Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Jun 1945, p. 4

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EX < vd FN or ah Sl a be = nd a4 Fer a SE tnd Eo a A a a LOCAL NEWS % "Myrtle Station, on Saturday, June weather has "Church "is the last meeting before the holiday "Ascension, Cubs and Scouts will meet 'after Sunday- School at the United HIS 98th BIRTHDAY Rev. W. I'. Brown will celebrate his U8th birthday on Saturday, June Oth, His health has somewhat im- proved: lately; but unscasonable affected him seriously tor some weeks past. Nursing Sister Ruth Hgll was home for a day last week, after spending her furlough on a trip to Miami, Florida and by plane to Nassau, Ruth had a most enjoyable trip. Miss K. Hinton and Mr. R. Mathe- son, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mrs. R. G. Baker at Portview. Mr. lid. Balfour spent the week-end in Toronto with his daughter, Mrs. D. Lade. Miss Lilhhan Cawker, Mr, A. B. and Mr. Jack Cawker, attended the graduation exercises of the School of Nursing of the Oshawa General lHos- pital, in Oshawa C. & V. lL. last Fri- day evening, at which time Miss Betty Cawker graduated. Betty was Vale- dictorian of the 1940 Class. We join Betty's many friends in extending congratulations. According to latest reports, Mr. Wentworth Watson, who 1s spending some time with relatives in Aurora, is improving in health, -Miss Louise Hall, of Toronto, was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hall, during the week-end. Mr. Ronald Cooksley, of Toronto, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cooksley, for a week. U/S David Bentley, who is on fur- lough, enjoyed a trip to Detroit for a few days. Mrs. J. D. MaeMaster, Mrs, C, Mac- Master, Mr. W. Somerville and Sgmn. Gordon MacMaster, visited Dr. Camp- | bell MacMaster in Hamilton last Wednesday. [.A.C. Gordon Carnegie, R.C.A.L., of Mountain View, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Carnegie. We learn that L.A.C. Ralph Hansen has been transferred from Claresholm, Alta. to Rivers, Man. Mrs. Arnold Glenney and daughter Marjorie, visited relatives in Dunn- ville a couple of days last week. Mrs. T. Strauss, of Alliance, Ohio, is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Mckee. Miss Irene MacDonald, of Toronto, was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacDonald, on Sunday. Mr. William Hayes has been trans- | ferred to the Canadian Bank of Com- merce branch at Ajax. Un briday evening, June Sth, at 8 p.m., twenty-five pupils of Murs, J. IE. Jackson, will give a Piano Recital in the United Chureh. A second recital of the remainder of Mrs, Jackson's pupils will be announced later. Every- one is welcome. Rev, E. FF. Swayne, of Lansdowne, called on Mr. and Mrs. Raymer at Prince Albert on Tuesday of last week, The Parish Workers of the Church of the Ascension held a business meet- ing on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. G. Hutcheson, Miss Noreen Cawker, of Toronto, visited during the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cawker and Miss Lillian Cawker. Mrs. J. W. Miller and Mrs. Aspenall, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Love. BAZAAR! ! |! Aprons, Home Baking, Miscel- lancous articles. Afternoon Tea. St. John's Presbyterian Church, Saturday, June 16th, SPECIAL MEETING I... The June meeting of the United Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. will be a special one. Miss Jessie Murray, of Toronto, will give an illustrated address on the recent Study Book, "West of the Date Line. Refreshments will be served. As this season, all members and friends of the Society are invited to be present, A RARE VISITOR Last Saturday morning a rare visitor came to Port Perry--a two- year-old deer, It visited the gardens in the South end of the Village, and was last seen by Mr. and Mrs, Ira Anderson heading for the marsh lands of the Osler property. This is the first reported visit in many years. ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Alfred Steer wishes to an- nounce the engagement of her younget daughter, Frances Esther, to Gordon Merle Day, son of Mrs. George Grant, of Plaster Rock, New Bruns- wick. The marriage to take place June 16th, SCOUT NOTES During the next two weeks there will be two Scout meetings each week for patrols only. There will be no Troop meeting during those weeks, Squirrel Patrol, June 13th, Reindeer Patrol June 14th, Buffalo Patrol June 20th, and Owl Patrol June 21. Following our custom Senior Scout orderlies were on duty at the Blood Clinic last week, On Sunday, June 10, Empire Youth Sunday, the whole group will attend morning service at the Church of the Church and proceed from there, Complete. uniform will be worn. SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. David Luery will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary | of their wedding at their home at 16th, at*2.30 to 4.30 p.m. and 7.30 to T FREE Parking OSHAWA AIR CONDITIONED !' A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE n Len Iriday and Saturday, JUNE 8-9 Two Sensational Features We couldn't keep 'em down on the farm, "The National, Barn Dance" is on the screen Swing out with all your Radio Favorites in this Jamboree of Rustic Rhythm with Jean Heather, Charles Quigley, Robert Benchley, Mabel Paige. -- ADDED -- Wally Brown, Alan Carney, in "GIRL RUSH" with Frances Langford, and Vera Vague. | Pardner, it's a Panic of thrills, » Fun and Songs. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, JUNE 11-13 Noel Coward's Cavalcade of a New Generation "THIS HAPPY BREED" in enchanting Technicolor starring Robert Newton, Celia Johnson, John Mills, Kay Walsh, Stanley Holloway. A film triumphant in the superb grace with which it visions man's devotion to his family. COMING Thurs., Fri., Sat., in Technicolor "KISMET" starring Ronald Colman, - Marlene Dietrich IN MEMORIAM ,MacGREGOR--In loving memory of Angus MacGregor, who died June Sth, 1944. . Just in another room Where there is neither sorrow nor pain, How happy we shall be When we meet with you again, Sadly missed by Mabel MacGregor and Glenn, TRIPP -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father,, who passed , away four years ago, June 7th, 1941. The midnight stars are shining Upon a lonely grave, Iieneath it lies the one we loved, 'I'he one we could not save. We miss him in a thousand turns Along life's weary way; Home has never been the same Since he was called away. Sadly missed by Wife and Family. TRIPP -- In memory of a Dear 'ather who passed away June 7, 1941, We are thinking of you to-day, Dad, Thinking of you and the past; Picturing you in our memory Just as we saw you last. We do not need a special day T'o bring you to our mind, The days we do not think of you Are very hard to find. If all the world were ours, We would gladly give it and more, To see the face of our dear Dad, Come smiling through the door. Sadly missed and ever remem- bered by daughter Luella and son-in-law, Percy. bt TRIPP--In loving memory of my dear father" Alton Tripp who passed away June Tth, 1941. ) In my heart your memory lingers, Always tender, fond, and true; There's not a day, dear Father,, I do not think of you. To those that have a Father, Cherish him with care, tor you never know the heartache "Till you find he isn't there. Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by Orville, . Medical Notice The following offices will be closed Wednesday afternoons and evenings and also on Sundays. In order that the public will not be without medical service in case of emergency, one of us will be on call on these days. In order to secure medical attention at these times, phone Port Perry Hos- pital, 129. Your kindly co-operation is requested, G. M. RENNIE, . R. S. IRWIN. NAVY LEAGUE TAG DAY Scugog Chapter, ILO.D.E, are sponsoring a Tag Day for the Navy League on Saturday, June 9th, Give generously and help our boys who are sailing the seas, COUNTY COUNCIL County of Ontario A meeting of the County Council of the Corporation of the County of On- tario will be held pursuant to adjourn- ment in the Council Chamber in the Court House in the Town of Whitby, on Monday, the 18th day of June, 1946 at the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon, 3 All accounts to be laid before the Council ghould be forwarded to the Clerk, properly certified, at least three days before the meeting of the Council, Dated at Whitby, this 4th day of June, A.D, 1045, R. DONALD RUDDY, 9.30 p.m. (No gifts, please.) ' County Clerk. dr REE WAVE Ee er whe Matte SE RANT [EL SAA VS RNS § i 14 is | Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at 'reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST Revival Services PORT PERRY Pentecostal Assembly HEAR Evangelists L. H. Price and H. M. Smith. Featuring Accordian Solos, and ] 0D * 5 . id £51 a a a a a A RCE SER X LEA » Apo lhe FcR. . % [LART ATW RLEOAAIE Tha trai 2 REE SEES a Ty uh READ Decoration Service The Annual Dovsseticn Service at PINE GROVE CEMETERY oy WILL BE HELD ON | SUNDAY, JUNE 17th AT 2.30 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON A good Program of Music and Short Addresses is being prepared. GRANT CHRISTIE, R, D. WOON, President Secretary "Come with your burdens, and go home with a Song." Hear Major James MacBrien ALL WELCOME Rev. F. B. Fifield, Pastor Vocal Solus. -- a am-- | | | Gila B Friday, June 8, 9.15--CKEY . CANADIANS! "Let us, as Canadians, resolve to put aside sectionalism. and class hatred; let us renounce the politics of expedience and the fruitless game of playing off one group against another; let us require of the Govern- ment that it harmonize all the various elements of the community and fashion them into a vigorous, co-operative society for the betterment of all. We believe that the one essential of all national progress is national unity. A United Canada is the firm foundation on which all the far- reaching Progressive Conservative plans for post-war reconstruction are 'enduringly based. We are deter ~ mined to achieve that unity. THE AGE OF PLENTY IS Al OUR DOOR--if we will but unite and co-operate to make it a reality for = every one of our fellow citizens. BUT © CANADA HAS BEEN SPLIT APART In time of war, Canadians "reaped the whirlwind" brought about by the King Government's manpower poli: cies--policies that for 25 years have been fostering division and disunity Those policies now challenge every fair-minded Canadian. That challenge --now that V-E Day has come and gone--is the first to be faced if Can- adians are to assure the unity and prosperity of this nation. TO-DAY," THE QUESTION IS: ~ Shall political expediency be per: petuated ? ! Shall the "biggest hoax ever per: petrated on a nation" be permitted, in time of peace, to embroil Canada in new inequities, new partisan squab- bles, new divisions and disunities? OR --do YOU agree with John Bracken who bluntly states that "to give political considerations priority over the nation's interest is intoler- "able and unforgiveable"? CANADA FACES THE ISSUE To-day, Canada's heritage of national disunity is too evident, too veal, to be ignored. The grave crisis + of war, which proverbially unites a nation, has been used as a political instrument to accentuate and inflame differences found in every human family . . . fostering disunity, in this our country, to serve party purposes. The political self-seeking of the King Government's "Divide and Rule" policy has exacted a toll in sacrifice and suffering to be shared by gen- erations to come. . UNITE--CO0-OPERATE--PROSPER Long ago, John Bracken expressed the great objective of the Progressive Conservatives. In his own words, we are setting out "to regain the unity that has been lost". Unity--Co- operation--these are the foundations of our new, progressive conception of National Prosperity in which all Canadians. shall share. WE STAND FOR-- National Unity . . . NOT Piecemeal Politics seeking Political Advan- tage through National Disunity. Co-operation . .. NOT Class Hatred, Dictatorship and Bureaucratic Tyranny. WE BELIEVE-- eo Sectionalism must come to an end, subject to the recognized rights of "minorities. : » Everyone, regardless of racial ori- gin, must be regarded as a Can- adian, sharing equally the rights and obligations of Canadian cit izenship. WE DEMAND-- o In War, equality of service and gderifice. » In Peace, equality of opportunity for all. end "y @ne standard of citizenship. (WIN With BRACKEN SE Vote for Your PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE Published by the Progressive Oonservative Party, Ottawa. -1 Let's Get Together,| wc PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, {1 LO You can Save with Safety at the REXALL STORE Rexall Remedies, Toiletries, Puretest Household Drugs Stationery, PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED "Sundries o ; PHONE 49 010 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ' ANGLICAN Rev. E. G. Bruton, Rector June 10th--znd Sunday after Lrinity. 