Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Nov 1945, p. 2

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SE PO eS Ne a ' .* ies . RE BE EGA k i rE a i a a ti A at - Else Sig a Ae ad Pa Macdonald's FINE CUT ow SM ep OR rn FE Wn nr HE EG A a ty a me 2 ee Joh 'VOICE OF THE PRESS WHO KNOWS? We confessed that we didn't know why trees turn red in the fall. But the arbori-cultured Chat- ham News is brighter, and says it's because they're embarrassed, knowing that their limbs will soon be bare. Thanks, pal, and now tell us why a bare gooscberry bush doesn't have goose-pimples? Or does it2--Ottawa Citizen. THE POOR RICH Few things are more detriment- al to a person's character than for him to have nothing to do and plenty of money to do it with.-- Kitchener Record. YOU SAID SOMETHING It's going to be a tough job, re- marks a contemporary, to make a grand new world with so many of the same old people in it. -- St Thomas Times-Journal, REMEMBER? What thrill does the youngster ~ of today have to equal that of the ninetcenth-century boy with his first pair of copper-toed boots?-- Christian Science Monitor. % Woolwich' Arsenal has received its first big order for war medals --6,225,000 of them. The order will take two years to fill. SOONG Fe You WI Enjoy Staying At The St. Regis Hotel TORONTO @ Every Itoom with Shower nnd Telephone. ® Single, 82.50 up -- Double, 50 up. ? @ Good Food, Dining and Danc- ing Nightly. Sherbourne nt Carlton Tel, RA, 41353 Bath, \QR nasa saauganans od GET AFTER HEADACHE PAIN THIS WAY -- i Instantine Tablet brings FAST RELIEF! NEXT TIME you suffer from a simple headache, try the Instantine I-fablel- way to prompt relief. Yau may be surprised at the speed with which 1 Instantinetablel can bring you fast relief, It generally takesonly one Instantine tablet to start bringing welcome relief from headache pain. You see, these fast-acting, prescription-type tablets go to work almost immediately easing pain, lessening discomfort. Instantine's scientific combination of three proven medicinal ingredients works in these ways to bring relief: 1. Speedily ease the pain, ~2. Prolong relief from pain. 3. Reduce "depression." Give mild, stimulating *'life," Try Instantine-- chances are you will never again resort to slower-acting eparationa for relief of simple pain. Rermmatrer Instantine, too; whenever you suffer from pains of neuralgia and neuritis, Your druggist has Instantine, nstantine 12 Tablets 25¢--obovt 2¢ u dese. Fast, Effective Rellof from Simple Pole OTTAWA REPORTS That Canadian Individuals Have More Than Trebled Their Savings Since 1938 Some interesting facts about the financial situation of Canadians were told to the House of Com- mons recently by Finance Minister Isley. Individuals have more than trebled their savings in bank ac counts, government securities and other liquid assets since 1938. It was estimated that at May 81, 1945, individual Canadians had in currency, bank deposits, refund- able taxes and dominion govern- ment securities more than $9,500, 000,000 -- representing an increase of more than $6,500,000,000 com- pared with 1938 -- and this does not include savings in the form of life insurance, pensions, homes or corporate securities, The intensive campaign to bor- row from individuals has borne good fruits, The number of indi- vidual subscribers grew from 946, 540 in the first victory loan to 3, 178,275 in the cighth loan last May. It is the hope of those inter ested in the cconomy of both the country and individuals that this great number of subscribers will be maintained or exceeded in the ninth loan. * * x Canada is on the alert for oppor- tunities to enlarge its trade mar- kets. With Canadian products ra- tioned to foreign markets during the war, there was no need of ad- vertising but now the time is at hand to map out a really broad and vigorous program of peacetime trade promotion, For this purpose all trade com- missioners stationed in Latin American countries are being called to Ottawa for a conference in November, Trade and Commerce Minister MacKinnon has an- nounced. They and senior trade officers in Canada can come to close grips