AEH ATRL AE Rae CHE » a Me ER iv SN IATA HEE reds y ST Yi Lad icy sang wat adel dt ARAL RAN RAT A Eke IR tok 7 #4 POWERFUL 'NAZI at What do you know about Dr. Robert Ley? Chances are, nothing much, because he was aptly des- cribed as "the Nazi nobody knows." Yet he was one of the most power- ful men in the Nazi hierarchy, wielding more power and influence over the morale of Germany's masses than anyone short of the Fuehrer himself. As Reich Or- ganization Leader, he ran the whole vast bureaucracy of the Nazi party, and as head of the Labor. Front, he exercised despotic control over every German worker. He became a zealous Nazi in 1924, barnstormed Germany preaching Hitler's gospel. He wrote, edited, published and distributed a paper called 'the wildest, maddest anti-Semitic pub- lication which has made use of the German language." Through his influence over the German workers, he is said to be the man who to a large degree, made it possible for Germany to go to war, KAROLYI AGAIN? Count' Michael Karolyi, pictured at his London residence, may be-/ come president of Hungary for a -gsecond time, it is reported. 'HE MADE HITLER ~~ Wilhelm Frick, one-time Ger- man minister without portfolio and Reich Protector ot Bohema and Moravia, recently captured by U. S. forces in Bavaria, is ;probably the highest Nazi, ex- cept Rudolf Hess, yet seized by the 'Alljes, Rabid 'Nazi Frick is said /to be directly responsible for the rise of Adolf Hitler, Dur- dng the 'famous 1923 putsch, he headed" the "Munich political po- lice, aided the abortive revolt, protected Hitler's hoodlums and got the Fuehrer's five-year sen- tence reduced to six months," On coming to power, Hitler prompt: ly made Frick Secrbtary of the Interior. Frick, 'master of Reich domestic affairs, embarked on a series of pogroms, ardering sterilization and murder of Jews, non-Nazis and other '"unfits." He took complete control of German home life, imprisoning parents who failed to follow his decree that 'children must be pr brought 'up as the state expects." er When 'Himmler, once his subot 3 dinate, rose in Hitler's favor, Frick lost ont. HARD GOING ON JAP HUNT Field Marshal Sir Bernard L. Montgomery studies pact surrendering all German forces in north- west Germany, Denmark, and Holland while German peace envoys look on. Left to right are Major Friedel, Rear Admiral Wagner, and Admiral von Friedeburg, A destroyer of the u. S. Fifth Fleet takes a big white one right over the foredeck while ploughing through heavy Pacific seas on the hunt for the elusive Jap navy. h T.. righteous cause of freedom has prevailed in Europe... . as it must. throughout the world when final Victory is won. To our men and women in every branch of the service we. all glory and all praise. To the memory of those who died . . . our reverent prayers. To those at home who have given so much to bring about Victory . .. our humble thanks, THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM THE WINNER in coffee popularity is Maxwell House. More people buy it than any other brand in the world! It's All Purpose Grind suits any type of coffee maker, HEY! SARGE FENTS0.& fogh $2 7 ;