The King Manpower Policy -- Equality of Servic "and Sacrifice! 8 "The Greatest Hoax ever perpetrated on a Nation." "It is a national disgrace and a blight upon the good name of Canadian citizenship. To give political considera tions priority over the nation's interest is intolerable and unforgivable," Dominion-wide disunity is to- day the gravest danger facing Canada. The political abasement of the King Government's Man: power Policy reaped in wartime the seeds it sowed in peacetime. "King or Chaos" of the 1940 election campaign has been King AND Chaos ever since. National unity, to which the King Govern- ment has paid only lip-service, was sold for political advantage in time of gravest national emer- gency. THE PRICE CANADA HAS . PAID for the unequal burdens of the King Manpower Policy is be- yond measure. Army statistics tell the story. Tragically, the casualty lists bear mute witness to it. THE PROGRESSIVE CON- SERVATIVE PARTY HAS CONSISTENTLY CONDEMN- ED THE INJUSTICE OF A PURELY POLITICAL MAN- POWER POLICY. We do not hesitate therefore to describe the King Manpower Policy, and all the furtive political manipula- tions which characterized the ad- ministration of that policy, as a gross miscarriage of social, poli- tical and economic justice. As our forthright, progressive leader has said, it was -- and is -- "the greatest hoax ever per- petrated on a nation." NATIONAL UNITY AND WELFARE MUST COME BE- FORE NARROW POLITICAL ADVANTAGE. Divide-and-rule policies have no place in framing the basis for peace-time govern- ment. Only a party that will recognize equality of opportun- ity for all in time of peace as well as equality of service and sacri- fice in time of war can solve the problem of national unity with the confidence of all Canadians, i Security with Freedom! Your Vote on June 11th can bring lasting security to your work, your home, your family! Security for your WORK Here are some of the definite, practical steps taken by the Liberal Government to give secu- rity to home and family by assuring well-paid post-war jobs for everyone: For Veterans -- The most generous plan of any United Nation to get renirned men started in the type of work each of them chooses. The Liberal Government is determined that every man and woman coming home to Canada shall return to the land of greatest opportunity in the world. For Workers -- About a thicd of all Canadians depend on exports for their livelihood. Liberal plans provide for increasing our exports 60%, in value over those of 1939. For Farmers -- Acting on the belief that all Canadians prosper when farmers do, the Liberal Government has arranged thdt they can im- prove their farms and equipment under a new loan plan and has arranged to put a floor under the prices of farm and fishery products. To stimulate employment for all, the Liberal Government has created a special Department of Reconstruction which is now in operation and which will co-ordinate private and public enterprise, Security for your | OM E _ 'The Liberals believe that the home is the heart of the nation. They aim to give Canadians every possible facility to build and furnish better " homes! With Government assistance you can build a home in the country, town or city. This will make jobs for the building trades, and those who make building supplies--and those who manufacture household equipment and fur- niture. $ New Homes for Canadians -- The Liberal Government's new $400,000,000 National «2. Housing Act, now on the statute books, enables hundreds of thousands of Canadians to get money at low interest and on long, generous terms to build, renovate or enlarge their own homes. Now that Germany is defeated, plans are already in operation for at least 50,000 dwellings. Other practical, workable measures for the security of your home are the Liberal Govern- ment's laws for Unemployment Insurance and liberal Old Age Pensions. The Liberals believe in doing what can be done, as soon as it can be done. If returned to power on June 11th, they will carry on and expand the sound, constructive work already started. Security for your FA MI LY Family Allowances -- Starting in July, parents who benefit least from income tax exemptions will receive Family Allowance cheques every month to help them get better food, clothing, shelter and education for their children so they ~ can grow intd healthy, vigorous Canadian citizens. These cheques will amount to between $200,000,000 and $250,000,000 a year. As direct spending power, this will do much to help in achieving the Liberals' objective of full employment. Health -- A National Health Plan will ensure that everybody shall be taken care of while they are sick and the best measures medical science can devise shall be employed