Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Aug 1945, p. 5

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' Ji > v PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1946 VS (The firm of Greer & Humphreys ls dissolved) REELS EELS ESTELLE SEES IIR IRILLLL LSS SISIISLEEIELELLELS - -- = BROCK TH F ATRE RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS |# | rn sims fest for ove i The Best the Market Offers one : : Phone 618, WHITBY [wo ww run tees ston [] © | : 11. F Ww BROCK & SON AIR CONDITIONED Qusen Sitoet, Port Do oui 0 i Your Phone Orders Receive : © : Thursday, Frid, und Saardsy, | do Careful Attention A A ea REESE | ns ai iene | TOOKE SHIRTS FOR LADIES Math ve we vy spon [# CAWKER BROS., Family Butchers | igl ahi | "LAURA" |, om vi ull 27 Rb || \N PLAIN or STRIPE. High Quality, $2.00, $3.00 Serthg Gaia Maka] y TRIE es - : | DANA ANDREWS, CLIFTON WEBB . : -- ; 1 WL. A. Sangster es MOIS CUB W. A. Sangs Crcel nr, GOODRICH SUMMER FOOTWEAR AUGUST 13-14-15 Olives Toning" 3 eon § pa oice Ivieats at all 11mes ALL SIZES NOW IN STOCK Last Complete Show at 8.20 Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's i . 9 y o SEXPERIMENT | wires oes. WE BUY AND SELL THE BEST Men's and Boys Rupbar Sos (3s iords by Goodrich »| DR. J. B, LUNDY arrive 13 week. PERILOUS DENTAL SURGEON : sions fio Mss HEDY LAMARR, ee Suuirey ii] Ww EF M G RE G 0 R UT | a BAS uh ante Ong il Thane Oi, . LL. ac y B CHER SISMAN WORK BOOTS for Men & Boys "In the Meantime, | = duc vi Residence 08 Phous Jou, PORT PERRY MEN'S $4.95, $5.50. BOYS' $2.95 | ni fhe Darling" OR. H. H. ARMS TRON G | summits esos us ims ts ss st a Ss Sets , gs DENTIST ; With JOANNE analy a) Leonard Block over Prontoss PLYWOOD ENGLISH DINNERW ARE, Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, : AUGUST 16-17-18 "TO HAVE and HAVE NOT" starring HUMPHREY BOGART and LAUREN BACALL DR. ED. BAILEY VETERINARY SURGEON : Uxbridge and Port Perry ; Phone 127, Uxbridge Reverse charges on all phone calls . to me, ADVERTISEMENT FOR CREDITORS AND OTHERS Those having claims against Wil- liam James Jackson, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, deceased, who died at the Township of Reach on the 4 ~~ 26th day of February, A.D. 1945, are requested to send particulars to the undersigned before the 26th day of August, A.D, 1945, after which date his estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto and the executor will not be liable for any claims of which it has not then re- ceived notice. Dated at Oshawa this 18th day of July, A.D. 1946. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., Bank of Montreal Chambers, Oshawa, Ont., Solicitor for the Executor, THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORA- TION, Sterling Tower, Toronto. AN OPPORTUNITY One of the Nation's largest com- panies, catering principally to farm- er's needs, is ready to place a valuable 'contract: which should mean complete independence for a man fortunate enough to have the following quali- fications . . character record that will withstand investigation and proven ability to efficiently manage both him- self and his own business. Financial status not extremely important but a travel outfit is necessary. Write The ~J. R, Watkins Company, Dept. O-P-6, 2177 M4gsson St., Montreal. FOR SALE A house with summer kitchen, about 24 x 30 feet, in Prince Albert. Parties wishing to secure second-hand lumber should examine this. It must be re- moved by November 1, 1945. Owned * = by Mrs, Greaves, 66 Woodlawn Ave. W., Toronto, or see Henry Collins on the property. auglé - STRAYED To the premises of Frank B., Harris, lot 16, con. 1, Reach, 18 head of . young cattle. Owner can have same by proving property and paying ex- penses, augl6 FOR SALE Large used Chesterfield; new -book- case, walnut, glass door, modern. Phone 189 r 3. : FOR SALE 8 piece Oak 'Dining Room Suite; ii coal heater. Phone 266J. Li _ FOR SALE 76 pigs, ranging from sucklings to ~~ _ 90 Ib, shoats, Owner's flock of 62 sheep--26 good young ewes, 26 fat lambs, 2 choice 2 * rams. $10.00 each if take flock. Rea- sons for selling, going out of sheep. 60 choice Bred-to-Lay Plymouth wn Roek Pullets, over 3 months old, $1 a each, in Fred Ballard, R.R. 4, Port Perry, ; augld Phone 171 r 81 Port Perry. Phone 237, Res. 215 . Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Tipp Residence on North Street. A SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED Port Perry | & SUITS CLEANED|} We now have on hand a limited supply of Plywood, Masonite (tempered of untempered), Tileboard and Enamelled Tile- "board. Modernize your bathroom or kitchen with these easily applied products. REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER fq F. E. Reesor Phone 73w F. G. Reesor W. J. KING j Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist i UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO King and Cedar Streets. Phone 138 LJ Auction Sales Saturday, AUGUST 11th -- Real Estate and Furniture, belonging to the Estate of the late Daniel Ferguson, Bigelow Street, Port- Perry. Real Iistate consists of good seven-room frame house, garage, barn, good garden, well, cistern, hydro, and in- cluding land enough for two good building lots. Terms cash, Sale at 1 p.m. See bills. ' Ted Jackson, Auctioneer Saturday, AUGUST 18th--House- hold Effects, the property of Mus. James Moore, Brooklin, Ont. Terms Cash. * Sale at 1 p.m. See bills. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer "WANTED IMMEDIATELY Cook for Christian Camp. Apply at Birdseye Center Park Camp, Port Perry. . WANTED Woman out of town living alone desires housekeeper. Age 36 to 50. Apply Box 16, Port Perry Star. LIVE POULTRY WANTED Also new and used feathers. Best prices paid, M. Flatt, Bethany R.R.1. Phone Bethany 7 r 13. _octl0 TORONTO-PORT PERRY-LINDSAY . BUS TIME TABLE CHANGES Toronto Time--Leaye 9 a.m. daily, 6.156 p.m, daily; Saturdays only, 1.30 p.m.; Sundays and Holidays only, 9.30, p.m. , ~Port Perry Time-- South bound-- 9.45 a.m. daily, 7.156 p.m. daily; Satur- days only 2.10 p.m., Sundays and Holi- days, 11.26 p.m. Port Perry Time-- North bound-- 10.50 a.m. daily, 8.05 p.m. daily; Sat- urdays only, 3.20 p.m.; Sundays and Holidays, 11.05 p.m, LATE SUMMER EGG PRODUCTION (Experimental Farms News) To dispose of the bird that has ceased to lay is good practise in mid- summer of the year, but if the culling of the flock is carried too far it may prove to be expensive, says W. T. Scott, Head Poultryman, at Harrow. The prevailing demand for poultry meat has encouraged heavy culling of the poultry 'flock, but the old axiom "You can't eat your pudding and have it" was never more true than it is in the present situation of good prices and a ready demand for fresh eggs. A falling off in egg yield is to be expected during the hot season but many birds that moult or céase to lay might continue in profitable. produc- tion, if given a little extra attention during this critical period. = 1- On the range: the supply of earth. worms and inkects may becdide #éarce sO Te " . I love my child; I love my wife. PORT PERRY ........... Seat. 1 and 3 I am no coward. I love life. Blackstock ovine Sept. 4-b rv Oshawa ....evciiiinns Sept. 10 to 12 | You stilled the water at Dunkirk Lindsay coven, Sept. 12 i ho And saved your servants. All your Beaverton ses Sept. 21-22 work 01010 ivi mritinpires Sept. 21-22 Is wonderful. Dear God, You strode | Sunderland .............. Sept. 12-19 Before us down that dreadful road. | Oakwood .. wSept. 24-25 1 a Markham cocoon, Oct. 4 to 6 UdOora vere esses Oct. 3 and it may be advisable to step up the meat scrap or fish meal portion of Lhe mash mixture. Use skimmed milk or buttermilk if available. The importance of a constant sup- ply. of fresh, cool water to drink is not tobe overlooked and the house cleaning. job should be thorough or an infestation of lice and mites may be expected and the egg production ser- iously affected. PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY SALON -- lg with or without appointment. PERMANENT - WAVES $1.95 and up SHAMPOO AND STYLED SETTING, ONLY 50c. Phone 223, Port Perry . ARIHUR PRENTICE, Prop. Fall Fair Dates --------. Stay with me, God! - By an Unknown Soldier Stay with me, God. The night is dark. The night is cold; my little spark Of courage dims. The night is long. Be.with me God, and make me strong. I love a game, I love a fight. 66 Piece Set--$22.95. Nice Floral Design Feltol Rugs--9x9, $6.50; 9x10Y2, $7.50 ® WALLPAPER Clearance. Several nice patterns for Quick Sale. Glass Cups & Saucers, 15c. or $1.50 doz Opalware Cups, 6c. and 8c. Ornamental Pottery for Gifis, several shapes, 50¢ ea. - Tomatoes, No. 10 tins, 49¢ - Pastry Flour, 24's, 75c. Raisins in Stock. I hate the dark; I love the light. Dear God, that nightmare road! And then ' That sea! Pain killer for corns! Lloyd's Corn at sea! 0 ere-- > . : We got there--we were and Callous Salve gives prompt, sure NA nen, . relief. 