ER ae i ) ~~ a 5 eae LAN a a] g 3 bod BR HA IRA al al ac PNY, . LOCAL NEWS Mrs. T. J. Blight, of Toronto, was a Thanksgiving visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Reesor. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beatty are leaving Thursday (to-day) for St. Petersburg, Florida, where they will spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bush, of Toron- to, spent the holiday week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reesor. Mr. Irving Boyd, of Toronto, spent the week-end and holiday with his wife and family in Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Blight and family, of Oshawa, were in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Cliff, of Toronto, were visitors during the week-end of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cliff, - Miss Irene Mulligan, of Toronto, was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mulligan, over the week-end and holiday. Mrs. P. Figary and daughter, Mrs, Douglas, of Toronto, and Cpl. Reg. Figary, of Camp Borden, were week- - end visitors of friends in Port Perry. Mrs. Arch. Anderson, of Toronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopkins, over the holiday week-end. Mrs. Douglas Lade, of Toronto, spent the week-end and holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bal- four, - Migs Irene MacDonald, of Toronto, was with her parents, Mr. and Mus. Gordon MacDonald, over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stevenson and family, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Peel during part of the holiday week-end. Miss Helen Peel was also home from Toronto. Miss Jean McDermott, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, A. L. McDermott. The Parish Workers of the Church of the Ascension held a business meet- ing on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ed. Balfour. Miss Clare Glass has returned to her training at Oshawa General Hos- pital after a pleasant three weeks' holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cawker, of To- ronto, were week-end and holiday guests of relatives in town. Miss Louise Hall, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hall. . The Misses Emmerson, of Toronto, were holiday visitors at their home here. Mr. Robert Jeffrey, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. during the week-end. Miss Annabelle Baird and girl friend, of Toronto, spent the week-end and holiday with Mrs. N. Baird. Miss Minnie Parish has returned to Port Perry, after a prolonged stay in Toronto. She is living with Mrs. A. Pargeter. ze Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Miller of To- ronto were week-end guests of their daughter, Mrs. J. C. Love and Mn. Love. of Toronto, C. Jeffrey ae PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH MISSION BAND A meeting was held in the school room of the Port Perry United Church, Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 9th, to re- organize the Mission Band. Fifteen were in attendance and the election of officers took place. The children present enthusiasti- cally took part in the program, which was impromptu and the musical and vocal numbers were enjoyed by those present. * Those taking leading parts were Kent Gerrow, Donna Dowson, Georgia Brock, Bernice Dowson and Beverley Michell. The musical ac- companiment was furnished by Mrs, W. C. Smith, The installation of officers will take place at the next gathering. These officers will be:--President, Donna Dowson; Secretary, Bernice Dowson; Treasurer, Beverley Michell, Themeeting closed with the Mizpah benediction and afterwards the game of Musical Chairs was played with the prize going to' Carol Dowson. Small refreshments were served by the Superintendent, Mrs, Charles H. Reesor, assisted by Georgia Brock. BAZAAR The Woman's Association of Port Perry United «Church are holding al bazaar in the basement of the church' on Saturday afternoon, October 20th, starting at 3 o'clock, Afternoon tea will be served. ' (ALTNN ov So AN hd J > : « ~ Sel Ba wainbgea sels an als sdnsiskovariiiban digo abe REL vai dima ida OSHAWA AIR CONDITIONED A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE n en Parking Friday-Saturday, OCT. 12-13 Walt Disney's Miracle Musical Feature in GLORIOUS TECHNICOLOR The Three Caballeros Featuring PANCHITO, Joe CARIOCA, Donald DUCK, and in the flesh AURORA MIRANDA of Brazil, CARMEN MOLINE of Mexico, DORA LUZ, of Mexico. So Utterly Amazing .... You Can't Believe Your Eyes. ADDED -- Hollywood Victory Caravan, Monday-Tuesday, OCT. 15-16 "A Royal Scandal" starring TALLULAH BANKHEAD, Chas. COBURN, Anne BAXTER William EYTHE. Saucy as a wink of the eye . . . Scandalous as a Keyhole Peck. FOUR DAYS -- WED. to SA'T. OCTOBER 