------------ ' =i | : : an EP SS A AI A SS Ae EAN Ao td i mi « WITTY KITTY . | : By William ! SCREEN STAR | nl Ferguson HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 14 Bursts with a E 'aa Pictured AISTHIA ALLE OTT 15 SD Report; DO : 5 THIS OUTFIT sh 0 movie acress, |D{{ EAAICIT] IHIE[L DIE ingu DEHYDRATING MACHINE Service Cross | ¢ 10 Top of head, TIE S OT ) (abbr.). pl ER MELD \ i 11 Sun. . OR EIDERE L 17 French river. Ne y WORLDS ve 0] 0 12 God of war, 5 Dl MES | h Q 24 She ----s in | HEAVYWEIGHT 14 Stroked. 1S D SEIA] motion TITLE ' 16 Lathered. (0] H ictures, UNDER. THE 18 Mountain, D 25 Morass, | MARRS OF nymphs, ; L [= 28 Drug. | QUIEENSBERRY 19 Bishop's cap GEE |SEIEINIDIUIE] 29 Native ot Mein ony i Tm wr (pl). ALASKA OH EET IOFEESILY] Lapland. YT IN 1892 20 Persian fairy, * Ne) fe) NIE 80 Headdress, IN ST BOUT 21 Satisfy. ove] IF C 31 Genus of UNDER THAT 22 South Dakota | Ibivie 151" bluebirds. CODE. (abbr.), 41 Chemical VERTICAL, 32 Catchers of HE DID 23 Symbol for substance. eels, | HOLD THE TITLE Mah 1 Not as early. | UNDER LONDON sodium, 43 Obeah (var.). 33 Any, PRIZE RING 25 Exist. 45 Sunshade. 2 Achieve. 34 Failed to hit, RULES. 26 Senior (abbr.) 47 Mariners, 3 Bamboolike 36 Kind of tea, . 27 Symbol for 49 Opposed to | grass, 37 Venom, wy cerium, oblate. 4 Exists. 38 Bulk, ' 29 Lieutenant 50 Syconium, 5 Negative. 40 Scrutinize. SO : y (abbr.), 51 Biblical name. 6 Cloth measure. 42 Denial. - Ee 31 Current. 52 Fish eggs. 7 Frustrate. . 44 Ribs, Dieting Dot thinks shopping for "A LARK. IS SOMETHING - 35 Depart. 54 Units, 8 Stimulate. 46 River in a bargain these days is enough to THAT IF YOU GO OUT ON 37 Voltmeter 55 Auricle. 9 Poison oak. France. take anyone down. YOu. gy ean (abbr.), 56 Austroasiatic 10 Peeled. 48 Idol. Ye YouLoN, ILLNoie 39 Sweet cassava. language (pl.). 13 Gaiters. 53 Whirlwind. E3 sts a [- [e i) 10 57% 12 3 SA : IN UPPER. iy 2 ¥ MICHIGAN, if min THE CITY OF SAULT STE. i MARIE IS ON CENTRAL | tk STANDARD 7/MNE... (44 1 "1 BUT THE CITY OF HANCOCK, hd WES OR BANE Guaoys ih 22 23 |29 aon BY NEA 84 Vict, INQ. 8 ZANDARO TINE, ' by MARKER, tht T.M.REC.U.S. FAT. G7f. or Te ean . . - i) he "lp nl 1 - FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershb Lh ; e ass we] FF WT | CROSSTOWN By Roland Coe y Hershberger He - . -- . . Fe Wk SEP Wie | | as 46 ZT an TY oC ' 3 : La TP 2 49 i 2) $0 ] _ ASK co @ -- 50 SL (53 , 2 Bell 8) Ricard rae.) N = The gay young blade says the 55 6 pA French girls may be slick chicks ' | 3 but they're just passing fancies of - = " the moment. ' \ . Home-Town Echoes By C. Kessler ry §% PEORIA AUTO § : " THE CEILING PRICES DONT GO INTO EFFECT UNTIL Jy MONDAY -- SIMPLY 7 CASH DEMAND | WHAT YOU iP youn, PAID FOR. IT WHEN 17 77), | CAR_ WAS NEW | i x p HIGHEST : : | 7, PRICES PAID 4 2 7. , | | = / 4 2 7 "Sure I know what it means! Bein' expendable you stay here "It's the only way we couid keep our help during the ! : and play tea party while we make a getaway!" vacation season!" \ i ' a y f i H-- : NE ~ ; k od XY by The Hill Byudicate, Iné.) J . - a | 2. : 3 The 'mentally sketchy girl-friend MUTT AND JEFF-- Always Give 'em What They Want Is Jeff's Idea--If Any By BUD FISHER f | : f-- . gas he life of a jiteshug fay be Co -- T/A short but it's a whirl while it lasts, --_--_ -- _ Te iE eZ ---- Wp rar Do You TI \ | VR HAE | ER OH, I GUESS ILLES 7Z WAITER, 1 ASKED THE SPORTING THING HEY, WAITER!) Sort Sir) | succest Lentalf Leone) |( ave orcien 1777" | for poncite sss Editi : 1 7 as : 7 DO You THINK EGGS ONTOAST, f/f OM TOAST! THIS POACHED EGGS ON = = } / 5 TTEERNAN OYSTERS ARE 2 LOOKS LIKE TOAST, AND Lo % i A SCRAMBLED EGGS! : | - er : rr Xo, i | fe : 2 2 | 0 { | i a } ¢ | | ° pst = 3 i (na 4 by Ovsacgited Mews Fentarm 0 Tv \ -- ak RCTS A = l 1 J AN 1 "For heaven's sake, Junior, watch : nt? ; { : SIDE GLANCES 'By Galbraith Suny J Jia, By GENE BYRNES ! & * | 0 1 : < ' 24 ' | JEST BORRERED fi | I " ORDER. TH' THESE. BROWN - HN ] VANILLA Zooue =-\ | [ SUNGLASSES OFF'N HS 3 THIS BEIN' A TH' CARD UNTIL WE [1] bX : NIT FINISH OUR . iL ! ICE Cm) 1X8 i \ 7 | ; L-- 4: tet ad LT - SE i "Junior: gives 'em the coup de - | araner a . - ASAD POP---100 Per Cent Literacy By J. MILLAR WATT I THINK I'LL WRITE A CAN YOU on! | HISTORY OF THIS WRITE I SHACK USE 3 ] ) ) . yr ie fone TYPEWRITER, 0 \ : : 3 1 N | \ - i \ 3 ele : ARE 2 RI. Hy | A - Lor, 1940 0v EA SERVICE, WO, XT, M. REQ. U8, PAT, OFF, i : NE * . 'Breakfast. at eight sharp, no card playing or loud talking, the _-- "I SE ---- 4 5 : bolt goes on the front docr at eleven--and the rent is payable B : : ' 8 & striztly in advance!" : . . _ : A Ry SEM