Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Aug 1945, p. 4

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er Mg AP. es a as A os Oy PAA a Cm IT i mes Tb api A, 5 "the week-end. LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Love enjoyed the holiday at Curnarvon. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and baby, of Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mr. Read. week-end and Mrs. Jas. Mr. and Mrs. Storey Beare and son lan, of Guelph, were holiday week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. [. Beare and Mr. and Mrs. John Murray. Dr. Harold Jackson, Mrs. Jackson and son Stanley, of Union, New Jer- sey, are halids ying » wi Dr. Jackson's mother, Mrs. Z. M. Jackson. Pte. Robert Carnegie, C.D.C., of Toronto, was at his homé here during the week-end. . Mrs. Arch. Anderson, of Toronto, was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopkins, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Leighton MacGregor and family, of Beamsville, were with Mrs. Wii, MacGregor on Sunday and Monday: Mrs. MacGregor and chil- dren are remaining for a few days. Miss Irene MacDonald, of Toronto, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacDonald. Gnr. Robert Allin, R.C.IEMEL, who has been stationed at Kingston, visit ed his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mis. W. C. Wilson, over the week-end. Bob left on Monday for Fort Denning, Georgina, for training for Pacific duty. Mr. Mrs. Stanley MeKay and son, of Avinevioy; Sask, and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Morrison, of Sonya, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wallace and other relatives in Port Perry on Sunday. Flying Officer Bruce Beare, R.C.ALL. of Kingston, and Mrs. Bruce Beare, were week-end guests of Mis Ilijah and Beare. Mr. Gordon Rencau, visited friends in the Toronto, during of village 'of Oshawa, spent friends in Port Miss Joan Hoyle, Civic Holiday with Perry. } L.A.C. Donald of Moncton, N.B., lough- with his parents, David Carnegie. "Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa, spent acquaintances in town. Mrs. Campbell MacMaster returned home last Friday from a visit m Hamilton. Miss Muriel MacMaster also arrived home the same day from visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter, on Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess Beare, of Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Fitchett. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Will MacDonald - of Toronto, were Civie holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Gordon MacDonald. Mrs. Douglas Lade, of Toronto, and Mr. Harley Balfour, of Peterbell, Ont, visited during the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 12d. Balfour. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holmes were Miss Alice Cassidy; Miss Winnifred Scott, RN. of Christ- ie St. Hospital; and Miss Candy, all of Toronto. Bdr. I. A. "Bill" Baker returned to Petawawa on Tuesday, after ing a month's furlough 4vith mother, Mrs. R. Gi. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilson and Bon- nie, of Toronto, and Mrs. of Windsor, spent the week-end with Mr. James Ruddy. } Mr. and Mrs, Fred family, of Toronto, visited relative: here during the holiday week-end. Miss Jean McDermott, of Toronto, was a week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McDermott. Miss Ethel Baker Mr. IFFrank Baker, of Toronto, are enjoying a few days with Mrs. R. G. Baker at Port- view. Messrs. Michael and Andrew Naples of Toronto, visited relatives and ve- newed acquaintances in Port Perry on Civic holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carnegie and son have moved to Port Perry from Rivers, Manitoba. Harry has received his discharge from the R.C.AF. Miss Dorothy Harris, of Toronto, Mrs. Robert Sheridan and Miss June Sonley spent. the week-end at Cac- sarea. Flight-Lieut. Guy Rainville, D.F.M,, R.C.A.F., of Toronto, and Mr. William Hayes, of Ajax, were with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hayes during the week-end. Cpl. Oscar Beare, R.C.AF., of Tor- onto, spent a few days' leave in Port Carnegie, R.C.AL, is enjoying a fur- Mr. and Mrs. Robert week Simpson, of last renewing spend his John Roach, Switzer and and Perry. during the holiday. week-end. Dr. J. B. and Mrs. Lundy are holi- daying in Toronto and other points in Ontario. £ \ 3 a ih OSHAWA AIR CONDITIONED A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Phone en Parking Friday - Saturday, AUG. 10-11 Two Sensational Features-- "MY PAL WOLF" starring SHARYN MOFFETT, a tiny new star, with JILL ESMOND and UNA O'CONNOR. If you ever loved a dog . . or a Child, your heart will open to this unusual Picture, 2nd Hit-- "BERMUDA MYSTERY" with PRESTON FOSTER, ANN RUTHERFORD, CHARLES