17-18-19-20 SONJA HENIE, in "It's A Pleasure" IN TECHNICOLOR with Michael O'Shea, Marie McDonald, Bill Johnson, The First Lady of the Ice in her first Technicolor * Picture and Dancing for the Ilirst Time, ATTAINS HIS 96th BIRTHDAY Congratulations to Mr. Albert Orchard, of Port Perry, who attained his 96th birthday, to-day, Thursday, October 11th, MARRIED ASHTON--DUNBAR WEDDING A pretty wedding took place on Sat- urday evening, Sept. 29th, at the Manse, Port Perry, when Margaret Eleanor, daughter of the late Hugh and Mrs. Dunbar, Stellarton, Nova Scotia, became the bride of Frederick Nelson Ashton, Myrtle Station. Rev. J. A. MacMillan, pastor of Burn's Chureh, officiated. The bride wore a street-length dress of blue wool crepe and brown acces- sories, carrying a bouquet of American Beauty roses. She was attended by Miss Sadie MacKenzie, of Stellarton, N.S. She wore a street length dress of fuschia crepe and brown accessories, carrying a bouquet of yellow roses. Mr. Hugh Rogers attended. the groom. The bridal couple left on a short trip to Eastern Ontario, [.O.O.F. News On Thanksgiving evening, Oct. 8th, Warriner Lodge held its regular meet- ing and approximately twenty-four members were in attendance, Plans were discussed regarding the open installation of officers, and a committee was appointed to look after the arrangements regarding this matter. . Bro. J. J. Gibson has been appointed to the Board of Trustees for a term of three years and Bro. R. Foster has been elected as a District Representa- tive. On Friday evening, October bth, some of the members had the pleasure of attending the Grand Master's of- ficial visit to District 44 which in- cludes Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering, Brooklin and Port Perry. The trip was made by chartered bus through the co-operation and courtesy of Bro, F. DeNure. "Around one hundred and fifty members attended this gathering and had the pleasure of hearing an outstanding address by Master, Bro. Rev. W. J. Mark, of Han- over, Ontario, Other speakers during the evening were Bro. W. R. Dean, Deputy Grand Master; Bro. William Brooks, Grand Secretary and the Dis- trict Deputy Grand Master, Bro. H. Terwilliger, The following officers will be in- stalled to their positions during the week of October 22nd of which more will be published later. : Noble Grand--Geo. K. Beare, Green- bank; Vice Grand--F, DeNure, Port Perry; Rec. and Fin. Sec"y--C. H. Reesor, Port Perry; Treasuerr--V, P, Stouffer, Port Perry. BLACKSTOCK Miss. Watson visited with Mrs, J. Forder and Miss Vera Forder during Thanksgiving holiday. : On Saturday evening over forty re- ) the Grand] Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST latives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Dunn, Osha- wa, to celebrate with them their 26th wedding anniversary. They were pre- sented with a beautiful silver tea ser- vice and other silver gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn expressed their deep grati- tude and pleasure after which a pro- gramme was enjoyed, also a sump- tuous lunch including the traditional wedding cake. . It is estimated that used clothing collected by United Relief on North American continent has met the needs of 25,000,000 people, leaving at least 100,000,000 men, women and children in the liberated countries facing the winter without sufficient clothing, some without any clothing in fact. So let us help them to be at least com- fortable and better able to fight the ravages of winter, The school teachers and pupils of Cartwright are putting on a concert and dance on Thursday night in aid of the Red Cross, the purpose of which is to buy clothing, bedding and foot- wear for Furope's needy children, [Leave contributions of clothing at Mrs. Forder's, Nestleton; S, Jeffrey's shoe shop, Blackstock. Twenty-four ladies attended the Red Cross quilting in the hall on Wednes- day. Six quilts were quilted. Another quilting is to be held this week. Cadmus anniversary services were held on Thanksgiving Sunday. Rev. Dr. Bowles preached in the morning, and Rev. W. C. Smith, of Port Perry, in the evening, The church was love- Jy with autumn flowers and special music was rendered by Mrs, Thompson and Mr. Joblin. Rev, B., Harrison was in Port Perry for the evening service. Rev. Mr. Bruton was in charge of the Anglican service in the afternoon, Annetta Sophia Wright There passed away in Port Perry Hospital, on September '19th, Annetta Sophia Wright after but a brief illness. Mrs. Wright was the wife of the late Peter Wright who pre-deceased her on Sept. 5, 1928, and the daughter of the late John Veale. She was born in Darlington on May 81, 1861, but later moved to.avhat was to be the family homestead in Cartwright. She