with all the many in- dividual problems that must be taken into account if the program is to be practical, well-balanced and well-sustained, Latin American countries are markets of ever-increasing import- ance. liven under the extremely difficult conditions that prevailed during the war years, Canadian ex- ports to Latin America increased by 70% and imports increased by almost 400 per cent. There is warm goodwill between these countries and Canada and it is good policy to foster this feeling, * * * The fame of Ontario as a good place to live has spread far afield. Major James S. P. Armstrong, Ontario agent-general in the Unit ed Kingdom, reports that about 30,000 persons -- 90,000 if families are counted -- have indicated that they would like to settle in Onta- rio when emigration is possible. But great care must be taken in selecting immigrants even when it is decided 'how many more people Ontario can suport. Persons inter ested in settling in Ontario must answer questions about their work, the availability of funds for travel and so on. Unsuitable persons can thus be weeded out immediately. Major Armstrong said it was made clear that the movement of settlers would be elective, with the probability that priorities would be created giving precedence to Bri- tish men and women who served in the forces, to craftsmen whose skills were required for' Ontario districts or industries and to those with plans for establishing new in- dustries in the province, Britain To Tow Dock to Singapore A new 1,000-foot dry dock to replace the great King George AY graving dock is to be towed from England to Singapore as soon as possible, the New Delhi radio re- ported recently, The King George V dock, sunk by the British defenders of Singa- pore in 1942, was refloated by the Japanese and then sunk again by Allied air raids. The only dock at present avail- able in Singapore is a small 5,000- ton floating dock, the radio added. NEW CONCRETE MIXERS ' 4 cu. ft. and 6 cu. ft. power 21; cu. ft. hand or belt Concrete Block ~ Machinery Rock Crushers Enquiries Invited 'Wettlaufer-Welker Industries Ltd. 1290 Bay St. Toronto, B, Phone Midway 0817 "x, MONTY'S DES Rose Foster, St. Catharines, Ont, collects autograph from Field Marshal Sir Bernard L. Mont- gomssy by 'offering her back as table upon which British military leader can scribble his name, Scene was at ceremonies opening the Khaki University of Canada in the United Kingdom, for Do- minion sarvicemen and women, New Cranberry Picking Machine Idea For Machine Suggested By Vacuum Cleaner It a vacuum cleaner will pick buttons off the floor a similar de- vice might pick cranberries oft the vine? Why not? It was this idea which suggest. ed itself to A. V. Anderson, crane berry grower, when he caw & vacuum cleaner demonstration, The result is a machine which picks cranberries as fast as 60 handpickers, says the Christian Science Monitor. Not only does this busy little machine pick the berries, it cleans as it picks, dusts them, and blows off dry weeds and leaves. More- over, it actually increases the yield, : What may sound like a tall tale is actually very simple. Where the handpicker was obliged to reach in and untangle the vines the suction picking of the machine leaves next year's tight little buds untouched. Mr. Anderson estimat- es that the machine, which was used for the first time last year, will increase this year's yield by about 100 per cent, At the same time the machine weeds and cleans the cranberry bogs of weed seeds, These have always been serious problems for the growers. In the perfected version of the vacuum picker, a 20<horsepower motor drives a suction fan which is Bpen on one side, The fan i8 connected to dual hoppers by a Y metal flue. A vacuum is thereby created in the hoppers and the suction extends Into the five-inch hose which operators use to "gcan" the cranberry bogs. The suction draws the berries into the hopper ¢ & The fruit whirls around the cir- cular hopper and falls to the bot. tom. The dust, weeds, and leaves are drawn off through the pocket fan by an intake of air. The velo- city of the air on entering through a slit on tho