Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Oct 1945, p. 5

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- » > ® 3 STAN. CAUSLEY, Proprietor ON PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1945 Se aaa atil ' 4 = mp par adeasrbione . av L 2 y ' a. - . Pt "a Fe eo » ' x En I EE LE fi. BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY AIR CONDITIONED. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, OCTOBER 11-12-13 Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 Wing and a Prayer Story of Carrier X, starring DON AMECHE, Dana ANDREWS, Chas. BICKFORD, SIR CEDRICK HARDWICKE | Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, OCTOBER 15-16-17 Last complete show at 8.20. "Molly and Me" starring GRACIE FIELDS, MONTY WOOLLEY, RODDY Mc¢DOWALL. Also an ADDED Attraction: "Circumstantial Evidence" starring MICHAEL O'SHEA and LLOYD NOLAN J Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, OCTOBER 18-19-20 "The Naughty Nineties" starring BUD ABBOTT and LOU COSTELLO Rising values means adjustment of INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 : Port Perry FOR SALE Large Cook Stove, coal or wood, - reservoir and warming oven, cream and white enamel trim, good condition. Apply to Jos. Ward, Brooklin. ocll FOR SALE Frame House, seven rooms, good re- pair, splendid location, modern con- veniences, hydro, good lot, frame barn suitable for garage. Apply to Miss M. Parish, 429 Walmer Road, Toronto, or Geo. A, McMillan, Port Perry. sept20tf LIVE POULTRY WANTED Also new and used feathers. Best prices paid. M, Flatt, Bethany R.R.1. Phone Bethany 7 r 18. oct10 I HAVE NO AGENTS. If you are lonely, write Box 82, Clarkston, Wash. Send stamp. ge oct18 ASSESSMENT ROLL RETURNED The Assessment Roll of the Cor- poration of the Village of Port Perry for the year 1945 upon which the taxes for 1946 will be levied, has been returned to me and any appeals against assessments therein must be made to me in writing on or before October 16th, 1945. H. G. HUTCHESON, Clerk, - Village of Port Perry. Port Perry, Sept. 30th, 1945. ASSESSMENT ROLL RETURNED The Assessment Roll of the Corpora- tion of the Township of Scugog for the year 1946 upon which the taxes for 1946 will be levied, has been re- turned to me and any appeals against assessments therein must be made to "me in writing, on or before Oct. 16th, 1946. H. G. Hutcheson, Clerk, Township of Scugog. Port Perry, Sept. 30th, 1946. NOTICE All kinds of Eleotrical| and Mechanical Repairs to household appliances All makes and sizes of Electric Motors repair. ed and Reconditioned. Small Motors for sale. ' Small Gasoline Engines for Sale. Electrie or Gasoline Drive Pump Jacks for Sale. MACHINE REPAIR ' SHOP (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is disolved) " RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24%; Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office oa Tuesday, gnd Thursday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 94 ARTHUR W. S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appolutment. Blong Block, Port Perry. Phome 25 W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON office equipped for X-RAY WORK Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen St., Port Perty Phones: Office 68w; Residence 68) DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop. Phone 237, Res. 215 DR. ED. BAILEY VETERINARY SURGEON Uxbridge and Port Perry Phone 127, Uxbridge Reverse charges on all phone calls to me, W. J. KING Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO King and Cedar Streets. Phone 138 JACKSON Auction Sales TED JACKSON, Auctioneer " THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11--Farm Stock and Implements, the property of Alex. Dever, Lot 15, Con. b, Cart- wright, mile south, mile east of Black- stock. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.n. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12th--Farm Stock and Implements, the property of Herb. Byers, east half of Lot 6, Con. 3, Manvers Twp. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 pm. See Bills. SATURDAY, OCT. 13th -- Farm Stock and Implements, the property of George Bowers, Lot 16, Con. 7, Cart- wright Twp.,, on No. TA Highway, just -west of Nestleton P.O. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. See bills, MONDAY, OCT. 16th-- Household Effects, belonging to the Estate of the late Mrs. Henry Lane, half mile" west of Myrtle, Ont. Terms Cash. ale at 1.30 p.m. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16th--Farm Stock and Implements, belonging to the Estate of the late William Medd, Lot 21, Con. 1, Brock Twp. Terms Cash, Sale at 1 p.m. See Bills, FRIDAY, OCT. 19th -- Wood Lots, about 8 acres of Standing Timber, principally hardwood, the property of Carnegie Lumber Co., to be sold at Lot 7, Con. 4, Manvers Twp., 1 mile north of Pontypdol, 1 con, south of Ballyduff, and about 1 mile west. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. See bills, THURSDAY, NOV. 1st -- Farm Stock and Implements, the property of Wm. and Earle Parrott, Lot 1, Con. 1, Reach Twp. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 o'clock. See bills. . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26th-- Farm Stock and Implements, the property of Harry E. Nealg, Bethany, Ont., Lot 11, Con, 8, Manvers Twp,, on the in- tersection of Highways 83 and TA. Terms cash. Sale at 12 o'clock. See bills. KEN SPEARS TEACHER OF ~ Cassimir St., Port Perry POPULAR COURSE LESSONS At Reasonable Rates FOR SALE Quiet, black Jersey Cow, milking DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG y Port Perry | Guitar & Theory 2 months. Apply to Sam Arnold, Prince Albert, Phone Port Perry 246 r 2, Ea a ARR anna nsnnsnannnsss 3333322232823 8133208432443 The Best the Market Offers Your Phone Orders Receive Careful Attention CAWKER BROS, Family Butchers Choice Meats at all Times WE BUY AND SELL THE BEST W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER Phone 72w, PORT PERRY "ROOFING NOW IS THE TIME TO FIX THAT LEAKING ROOF. We have on hand good stocks of Asphalt Shingles, Rolled Roofing, both 36" and 18" and No, 1 6x B. C. Cedar Shingles. REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER Phone T3w F. G. Reesor F. E. Rassor BUY AN APPLE ON BOY SCOUT APPLE DAY SCOUTING DEVELOPS IN BOYS The Habit of PUBLIC SERVICE Auction Sale of WOOD LOTS About 8 acres standing timber, principally Hardwood The Property of CARNEGIE LUMBER CO. To be sold at Lot 7, Con. 4, Manvers Tp., 1 Mile N. of Pontypool, 1 Con. South of Ballyduff, and about 1 Mile West. Friday, October 19, 1.00 p.m. sharp TERMS CASH. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer J PLANNING for EXPANSION OF RURAL TELEPHONE SERVICE To keep step with farm progress and to extend service to more farm families, the telephone industry is working on important new devices and methods. Plans are "already under way for resuming the rural telephone expan- sion program suspended in 1940, when equipment "and material became ur- gently needed for the armed: forces. © Surveys are being made to determine the needs and to provide the facts for carrying out plans to expand farm telephone service. The goal is to bring the telephone to the greatest possible number of farm families. pili bi, T. R. TRAYNOR, Branch Manager F. W. BROCK & SON NEW WALLPAPERS FOR 1946 New Patterns in Sunworthy and Sun-Tested Papers 12¢. per Roll and Up. Goodrich Rubbers for all the Family Several New Lines this Year, all at Market Priccs. LADIES' OXFORDS and TIE SHOES Black and Tan Shoes in Several Widths $2.98 to $4.50 Men's Raincoats, Rubber--$6.50 FELTOL RUGS "ALL SIZES 9 x 12, $8.50. 9 x 1015, $7.50 GROCERIES Australian Raisins, 2 lbs 27c. Pastry Flour, 24's, 75¢ Heinz Tomato Juice, 10c tin. Campbell's Tomato Soup, 10c. a tin. = Habitant Tomato Soup, 3 for 25c. Black Tea 59c Ib Fresh Cod Fillets. 35c. Ib. Peas, 20 oz. tin, 13c. tin Fresh Frozen Fish Fillets in stock when available. Quaker Bread Flour, xxxx, 24 lbs. 69c. Amber Honey. - 4 lbs. 76¢c. SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals for Cattle 3 The milking cow will rob her own body structure, in order to maintain the mineral content of her milk. In her case, it is particularly important to replace these missing elements, because poor health, poor milk flow, and unthriftiness are the sure results of mineral deficiences. Minerals needed, and supplied in SHUR-GAIN Cattle Minerals: 1. Calcium--for bone formation, and use in body fluids and milk. 2. Phosphorus--for bone formation, use in body fluids and milk. 3. lodine--for prevention of goitre, and for health. 4, Salt--for general health and maximum production. SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals for Cattle contain all these necessary ingredients, and in the correct proportions for best use by the cow. [Feed some today, and watch for the steady improvement resulting from their beneficial effects. et ENE SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals for Cattle Price $3.25 per Bag SOLD BY H. H. GOODE GRAIN ELEVATOR Phone: Port Perry 120 r 5 MYRTLE STATION, ONT. WANTED A lighthouse sounds no drum it heats no gong; yet far over the waters Town of Whitby APPLICATIONS FOR POLICE A Portable Underwood Typewriter |its friendly light is seen by the mari- CONSTABLE in good condition. Apply Box 152, bor, 4. Ginger. R : . : iy i Yorrv Pos fon & Applications will be received untilfLort Perry Post Office. To cultiavte sympathy you must be noon on Saturday, October 13th, for among living cieatures, and thinking the position of Police Constable in the §* about them. Ruskin. Town of Whitby. A FOR SALE a tr Applicants should state age, height, Temperance gives nature her full weight, educational qualifications,| Oak China Cabinet, in good condi-|play, and enables her to exert herself salary expected and whether married tion; also a Table and several chairs. |in all her force and vigor. --Addison or single. Apply National Employ-| pone 93]. : + + a ment Service Office, Oshawa. File There never was any heart truly No. 3190. great and generous that was not also The way to be comfortable is to[tender and compassionate.--South. make others comfortable. The way 4 2» LOST Theose who are found blessing God under all their losses, shall find God blessing them after all their losses. --W. Secker to make others comfortable is to ap- pear to love them. The way to appear to Jove them is to love them in reality. ~Jeremy Bentham "Large Black and White Hound, an- swers to the name Rex. Finder please notify Gordon Shunk, phone 189 r 2, -- FATA To wr ra ry PII, >. a meas |< AEP (dae: a wf . Sells a h : NTE i BO "

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