was married on June 9th, 1886 and for a time lived on the Bradburn farm on the 3rd concession. Later they pur- chased a farm on the 7th concession, between what is now North and South Nestleon. On retiring from farm work they moved to a house on the North end of the farm on which Mr, Wright passed on, and in which Mrs, Wright continued to live. ' Mrs. Wright was of a very kindly disposition beloved by all who knew her. She was exceedingly fond of music and during her younger days was the soprano of a family quartette that delighted any and all of the many audiences to whom they sang. Mrs. Wright had four boys and one girl--Clarence Elon, who died in in- fancy; Elmer, now of Kingston; Roy and Leslie, of Toronto; and Emma (Mrs. Rae Malcolm) of Yelverton. A short service was held at the home followed by a service in the United Church conducted by Rev. R. B. Harrison, assisted by Rev. Dr, Bowles, One Man Salvage Collection by Veteran Tom Cartwright. For the past three years Tom Cart- wright, veteran of World War 1, and whose entire family were actively en- gaged in both production and fighting in World War 2, has conducted a one- man salvage campaign. On foot and using a small wagon Tom has covered hundreds of miles gathering waste paper and then bundling and shipping it. His latest shipment last week brings his total-to 130 tons with net proceeds of over $1000, every cent of which has been donated to St. John's Anglican Church. He still maintains that the war won't be over until its entailing needs have been fulfilled and he still goes about the job, In this record of service, probably unequalled by any one man across the country in a similar endeavour, it would seem there should be some form of public recognition. Every go often Canada's Pri Minister presents names of civiliafis for decorations such as O.B.E, ete. For the next list we nominate veteran Tom Cartwright of Bowmanville, SLENDOR- TABLETS--harmless and effective. 2° weeks' supply, $1.00; 12 weeks' $6.00, At Lawrence's Drug Store, ! vii Bo 53 Dt A ALEVE PASE ' A Ea) Ya 4 4 t . a | ; . 8 24% HRI a a as a a aaa as OEE BTR ERLE TF BORE PMLA GO sg PAT O'BRIEN Carole Landis with CHESTER MORRIS, Port Perry Town Hall, Sat.,Oct. 13 SECRET COMMAND "Mr. Fore by Fore" --A Fable Cartoon COMMUNITY SING-SONG--Your Favorite Songs Show Starts § p.m. Adults 35c., Children 15¢ and RUTH WARRICK Veitch Gi Rev. Wellard Uxbridge Youth for Christ A BRIGHT PROGRAM IN UXBRIDGE MUSIC HALL Saturday, October 13, at 8.00 p.m. THE SPEAKERS AND THE MUSIC Lieut. Dick Ritchie, R. C. N. Miss Edna Pohl --formerly of CJGX, Winnipeg. George McLeary, outstanding violinist. Maurice Kennedy, in Baritone rendition of -- "I'd Rather Have Jesus."' Lively Singing, fed by P.O. Don Davis, ex-R.C.A.F. We hope U.Y.F.C. will see many people from Port Perry and District. If you feel young, you are welcome to come. rleg Trio. . Pierce, D.D.. JUNIOR WAR WORKERS he Junior War Workers will meet in the Work Rooms at the Post Office on Tuesday evening, October 16th, FIDELITY LODGE, AF. & AM. ENTERTAIN VISITORS On Tuesday evening, Fidelity Lodge members were hosts to D.D.G.M, Jas. MeNab, of" Cobourg, who was accom- panied by the District Secretary and other members. There were also a number of members from Brooklin, This was the official inspection night for the D.D.G.M. Following the 2nd degree, the visitors were entertained in the banquet room, where a number of speakers were heard. - VIRTUOSO Noel Brunet, Montreal's distinguished young violinist, is featured currently over the CBC Dominion network on Sundays at 10 p.m." He is performing with John Newmark, pianist, in a series of Mozart's sonatas for violin and pjano. Mr, Brunet will also be heard this week as soloist in the sym- phony hour on the Dominion network October 9th at 9 p.m. } WINSTON CHURCHILL I am searching for words With which to honor Churchill. Stout words, gallant words, iron words Such as he spoke } To the people of Britain In their hours of jeopardy,-- "We shall fight on the beaches, We shall fight in the fields And in the streets, We shall fight in the hills; We shall never surrender!"