Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 31 May 1945, p. 7

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$ / 4 re = TR - a a ER eS oy EY OTTAWA REPORTS That Canadian Servicemen In Pacific Will Receive Bonus } of About $30 a Month Soldiers and sailors going to the Pacific 'will receive a war bonus amounting to about $30 a month, army and naval headquarters an- nounced after the Prime Minister's statement that 30,000 army troops, 13,300 naval personnel and a pro- portionate number of R.CA.F, "mens would make up the Canadian force. It is planned "to send 60 ships to join the British Pacific Fleet with which H.M.C.S. Uganda has already seen action. "A sister cruiser, H.M.C.S. Ontario, is sche- * duled to leave as soon as it com- pletes trial runs, * * Canadians have been progres- sively adding to their constmp- tion of foods required for health- building during the war years, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics re- ports. In 194¢ supplies of fluid milk for domestic consumption had - increased 120% over the average of the 1935-1939 period. Cheese consumption increased 18% over pre-war years. lIresh and canned fish rose five pounds per person, and eggs consumed in 1944 am- ounted to 36 pounds "per person compared with 30 pounds prior to the outbreak of war." There was a sharp increase in the use of fresh fruits and vegetables, Total constimption per capita in pounds of tomatoes and citrus fruits am- ounted to 109.3 in 1944 with 58.8 in 1939. : * * * Canada, which imported a great proportion of its sceds prior to the war, exported to the. : value of $1,000,000 in the year end- ed March 31, 1945, in adlition to meeting all domestic requirements, Shipments representing 2,000,000 pounds of 13 different kinds were made to the United Kingdom Rus- sia and the Netherlands and for the United Nations Relief ad Re- habilitation Administration, * * * Increased allocation of news- print. for both Canada and the United States are in sight, Ottawa officials say. Increased production in the pulp and paper industry is credited] to the response by farm workers and others to appeals to work in the woods last season and to the industry's initiative in co- operation with National Selective: Service. ! * * * Canadian farmers have received $310,127,144 in government subsi- dies in the six years since 1939, the Canalian Federation of Agriculture reports, * * * Here's advice to poultrymen from .the Canadian poultry mar- keting service: "Save the best yearlings for egg production in 1046. Britain will want as many eggs next year as this: Yearlings have the advantage of producing two-ounce eggs all the time, It is important to carry over enough to make full pens since pullets and' yearlings do not do well together." «x 'A new pocket tractor that is be- ing successfully used in small fields | and market gardens in England is described by the United Kingdom Information Office in Ottawa. Of British manufacture, it is a track- laying type powered by a small five-horsepower engine, especial- ly designed for work in areas of soft or water-logged ground or on steeply sloped fields. Because of its compactness, it is also able to work near tlie edges of fields. Have You Heard? Man: "Why do you weep over the sorrows of people in whom you have no interest when you go to the theatre?" - = ° Wife: "I don't know. Why do you cheer loudly when a man with whom you are not acquainted slid- es safely into second base?" Teacher: "And so we find - that heat expands things and cold contracts them, Can any- one give me an example "of this?" . Bright Student: "Yes, ma'am, The days are longer in summer." A farmer was economizing by putting green glasses on his cow and feeding her sawdust, Askel- by a neighbor how it was work- ing out, he replied"It worked fine till she up and. died." Boy: "No, mister, I don't want fo sell