Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 31 May 1945, p. 3

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OTTAWA SOUTH Hon. Geo. H. Dunbar, Ottawa Provincial Secre- tary, Minister Mu- nicipal Affairs; Game and Fish. Takes keen inter- est in municipali- ties. Stocking On- tario's lakes and rivers with fish and plans to cre- ate one of the fin- est game and fish areas in the Do- minion. Veteran of last war. RUSSELL D. C. Merkley, Billings Bridge Brick manufac- turer. Finch, Stormont. Long business ex- perience. Is mem- ber of Ottawa & Hull Citizens' Re- habilitation Com- Born in . Elected to Legisla- ture, 1943. Farmer and cattle breeder. Born on farm and specializes in purebred cattle, one of which held world's. record butter fat produc< tion. One son in R.C.N. President Holstein - Friesian Breeders Assn. Di- rector Royal Win- ter Fair, BAULT STE. MARIE W. Jack McMeeken, Sault Ste. Marie Produce business. Mayor of Sault Ste. Marie for 9 consecutive terms. Alderman for 14 years. Chairman local Employment PARRY SOUND W. Cragg. Parry Sound Lawyer. Born at Ingersoll, Gradu- ate Toronto Uni- versity, Osgoode Hall. Member Parry Sound Board of Educa- tion. 3 years member of Coun- cil. Has keen in- terest in civic al- fairs. President Board of Trade. SIMCOE CENTRE George G. Johnston, inesing Elected to Legisla- ture, 1943. Sta- tionary Engineer and Manager. Born near Mine- - sing on farm. Manufacturer 40 mittee, and Ot- tawa-St. Lawrence Industrial Acci- dent Prevention Assn. Has lived in Russell County since early child- hood . WELLINGTON SOUTH W.. E. Hamilton, Guelph Insurance execu- tive. Past Presi- dent Board of Trade, and Y.M.- C.A. Is active leader in business and community life. Former chair man Red ross, Community Chest, Victory Loan cam- paigns. Is Lieut- enant in Reserve Artillery. Toronto EGLINTON Hom. Le E. Blockuai Toronto 5 Attorney - General. Elected to Legls- lature 1943 with huge majority. Is youngest Attorney- General in his- tory of Province. Toronto lawyer. Graduate Osgoode Hall. Served over- seas last war, lost right leg at Cam- bral. Has given direct ballot to soldiers overseas, end' In Canada. Advisory Commit- tee and local ra- tion board. Direc- tor of Board of Trade. Resident of Sault Ste. Marie for 49 years. WENTWORTH Fit. Lt. W. K, Waitzender, on Lawyer. B.A. Mc- Master University, LL.B., University of Toronto, gradu- ate Osgoode Hall. Worked on T. H. & B. Rly., is mem- ber Brotherhood Railway Signal- men. Was dele- gate Hamilton Dis- trict: Trades & La- bor Council. Mem- ber City Councili" Member, Cana- dian: Legion Toronto HIGH PARK Hom. Fy Drew, K.C., Toronto Premier of Ontar- fo. Born in Guelph. Has brilliant ser- vice record in last war overseas with Canadian Artil- lery. As Minister ol Education as- sumed 50% over- all costs educa- tion. Instituted scripture study in schools. Set up Royal Commission for complete sur- vey of education. - Has: fulfilled oll - years; on active service. Chairman of school board, 28 years school trus- tee. Past Presi- dent, Rural" Sec- tion O.E.A. ~ WINDSOR- SANDWICH Lt. Col. Wm. Grlesinger, Roseland Lumberman. Es- tablished in busi- ness since 1913. 4 years overseas last war with 19th Bn. Has just re- linquished com- mand of Sault Ste. Marie - Sudbury Regiment. Has been 30 years in military service. Member Canadian Legion. Hom. W. ]. Stewart, Torento Speaker last Leg- islature. Elected 1937, re-elected 1943. Mayor of Toronto 4 years. Awarded C.B.E. in 1935. An out- standing, public- spirited citizen. Very active in se- curing hospital. ac- commodation for wounded soldiers. Thtee sons Hon. Col. T. E, Dixde Minister of Agri- culture. Farmer. Has {armed for 43 years at Dixie, his birthplace. Com- manded First Can- adian Brigade in - last war. Elected to Legislature 1923-26-29, re- elected 1937, 1943. Established per- manent 23-man Agricultural Com- mittee, SIMCOE EAST Dr. |. D. McPhee, Pi. McNicoll Elected to Legisla- ture, 1943. Physi- cian. Is County Coroner and M.O.H. for Port McNicoll. Gradu- ate. jn. medicine, Toronto Univer- sity. One of Port McNicoll's earliest" residents. Only son, Warrant Ofli- cer, R.C.AF. over- seas. WINDSOR- WALKERVILLE Wing Cmdr. Rev, 3 C. Davies, Walkerville Clergyman. Rec- tor St. George's Church, ville, for 23 years. Enlisted 1940. Four years service as Chaplain in- cluding overseas. Chaplain Western Air Command, and Deputy Director Chaplain Service, R.C.AF., Ottawa. 