-- Easy sentences to read, But Churchill said them With only a strip of sea - . Between 'England and an enemy, Weaponed as no army on earth Had been weaponed before. I am looking for words As steady and courageous As that stand he demanded of his people, ' While the whole world held its breath: "Let us so bear ourselves That if the British Empire And its Commonwealth Last for a thousand years, Men will still say "This was their finest hour' " '| personable Cy Mack on the weekly We shall fight on the landing grounds, i Bold words, Churchill, When the men of England Were walking their cliffs naked of arms. But because you said them then, If the world lasts a thousand years, Men will still say: "That was a man!" --Marion Susan Campbell, in Christian Science Monitor CY MACK Interviewing guests and peopel who make the news is the assignment of broadcasts of "Canadian Cavalcade" over the CBC Trans-Canada network, Monday, at 8 p.m. Behind Mack's easy poise and tact are years of sing- ing and acting in British films, onl the stage and in Canadian radio. SEAGRAVE BOY LOSES LIFE Nelson Hudgin, 16, of Seagrave, has been working on the Lake freighters transporting grain. On Monday while at work, Nelson slipped when grain was being loaded and fell in the bin, a fall which resulted in instant death. Nelson was well-known by many of the students as he attended the Port Perry High School. 1 41 01 D000 6 6 : SO (You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) winter ills. Vitamin Products. ALPHAMETTES $1.00, $1.85, $3.50 and $15.00 NEO CHEMICAL FOOD Liquid $1.15, $2.45 and $4.45 Capsules $1.25, $2.25., $5.00 KEPLER"S MALT and COD LIVER OIL 765¢. and $1.25 NATIONAL MALT AND COD LIVER OIL 49c. and 89c. HALIVER OIL CAPSULES 90¢., $1.55 and $3.25 PURETEST COD LIVER OIL 75¢c. and $1.25 Now is the time to start taking Vitamins to build resistance to Here are a few suggestions from our wide range of PURETEST PLENAMINS FE $1.76 and $5.00 PURETEST MULTIPLE VITAMINS $1.00 and $1.85 © MEAD"S OLEUM PERCOMORPH-- 75¢c., $3.00 AYERST'S 10D COD LIVER OIL 67c. and $1.69 SCOTT'S EMULSION 59¢. and 98¢. WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER = EXTRACT $1.00 PHONE 49 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. E. G..Bruton, Rector. Sunday, October 14th-- 11 a.m.--DMatins and Sermon. , Rev. E. G. Bruton, 3.00 p.m.--Sunday School. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Clifford Smith, Minister Sunday, October 14th-- _ 10 a.m.--Sunday School «11 a.m.--The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 7 pm.--Peace and the Pacifist, Arguments on both sides. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN - CHURCH Rev, J. A. MacMillan, Minister Sunday, October 14th-- 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Church Service. Sunday, October 21st-- Anniversary Services ' 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.--Guest speaker, Rev. Lloyd Morrow, D.D,, of Toronto. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH I Pastor: P. Taylor 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. 2.30 p.m,--Bible School 7 p.m.--Evangelistic: Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. SPECIAL Evangelistic Services AT THE Pentecostal Assembly SUNDAY, OCT. 14. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. SPEAKER: EVANGELIST Rev. T. C. Martin OF ORILLIA Don't fail to hear Mr. and Mrs. "Martin sing the Gospel. They have a message that will thrill your soul, REV. F. B. FIFIELD :: PASTOR Corns instantly relieved with Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve--the effective corn remedy. ~ b0c, 'at Lawrence's Drug Store. : LER AR AR ASRS SSSA ESA RRA AR ARAN AAA TH ONTARIO Plowing Match WILL BE HELD ON THE FARM OF | HEBER DOWN AT LOT 27, CONCESSION 6, WHITBY TOWNSHIP, on No. 7 Highway, % Mile West of Brooklin, on. | WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17th For Teams apply to Harold Jones, Phone 4 r 12, Brooklin, not later than Saturday, October 13. "BANQUET AT NIGHT in the United Church basement HEBER DOWN, Pres. -W. S. CROXALL, Sec'y, Brooklin , 53 : $ & : 8 { ny ab td A M. LAWRENCE I 5 see PORT PERRY 0 0 00 PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY SALON -- with or without appointment. PERMANENT - WAVES $1.95 and up SHAMPOO AND STYLED SETTING, ONLY 50c. Phone 223, Port Perry Taylor's "Auto Electric PORT PERRY GENERATORS ":'} STARTERS ; 4 FIELD COILS . REPAIRED and EXCHANGED BILL TAYLOR :: Proprietor BioassT SHOW VALUR IN OsmAWA Smoking In The Loges Biltmoro Friday-Saturday, OCT. 12-18 'BOB HOPE, PAULETTE GODDARD, EDWARD ARNOLD in the Hilarious Comedy Hit 'Nothing But the Truth' And for ADDED Excitement on the same program SMILEY BURNETTE, in "Raiders of Sunset Pass"' (1st Oshawa Showing) EE Monday-Tuesday, OCT. 15-16 GARY COOPER, in "Pride of the Yankees" . (The Life of Lou Gehrig), with Teresa Wright, Walter Brennan, Babe Ruth, Veloz and Yolanda, Ray Noble and his Orchestra. Plus 2nd Great Hit-- IRENE DUNNE, RALPH BELLAMY, in "Lady in a Jam" Wednesday and Thursday, 452 OCTOBER 17-18 MADELAINE CARROLL, STIRLING HAYDEN, in "Bahama Passage" ~ADDED HIT-- "Meet the People" with- LUCILLE BALL, . "DICK POWELL, * VIRGINIA O'BRIEN, BERT LAH JUNE ALLYSON, VAUGHN MONROR and His Orchestra SPIKE JONES and his City Slickers, ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop.