced raw onion 1 teaspoon minced parsley 'V4 teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon pepper' V4. teaspoon celery salt V4, cup grated cheese %%4 cup bread crumbs Cook barley in boiling water, 20 minutes, "Mix with tomatoes, car 'rots, onions, parsley and season- ings. Pour into a casserole, Bake in a moderately hot oven, 375 deg. F, for 35 minutes, Sprinkle with cheese, cover with bread crumbs, Return to the oven for 10 minutes. Six servings, Green Tomato Scallop 6 medium green tomatoes 4 large onions, sliced 2 cups soft bread erumbs 2 teaspoons sugar 8 teaspoong salt Pepper $ tablespoons bacon fat Wash and slic: tomatoes, Ar range tomatoes, sliced onion, and bread crumbs in layers. Sprinkle tomatoes and onions with sugar, salt and pepper and dot bread crumbs with fat--have bread crumbs on top. Bake % hour at 375 deg. F. Six servings. Fricadillies 8 'slices whole wheat bread 8 cups rolled oats 3 medium potatoes, cooked and .mashed 2/3 eup chopped onion 1 tablespoon chopped pickle 1 teaspoon celery salt 1 teaspoon 'grated nutmeg 1 tablespoon steak .sauce 14 teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon pepper 3 eggs Soak bread in cold water for 5 minutes, press out until dry; mix with rolled oats, add vegetables and seasonings. Add beaten eggs, mix well--form into 12 flat pat- ties. Saute in a little hot fat until brown. Turn and brown other side. Six servings. Serve with spicy chutney or catsup, GOING UP The primary class in punning hit a jackpot in the strike news, with New York bakers wanting more dough, elevators asking a' lift, and auto workers demanding higher 'jack. -- Stratford Beacon Herald. from MONTHLY NERVOUS TENSION with is weak, tired feelings? If finetlonal parole disturbances make JO feet tired, restless-- at such es -- try indy ia E. Pinkham's Vege- - table Foninoing to relieve such sym toms. am"s Compound is one of the most effective medicines for this P Follow Jane) directions. Buy to ny, ----_ . ----. Hirohito's Fortune Over $106,000,000 Emperor Hirohito's imperial household fortune amounts to 1,- 590,015,000,06¢ yen, or slightly more than $1006,000,000, Allied headquarters announced, The total, supplied Allied head- quarters in compliance with Gen. MacArthur's directive, includes cash, negotiable instruments, Teal estate and timber holdings, but does not include silver bullions, art _ objects and jewelry, which will be reported later. EASE PAIN OF COLDS, SORE THROATS FAST! Take ASPIRIN It's ready to go to work in LE ! 2 seconds Sco for yourself how quickly Aspirin acts! Drop one in a glass of water and "clock" it, Within ¢wo seconds, it will start to disintegrate. It does the same when you take it. As a result, it provides relief with remark- able speed. Get Aspirin today. The "Bayer" cross on each tablet is your ng that it's EO as ei Si A NOW--New Low Prices! - Pocket box of 125+ « « « oOnly18¢c Economy bottle of 24 4 » only 29¢ Family size of 100 , « « oOnly79a Obstinate cases of, pimples cases of eczema and rashes preparations by mail-order, Sake." of Electrolysis. Hiscott Bldg., Estab. 1892 Correct Complexion Faults At Home . BY USING FAMOUS HISCOTT FACIAL PREPARATIONS every type of facial skin blemish by the thousands have been successfully treated by the famous Hiscott Institute in ite half-century's experience, If you have a special prob- lem write (giving details) for a copy of "For Appearance / If convenient visit us for free personal consultation. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, Moles, Warts, and other facial growths permanently removed without pain 'by our method Satisfaction assured. HISCOTT INSTITUTE, LIMITED 61a College St. : and blackheads --intolerable -- sluggish complexions ~-- You can buy these same Toronto 2 BACKACHE The Plague of The outdoor man, whether he be farmer, truck driver, or railway operator, is often subject to backache. This may be the result of exposure to cold and dampness or the result go. of strain from the jolting and bumping of the vehicle he rides. To many PSone, women & well as men, it would be great to be free of backache--one. of the most common and annoying of ailments. And here is how) you say be relieved o of soles ache and other symptoms of poisons in the blood. Dr. Chase' Outdoor Men The treatment. suggested is Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills, By reason of their stimulating action on both the liver and kidneys, you have {wo chances to one of pai relief your backache. by using Dr. Ghase's Pills, The torpid liver is aroused to action, the kidneys are stimulated and consequently these help fo purify Wiehload of the poisonous i hich bring pains and aches and Chiro feelings. Keep regular, and kook: wei by using y Liver Pills, 3bote: & bo X. 5 Xiiver Pills