hopper's side, skimag off the extranecus material which continues to whirl at the top of the hopper after the berries drop to the bottom, The machine promises to elmi- inate one of the most tedious and back-bending - harvesting opera: tions, Cranberry vines grow less than three inches from the ground and pickers must stay on their knees all day untangling- the ber- rles. An average person will pick 'about five hampers a day while the' machine picks 30 in an hour on each of its four units, Most. of the growers are expected to use the device this year. Rayon Tires Rayon cord tires 'require about one eighth less rubber than cotton "cord tires, but are stronger and give greater milcage, safety and blowout resistance, ly Here's a SENSIBLE way 29% to relieve MONTHLY Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highstrung feelings -- when due to func» tional monthly disturbances, It's one of the most effective medicines for this pur- pose. Pinkham's Compound helps nature! Follow label directions, Try it] . lydia & Pinkham Livin (of lettuce. Have You Heard? HAVE YOU HEARD? Sitting in a concert hall waiting for the concert to begin, A man, seeing a little boy in front of him lookipg at his watch, bent forward, and asked: "Does it tell the time?" "No," 'answered the little boy, "you have to look at it." Ee Fittings in the house of a Hollywood films actress are made of gold. All the cur. tains arg hung on hac former wedding rings. K . Joe The customer looked dubiously at the lone and rather wilted head "Are there any vita. mins left in that?" she asked. "I can't honestly say that there ain't, mum, but no more than a little water will wash off." Ig "I had money to burn," ad- mitted the man-whoknows- better-now. "And an old flame helped me." - ~~ os During _ discussion on girls, one soldier remarked: "I like the shy, demure type myself. You know, the kind you have to whistle at twice." Allies to Scuttle Germany's U-Boats The London Dally Express sald recently that most of Germany's U-boat tleet will be taken well out into the Atlantic and scuttled. Britain, the United States and Russia are selecting six U-boats 'each for experiment and research the paper sald. The remainder of the 180 submarines now in British waters will be stripped of instru. ments and mechanical devices and scrapped, it said. .U-boats captured in Germany and Norway wlll also be destroy- ed, ~ ® SIGN YOUR NAMZ TO VICTORY The other day an observer in Britain remarked: "The British came out of the war tired, cross and impoverished," He was referring to the people of the. British Isles. If he were doing his observing here in Canada he might say: "The Canadians came out of the war tired, cross, period." Such an' obsérvation might be justified. Located far from the scenes of battle, Canadian homes, factories, and public services re- mained intact throughout the war. Thus this Country was able to satisfy the demands of a war-hun-" gry machine. And in so doing, Canadian citizens earned money on a scale never equalled here before. Right now, in addition to holding several billion_dollars' worth of WG FINCH Victory Bonds, Canadian citizens have a total in savings banks ac- counts which is the highest in the history of Canada. A critic might label us "cross and tired." But if he really knew us, he would not describe Canadi- ans as ungrateful or selfish, Confirmation of our true nations - al spirit will be forthcoming In the Ninth Victory Loan campaign, To provide for the civil re-estab- lishment of our men who fought and to provide at least a little of the goods which ~impoyerished people across the Atlantic must have to survive, our people will buy Bonds as enthusiastically in the Ninth campaign as they did in the previous eight Victory Loan drives. Indeed, they will do bet- ter than ever before. Night Coughing WHEN A COLD stuffs up the poss, causes mouth breathing, throa tickle and night coughing, usa this time-tested Vicks treatment that goes to work Instantly... 2 ways at once} At bedtime rub good old Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back, Then watch its PENETRATING. STIMULATING action bring rellef from distress, It PENETRATES to upper breathe ing passages with soothin medicinal vapors, It STIMULA chest and back surfaces lke a warming, comforting poultice... and it keeps on wo! for hours, even while you sleep --to ease coughing spasms, relleve muscu= : Ia soretioss and yghness ang grand comfort! Try \ night +++ Vicks VapoRub, = Aviation Era The aviation age is here foe George Turner, 19, Cameron State Agricultural College sophomore, He makes the 15-mile trip home from school each day in his owa airplane, It takes 20 minutes, POULTRY WANTED * Send us your chickens, fowl, ducks, geese and turkeys. (Must be dressed.) "Highest prices paid." QUALITY MEAT PACKERS 203 First Ave., Toronto -x. BABY CHICKS oR SALE FILL YOUR PENS WITH GOOD laying or ready to lay pullets now, We can give immediate de- livery on many pure breeds and hybrid crosses. Also day old chicks hatched to order for Fall delivery, Free catalogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. A FEW STARTED CHICKS ON hand, also some laying pullets, Day-olds Immediate shipment. Order now chicks for delivery during balance of year. Bray, Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamllton, Ontario. " PULLETS PURE BREEDS AND Hybrid crosses. 12 weeks up to laying. Fall Hatched chicks booked to order. Taking orders 'for 1946 chicks, Send your order In now and be sure of the breed and delivery date you desire. Free catalogue and pricellst. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario, GRIMM 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BABY CHICKS ARE THR progeny of Foundation and Re- Ristered Birds, All Breeders blood-tested. Prices from 3c to 25c. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri- tannia Heights. Ont. FOR BIGGER CHICKENS, BET- ter eggs, best profits start with Top Notch chicks. A well known name Is always a safeguard of quality and Top Notch is well known to poultrymen. Top Notch are bred to proven formulas for livability and productivity, Start today with Top Notch chicks and be assured of a Top Notch in the European markets, Write at once for the free Top Notch catalogue. It will completely explain the T'op Notch breeds and prices. Top Notch Chlckeries, Guelph, Ont. 'BUSINESS AND PROPERTY IF YOU ARE THINKING OF SELe ling your Business or Property, - large or small' and want good re- sults, consult this office, 30 years experience in selllng all kinds of property, for further Information write. George Lawton, 709 Quel. lette Ave., Windsor, Ont, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WIN PERSIAN LAMB COAT or Hudson Seal Coat or Muskrat Coat and Muff valued at $500.00 or $400.00 in cash Tickets 25c. or 5 for $1.00 ELIZABETH FRY CHAPTER, LO.DA2, Sudbury. Ont. Send your postal mote or momey order to Mra, LIL. Simpson, Kingsmount nNivd.,, Sudbury. Ont, $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME _ "MAY BE YOURS" ALSO PARTICIPATE IN $50.00 * monthly Bond draw. Other prizes. Details on receipt. Shares $1.00 each or. 6 for § Send for shares to St, Catharines Optimist Club, Box 445-H. 8t. Catharines, Ontarlo. $10,000 HOME BUILT ANYWHERE IN CANADA to winner's specifications, or $10.000 tn cash wlll be awarded Iucky winner, Also chance on $100 monthly draw, Winner {s still eligible for house draw {(n December, All proceeds for child- ren's welfare, Tickets $1, each-- "12 for $10. Mall remittance to Sud- bury Kiwanis Club, Box. 58 DYEING AND CLEANING ATTENTION, FFARMERS, FOR Sale: Tractor Tires, made of rub- ber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, $10.00 cach. When order- ing state diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Lid. b Wiltshire Ave. Toronto, Ont, BAILED HAY FOR SALE, TIMO- thy Broom Grass, Red Top Mix- ture and Upland. For particulars ig J, Firman, Hnausa, Mani- oba, REGISTERED COLLIE PUPS SA- ble and white ten weeks old rea=- sonable. R. Horton, Scarboro Bluffs, Ont. : EVAPORATOR 6 x 18"; 1,700 buckets, spouts, covers, storage and gathering tanks, set- tling can $600. H, Barnes, Sund- ridge, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts. pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St. Tor- onto. ALADDIN