BUTTERWORTH The Murder-Mystery that shocked Two Continents Monday - Tuesday, AUG. 13-14 "MARINE RAIDERS" stmiring PAT (O'BRIEN and RUTH HUSSEY ADDED FEATURE "Circumstantial Evidence" Michael O'Shea" and Lloyd Nolan starring COMING! Wednesday to Sat, AUGUST 15-18 The Production "FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS" starring GARY COOPER, y Ingrid Bergman, Akim Tamiroff outstanding and Mrs. Pickard were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johm Raines. Murs. Reuben Stillwell, of Uxbridge, ix spending a couple of weeks wilh her relatives, Misses L. and G. Stovin. Miss Nettie Page, of Uxbridge, was also their guest on Civie Holiday. Messrs. George and Norman Palmer of Peterborough, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palmer. Mrs. Albert Allin has returned from visiting her Mis, LaRose at U nionville. sister, Mrs. Ben Dunn and gi randdaniker, Miss Dorothy Simon, of Detroit, are Visiting Mrs. R. J. Woods. Miss Rheta Willard, of Oshawa, is spending some holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Willard, SL James W. Kerr, R.C.AF,, Mrs, Kerr and daughter, of Waterford, visited Mr. and Mrs. IT. H. Stone and other relatives here last week. My. Harvey Hall has returned to Toronto after spending the past week with his mother, Mrs. Bessie Hall. Miss Melba Hall spent the holiday week-end at her home here, Mrs, C.D. Weckman (Jean Baird) left this week to join her husband, Lieut. Weckman, R.C.N.V.R,, in Ber- muda. Mrs. G. A. Woods has returned home from visiting with relatives in Toronto for several days. Mrs. John Brent and daughters Ruth and of Toronto, spent the holiday week-end in town with ve- latives. Miss Dorothy Harris, of Toronto, i« visiting her friend Miss June Sonley this week. Mrs. P. Figary and son Reg., of To- ronto, are holidaying at Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Beatty and family, of Kitchener, were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Peel. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Stevenson, of Toronto, arrived for a short visit. Misses Kitto, Mrs, Bland, and Mr. Victor Kitto, all of Brampton, were visitors of Mrs. Minnie Real, on Tues- Marion, day. - Mr. Jack Tinsley, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Tinsley during the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. George MacMillan, of Toronto, spent the holiday week-end with the former's mother, Mrs. Agnes MacMillan. k The members of the Sunday School Tand congregation of the Church of the Ascension (Anglican) held their an- nual pienic at Stephenson's Point on Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Jackson, - Peggy and Jim, of Oshawa, are visiting Mrs. Albert Snowdon fort his week. Miss Muriel Cook, of Toronto, has been spending some holidays with her father, Mr. Wm. Cook and sister, Mrs. Wm. McClintock: wo Mrs. M. Powers, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Hopkins and Mr, Hopkins, for a couple of Miss Maude Law and Miss Gibbs, weeks. of Guelph, have been visiting Miss Law's sister, Mrs. John Pickard, for a couple of weeks, On Sunday, they _ Mr, and Mrs." Noyman Wakeford and son, of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. 8. Wakeford. hw coma od i ss es Examined Eye Glasses complete, or lenses only,| supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST Mr. and Mrs, Stewart and family, of Oshawa, were week-end visitors of Mis. A. Snowdon, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hood and fam- ily, of Toronto, are holidaying with relatives inctown, Mrs, Dora Plumridge and Fred, of Toronto, are visiting with the former's cousins Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Midgley. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lyle, Gnr. Frank Lyle and, Laura Lyle motored (Lto Dunsford on Friday last week and spent the day with Mr. and" Mrs. Fred Titterton of Windsweep Farms, where the annual field day was held. JUNIOR WAR WORKERS The Junior War Workers will meet in the Work Rooms at the Post Office on Tuesday evening, August 14th. MARRIED Hall--Collins A pretty wedding took place at the Seagrave, on Saturday afternoon, August 4th, 1945, at the hour of two-thirlty, when Dorothy June Collins, daughter of the late David James Collins and Mrs. Harris, of Toronto, became the bride of Har- old Weton Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hall, of Little Britain, The bride entered the Living Room as Mrs. Morris played Mendellsohn's Wedding March, and was given in marringe by her stepfather, Mr. Har- ris, of Toronto. ~The bride was beautifully attired in "2 rose silk crepe dress with hat and veil to match and white gloves and shoes. Miss Ellen Stokes, of Little Britain, was bridesmaid and wore a dress of Paris blue crepe, also white gloves and shoes. Howard I'oster, of Little Britain, was best man, A dainty luncheon was served the bridal party by Mrs. Morris. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. P. Morris, United Church' 'Minister. Rett The newly married couple will re- side on the farm of the groom's par- ents in Mariposa, Victoria County. parsonage, LEAHY--HOLLMAN Mr. and Mrs. A. Hollman, 104 War- ren Avenue, Oshawa, announce the marriage of their daughter, Irene Ellen, to Clarence Leo Leahy, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Leahy of Port Perry. The marriage took place in Oshawa on Tuesday, July 31st, 1945. GREENBANK Several from here attended the fun- eral of the later Mrs. Jamieson at Iiethel Cemetery on Wednesday of last week. i Mr. Wm. Petty, of Toronto, was in the, Village on Saturday. Miss Joyce Beare, fo Toronto, was home for the week-end. Mr. C. Phoenix, of Brandon, Man, is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee were holi- daying at Port Bolster for the week- end. Mrs. shaw week. ) Mr. and Mrs, J. Holdershaw, Brook- lin, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Holder- shaw, on Wednesday of last week. . Mr. and Mrs, Bonnell and daughter Joan and Mr. Wm. Boe, of Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Boe, on Sun- day. My. and Mrs. L. MacGregor and children, of Beamsville, visited Mr. Jas, Boe, recently. Mrs, Cecil Leask visiting hers sister in Hamilton, this week. My. and Mrs. Ronald Lee at Mr. Tyson Lee's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee had a trip to Prince Edward County for the week end. | On Thursday afternon, Aug. 16th, a meeting of the W.M.S. will be held at the home of Mrs. Walker and Mra. Real, when the guest speaker will be a missionary from Mexico. Miss Alma Lee, Toronto, in the vil-] lage on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Theo, Cragg and fam- ily, of Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Blake Cragg's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and son, of Toronto, visited the latter's mother, on Sunday. The decoration at Bethel Cemetery Illiott called on Mrs. Holder- on Friday afternoon of last will be held on August 19th. "Toronto, August 4th, 1945. Dear Mr, Farmer, Some time ago, I read in your great country newspaper, that suggestions would.be welcome for town improve- ments. 1. visited Port Perry a and while walking down Borelia Hill, the first thing to draw my attention was the unpleasant odour and condition of the gulley on the North side, which, I believe, could be remedied by laying pipes at a small cost. The fill could be-the winter ashes from time to time, and other clean material, This, 1 think, by joining the more westerly stretch of fill, would be healthier and safer for travelling on the main thoroughfare, leading into the town, which I have heard many people speak s0 highly of. I would also suggest that a hoch or two could be placed in the town hall grounds, to welcome the tired sightseer, who might be travelling by foot. My next attention was the creek, running alongside the beautiful bowl- ing green and how much more attrac- tive it could be made by a sunken garden effect, by a little excavating and the use of cement and stone. This, 1 feel, could be done without interference in high water season, and could be made very attractive and beautifying to the town people, and the visitors, which are increasing more and more, all through the holiday sea- son. Co-operation and the will to progress is the spirit that will put Port Perry in hex rightful place on the Shores of Lake Scugog. Yours faithfully, Ww. J. B. +r Dear Sirs: As a contribution to the Post-War suggestion box 1 contribute the fol- lowing: There are a few small buildings in Port Perry that are at present not in use and I suggest that steps be taken to have these taken over for small manufacturing concerns. Mr, ex-M.P. for Ontario spoke at the Cricklewood Lodge. some time ago, that what this town needed was a few small manufacturing companies. It is my contention that the Post- PORT PERRY CITIZENS' - POST-WAR COMMITTEE "Suggested Improvements for Port Perry Moore, War Committee should consider this angle for Port Perry i in forming thejr definite plans. * * Nd Though 1 do not represent any or- ganization, I am very much interested in Post-War Planning for Port Perry. Hence, the reason for my letters, This town needs improved and new streets and while it may be felt that the subject of streets should come un- der the consideration of the town couricil, nevertheless, the Council can- not indulge in an expenditure of this nature without the consent of the tax- payers. That is why I ask you to con- sider this proposition. Mr. Herb Brooks has the estimated costs covering approximately 2% miles of streets in our town. $$ & The greatest natural