to prevent disease. Despite the efforts of Drew, Bruce, Bracken and other reactionaries, the Liberals are deter- mined that human interests, the needs of men, shall be placed before 'business as usual". The Liberals have faith in Canada, a united country, and in their ability to continue to build, with your support, a more abundant life and greater opportunities for Canadians. IRE 7 7 OF RE fen lila es | PROGRES P-1 EE TE So J CY WE STAND FOUR-SQUARE FOR EQUALITY OF SERVICE AND SACRIFICE IN WAR; IN PEACE, EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL 'iN WITH BRACKEN | Vote for Your SIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE Published by the Progressive Conservative Party, Ottawa. Federation of Agriculture Meet at Greenbank Those attending the joint meeting of Seagrave, Manchester. and Green- bank community groups of the Fed- eration of yc Hall, Wednesday 23rd, had the plea- sure of listening to some of the most interesting and instructive speakers that has been our good fortune to se- cure. Dr. Harry ompson, of the University of Toronto, and br, Hod- gins, Director of Dental Service for the Province of Ontario, were thé est speakers, These men were in- Es by Dr. Phillips, of Oshawa. As a prelude to the Speakers a film entitled, "Bobby's to Heather land" was shown. This was of par- ticular interest to the children, as the 'characters were puppets and followed the form of a comic picture. Dr. Thompson in a most descriptive manner gave enlightenment on tooth formation and structure; reasons for tooth y, and how. this can be atly eradicated by proper foods dental clinies at schools an pre-natal care of diet by mothers, This in very closely with the idea of the film and was very interesting to all, ture in Greenbank bl Following Dr. Thompson's address, Dr. Hodgins outlined briefly on the procedure to be followed in introduc- ing Dental Clinics in our schools, Mr, Richie of the National Film Board, showed pictures on the bomb- ing of London, also,You Can't Kill a City. These pictures certainly gave us a much greater insight on: conditions in the bombed cities and leaves us a little shameful at our own trivial pro- ems. \ A very enjoyable lunch was serv by the ladies which was followed by a dance that was enjoyed by those who remained. I am sure we are greatly indebted to Wallace McMillan who was re- sponsible for the good speakers of the evening. These are your meetings and your attendance makes them a success. Watch for the notice of next meet- ing. Plan to attend and tell others. The regular Church and Sunday School services were conducted at Burn's Church on Sunday, May 27th. Rev, J. A. MacMillan took his text from Ecclesiastes, chapter 12, verse 1: "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth," Next Sunday, Sunday School will be held at 10.80 a.m. and the Church service will 'be at 7.80 p.m. Kindly keep in mind the change of time, Miss Sena Stephen, of Scugog Island, visited at her home during the week-end. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Wallace, of Claremont, called on friends in the village on Sunday. ! Mr. Norman Isaac, of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Fred lean, of Oshawa, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Sherwin on faniay, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Purdy, capt. and Mrs. Purdy, Mrs, Quinn and Mrs. L. Graham, of Toronto, were week-end visitors at the home of Miss A. Dow- son, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Heron and family visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A, Reynolds, of Ajax. Friends of Flight-Lieut. Walter Reynolds will be pleased to learn that he made a short trip from the Azores to Montreal recently. Mrs. Geo. Hayes, of Columbus, is visiting at the home of Mrs, Mary Cassi dy. y On Li virday afternoon, May 26th, a large number of friends and rela- tives gathered at the home of Mrs, Mary Cassidy to offer her greetings on the occasion of her 90th birthday. Guests were present from Whitby, Brooklin, Oshawa, Pickering, Toron- to, Prince Albert and Columbus, &8 Help build this new order of security with freedom. Protect the social gains already made. Vote for your Liberal candidate on June 11th. Published by The National Liberal Committee Federal Election June 11 W. E. N. Sinclair, Liberal Candidate, Ontario Riding VOTE on JUNE 4th for 'GIFFORD LIBERAL CANDIDATE, [Prov. House], Ontario Riding "DR. GIFFORD is a man of good business experience; wide public service; proved popu- larity; and sound judgment. He is thoroughly informed as to conditions through- out Ontario County, and is interested in the welfare of the whole Riding. We need men like Dr. W. H. Gifford NOW. is: GIFFORD FOR... MONDAY, JUNE 4th