Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 31 May 1945, p. 4

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I Wo RNAS en « - LOCAL ARRIVED SAFELY OVERSEAS Mr. and Murs.-Jas;. McMaster, of Manchester, 'have received word that their son, Gnr. Harry McMaster, No. 1, C.A.R.U,, has arrived safely in England. Flt./Sgt. and Mrs. Wm. Woollard, DEMAND Friday and Saturday, JUNE 1 and 2 JUDY GARLAND and MARGARET O'BRIEN, in "MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS" Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James Archer, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Retired Farmer. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died May 1st, 1945, are hereby notified BREAD Is Your Best Food! Phone 32 GERROW BROS. FOR SALE Jersey Cow, 7 years old, due to DR. ED. BAILEY Lawrence's Drug Store News You can Save with Safety at the REXALL STORE NEWS fl] "aston 2 | roses EAT MORE OF IT Hi HELD OVER BY POPULAR L. R. BENTLEY Satur day [Special--"Cotlée Rolls" 'PRESCRIPT IONS FILLED Rexall Remedies, Toiletries, Puretest Household Drugs Stationery; Sundries of Belleville, visited during the past to send to the undersigned on or] .. \ . week with Mr. and Mrs, Orval Druean. before June 30th, 1945, full particulars . eshen the last dey of oi Aply VETERINARY SURGEON i i with ° of their claims. Immediately after | toy ticnders, ILK. J, Fort Lerry, ; = 1 Mis. D. R. Anderson and Murs. H. Mary Astor, Lucille Bremer, June 30th, 1945, the assets of the de-| Phone 122 r 4, Diane 934 S04 Jury a Ber Arche; Wi the week-end in Tom Drake, Marjorie Main. ceased will be distributed among the| - Ne: Lely, VERI0RS [| A. " : izeterborough. : in Glorious Technicolor. parties entitled thereto having regard COOK WANTED Reverse charges on all phone calls J Me 5 B: factsen was in Brampton Eight ear-tingling Tunes. i, (he under- Female, for summer camp. For to me, PHONE 49 The Rexall Stove' PORT PERRY on Wednesday, assisting at the An- signe : Joe ti > si a ; a nual pemomidoy of Mh National Monday and Tuesday, Dated at Port Perry, this 25th day | Particulars, Phone Port Perry, 67-4. t 1D Holstein Association, Congratulations to Pte. Jack Cook and his bride on their marriage on Saturday afternoon, May 26th. We are sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs. A. Waridel and hope she will have a speedy recovery. F/0 Bruce Beare, R.C.A.F., of Kingston, spent the week-end with JUNE 4 and 5 A blazing spectacle of Pagan Rome ' "THE. SIGN OF THE CROSS" starring FREDRIC MARCH, ELISSA LANDI, ' Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist of May, 1946. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, junl4d WwW. J. KING UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO King and Cedar Streets WANTED Man to cut grass and do odd jobs. Apply to Miss E, Spence, Cochrane St., Port Perry. FOR SALE 150 Bushels Alaska Oats. Wes, Hoskin, Burketon, Ont, Apply AN OPPORTUNITY One of the Nation's Largest companies, catering principally to furmer's needs, is ready to place a valuable contract which should mean complete independence for a man for- tunate enough to have the following qualifications--character record that will withstand investigation and pro- ven ability to efficiently manage both himself and his own business. Finan- cial status not extremely important ir PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister Sunday, June 3rd-- 10 aim.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--The present day Viewpoint of Religious Leaders measured by the timeless Light of the Gospel. 7 p.m.--Miss Lillie Timbers, grad- uate of the Deaconess Training School and Christian Evangelist- NOTICE All kinds of Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to household appliances All makes and sizes of Electric Motors repair- is wife in Port Perr LAUDETTE COLBERT, Ro Av ! Pehool. and, ig : his wife in Port Perry. rpg LAUGHTON. Phone 188 LOST OR STRAYED | but a travel outfit is necessary. Write Tones, will shire Yih dn sons ed and Reconditioned. Sgmn. Gordon MacMaster, R.C.C:S Sensational Scenes . . . . " Pron It Con. i Fas hide the advertiser, Box O-P-b. may31 periences g Small Motors for sale. ; " : } NTIS, in X i i . eford-Guernsey Heifer ® . SL yinsy Conms Js spending 40 woshs boils Bevons Bellet, i 907682, white head and legs, orange Small Gasoline Engines furlough with his mother, Mrs. J. D. MacMaster. Miss Doris Hull spent an enjoyable holiday at Lakeside Beach as the guest of her friend, Miss Georgia Brock, "Dr. J. B. Lundy attended the Dental Convention held in 'Toronto on Mon- day, luesday and Wednesday of this week. We regret to hear of the illness of Mrs. G. Cann, who underwent an operation in Oshawa General