1v a.m,-->Sunday School. $ 11 a.m--Special morning service tor the observance ol lumpire Youth Sunday. 'the Boy Scout 'Lroop and the Wolf Cub Pack will be our guests. Rev. ki, G. Bruton will preach. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCIL Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister Sunday, June 10th-- "10 a.m.--Sunday School, ] 11 a.n.--1lhe urusade for Chrisu and His mingdom. Let us make this Church Attendance Sunday. An urgent invitation to office holders, members and adherents. 1 p.m.--uut of the heart proceedeth Loving Kindness, Brotherliness, Iellow feeling, and in this is the cure for some ot our ills. ) 'Lhe Uddiellows will worship with . us, Special music by the choir at both services. } June 19th, 8 p.m., Tuesday-- in Port rerry United Church, the Northern Oshawa VYresbytery Zone Kally to promote Lhe Lrusade for christ, Congregations from Scugog, rrince Albert, rort Perry, Blackstock and myrtle are invited, Special music, 1wo outstanding speakers from: 'L'or- onto, Rev. vr. K. 5. Cochrane and Rev, Bruce Miller will give addresses. You are invited. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A. MacMillan, Minister Sunday, June 3rd-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship During the summer months, services will be held every Sunday morning. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: P. Taylor 11 a.m.--Morning Worship, 2.30 p.m.--Bible School 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 8 p.n.--Prayer Meeting. Corns instantly relieved with Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve--the effective corn remedy. b0¢ at Lawrence's Drug Store. Slendor Tablets--harmless and ef- fective. 2 weeks' supply, $1.00; 12 weeks', $0.00. © At Lawrence's Drug Store. PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY SALON -- 1 ------ --- with or without appointment, PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up SHAMPOO AND STYLED SETTING, ONLY 50c. * Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. CARD OF THANKS Mrs, R. M. Johnston wishes to ex- press her appreciation and thanks to all her friends and neighbours and to Dr. Irwin for their kindness during her illness, : JUNIOR WAR WORKERS The Junior War Workers will meet at the home of 'Mrs, Cecil Ptolemy on Tuesday evening, June 12th, SEAGRAVE The Seagrave Public School pupils held a successful Victory Program in the school on the eve of May 22nd, as- sisted by the orchestra. The program consisted of Patriotic songs, readings, rhythm band and an address by Rev. Mr, Morris, These numbers were all given by the pupils, The orchestra assisted with these numbers and the hymns. > A plate lunch was served after, The proceeds amounted to $27.00. A'large flag has been purchased from this amount for the school flag pole. The Rhythm Band of Seagrave School took first prize at Lindsay Festival in May, The teacher and pupils wish 5 thank Mrs, Sleep for her leadership snd, Suppor in the Rhythm Band wor | Lawrence's Drug Store News : A. M., LAWRENCE 700 Really store PORT PERRY J NOTICE All kinds of Electrical and Mechanical Repairs All makes and sizes of Electric Motors repair- ed and Reconditioned. Small Motors for sale. Small Gasoline Engines for Sale. Electrie or Gasoline Drive Pump Jacks for Sale. MACHINE REPAIR SHOP | STAN. CAUSLEY, Proprietor "Port Perry, Ontario. Taylor's PORT PERRY GENERATORS STARTERS FIELD COILS REPAIRED and EXCHANGED BILL TAYLOR :: Proprietor In days of uncertainty, reliable ' ~ INSURANCE is essential, Whatever your Insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 - Port Perry iy BroamsT SHOW VALUB IN Osi Biltmore THEATRE, OSHAWA Continuous Show Daily Friday and Saturday, JUNE 8-9 "LA URA" with GENE TIERNEY and DANA ANDREWS, -- ADDED -- 'The Yellow Rose of Texas with ROY ROGERS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, JUNE 11-12-13 "Enemy of Women" with CLAUDIA DR and DONALD WOObE: -- ADDED -- "Hot Rhythm" with DONA DRAKE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, . JUNE 14-15-16 "Road to Singapore" with BOB HOPE and BING CROSBY -- ADDED -- "West of Tombstone" with CHARLES STARRETT to household appliances . Auto Electric

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