asset that the village of Port Perry has is Lake Scugog. In spite of the fact that a great percentage. of the population of this village scorn and ridicule its waters, nevertheless, it is the reason for the town being here. ; It is my contribution as a sugges- tion to the Post-War Planning to clean out the two bays which border on the town, with a sand-sucker and to re- stock the lake each year with fish, Yours truly, - . BE. G. Michell. FROM THE ARMY AND NAVY - YETERANS OF CANADA We the Veterans of Unit 216 A.N. V.C., Port Perry, recommend as a post-war project for the village of Port Perry and district, the building of a Community Centre. The same to take the place, and be erected upon the site and adjacent land of the present town hall. In our opinion the Town Hall is of very little benefit to the community --unsightly and obsolete. The new centre to contain municipal offices, and facilities for amusement and social events, recreation, reading, ete. Also adequate rooms, available to all organizations for meetings and social purposes. L. D, Colbear, Com. Pres. 256 Pages. CLOTH BOUND. A Book you will want to keep for reference. ON THE SHORES OF - SCUGOG A Well Illustrated Local History "3 - $1.60 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1946 Lawrence's Drug ore Drag Store News (You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) SHEAFFER FO for a good pen Aet now while stock 'LIFETIME PENS STANDARD PENS PENCILS, $4.00 and $4.75 A shipment of Sheaffer pens has just arrived. If you are looking SOTTO OAR TOR PRP PI ION $10.75 and $12.00 UNTAIN PENS is complete. ss ----------------_---- $6.00 and $7.00 SETS, $10.00 to $16.75 ; : PHONE 49 ome [0 0 11 A EU ny CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (ANGLICAN) Rev. E. G. Bruton, Rector. August 12--11th Sunday after Trinity 9.30 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister. Sunday, August 12th, 1945-- 11 a.m.--Rev. Hugh Crozier, of Whitby. 7 p.m.--Rev. E. B. Cooke, of Port Perry. ST. JOHN'S } PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A. MacMillan, Minister Sunday-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship During the summer months, services will be held every Sunday morning. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: P. Taylor ; 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. 2.30 p.m.--Bible School 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Slendor Tablets -- harmless and ef- fective. 2 weeks' supply, $1.00; 12 weeks', $56.00, At Lawrence's Drug Store, A M. LAWRENCE sme PORT PERRY (| OO NOTICE All kinds of Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to household appliances All makes and sizes of Electric Motors repair- od and Reconditioned. Small Motors for sale. Small Gasoline Engines for Sale. Electrie or Gasoline Drive Pump Jacks for Sale. MACHINE REPAIR SHOP % STAN. CAUSLEY, Proprietor Port Perry, Ontario. Ta ylor' S Auto Electric PORT PERRY GENERATORS \ STARTERS FIELD COILS REPAIRED and EXCHANGED BILL TAYLOR :: B Proprietor Believe Two Fugitives Port Windsor, Ont., Aug. 7.--Provincial Police said here the two gunmen who robbed a Port Perry bank of $2,834.73 are believed to be Ulysses Lauzon, 22, and Joseph Pelties, 20, who escaped from the Waterloo county jail in objects of a wide search since. Police believe the pair have about $15,000 from previous holdups hidden somewhére in the province. In the | Ayr bank robbery for which they were awaiting trial when escaped, $18,000 in cash and $50,000 in war bonds were : | stolen. DON'T MISS OUR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY August 13 to 24 MONDAY to FRIDAY = 9.16 a.m. ee ---- FOR Iitecriodiatin.. Firiort, Primaries, Beginners. Ages 4 to 14 years. FEATURES-- Bible & Character Stories, Lively Singing, Quizzes Games, Handcraft, Woodcraft. A Hearty Welcome for You Here. F. B. FIFIELD, Pastor BIRTHS BOYD --- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Irving A. Boyd (nee Marian Farmer) at Wellesley Hospital, on Thursday, August 2nd, 1946, a son, Terrance Malcolm. THOMPSON -- To Mr. and Mrs. Dyle Thompson (nee Marion Holtby) at Kitchener, on Sunday, August bth, |a son, Murray Bruce, a brother for Marilyn Elaine, Perry Gunmen| Kitchener July 19 and have been the | Rising values means adjustment of INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry ' BioomsT SHOW VALUR IN OSHAWA Smoking In The Loges Biltmore - THEATRE, OSHAWA Continuous Show Daily Thursday, Friday and Saturday, AUGUST 9-10-11. + > JOHN WAYNE and ELLA RAINES, in "Tall In The Saddle" © ADDED eo EAST SIDE KIDS, in "Follow The Leader" Monday and Tuesday, AUGUST 13-14 "Eagle Squadron" with ROBERT STACK and DIANA BARRYMORE. ° ADDED ° "Tava gh Triumphs" with JOHNNY WEISMULLER. | : SE

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