5 years on Wind- 'sor Board of Edu- cation. Toronto " RIVERDALE Dr. Gordon |. Millen, . Toronbe Dentist. Born in Toronto. Graduate Toronto sity. Served over- seas last war with C.AD.C. Two sons officers in R.C.N. Member Boatd of "Educdtioni 11 year, served on City Council 6 years. President, Dan- forth Business Men's Association. Walker= = =esince - Univer- - I. Fred Edwards, Palmerston Druggist. Gradu- ate, Ontario Col- lege of Pharmacy. Been in business in Palmerston for past 18 years. In- terested especially in welfare of un- derprivileged chil dren. Chairman Victory Loan Com- mittee. Has wide experience in business and in- dustry. STORMONT J. L. McDonald, Hanlson's Comers Elected to Legisla- ture, 1943. Farmer. Born at Harrison's Corners. Served overseas last war with 8th Bn. Two years councillop, 9 years as reeve Cornwall Twp., and Past Warden of United Coun- ties. President Stormont Cheese Producing Assn. YORK EAST John A. Leslie, ; Scarboro lived in Scarboro boyhood. Farmed until 1923. Public 'School Trustee. Was De- puty Reeve of Scarboro 5 years, and 5 years on York County Council. Ten years elected 'member Scarboro Public Utilities Commission and is now Chairman. Teronto ST. ANDREW'S Major Edwin "Benny" Goodmem, oronto Graduate in law, Toronto Univer- sity. Osgoode student when he enlisted in 1941. Served in France with Fort Garry Horse, mentioned in despatches. Twice wounded, second time seri- ously at Falaise. .Returned April 1945. Manager. Has PETERBOROUGH Capl. Harold R. Scolt, Folerborough: -Elected to Legisla- ture, 1943. Staited in lumber business at 16, now suc- cessful. operator. Served overseas last war with For- esith Corps rising to rank of lieuten- ant. Now captain in Reserve army. SUDBURY T. 8. Wilson, Sudbury Insurance agent. Born in Guelph, hut resident of Sudbury many years. 4 years service overseas in last war. Was in jewellery busi- ness for many years. Executive member Canadian Legion. Member Soldiers" Aid Com- mission and Sud- bury Hydro Com- mission. YORK NORTH Major Alex Mackenzie, M.C., . Woodbridge Farmer. Descend- ant of Highland Scoltish parents. Has brilliant mili- , tary record in last war. Severely wounded at Vimy. Keenly interested in municipal af- fairs. Member York County Council. Chair- man Board of Edu- cation, Chair- man Relorestra- tion Committee. Toronlo ST. DAVID'S D. BR. Michener, Toronto Lawyer. Graduate Albertu Univer- sity, and Oxford. Rhodes Scholar. Has B.C.L.. degree, member British Bar Assn. Prac- tised law in To- ronto over = 20 years. Lieutenant, Artillery (R). Hon. Counsel, Cana- - dian Red Cross (Ontario Division). Governor Western Hospital, kJ] Lt. Col. Herbert Cook, Port Arthur General contrac- tor. Served with «52nd Bn. in last war, enlisting as private rising to rank of captain. Orgdnized and took overseas in this war Lake Su- perior Regiment (Mortar). Medical discharge 1943. Serving on Port Arthur Ulilities Commission. TEMISKAMING Capt. R. D, Cumming, K.C., Halleybury Lawyer. Born in Grenfell, Sask., graduate Osgoode Hall. Gunner with C.F.A. in last war and twice wound- ed. Rejected for service in this war. Captain in Reserve Army. Praclised law in Haileybury for 20 years. YORK SOUTH Capt. Howard J. Sale, Toronto Merchant. Born in Penetanguishene. Established own business in Brant- ford, which he sold on outbreak of war, being in Reserve. Enlisted for overseas ser- vice 1940. Danger- ously injured in England while on duty. Torénlo ST. GEORGE'S Hon. Dana Perler, .C., Toronto Minister Planning and Development. Elected to Legis- lature 1943. Law- yer. Born in To- ronto, graduate Toronto University, Osgoode Hall. M.A. from Oxford. Huge plans for post-war develop- ment of Ontario. PRESCOTY Joseph St. Denls, Prescott Farmer, cheese producer. Life- long resident in Member of town council. riding. Takes aclive part in all community affairs. Former member of On- tario Legislature. VICTORIA Hon. Leslie M. Frost, Provincial _Treas- urer. --Lawyer. Elected to Legis- 'lature 1937, re- elected 1943. Born in Orillia, gradu- ate University of "Toronto," Osgoode Hall. 3 years over- seas in last war. Decreased On- tario's debt, main- talned services and no increase in taxation. YORK WEST John P. Allan, Weston Merchant. Born on farm in Weston. Overseas last- war 4 years 48th Highlanders. Twice wounded, promoted on field. Ex-Lieutenant York Rangers (R). Past President, Canad- , lan Legion. Mayor of Weston since 1942. ' Toronto BT. PATRICK'S Major A. Kelso Roberts, K.C., Toronto Elected to