this trout." Angler: "Well, just let me measure him so that I can truthfully tell the gang in the city how big the trout was that got away from me." Small Girl (to seven-year-old friend.) "Oh, 1 think you're lots better looking than your daddy." Boy (true ¢hild of the motor era): "Well, T oughta be--I'm a later model," 1 7 THE WOMAN WANTS THE LAST Every woman wants the "last word" in modern cooking equipment . .. anew streamlined CLARE-JEWEL Coal and Wood or Electric Range. Due to labor and material shortages only a few of these smart ranges will be available this year. But we're planning now for more and better CLARE-JEWEL Ranges as soon as conditions will permit. It will pay you to see your CLARE dealer now and have him put your name on his "preferred" list, CLARE JEWEL COAL » woo s MAKERS OF THE CLARE-HECLA FURNACE GAS ELECTRIC happening now in London tell that after five and a half years the British capital is out of danger. Londen Looks Up London Faces are upturned in again -- but not now for German aircraft, famous clock, is lit up at night for the first time since Aug. 31, 1939. Big Ben, Westminster's The Royal Standard, too, is fly- ing again over Buckingham Palace, to show that the King is in resid- ence, 'I'he custom had been drop- ped during the bad years as part of the censorship which, against air attack, hid the move- ments of the King ani the Royal IFamily. - to guard These are among the little things which British minesweepers have swept over 15,000 mines since war began. : MACDONALD'S Canada's Standard Smoke "Here's Good Health Stafford Miller Dept. 6, 172 John St., Toronto. Ont. Tortured man gets help! "Lemon Juice Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN : says Suffererl VL "I have used ALLENRU for several months. I could hardlywalk on account of my knees. But now those pains are relieved, I can go tike a race horse now," Mort Shepard, , Don't be a victim of the pains and aches caused by rhetimatism, lumbago or neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can mix at home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU, plus the juice of 1/; lemon in a glass of water, Your money back if not entirely "satisfied. Just 85¢ at all drug stores, Buy ALLENRU today, Write for Informative booklet to You" to (of Canada) Ltd, Forces In Burma Supplied By Ai r References were made in these columns last week to the fact that the advance of the British IFour- teenth Army in Burma was depend- ent largely upon assistance from the air because the bulk of the sup- plies for that army hal to be air- borne, says The Montreal Sta Since then an official announcemer has been issued stating that was the first time in history whe tr. 1 tliis n a ground army was supplied entire- ly by air. The British Fourteenth Army drove seven hundred miles from Central Burma to -Rangoon, and every mile of that drive they hai to depend upon military supplies dropped from the skies. The actual Ll volume was two thousand, five hundred tons per vlay, The territory through which the army had to ad- vance consisted of dense denser jungle, swift streams and almost forest, mountain impenetrable niorasses. Sometimes the men hal to march in single file, any. volume of supplies -such terrain was a sheer To carry through physical - impossibility. The Air Force solved the problem. Health Of Europe Serious Problem Incomplete information from Europe, analyzed by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 'indicates that among that ent's worst postwar expert problent; Sy contin- the rehabilitation of public health, says The Timmins Press. Tuberculosis is rampant. In Ger- many it is up at least a third, in Paris and Brussels about a half, in The Netherlands even more, in Rome tuberculosis deaths and last year were over twice those of 1940, The disease is epidemic in Greece, Typhus, cerebro-spinal meningi- tis and scarlet fever are high in Germany; perhaps 70 percent of the Greeks have malaria; diphthe- ria in Germany is up about 50 per cent, and throughout Western Eu- rope it is at peak levels, How You Can Get Quick Relief From Sore, Painful Piles Most eople seem to .think the on- Iy way 0 ge. rellef from thelr sore, palate plies Is by local treatment. cal treatment may glve tempor- ftehing but ary rellef from you can easily see why such treat- ment wil not cor- rect the cause of your piles. No lasting free dom from le can be had unless the cause of the trouble Is correct. od. Piles are due to Iintestina causes so the best way to get lasting Is to trea! internally with a medicine Ike Hem-Rold, Hem-Rofd 1s a formula thatehas. been used for over the Pa) nin coi tumors soon heal over eaving the sensitive rectal mem- branes clean and healthy. We Invite you to try Hem-Rold and let (t prove 'ltseif. You can make your test our own home. O COUST ft you are not convinced that n sore, painful pilea. Get a package of Hem. fold M day from any drug store and use It as directed f ST FIVE 40 years by thou. you are not ab- sands of pile aut golutely aure ferers t 1s a Hem-Rold 1s the small, higny con: nicest, cleanest centrate ablet. «nd mont effectiv 0 to ide. "HH, Fou Svar Ered . Ll Posed ©)» Urofessional Model you ever tried, re. cleverly com . turn the unused pounded tablet formula directs portion of the package (ob your ita medical action to reliet of the conges'lon that Is the real cause of our piles Hem-Rold romotes ree, sas) and comfortable bowel movements, quickly rellevea Itching Irritation and soreness and stimu- laken better blood circulation In the 1®®er bowel With good blood clr. culation in the lower bowel, the drugglst and he will promptly re- fund your money. - NOTE: This enerous offer In backed by a relinble firm doing bua. ineay In Canndd for a good many yenrs, Hem-Nold mast help your pile condition juieuty, ennily and oleasantly o- this simple, ensy feat vou mothing Try It today. In the privacy of this 1a a amazingly easy and surpilajngly effective method of treating your - . + . Canada's l.test Victorian Cross win- ner is Major Frederick Albert Tilston, 39, of Windsor and To- ronto. Thrice wounded, Major Til- ston, a company commander with the Essex Scottish' Regiment of Windsor, Ont., continued to lead his men against devastating fire and made possible the early breaching of the of his wounds, both legs were amputated. DIED Ra NOT IN VAIN 1 _.Sgt. Aubrey Cosens, of Latchford, ; in "civil life, is the only soldier of the Canadian Army of this war to be awarded the Victoria Cross posthumously. He was killed by a sniper's bullet the action Empire's highest award for valor. The action the capture of Mooshof Ont., a railwayman minutes after earned him the several which was at in Holland. ------ - A British firm has foual a 190 percent. effective remedy for ter- mites. NEVER FORGET -- Max- well House is superb coffee. It's roasted by the famous "Radiant Roast" process. This captures every atom of goodness and flavor --roasts every coffee bean, all through, The 'Last Word' On European War "The rounding up of German officers and 'men on all fronts has been concluded," a Soviet commu- nique has announced, ~The communique, perhaps fast to be issued by the Command, was the shortest of the daily war reports since attacked the Soviet Union June 22, the Soviet Germany Canada Has Big Wheat Carryover It looks as if the end of the crop year -- July 31st -- will find us with. another big wheat carryover. Estimated to be not less than 800 million bushels, this will still be larger than for any pre-war year, in spite of every effort being made to move as much as possible into ex- a 5 Huns Made Profit Out of First War Germany made a profit of about $2,000,000,000 out of the First World War, says Collier's. Al- though the Allies eventually re- 4 duced their reparations bill from $306,000,000,000 to $11,000,000,000 Germany paid ony $4,450,000,000, ' In the meantime she had receivel $6,450,000,000 in foreign loans and Hochwald de- fence line, the last Nazi bastion west of the Rhine. As the result time, efforts and investment. Top Notch chicks are all Government Approved from bloodtested breed- ars. When you purchase Top Noteh chicks you're off to the oo right start in the chicken bus- = mess, Prices of a few Breeds for delivery after June 1st. Non- Sexed: White Leghorns, Barred Rock X White Leghorn 9.95, Bar- red Rocks, New Hampshires, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks 10.95, Assorted Light and Medium Breeds 8.95, Assorted Heavies 9.05. - Pullets: White Leghorns, Barred Rock X White Leghorns 20.95, Barred Rocks, New Hamp- shire X Barred Rocks 17.95, New Hampshires 18.95, Assorted Light and Medium Breeds 18.9%, Assort- ed Heavies 15.05, Cockerels White Leghorns@ 1.00, tarred Rocks, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks 9.95, New IHampshires 8.95, As- sorted Heavies 7.95, two week olda add fc, three week olds add Ile to above prices. After June 16th still lower prices. Send for complete price list also 8 week old and older free range pullets, Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. RELIABLE Sale. Reliable Chicka are from Government Approved blood- tested flocks, chicks that develop Into quality husky layers and meat birds, chicks that have quality and livability for us and for you. After May 15. Sussex X Hamps, Darred Rocks. New Hampshires, unsexed $11.95, pul- lets $17.95, cockerels $9.95. Legr- horn X Hamps, unsexed $11.95, pullets $22.00, cockerels $4.00, Leghorns, unsexed $10.95. pullets $22 95. Order Reliable Chicks to- day. Reliable Hatchery, Bimlira, Ontario. SUMMER CHICK "STUFFY NOSE? Nose plugged up? Head cold threaten- ing? Just smear NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Feel clogged mucous loosen, stuffiness vanish, breathing dges come clear. Relief is instant. Rios ROLINE clears head, st discharge, relieves catarrh, head colds. Convenient. Pleasant, Adults and children, 50c--all druggists. ~ NOSTROLINE CLIFTON, BRISTOL, ENGLAND We ee eee ee heals quickly, no scar, 23¢, 35¢, THERE 18 FOR SALE--STORE, Poultices of Mecca relieve ptin, blag out cores, , $1.00, "MECCA OINTMEN bo from MONTHLY Ws with its week, tired Feelings? If functional periodic disturbances make bt foul AervIN Yized, restless -- at siuch - a E. Pin 's table Gompoind to relieve such symp. toms. Pinkham's Compound is ona of t most effective medicines for this 3 Follow label directions. Buy today] SHORT CUT TO wise poultrymen experience that Tweddle chicks have been na standard of quality for 20 years. Yes, poultrymen who have con- sistently purchased Tweddle Gov- ernment Approved chicks year after year know that these chicks aro good, Raise chicks at less cost now---and have them ready for profitable fall markets, Green pasture feed Is vital for growing chicks--cuts down on commercial feed, It gives them the natural vitamins necessary. to produce vigorous fast growing birds at less cost. Tweddle June prices are greatly reduced, Can give prompt delivery on day old, two week, three week and four week In non-sexed, pullet or cockerels in all popular breeds. Also free range older pulléts, ree cat. analogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcherles Limited, Fergus, Ontario, NO experience and know from Eo SS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY APARTMENT, Barber Shop, % acre lot, 18 miles + from Lindzay, Ont. Store now vacant, . formerly operated as Drug store, no druggist In town. Apartment and Barber Shop rent- ed. $1000.00 cash, terms for bal- ance, I. R. Staples, 76 Warren Ave, Oshawa, Ont, y SvRiNG AND Cina NING HAVE You ANYTHING NRIs dyeing or cleaning? rite to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart. ment H. Parker's Dye orks Limited. 1791. Yonge Street, To- ronto FOI SAT) STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASBPAR. agus, raspberries, peach (trees apples, pears, plums, cherries grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging shade trees, wire (tree uards Norfolk Nursery, Simeoe, Ontarfo INSULATED BUILDING 126 x 26 frame house, fara, aNWAY ad- oining Walton, $1,000. Norman anderson, Walton, Ont. Stayner, Ont, Agent, 60 OR 100-ACRE FARM, 5 MILES west of Welland, 1% miles south of Fenwick on gravel road; lays high, well drained; clean and productive, of good sandy loam; well fenced, 10 acres good bush, gas well, good buildings, lots of good water, 3 acres orchard, large frame house with Iarge sun-porch, electricity, large barn with basement and modern stable equipment, tile silo, hog pen, drive house, work shop, poultry and brooder houses, grainary, garage, ete. Good Belgian team, 6 wears old, 3200 1Ibs.: harness; M.H. binder: barn equipment for hay. ('ome and sce. Fvervthing for $7500. Harvey Chambers, Fenwick. CC FEMALE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED LINOTYPE OPERATOR nearest Employment Service Office. and lle Apply to Selective CR 2731. ESS HAIMDRESSING LEARN Robertson HAIRDRESSING THE method. Information on request regurding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. ssa HELP WANTED CYLINDER PRIRSMAN WANTED, one with some experience on make-ready. Steady position for steady reliuble mun. (44-hour week). Apply nearest Kmploy- ment & Selective Service Office FILE--C.R 2619 EXPERIENCED LINOTYVE OPER- ator and floor man wanted at once, steady position, (44-hour week). Apply nearest Employment and Selective Service Office FILE--C. RR 2520 Te Eo MACHINERY MILKING MACHINE RE- pulsators overhauled, some pulsators for exchange. O'Neill, Gananoque, Ont, EMPIRE pairs, rebuilt Vincent - TILE MACHINE CEMENT 'TILE MACHINE, SLIGHT. ly used, 4 to 12 inch moulds and fittings, trucks and track. Re- quires two to operate, (Good buy to interested party, Toronto own- er has disposed of Plant, Apply FF, VanEgmond, Clinton, Ont, WARCO "33" MOTOR GRADER (30 HP) SHearifier. Caterpillar "66" blade grader, scarifier, back sioper. Speeder D2, % yard shovel, trench hoe. All machines guar- anteed. Other equipment avall- able. Leventhal & Co. Machinery Agents, McIntyre Block, Win- nipeg, ) TRACTOR, OLIVER, 'HART-PARR' 70 on Goodyear tires; three-fur- rowed plough; 8-foot double disc; 9-foot - spring-tooth cultivator; rubber-tired wagon; all equip. ment In excellent condition, J. BE. Jarvis, Mt. Albert. Ont. Phone THIS IS NEW HAND PLANTER TO PLANT CORN and distribute fertilizer In one operation. Places fertilizer at plow depth and spaced from seed. Quantities adjustable. A boy can operate, Price Fifteen Dollars. Enquire---Gravity Planter Roblin, Ontario, Co, PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO . "Get "better pictures at lowest cost 1041, port position, investments, a AGENTS WANTED FOR SALE i ROR... vo RE SRN REPRESENTATIVES RELIABLE $5,000 -STORE AND DWELLING, ns EXCELLENT, [IEAL Ahige wanted to sell Plastic Coatings, metal side, detached, large lot, sults after faking hati Hn hh especially suited for Brick and cement basement, 60 x 25, all edy for Rheumatic Ang YAY 1a) Metal surfaces, also for Roofs. conveniences. Separate sale, jew- Neuritis. Munro's hag Br ia Finest quality products. Good eler's safe and fixtures. Phone Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid §1.00. . EPH Aa MN A ® 6a ih . SEAR J apt ¢omniissions, Box 27, 73 Adelaide Arthur 62). Brillinger, Arthur, STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS Kg ee : res often are the cause of ill-health oy ERR EN OO Ss Lilia i sess | re \ | FC » LAUNDRY AND DRY CLIEANING fn humans, all apes No one im- Ie Bany clicks Plant in Western Ontario. boty une! Why Jo fing ou Sls 2) IA BT ' AQ "iy: over $2400 weekly business with 5 your 0 ? a hleres A 5% STARTED rt LILETS, BARRED excellent post war opportunities ticulars--Free! Write Muiveney L] RG Rocks and AN hite Leghorns, 2 for expansion. Good money maker, Remedies, Specialists. -Toronto 3, oh Moshe on Ht toddary) X Dick low overhead; real estate con- : TT T-- a TOUT {14% Ohta ies, Filannia Jlelghns, sisting of brick buildings includ- PEOPLE, ARLE TALKING ABOUT 4 ntario, ed. IMully equipped and capably the good resulig from, taking BL); R J " rer staffed. Requires a capital of Dixon's temedy for ithewtpasie : KR FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AT 50,000 cash. Reason for selling Pains and Neuritis, Munro's Drug Ba bargain prices 2, 3 and 4 week {11 health, Apply Box 31, 73 Ade- Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- OM pid chicks i si Boputar broods lnide W.. Toronto. paid $1.00. } SY) n non-sexed, pullets or cocker- Ee --------_ i -- a a ---- i els. Send for special price list, ATTENTION: arthritis sufferers, 53) Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Lime COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, REG- registered nurse offers free valu- 30 ited, Fergus, Ontario, istered, Drucie, Trader pooiines pls inisramtivn. ox 172 Whit- Te! Winfield Lockhart, 304 Bayfield L) 9 nt. . a8 TO GIT WHAT YOU NEED IN St. Darvvie, Ont. (Cundles), g . a P N WY June and July, you should get : BAUMEEKA rool BALM Dls- LO your order in now. Good ment RED ORANGE AND ORANGE TOY stroys offensive odor instantly. Gir and egg markets lie ahead for Pomeranians, Reg'd Stock. Ducal 46c bottle, Ottawa agent. Denman ig IY 4 Potisry kespsrs, Bray Hatchery, Kennels, 2278 Meighen Road, Drug Store. Ottawa nl 0 John N, Hamilton, Ont. Windsor, Ontario. Sub 15. We . a ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED CHIROPRACTOR Oy REDUCED PRICES FOR "bought, sold. rebullt: beits. pul: H. S. SIMONSON, CHIROPRACTOR, AY CHICKS leys. brushes. Allen Electric Com- 23 Bloor Street Fast, Toronto. ha HAL RED ROCKS 12 LEGHORN pany Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St. To- Hours i bp to 8 p.m. Saturdays hd IARRE MOCKS Ze, AG e ronto a.m. to p.m, 4 ""Pullets 2c, Barred Rock Pullets HY 1 Vi 2te, Leghorns are Barron strain. | qoaAT KEEPERS! . PROFIT BY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ¥ Rocks are 0O.B.S. Breeding, and reading "The Bleat," only Can- -- Ae! all breeders are blood-tested. adian goat paper. Monthly: $1.00 FRIED A, BODDINGTON BUYS, iN B. RR. Cockerels to six weeks old a vear, Box 25, Victoria, B.C. sells, exchanges musleal I(ustru- ne) also Leghorn Pullets eight weeks p B Nad old, fully feathered and roosting . R REN RABBITS, BOTH Sy ELLs OO AN . 3 7 d 008 3. ASTO oN / 'S, di 3 Hybrid Broilers four weeks and : oon all ages. Pure bred. J. J. TORTUNITIE " TOMEN heX over, Ong dollar books your order Cealy ford, Labelle, Que. OPPORTUNITIES FOI WOME ah now. Johnson Hatchery, Fergus, ing = reno ts L3 ov BE A HAIRDRESSER it MORIPO WER FACTORY-BUILT JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOUL No, VICTORY CHICK SALE wind chariser, - practically 'aew, Great Opportunity, Learn IN SN ENE) . . » " complete with envy wire an Hair ressing A Eoi SUR, AND Jul, i light bulbs, Ideal for summer cot- Pleasant dignified profession, good FA Rr a, te, Bupred Rock tage or farm. J. I. Harper, Cooks- wages, thousands successful Marvel wh 9c, White Leghorn Pallets 20¢ ville, Ont. graduates. America's greatest sysa- . (O White Rock. Mixed 15¢, Brown tem, Hinsirated catalogue free. oN sghor ets 2c. Godd: NTT . Yrite or ca 7, Leghorn Pullets ie, Goddard | A g0 nen MATERNITY HospiTar, | WOE ae ml pop ooding 7 Ly x Hatcharies Lud. Britunnie for sale, going concern. good SCHOOLS cights, Ont. Delivers, aly Moapitay In Aga, 358 BLOOR hie, JURONTH 4 ecistore Nur: anches: ling St mil SPECIAL PULLET SALE could operate this business own- | PREQUEL SINE SGI oy pe NT TQ pe er will stay ow and will help for -- STARTICD PULLITS 1 WERK old 22¢. 2 weeks old 26 cents, lm- one month from the date of sale, = = mediate delivery. Carleton Hateh- Reason for selling is poor heath, PATENTS ery, Britannia Heights, Ontario. Al paved dumm nt. Wosplial ns Lod bd d § or ' pr iv ther i ol and " ~ FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY R-- MOONEY'S CHICKS FROM BLOOD- further information and insnee Patent SolicHars Istablished - tested, Government Approved tion apply in writing too Post 1890; 14 King West, Toronto : IFlocks, Licensed for shipping to Office. ox 320, Delhi, Ontario, Book! fin ormatio : any province. White Leghorns Canada, oat ete Mormution 'on se. 3 . ' 5, [i . Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, = = Mooney's Poultry [Farm, North FARMS FOR SALE TSO N = Yay, Ont. A PERSONAL BARBY CHICKS AND staptpp | 9% ACRES 4 CLEARING BALAN: | sickness: AND oTHER prOB- pullets, 1 to 8 weeks old. White v5 Saw ih : cl lems overcome in Jesus' Name Leg ALE y h ings. Aoplv W. I. Brandt, Burks h . seghorns, Barred Rocks, New Falls, Ont. Interdenominational book, thirty Hamashies Hyhrias, 2 Bayview Sante, Sriitiam Iidsall, Nanticoke, atchery, renton, nt. Ontario. teeter - 150 ACRES, TWP. OF NOTTAWAS- KGGS AND POULTRY MEAT ARE aga, large bank barn, frame PHOTOGRAPHY . a ons J rice ot Dots wp 20d, Welbon 0.000 >He er 8 success bo = cash, Write Ii. I. Taylor, Streels- men to make a fair profit for his ville, owner or see A. IE. Culham, TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURI. RULLS 26c¢ 'REPRINTS & tor 28¢ FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and servite you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICER Station J. Toronto TRY CANADA'S LARGEST with take take chances You can't Don't rolls. again, PROMPT MAIL SERVICE - Any Size Roll -- 6 or 8 [xposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 2bc (t A customer In Cape Breton says, "I eh have been sending films to you tor TR 4 or 6 years, Would not send them Vs anywhere else." ¢ SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 If 29c (4c extra) Is sent with flim roll SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 26c. Framed on ivolry tinted mats, 7 x 9°, in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Iibony finish frames, 69¢ each, If enlargement colored. 79% each, Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Nome and Address Plainly on Orders your film "snaps" over TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT 8.8. No. 10, Please state fications. RIL. No. DORION CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL requires two teachers, Principal, Male preferred; salary $1600.00, Junior room §$1400,00. School 40 miles east of Port Arthur, good ) trnin and bus service, Apply stat- BI ing qualifications to I. J, Andrew, EA Secretary, Ouimet, Ont, pO VI, IR, dL i WANTED TEACHER West Garafraxa, salary and quali- Apply to A. B. Fletcher, 1, Belwood, Ont. FOR WANTED WANTED A SMALL have $2500 nas down payment Send particulars In first letter. oy Box 33, 73 Adelaide W,, Toronto, BUSINESS, X A 5c-31 VARIETY OR DRY GOODS or hardware business wanted, } i Apply Box 32, 73 Adelalde W,, Toronto, Ont, oF WE BUY 3 hundreds of Herbs, Roots, Barks, Lit Berries, Flowers, Leaves, ete, PRICES HIGHER NOW Write for full list Dominion Herb Distributor ; Ai 1423 St. Lawrence Blvd, Monireal ER i ~ "HARDWOOD WANTED IN WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR a ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD HY LUMBER, WHOLE (UTS PRE . B by! FERRED, A he i - ONTARIO HARDWOOD a PRODUCTS LTD. 0 46 Ernest Ave. Toronto « LL, 0611 £0 y ISSUE 22-1045

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