LE RITE An RS PSST IV RE . eR a FAR MH Ee J ra : 3 tg ' v » APE T y ey » + y » Le ¥ hs ABE Evi z AS bead le 2 ves ax 4 i a 2 + £ POFAA EN 1 Be NAA sur aides dunk re Lad Loot ' . Magid} 7 J LN LADY ASTOR WITH CW BAND . LIKE A SUPER ROBOMB, THE B-25 CRASHED INTO THE WORLD'S TALLEST BUILDING E %, eT , | « pe » " id \ y ' . Si rou w-- & eye i : es, n 3 | a TF -------- a iy: i ig gl St NG 0 : ee As Visiting the estate' of Lord and Lady Astor in England, the C.W.A.C. Brass Band, recently arrived from Kitchener, Ont, is \ shown here on the estate where Lady Astor is autographing the h FAY Sat drum for Pte, Betty Legasse, of Edmundston, N.B, by hy : NY) NAB MUNITIONEER PERU'S PRESIDENT Sis AR di ¥ s \ A WTR] N ch ; Gaping holes in the north side of the world's tallest building at the This view was taken through a hole in the roof Wreckage of the B-25 Mitchell bomber is being guarded by a mili- 78th floor are examined here by a New York fireman. That girder of a penthouse on 8rd St., into which part of the tary policeman here after the crash. The plane's crew of five and a , . above him was twisted by force of the crash. wrecked plane came blazing down. eight others died in the tragic accident. AY Ci , 1] i WHERE BOMBER HIT BUILDING Eh . WHAT DEFEAT WILL MEAN TO JAPAN RE A = 8 2 102 nd Floor - : Observation ft Boo ° Sanita oR. Platform WY fo a | A dd ; ; 15 AR EA 3 6th Floor Rb ( ro 8 y= MAIN AREA Nt 913 Feet ! J 4 ine H To Street 29th Floor | Fritz Mandl, above, former Aus- 3 i PLANE HIT trian munitions magnate and one- : R ! IN THIS AREA time husband of Hedy Lamarr, has Dr. Jose «Luis Bustamene y 1 ig : | been arrested by Uruguayan police. Ravero, above, is the new Presi- i He was seized at the frontier town dent of Peru. A diplomat ! of Colonia as he alighted from a of long experience, he was at | plane arriving from Buenos Aires. one time Peruvian minister to - 4 Bolivia. a ~~ GREEK RESIGNS EYES ON SPAIN ; : 3 +BONIN IS, > . ag "VOLCANO 13; WAKE " fromosa "°° ' Bi PHILIPPINE 5] _" : oun" SEPA yansiaLL 1s. : ] \ A owt tate ATRUK : : ie pr | CAROLINE 13, " NEW +, SUINEI oo, Mio GUADALCANAL / } in hg case of unconditional surrender, Aimed at stripping the enemy of conquered territory and wip- : ing out his' capacity for future war, they include reduction of army and destruction of Jap fleet Aan : : a. and air force; elimination of heavy industry with war production poisatialey parents of all oi ; & ; } Hii } quered territory (indicated by black areas on map), including Manchuria, Korea an FOROS. HO Key arcos invonved in the bomber crash into the 79th floor of the Harold J. Laski, above, Socialist hana ; = already recaptaredy Ginhimn ling of shipbuliding facilities and strict control over pots. - Empire State building on July, 28 are located in this view of the spokesman and Labor = Party | Upon his return to Greece from "TN : . north side taken from RCA building. chairman, which swept the Brit he United Nations" Coxstence : - i indi ibile San Francisco, John Sofiano- Le rf vivir wh ins; voll poulos, Greek foreign - minister, BRITAIN'S NEW PRIME MINISTER : 1 9. u.liea resigned. He declared" that his HOTEL METROPOLE chu raring. IT ; . gevised British foreign policy country needs' at once a gov- : § agte "When he said: "We are going to Srhdagiis in which all Spoil All Beautifully = Furnished BUILDING WITHSTANDS CRASH tit Cons elements are represente 0 Zio be in a position to do full justice replace the present "caretaker" With Running Water. fo our Spanish comrades." regime. Rates: ; ye 150 up PETAIN TREASON TRIAL OPENS i i. ind hy y A : | mm OPPOSITE = C.N.R- STATION HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY It you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness, do not delay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chronic, Any itching or soreness or painful passage of stool. is na- ture"s warning and propér treat- ment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem-Roid from any druggist and use as directed, This formula which is-used internally js a small, easy. to take tablgt, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and ald in heallng the sore tender spots, Hem-Rold is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile con- dition when such a fine remedy, may be had at such a small cost, - If you try Heni-Rold and'aré not entirely pléaseéd with the results; your druggist will gladly return your money, BE CONFIDENT. Serve - \ Maxwell House Coffee | when friends drop in. Available from your gro- cer in an All Purpose Grind suitable for any type of coffee maker. Marshal Henri Petain," on "trial for his life in the High Couft of Justice in Pars, is seated in court wearing his Field Marshal's orm | Prosecutor Gen. Andre Mornet has told the French prees he will demand the death p:nally in tie t..c.on tilak This view shows some wreckage protruding from "the hole. Five men in the bomber and eight persons in the building lost their lives and scores of others were injured, = i vo . <y .