Legisla- ture 1943. Born in Belleville. Gra- duate Toronto Uni- versity, Osgoode Hall. Served over- seas last war. Taken prisoner, escaped from Ger- man prison camp. Keenly interested in veterans' af- fairs. Lieutenant last war, now major in militia, PRINCE EDWARD- LENNOX Yor, dot Hepburn, Picton Coal merchant. Sitting member of Ontario Legisla- ture. Has 2 sons and one daughter serving in armed forces. Was edu- cated at Picton and Trinity Col- lege, Toronto. Popular, highly respected in his riding. WATERLOO NORTH Dr. 8. F. Leavine, Klichener Physician. Born at Elgin, Leeds Co. Graduate Queen's Univer- silty in Medicine and Aris. Served 7 years on cily council. Rejected for service last war and this war. Member 2/24 Field Ambulance, Reserve. Toronlo BEACHES T. A. on Toronto Business man. Long service in Ontario Legisla- ture, elected 1926, re - elecled 1934, 1937, 1943. Man- ager - Direclor To- ronto Dairies. 17 years superintend- ent Toronto Road- ways Dept. Born in Ireland, edu- cated in Toronto. Toronto WOODBINE G. C. Elgle, K.C., Torontg Lawyer. farm at Dresden. Graduate Western University, Os- _goode Hall. Long aldermanic ser- vice, polling larg- est vole in cily's history. Elected to Legislature, 1934, 1937. A Good Candidate for Every Riding - Every Second Man a War Veteran PUBLISHED BY THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF ONTARIO RAINY RIVER Major Rev. R. O. Wilkes, M.C., Ralny River Clergyman. Gra- duate Wycliffe College, Toronto. Enlisted June 1940. Padre No. § General Hospital overseas, trans- ferred to Royal Canadian Regi- ment. Received Military Cross for evacuating woun- ded under heavy fire. WATERLOO SOUTH RENFREW NORTH Stanley R. Hunt, Pembroke Elected to Legisla- ture 1943. Farmer and former school teacher. Born in Wilberlorce Twp. Veteran World War I, with 3 years' service overseas. Fifteen years in municipal politics as coun- cillor and reove. Past Warden of County. WELLAND Gordon Chaplin, Galt President of Can- adian General Rubber Co. Lid., Galt. This com- pany engaged in war production to {ull capacity. Born and educated in St. Catharines, son of late Hon. J. D. Chaplin. Has long experience in business. Toronto BELLWOODS Dr. J. P. F. Willlams, Toronto Physician. Gradu- ate Toronto Uni- versity. Prac- tised medicine in Dresden; later To- ronto. Associate Coroner for To- ronto. 5 years member, now Chairman Board of Education. Only son Major in R.C.- AM.C., overseas. T. Harty Lewis, Welland Contractor. Born in England. Serv- ed 7 conseculive years as alder- man, and six years as Mayor of Welland. Hon. member adian Legion; Chairman Recrea- tion Centre Com- miltee. Interested in soldiers' reha- bilitation. Toronlo BRACONDALE Lt. H. H, Hyndman, Toronto Officer, R.C.N. Born at Oakville. Educated Trinity College School, RM.C. Joined Navy 1939. Served on H.M.S. "Hood." On Malta convoy, Australian des- troyer "Neslor" and H.M.S. "Nel- son'. Escort duty Channel on D- Day, 2nd in com- mand H.M.C.S. ""Chaudiere". ----ernites. Can- BRENFREW SOUTH James §. Dempsey, Renfrew Contractor, lum- berman and farmer. Has lon experience in roa and railtoad con- struction,\ sawmill operalor Yd has large scale lum- ber interests. Has thorough knowl- edge of Canada and his home County in parlicu-« lar. Present reeve of Renfrew. WELLINGYON NORTH Farmer and live- stock dealer. U.E.L. descendant, born on grand- father's farm which _he now op- Is public school trustee and serving on Victory Loan Commiltee. Keenly interested in-young people's work. Teronlo DOVERCOURT Wm. Duckworth, Toronto Insurance agent. First elected to Legislature 1934, re - elected 1937, 1943. Elected to Cily Council 1931. , Has lived in rid- ing over 35 years. Born near. Fergus. Born on | costs. Club. $68,000,000 in Victory Bonds. Created Sound Financial Position. Recreation and Tourist Develop- ment. 20 MONTHS OF CONSTRUCTIVE GOVERNMENT Carried out 22-point programme. Assumed' 50 per' cent education Reduced cost of electricity. 48-hour week. Statutory holidays with pay. Impartial LiabourRelotions Board. Agriculture organized by Farmers. Forest resources regulated. Opened Ontario House overseas. Established Overseas Services Rehabilitation for Veterans. All this and more has meant good Covernment. Never did the right to vote mean so much. Vote for the Progressive Conservative Candidate on June 4. re oz ~ ; : STA en AR -- ~ ET ny ren SA a he A hg Ar SR ---) F Re > OI SoTL FITS

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