HOMES ORDER NOW for 1945-1946. Pay like rent. Send 25c., 32-page book. 2628 Howard, Windsor, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE 66 ACRES, EXCELLENT SOIL, 16 acres heavy timber, fair b-room- ed house, basement. Stables, hen house. Fruit trees. Close to schools, town. Drilled wells. Hy- dro, gas, avallable, aged, alone, early possession. Terms. $3500, Hopman Sherwood, Newbury, nt. ' 60 TO 96 ACRES FOR SALE, WITH buildings, good water, close to school © and churches, 6 mlles from Simcoe, with or without stock and Implements, { immedi- ate possession. Mr, A. H., Conlin, R.R. No. 4, Simcoe, Ont. HELP WANTED LINO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED COMPETENT LINO OPERATORS and floor men wanted for news- "7 paper printing office, permanent = + position, highest wages. Wilson --. "Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide W., apply nearest Employment and Solastive Service Office. Order 0. ONE REGISTERED "SHEARLING"" Suffolk Ram. McTaggart, ° Harrison, Ontarlo. 1 TWO FURROW DISC PLOW, like new, I. H, C., 0. Bradley, Russell, Ont. ' REGISTERED RABBIT HOUNDS. Apply for Sales List. Corey Balt- zer, Middleton, Nova Scotla, BLACK ' FLEMISH GIANTS, FIVE months old. Fine breeding stock, $4.00. Adamson, 85 Denilson Rd. Weston, Ont. MEDICAL FRUIT "JUICES; THE PRINCI- pal ingredients in Dixon's Rem- edy for Rheumatic Pains, Neu- ritis, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, . Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of {ll-health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble, .interesting par- ticulars -- Free! Write Mulveney's Remedles, Speclalists, Toronto 8 FOR SALE ROUEN DUCKS PRIZE stock ducks $3.00, drakes $4.00. Archie Bagg, RI1, Hespeler, On- tario, , STEERING WHEEL SPINNERS, special heavy duty for tractors, $1.25 postpaid. Ivan Martin, 8t, Jacob's, Ontario. TWO YEAR OLD BULL, PURE- bred Ayghire and Holstein Cross, reasonable. Apply to Mra. U, Slessor. Hawkestone, Ont. Phone 63, Oro. DELCO LIGHTING SYSTEM, domplete with batteries, good condition. TI. Lippert, R.R. 1, Highland Créek, , R. D. HUNTER'S DISPERSAL Sale of 40 young Scotch Short- horns, Thursday, Noyember 8, 1945, at Fair Grounds, Ixeter, Herd Sire: Roblnwood Reward by Mullhills Ransom. Write for cat- alogue to H. J. Hunter 179 Queen Btreet, Waterloo, Ontario, FOR SALE: SAWYER-MASSEY Steel Separator, 24-44 with clo- ver attachments, nearly new con- dition. 101 Super Massey-Harrls Tractor on rubber, used three seasons. ILH.C. Cutting Box, 12 inch, nearly new. Friend Orchard Sprayer, FX. 25. 400 gal. tank, power take-off driven, 1000 1b. pressure/- on rubber; new this spring. Earl Tansley, St. George, Ontarlo. ' ~ htt FARMS FOR SALE 18° ACRES NEAR BOWMANVILLE, poultry . god bearing orchard, houses for 2,000 birds, barns, silo, price $7600, Terms: more 1and available complete bathroom, furnace, hydro, 10 miles from Oshawa, possession arranged, I. Clemens, R.R, 6, Bowmanville, HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or.cleaning? Write to us for information. e are glad to answer your questions, Depart. ment HH. Parker's Dye orks Limitea, 791 Yonge Street, To- rontn FOR SALE Ontario. f 100 ACRES, ERAMOSA TOWN- ship, 8 acres good hardwood bush, balance cleared, good clay loam, no stone; bank barn, pig pen, driving shed, henhouse, frame dwelling drilled well; im- mediate possession: Rockwood, 6 miles: school, 2 miles, Percy R. Peavay, Everton, Ont, - PIANOS, A LIMITED NUMBER OF our small new planos will soon be 'avaliable. Write for circular. Orders executed in turn as . re- ceived, Factory Mason and Risch Limited, 642 King 8t, West, To~ ronto, TWIN "ARMS, 60 AND 60 ACRES, good dairy or mixed farms, good buildings, water in stable, wind- mille, silos, highway % mile; small maple bush, hydro avalls able, Particulars; Wesley Davls, Soperton,. Leeds Co, Ontarlo, BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE. 8trays offensive odor Instantly. 45c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store. Ottawa. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your flims properly developed and printed. . 6 OR 8 EXPUSURE ROLLS 260' REPRINTS '8 for 26c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your (films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICBH Station 1, Toronto = HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THR Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's - Halrdressing Acade emy. 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, --3 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A, BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instrue ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. --X WUMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOD Great Opportunity, Learn . i Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates.' America's greatest sys tem. [Illustrated catalogue free Write or call MARVEL) HAIRDRESSING BCHOOLS 368 BLOUR W.' TORONTO Branches! 44 King 8t. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street Ottawa. OPPORTUNITIES FOR -- PERSONAL ASTROLOGICAL READING 10a Contains your lucky days, When to plant and harvest by moon's phases, etc.:Send birth date. Laue rentian Specialties, St.. Laurent - Montreal, 9.'Que. GET READY FOR WINTER. =x Bulld up your resistance with PATENTS Merrills System Tonic Tablets. Canadian favorite for forty FETHERSTUONHAUGH & COMPANY years, From your druggist or Patent Solicitors. Established postpaid $1.00, from Merrill Pro- 1890; 14 King West, Toronto, ducts, 98 Silverbirch Ave. Toron- Booklet of Information on res to, Ontario. quest. - --3 WANTED -- EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. WANTED QUANTITY OF LARGE WILLOW trees, Hanger Limb Company. 88 King Street' West. Toronto, Ont. PHOTOGRAPHIC PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c¢ 8elect your favourite negatives and send to us, We'll return 12 prints mounted on attractive, embossed greeting cards, with envelopes for malling for 69¢c. The most original greeting cards you can get--the kind your friends will keep -- cards that men on active service at home and overseas llke to get, .Order enrly. (2 Photographs on Calendars for 26c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Postal Terminal A, Toronto "Your 'quality In colouring and de- veloping is excellent," writes a cus. tomer at Peterborough, Ont. "and your service {s prompt and guaran- teed, TI am particularly fascinated with the coloured enlargements and Christinas cards, Your prices for such quality work are really econ- omical and T appreciate your prompt reliable metvice." Any Size Roll--68 or 8 Exposures; DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e¢ 8 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25¢ Size 4" x 6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts You can have enlargementa colours ed by hand for.a small additional charge. 3 Framed Enlargements 4" x 6", on Ivory tint mounts, in frames 7" x 9", Burnished Gold or Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish 69; it enlargement coloured 79%c, Print yotir hAme ahd address plain- ly on all orders, FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS OF all descriptions; highest prices pald. For particulars write to Queen City Feather Co. 23 Balde 'win 8t, Toronto. WANTED TO PURCHASE PULL~ oe all Bae eng t breeds, High rices pa p ox No. b 73 Adelaide Wo oronte: L HATCHING BUGS WANTED FOR 1946 hatching season, Flocks culls ed and bloodtested free of charge under Government ' Supervision. Guaranteed premium, plus hatche «ability premium 'paid, For full details, write Box 39, 78 Adelalde W., Toronto. DAIRY WANTED UP TO $30,000, in town of e¢ity where expansion possible, experienced, strictly, confidential. Box 68, 78 Adelaide 8t, 'W., Toronto, BETWEEN NOW AND LAT Spring, White Birch Bolts, 27 long, 7" and 'up top. Must ba fresh cut, free of doze and large limb knots. Also interested In Poplar and Basswood Bolts, 6" and up top, 48" long, If you can suply In carlots, write for our ~ quotations, Keenan Woodenware Limited, Owen Sound, Ontarlo, LOGS: BASSWOOD RB BR BC Birch, Elm, Maple, also Popla Bolts, good prices, Write to The Oakvilla Basket Co. Iitd, Oakville. Ont vo - a ISSUE 441045

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