Hospital this week. Misses Clare Glass and Joan Hoyle, of Ushawa, were in Port Perry on rriday evening and attended the Upen Wednesday and Thursday, JUNE 6 and 7 Moss Hart's "Winged Victory" with PYT. LON McCALLISTER JEANNE CRAIN, SGT. EDMOND O'BRIEN. Here they come . . .Out of the wild blue yonder Flying straight into your heart. RATION CALENDAR Coupons becoming valid May 31st: Will person who took lawn mover from my premises an Monday evening, May 28, please return same, or action will be taken. John Cawker, Port Perry. FOR SALE Lawn Mower; also Coal Heater and Hammock. Phone 17, Port Perry. FOR SALE Farm, about 756 acres, on Scugog Island. Steel Barn, frame house, close to_school and Church. Known as the Brown Farm. Apply W. H. Brown, Prince Albert. NOTICE body, dehorned, Please notify Russell Down; R.R. 2, Oshawa, Lot 7, Con. 6, Fast Whitby. Phone Brooklin 19 r 28. FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon on June 9th, for the property known as Lots 110 and 111 on Corner of Casimer and Water Streets in the Village of Port Perry. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. : H. G. HUTCHESON, z Clerk-Treasurer, Corporation of Port Perry. AUCTION SALES Saturday, June 9th -- Household Caesar De Zenda Choicely bred BELGIAN Stallion the property of GORDON FISHLEY BLACKWATER, ONT. will stand at his Stable, Lot 20, Con, 14, Reach Township, throughout the season. FOR SALE .John Deere Tractor, Model D; Min- neapolis-Moline Tractor on Rubber, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. E. G. Bruton, Rector June 3rd--First Sunday after Trinity. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. Rev. E. R. James, of Toronto, will preach. ' "This do in remembrance of me." ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A. MacMillan, Minister Sunday, June 3rd-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship During the summer months, services will be held every Sunday morning. for Sale. Electrie or Gasoline Drive Pump Jacks for Sale. MACHINE REPAIR SHOP Port Perry, Ontario. Taylor's Auto Electric STAN. CAUSLEY, Proprietor a» 3 Fo ARE Pe 2 3 ! f A » 4 LES S58 t 3 TEs A bi > AR Rta . pe 34 PE SRNR PH a Bl Toy A Si ie in bo fe i Be Bi ft EE TENS { ARR EINCRSEAR RG pied ras TRFLMRE SE) 4 ind " 4 2 i ge it, a a A ep en a a -- AL Nght at the High School, veto SUGAR--46.to 69. |. wil the party who picked.up.James | Iiffects belonging to Mrs. Neil Sweet- Yoda) = ate hii kg PORT_PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH 2 SH . 1 "a tobi" a dail TR C. Burnett's Ration Book, please re- | man, at her residence, Queen St., Port] ares, b years old, weight, : Pastor: P. Tayler PORT PERRY At Lr. BE. V. Elliott, of Galt, visited BUTTER--90 to 108. ; PARE 0 Will take 'small tractor on deal. Ap- "i his mother and sister, Mrs. Elliott and . . turn same to Ration Board at once and | Perry. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Tote Merk omit ov Coral | 11 am.--Morning Worship, i ; 4 Mrs. J. I. Jackson last Sunday even PRESERVES--33 to 66 save further trouble. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer | Ply to har mith, | ora, Unt, 2.30 pm -- Bible School GENERATORS Ey J PO ' £ ; - . . 0. a ing. He left early Monday morning -- 7 p.m.--Evangelistic' Service. - ~~, Si - to attend the Ontario Dental Con- STARTERS of / 2] vention held in the Royal York Hotel Sasso Tn Bp tryer Meeting FIELD COILS 3 'Loronto. . a £\ : TY . ig Mr. and Mrs, Jim Harrison, of ' } 9 AIR and w Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. ETTEY S REPAIRED 4 Harrison for a few days. EXCHANGED 8 2 Mr. and Mrs. Orval Druean spent Saturday in Toronto, Mrs. Burgess Beare has arrived from England to be with her husband, F/L. Burgess Beare, D.F.C., of the R.C.A.F., who recently returned from says GREENHOUSE Owing to scarcity of help and gas rationing, I find it necessary to - continue the delivery of flowers and : plants, etc, for this season. I also find it unsatisfactory to place aside BILL TAYLOR :: Preprietor In days of uncertainty, reliable INSURANCE seas. We wel . Bear ' . iy. bel & "It is not forcordained that farmers shall work This anaon, 1 wil ata, emaon. | is essential, her new home in Canada. . . . First Served. . Nie Bitlis a fotinet bonctice enihie for less pay than anybody else; or have their children rol thank you for past favours, and Whatever xh pin needs Hay High School Staff, visited friends in ' : . ' Re iv you i 1 : : own during the week-end. receive only one-quarter the chance of a secondary edu- - H . H. W. EMMERSON Miss Minnie Parish, who is in St. cation, or one-tenth the chance of a university education Phones Paxs Perry Michael's Hospital with a broken arm, is doing nicely according to latest reports, Pte. Orr Graham, R.C.A.M.C., spent some time this week at his home here. Mrs. Guy Rainville and Miss Helen Hayes were guests at Cedar Lodge over the week-end. . NAVY LEAGUE TAG DAY Scugog Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, will spon- sor a Tag Day for the Navy League in Port Perry, on Saturday, June 9th, Give generously that help and com- fort may be brought to our sailors and seamen. John Bracken, that other children get; or sce their wives forced into lives of toil, often 12 but sometimes 14 hours a day -- Sundays and holidays included . . . The trouble is that no one with the necessary authority has determined to correct the basic economic ills of Agriculture," the farmer, is not content, merely to point out the injustices of which BRACKEN WILL ABOLISH INJUSTICE TO FARMERS have money 'to buy farm implements and provide for comforts. His own living The 11084, 1(4,1 Does the Trick! Bray Chicke are teal I Eh Ageiit -- A. R. GRAY, R.R. 2, Port Perry, Ont. Pain killer for corns! Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve gives prompt, sure relief, b50¢ at Lawrence's Drug Store, 'Blendor Tablets--harmless and ef- BioapsT SHOW VALUE IN OSHAWA Bil { Smoking. In The Loges THEATRE, OSHAWA - Continuous Show Daily Friday and Saturday, JUNE 1 and 2 The Delinquent Daughter with JUNE CARLSON. © ADDED eo Oklahoma Kid i he, and every other farmer, is only too well standard will be permanently raised and fective, 2 weeks' supply, $1.00; 12 i LO.D.E. aware. He is determined to abolish these he will be able to contribute to community Poole), $6.00. At Lawrence's Drug with JAMES CAGNEY and' 7 » Re ' economic ills, these injustices, immediately welfare. HUMPHREY BOGART. ! 5h The regular meeting of the Scugog 1 John Bracl 'antees = i Chapter, LO.D.E., will be held on and permanently. John Bracken guarantee : MANCHESTER Yeandsasy, June SL, in the Dol definite PROTECTION FOR FARMERS ® We shall re-establish a Natural Products Monday and Tuesday : munity om. t the close of the : : ' i , p i T re i meeting, some games and amusements against income collapse and wide extremes of Mar keting Act. Me Wes Jaonthi e esting hi TONE 4.80 § a as a have been arranged for the members and the war workers, after which a Pot Luck Supper will be served. Non-members are requested to come at 4 o'clock, and besides their con- tributions to the feast, will everyone please bring a.plate, knife, fork and spoon, 'income fluctuation: ® The Farmer shall be guaranteed a just and proportionate share of the nation's income. @ This will be done by a system of fair prices ® We shall appoint a Board of Livestock Com- missioners in which shall be vested to regulate and direct all aspects of live- stock marketing. in somewhat the same 'manner as the Board of Grain Commis- -gioners regulates the handling of wheat, ower home of Mrs. Vernon on June 6th, at 2.30 p.m, PRENTICE'S BEAUTY SALON Wednesday, -- "Wait For Me" All-Russian Cast with English Dialogue - Ld 3 ® ADDED eo "Song of the i A to be announced before the season of pro- i CH ee RS PhP aed Ree Sp Te Se a cine, i ARTICLES. yon Sain duction. The farmer will then carry on with These are only the highlights of the Bracken ; with or without appointment. Open Road y: gr 3olid Oak Dining Room Suite; Oak 'the assurance that he will receive a just Party's pledge to Canadian farmers. Join PERM ANENT h EIGAR f all Tree; Chest t : p . : : ; ' wit BER / condition); Wicker Rockers Wriiing _ ghare of the national income. He will thus ~~ John Bracken in his fight for farmers' rights. : : "CHARLIE MCARTHY i 8 esk; 'Open Grate Stove; Coal Oil - : W ' : 7% Heater; Dining Room Eleatrie Fix- ' EN AVES | Erma ULNEEEEY $195 and up | vere 1) Electric Heater; Gramophone; Boiler B and id i With copper, bottom; Tons Hacguet; in he 4 nd STYLE ur : Sha g ng Handle wn Clippers; Floor a D SETTING, * 4 Rugs; Wash-Tub Stand. Apply to W. "ONLY 50e. Madame Curie 7 3. \eteher, Port Ferd, Phone 27w or Vote for Your 2 : Ph 228. P P with GREER GARSON and ! 78 ) ry B e Shop. one , Porti-Perry an z a : : ¢ WALTER PIGEON. i : ARTHUR PRENTICE, - Prop. AUCTION SALE : EL ® ADDED o 'FRIDAY, JUNE 8th--100 Yorkshire n March of Time presenta Hogs, Implements and Horse, be- longing to Smith Bros,, High Point Farms, Reach .» Ya mile west of Nos. 7 and 12 Highway, at Prospect. Sale at 1,80 p.m, Terms Cash. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer Ld Candidate = ---- EH Published by the Progressive Conservative Party, Ottawa. LIVE POULTRY AND FEATHERS WANTED Good prices paid. We have no agents but buy personally, M. FLATT BETHANY, R.R.1 Phone 7 r 18 Bethany June? Back Door i to Tokyo

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