Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Oct 1945, p. 4

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ha IY LA ~~ a a 4 YY ma ho MN {nat oh = at 3 = = = ' ; he or] i en © vA Sn ¢ --s ~, I Ln ~ --_ I SS arr - oh Te a es ; a SE Ch at NN ER ' o : 3 he | Tr F 4 hy " h | 3 bd 4 ' a i a pmay - Sea oy AAA) na. CS = x LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Wm. Woollard, Peterborough, spent a few days with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. O. Druean. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cawker, and Miss Norene Cawker, of Toronto, spent the. week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley Cawker. " The Misses Emmerson, of Toronto, spent the week-end at their home here. F./0. Hugh Nasmith, R.C.AF,, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Nasmith, . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reneau, of To- ronto, visited over the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eg- bert MacGregor. Mrs. W. H. Harris is spending some time in Ottawa with her son, Major Wm. T. Harris and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Arbuckle and son Derek, of Cobourg, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. Ploughman for a couple of weeks, Pte. Jimmy Taylor, R.C.AM.C, gpent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Taylor. Miss Bernice Jemison, of . Toronto, was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jemison, during the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hastings and family of Oshawa, were visitors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cawker, on Sunday. Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Reesor, were Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Powers, of Union- ville. Mrs. Geo. S. White and daughter, Mrs. Harvey Mahaffy, spent Sunday in Sunderland, the guests of Mrs. Mary Baker. The many friends of Mrs, Arthur Waridel are pleased to learn that she is home after her recent illness, in the St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton and children Linda and David, of Ennis- killen; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope and children Ronald and Helen and Mr. Leonard Hope were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills in Port Perry on Sunday. We regret to hear of the illness of Mr. James Read, Sr. Hope to see him out again soon. The Senior Girls' Auxiliary of the Church of the Ascension held a meet- ing on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. E. Hayes. We are glad to see Mr. Percy Rolph out again, feeling somewhat improved after his recent illness. Mrs. R. G. Baker wag in Toronto on Tuesday attending the 50th Anniver- sary of St. Barnabas (Chester) Senior Eranch Woman's Auxiliary. ' A number of members of Fidelity Lodge, AF. & A.M. were in Oshawa Tuesday night attending Senior War- dens' Night. The Sr. Wardens of On- tario District occupied the officers' chairs for the First Degree work, Vigitors were also present from To- ronto D District. MISSION BAND NOTICE The Mission Band Notice of the Port Perry United Church are holding their next meeting on Friday, October 26th at 7.456 p.m. in the Sunday School; and are looking forward to the pleasure of having their parents and friends join them at this meeting. A program of interest is being ar- ranged and a silver collection will be taken to support this organization. This invitation is extended to thoge who are interested in children and their activities. Please keep this date in mind and give the children your supoprt. "Active Service" IN MEMORIAM DODSLEY--In loving memory of our dear son Pte. George W. Dodsley, who was killed in Action in Italy, on October 24th, 1944. "In our lonely hours of thinking, thoughts of you are always near. We who loved you, sadly miss you, as it dawns another year. How proud our