50¢ at Lawrence's Drug Store. My eyes were blind, my feet were nF torn-- : ~~ My. soul sang like a bird at dawn! Magnesium, extensively used in the aircraft industry, is produced from dolomite by a process developed by Dr. Lloyd Pidgeon of the National Re- search Council of Canada. I-knew that death is but a door; I knew what we were fighting for-- Peace for the kinds, our brothers freed, 4 GROCERIES Certo 25c. Vinegar, 45c. gal. Tomato Juice, 10c. tin. Habitant Tomato Soup, 2 for 25¢c. THE Pupiem -- re = NIToR Met, You will find yourself one of the best informed persons in seve your community when you read The Christian Science Monitor IE regularly. You will find fresh, now viewpoints, a fuller, richer understanding of world affairs . . . truthful, accurate, unbiased '5 news. Write for sample copies today, or send for a one-month Ch | trial subscription to this international daily newspaper ., , , , 1 The Christian Science Publishing Society 1 Pleoce song on 1 ies | Ons, Norway Street, Boston 15, Mose C] Zeger sme cons : {ener including copy of | eekly Magazine Section. NAME. ceetnnatnassnssesecesersdosnese Pleota send a one- I | STREEY, saereerssesanss tere aa seessese 0 Jf subscription fo. The ristion ience Monit CITY. ..ooiiiiiiiens ss STATE. ..uiuses for which | enclose §. oo, LIFE GUARD WANTED for duty at the Water Front. For particulars apply to Lion S. Griffen. Good opportunie ty for capable young man. A kinder world, a cleaner breed. ror I'm' but: the son my mother bore. Seventy percent of the world's sup- ~~ NR Ne ate Th Sento ae a A gimple man and nothing more. But; God of strength and gentleness -- Be pleased to make me nothing less! Help me again when death is near, To mock the haggard face of fear, That when I fall, if T must, My soul may triumph in the dust. ply of asbestos, the non-inflammable mineral of a thousand uses, is pro- duced in Canada. * * * The forest area of Canada now be- ing used to produce pulp, paper and newsprint for the United Nations, is Done by : ; . Fourteen years ago Sergeants Frank Shuster and Johnny Wayne (shown abuve in that order) began reversing positions as taker and typist for a chmplete collaboration in writing comedy, lyrics and tunes. They began : early in high school, pursued it through college where they picked up B.A/s, no little fame, 'and a_iadio contrdet. They went overseas as army writers and comedians in' 1042, are home and at it again for "The Johnny Home Show" The new: serial goes on the CBC Trans-Canada network, {nad Le Fridays, at 930 p.m. EDT. ' : ' PI | ' de § i Experts At Reasonable Prices Good Printing is essential to most business men, and to many private individuals. We are equipped with modern printing machin- ery operated by expert craftsmen, and are in a position to offer fine printing at fair market prices. Call and consult us. The Port Perry Star Phones b0 and 85. equal to the combined areas of the British Isles, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. English Channel, killer, is now ada. Nickel, of which over 907; of the world's supply is produced in Canada, | is taken from the ground by both open * + # : on m . pit and mining methods. The chief A Canadian wire and cable firm| ore of nickel is 'called pentlindite. played an important part in Operation * x a Pluto, the amazing engineering feat A spot in the St. Lawrence River on Canada's east const where fresh river water met salt ocean water, was a favorite lurking place for U-boats, In this area, sub-detecting devices did not function with maximum efliciency. n which gasoline was piped under the * * » DDT, the new super-lethal insect being produced in Can- By crossing a form of wheat with couch grass, Canadian scientists pro- duced a strain. of pasture grass which will grow in areas having little mois- ture, CE TY A method of extracting vanadium from iron ore is the discovery of an engineer of the National 'Research Council of :Canada, a ---- AR a Ne mS Wig 0 ex prac me Wy Cor 3 PC SPU ee - Fy he A MTA i Ar a wr ---- To Sage A en ---- I ope rm fa 4 VR Ne WN x LE ty

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