)\ .@ FOBT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 17th, 1948 : ; (The firm of Greer & Humphreys Is dissolved) EEE EEL ESTEE ETE 2 ITI ELE EE TLL ILL LLLS j BROCK THE AT RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS |} § i RE th Simcoe purest Neri, 0a. | The Best the Market Offers | 1 4 Phone 618, WHITBY | nial wn thee re fem ofics on ; | tel | F. Ww. BROCK & SON fi Hesltutully Ae Conditioned | Queen Stet, Fart erry, hone safff YOUr Phone Orders Receive | Wi Thifadoy; Friday, Saturdey, | SEL | Careful Attention =} fred fo va Ris at 7 and 9 p.m. in ARTY 3 2 5 Spgke on ; : | | GOODRICH C anv F i aturday Matinee at 1.30 Wednesday morning and Fri afternoon i . } TIA DEANNA DURBIN, in When td by tlie i CAWKER BROS, Family Butchers § ds 100 wear I x Can't Help Singing EEE EE EE EET EE EEE EE a in all Sizes. Real Quality Goods. gE rian | We A; Sangster : ha 'with aige an im Tamiro DENTAL SURGEON ° ° § as lise asa. 154 bi Choice Meats at all Times SISMAN'S WORK BOOTS--$4.95. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, hails Mic y : : MAY 21-22-23 : datas an WE BUY AND SELL.THE BEST |[] Men's Oxfords, $3.75, Boys' Boots, $2.98] CARY GRANT, in DENTAL SURGEON : , : ; "NONE BUT oics etuipped for WE M i. LADIES' OXFORDS, Black or Brown Chl THE LONELY | ©. Mons one + E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER : a HEART" Phones: ~ Office i Fe 68J Phone 72w, ' PORT PERRY Medium Heel, $2.98 and $3.35 f Ei with Barry Fitzgerald, Jane Wyatt, DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG re CASPAR GN iki Ge i _ 9 ° - : FLA Ethe rrymore, June Duprez DENTIST or a yo BR pas { 1 ee : Dup Leonard Block De ramise'd Barber : . SHINGLES Ladies Shirts by Tooke Next Thus AY ha Sunileys (Whois, 20%, Bes, $5 Post Perey ; We have on hand a good supply of XXXXX No. i; STRIPES OR PLAIN ! Ba "THE NI No. 2 and No. 8 B.C. Red Cédar Shingles. } AR DOUGHGIRLS" Bulls CLEANED : Also good stock of Asphalt ici ucts. # $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 6 starring Ann Sheridan, Alexis Smith, . 4 : : | 3 C. P. ROLPH |§ REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER o . Jack Carson, Jane Wyman. ¥ : a ' "Tipp Residence on North Street. i F. E. Reesor Phone 73w F. G. Reesor Englis h Din ner ware Set ah SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED | grmmrmorsrnrcrecrnoncecnnsonsce sacs snnnns . ® . pe WW. J.KING itn Nice Floral Design. 65 Pieces $22.95 . By Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist a UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO § -- : King apd Gea Sv Glass Cups and Saucers--$1.50 dozen fi ~ PRENTICE'S FELTOL RUGS, 9 x 12, $8.50 a qg..-- BEAUTY SALON -- CB dy without appintment GROCERIES--BIlack Tea, 59c. Ib, Li PERMANENT | Ja X WAVES Pastry Flour, 24 lbs., 75c. ; $1.95,and up Dutch Set Onions, 2 lbs. 35c. i SHAMPOO and STYLED SETTING, - i HE on ee. ; Coffee, Fresh Ground, 42c. 1b. i Phone 228, Port Perry . 3 ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. i FOR SAFETY'S SAKE See the GENERAL MOTORS DEALER for these Safety Services fe May 24th inne arinienr 200 A May 81st . vernsrenrann 200 GREENBANK "POULTRY FARM AND CHICK HATCHERY H. V. Hook & Son, Phone 51'r 11 : Port Perry. DR. ED. BAILEY ; VETERIN ARY SURGEON : Uxbridge and Port Perry Phone 127, Uxbridge to " Roverse charges vn xm pal alls Take the first step towards safe driving to me. by seeing the General Motors dealer for a complete Safety Check-up. Let him put your brakes into sound, efficient shape. Let him overhaul your steering, test your wheel alignment and tires. Let him check _ your lights, windshield wiper and glass. LIVE POULTRY AND FEATHERS| WANTED Good prices paid. We have no Rgenis but buy personally. M. FLATT BETHANY, R.R.1 Phone 7 x 18 Bethany June? BABY CHICKS FOR SALE "The following Baby Chicks il be available on the following dates SAFETY SERVICE was never more im- - portant than it is today. Not only is Spring traffic heavy, but many vehicles are over-age and in poor mechanical condition after a hard, punishing Winter. Spencer Corsetiere For your individually hi foundation garments, Mrs. Chalifour, Registered 'Corseticre, will at Levinson's Store, Port hi ds Pho Friday. For information Phone 7200, ~ Port Perry; or 1674R, Oshawa. mal? Dr. R. S. Irwin That's a SHERWIN-WILLIAMS sob 3 "Painted 3 Years ago and Remember -- the life of your vehicle and . £ still as good as ever!" | x ~ the safety of yourself, your passengers and other road users all depend largely upon the good mechanical condition of a) You can always point with ~~ wear and weather, and in maxi- k. "4 pride and satisfaction to mum coverage. That's w hy peo- UEEN ST., PORT PERRY your car or truc your house if it has been painted ble the world over prefer to use Office Hours: 2-4 pa. 7-8 pm, with Sherwin-Williams Paints; Sherwin-Williams Paints and gundayy nln Appointment, 000000000000 000000e proud because of its beauty, and Varnishes. , eet satisfied because you know that Look for the paint dealer with BA AN OPPORTUNITY PLAY SAFE ~~ } in the long run you chose the the famous Cover-the-Earth sign N One of the Nation's Largest most economical, long-lasting and be sure of getting the finest R Sompenies, -catating uSineipally X By Playing Your Part in Support of the SAFETY protective paints available. paints available now, as always. ¥ xh content Which shoud. mean © Painting with Sherwin- You'll find him ple ased to give - SN complete independence for a man for- PROGRAM Sponsored hy the Chiefs of Police! Williams is a sound investment Fou expert advice. Ask to see his EY tunate enough to have the following : = ; b in house beauty, in surface en=* * Paint & Colour Style Guide be-= 3 qualifications--character record . that Take no chances! See the General Motors Dealer for all-round Safety Service, TODAY! durance, in protection against fore you paint or decorate! \) a a Both 0000000000004 0080200400004000000000004- } himself and his own business, Finan Look for the store thai sells 3 cial status not extremely important SC "but a travel outfit is necessary, Write : the advertiser, Box 0-P-6, ~~ may31 SN TUESDAY, MAY 22nd--Sheep, Im- %: ements, ete, the property of Mrs. Holliday, on t le Hemmingway arm, Lot 12, Con, 1, Reach Twp, 1 ile north of M io 'Station. Terms Cash, Sale pi (TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, CARNEGIE HARDWARE co. Phone 61. Port Perry «