sorrowing hearts are too, to know we had a lad like you, Good-bye dear son, you did your part, may God rest our weary hearts," Sadly missed by Mom and Dad. A PLEASANT EVENING A unique outing was tendered to the choir of the United Church here last Thursday evening. The Official Board of the Church chartered DeNure's bus, and took the ghoir to Oshawa to attend a concert in King St. United Church given by the Borden Milk Co., Toronto, The Borden Milk Co. choir is composed of about 26 male singers, and is aas- sisted by special soloists. The concert was splendid and was greatly enjoyed 'by the local choir. See insert for program, Parking tell AIR OONDITIONED A PAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, OCTOBER 25-26-27 JUDY GARLAND and ROBERT WALKER, in "THE CLOCK" with James Gleason, Keenan Wynn, Marshall Thompson. A Heart Thrill for every Tick. ADDED--Featurette-- It Happened in Springfield Latest Paramount News. Monday and Tuesday, OCTOBER 29-30 Two Sensational Features "Betrayal from the East" starring LEE TRACY and NANCY KELLY with Richard Loo and Regis Toomey. also Having Wonderful Crime starring PAT O'BRIEN GEORGE MURPHY CAROLE LANDIS, a Groom--a Bride--and a Wolf. Starting Wednesday for 4 Days GARY COOPER and LORETTA YOUNG, in Along Came Jones with William Demarest and ' Dan Duryea. Girl Shy . Gun Shy . Great Guy with Loretta as The Outlaw's Sweetheart. BAZAAR AND TEA On Tuesday afternoon, October 30th, the Parish Workers of the Chureh of the Ascension will hold a Bazaar in the Parish Hall. Many articles suit- able for gifts will be offered for sale. There will also be a sale of home-made baking, Afternoon tea will be served. 0c2b HOCKEY For all those interested in playing hockey, there will be a meeting at Taylor's Restaurant, on Monday, Oct. 29th, at 8 p.m. RECEPTION FOR RETURNED PERSONNEL All returned personnel, men and women, are invited to attend a Re- ception and "At Home" at the Oshawa Armouries, Friday night, October 26. The "At Home" is being tendered with the kind permission of Lieut.-Col. L. W. Correll, ED. Commanding Officer of the 11th- Reserve Army Tank Regiment (Ontario), Officers, Warrant Officers, N.C.0's and men. SLENDOR TABLETS -- harmless and effective. 2 weeks' supply, $1.00; 12 weeks', $6.00. At Lawrence's Drug Store. YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION The Young People's Union, which was held on Tuesday night, was under the Christian Fellowship conveners, Helen Hayes and Jim Heayn. The meeting opened with an Invocation by the President, Margaret Day, Hymn 388 was sung and Helen Hayes led in prayer. The scripture was read by Jack Cawker and hymn 462 was sung. The topic was given by Jim Heayn. The programme consisted of a humorous poem by Helen Hayes. The business was discussed and the mi- nutes were read and -adopted. The meeting closed with .the singing of hymn 376 and the Mizpah benediction. to be in the form of a Hallowe'en masquerade party, We hope to see all members there in costume. Keep November '16th in mind when the Young People's Union will present another of its Variety Shows in th High School Auditorium. chit . Hee SCUGOG (Continued from back page) useful gifts, and invited all to visit them at their home in Toronto, Little Patsy Midgley is spending a week with her aunt Mrs. Kight, in Port Perry. r- Mr. and Mrs. George Samells; Jean and Donna, Mr! and Mrs. R. Reader, Next Monday night, the meeting is |. Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wright Crozier at Manchester, Mr, and Mrs. E..H. Gerrow have closed their cottage and returned to their home in Oshawa.' Mr, and Mrs, J. L. Sweetman and Allene were guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. Prentice and Kay, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Smith of Toronto, ac- companied their daughter Mrs. Russell Fines and Mr. Fines, and Mrs. Grigg, of Toronto, here for Friday and Sat- urday. o Mr. Herman Midgley has purchased the farm known as the Gerrow place, near Pine Point. hear Mr. and Mrs. Midgley are staying on the Island. Mrs. IS. Fines spent Tuesday with Mrs. 1. Eden, Myr. Maurice Fralick and Mr, Don Crozier have had their houses insu- lated to keep gut the cold. visited Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Johnston in Little Britain, recently. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hénders are mov- ing to their new home in Port Perry this week, We trust they will be happy in their new surroundings. UTICA The sympathy. of this community goes out to Rev. Mr. Eyres and family of Uxbridge, in the death of Mrs, Kyres. . The W. A. held their October meet- ing at thé home of Mrs. A. Sutcliffe. It was decided to have a Rummage sale in Memory Hall on Nov. 13th. Mr. Fred Wilkinson met. with an accident while drawing in buckwheat and was rushed to Oshawa Hospital, but he is now home and we hope he will soon be completely recovered. ' Mrs. J. Ackney in Toronto for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thom visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Geer. Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Croxall on Sun- day. : Mr. and Mrs, Frank Henry have moved near Pet rborough., We wish them every success in their new home and are sorry they are leaving this community. , Errernns crvyr aves All are pleased to]. My. and Mrs, Alex. Martyn and Inez | CARY GRANT in ALEXANDER HALL'S "ONCE UPON A TIME" with JANET BLAIR, JAMES GLEASON, TED DONALDSON Featuring-- "Shoo Shoo Baby Show Starts 8 p.m. Adults 35c., Children l5¢| Community Sing-Song. : : ANGLICAN 'Rev. E. G. Bruton, Rector. Sunday, October .28th-- 11 am.--Matins and Sermbdn. 8 p.m.--Sunday School. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Clifford Smith, Minister Sunday, October 28th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--~The Church in Our Town, HALLOWEEN DANCE INTHE Port Perry High School Auditorium ¢ For Students and Ex-Students Friday, October 26, 1945 AT 8.15 P.M. Music by Wes. Jackson's Orchestra ADMISSION--50c. each, including Refreshments. 7 p.m.--Young People will conduct Worship and Mr. James Young, of Oshawa, will speak, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J. A. MacMillan. Minister Sunday, October 28th-- 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School There will be no Church service ow- ling to the "Anniversary at Burns Church Ashburn. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: P. Taylor = 11 a.m.--~Morning Worship. 2,30 p.m.--Bible. School 7 p.m.--Evangellstic Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. VICTORIA SHORTHORN ASSN. FALL SALE EXHIBITION GROUNDS, LINDSAY, ONTARIO SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 1945, at 1.30 p.m. Offering consists of a selected lot - of 16 females and 8 bulls. Herd sires inglude Calrossie Bondsman (imp.) and sons of Rigfoot Sensation, Klaymor Beau Ideal, Glenburn Royal Ransom, Calrossie Bondsman, Klaymor Ensign, 0.A.C. Ransom 21 and Cumberland. WE : A choice lot of bred and open lieifers. Bulls are of breeding age with breeding and quality that should make real herd headers. All entries are negative to Blood Test, several have been vacein- ping Fever. MILTON JENKINS, Little Britain, President. JACK BAKER, Hanipton, FRANK INNES, Blackwater, Managers. M. H. WINTER, Lindsay, Secretary. TED JACKSON, Port Perry, Auctioneer. A EE 1) ED 1 1 The Welcome Home Dance for re- turned men was well attended in Mem- ory Hall on, Friday evening. Every- one enjoyed themselves, We: hope to have another when all the boys have returned home, ' 4 _FOR SALE match, Size 11 years. Office. 0 5 OL 0 ated; are from a Restricted Area and will be inoculated against Ship-- DO Girl's wine winter coat; hat to Apply at Star oct26 Whose curves should | corset control?, Does your size 38 cor- set fit you or was it designed for a fuller- . curved 38? T'wo wom- en wearing the same size seldom have the same proportions. A Graduate Charis Cor- sctiere takes ALL your measurements . .. pre- scribes your corset from 8s many ss 77 modcls "in a size. 'No wonder "Charis cradles your - every curve. No won- der women who sagged now look trimmer. v. Sue Chants PERSONALIZED. _ CORSETRY Y Mrs. H. MacMaster _ Box 102 Port Perry Phoné 44 + 'IY. MUST GIVE THE RIGHT SUPPORT, ~ OR CHARIS WON'T LET YOU WEAR IT! roo: Corns instantly relieved with Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve--the effective corn remedy. 50c. at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port. Perry. pie LA 3 i ONE! CENT SA RENCE"S LE 50c. Rexall Chest Rub. . . ...2 for 5lc. 40c. Rexall Shaving Cream, 2 for 41c. 50c. Linaeptle ...........2 for lc. THIS WEEK--Wednesday, ~~ Thursday, Friday, = Saturday '35¢c. Box Stationery ......2 for 36c. 40c. Rexall Shaving Lotion, 2 for 41c. 25¢. Epsom Salts . .. ..es..2 for 26c. 50c. Box Stationery ......2 for 5lc. 50c. Rexall Orderlies ......2 for 50e. "60c. French Balm ........2 for 6lc. 15¢. pkg. Envelopes ......2 for 16c. 49c¢. ASA, Tablets verve. 2 for 50c. T 87c. Mi31 Antiseptic ......2 for 88c. i 15¢. Writing Pad ........2 for 16c¢. $1.00 Tasteless Cod Liver Co. 2 for $1.01 25¢, Writing Pad. .........2 for 26c. : 60c. Jasmine Face Powder 2 for 61c. 60c: Silque Hand Lotion ...2 for 6lc. 15¢. Old Colony Ink, . cons .2 for 16¢. $1.00 Agarex Compound . .2 for $1.01 27c. Stork Baby Powder. ...2 for 28¢. 25c. Riker's Cold Tablets ..2 for 26c. 45¢. Nerve Tablets .......2 for 46c. "35¢, Tr. of Iodine ........2 for 36c, 40¢, Lavender Talcum ... .2 for 4lc. 25¢. Antacid Gas Tablets . .2 for 26c. Fete : 40c; Lavender Brilliantine, 2 for 4lc. $1.00 Fortified Cod Liver Co. 3 2 for $1.01 43¢, Magnesia Tooth Paste, 2 for 44c. 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Halibut Liver Capsules "5 50c, Milk of Magnesia ....2 for 5lc. 50c. Floor Wax-...........2 for ble. 30: Klenzo Tooth Paste . . . .2 for 31e. we 25c. Saccharin Tablets ....2 for 26c. 26¢-Lermicidal Soap ......2 for 26ec. "29c, Pearl Tooth Powder ..2 for 30c. 79c. Yeast and Iron Tablets 2 for 80c. : 10c. Bobby Comb ........2 for 1lec. 50¢, Klenzo Tooth Brushes. .2 for 5lc. 60c. Assorted Perfumes, .. 2 for 61. SEE BILLS FOR Complete List A. M. LAWRENCE || SHOP EARLY The REXALL Druggist Phone 49 Port Perry } Hg SA AN VE 2 ENTICE'S -- BEAUTY SALON -- ee with or withil appointmtut, 3 PERMANENT 'WAVES $1.95 and up SHAMPOO AND STYLED SETTING, ~~ ONLY 60¢. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. Taylor's Auto Electric PORT PERRY GENERATORS STARTERS FIELD COILS REPAIRED and EXCHANGED BILL TAYLOR Proprietor - SIGH YOUR NAME FOR VICTORY! VICTORY BONDS 'SUPPORT CANADA'S (a VICTORY y SS LOAN Brooesr SHow VALUm IN O Smoking In Th Biltmore] cn coats | Thursday, Friday and Saturday, OCTOBER 25-26-27 Swell Double-Hit Week-End Program! GRACIE FIELDS, MONTY WOOLLEY, RODDY McDOWALL in the Hilarious Comedy "Molly and Me" In Addition to the Musical Sensation of the Southwest! ROY ROGERS (King of the Cowboys) and TRIGGER (Smartest Horse in the Movies) In their Biggest Hit "San Fernando Valley" with DALE EVANS and the "SONS OF THE PIONEERS" Specialties by, | VERNON and DRAPER THE -MORELL TRIO. : . Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, OCTOBER 29-30-31 Ernest Hemingway's . Most Daring Man-Woman story . powerfully brought to the screen, -HUMPHREY BOGART in love with his kind of woman LAUREN BACALL that brilliant New Screen Star, "To Have and Have Not" with "Walter Brennan, Dolores Moran and Hoagy Carmichael. ~~Added Feature-- The Mefry Marital Mix-up "ALWAYS A BRIDE" with ROSEMARY LANE

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