' AT RONAN wy Lf ASS TAY SA he N 2 rh 1 oh: ~ Ms ' vs F¥ . y bd § . . oy : . ¥ (ATE A ml LT Er --a-------- meat i re tre mt rs HAR hg a a A = PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, 1946 : "wh oe Your Victory Loa: MORE SELECT HOGS Ontario farmers have established a record for supplying a higher percentage of Select Grade hogs than any other Province in Canada. There's reason for Salesman DFgd Fe Ie growing better hogs, is becoming outstandingly popular with the farmers. & | pride in such a reputation, for Ontario hogs are going overseas as fast as 8 © they can be produced, and the reputation of Canadian producers will stand +3 1 a on ou " oon ¢ or fall on their performance. . , N 5 § g m . = Ontario farmers know that Select hogs are produced by good management A ; : and good feeding. Healthy litters, from good breeding stock, and fed bal- ®i TR [| ml ' anced rations, will grade out a far greater percentage of Grade A carcasses. R NE Sp : ra than will scrub stock, haphazardly fed. Good feeding is playing an increas- NC ive : 1m a rién y o come ingly important part--and SHUR-GAIN Hog Grower, the balanced feed for SHUR-GAIN Hog Grower is made of good quality animal proteins, vita- mins, and minerals, for fast, economical growth, and lower costs of produc- tion. You'll be sure of healthier, stronger litters, and better marketing results,- when your hogs are fed tasty, palatable SHUR-GAIN Hog Grower. Jada Fresh Hog Grower, made by your local SHUR-GAIN Feed Service : . ill. . Everybody knows what a comforting EN 1 hate = NR | D thing it is to have money where you can - Wy St Wt -- an 0 Buy With Money as You Get It! And, to give yourself an objective to add Zw » to your savings, obligate yourself to -- "Spee, buy more Victory Bonds on the deferred Bit" . payment plan. Make a first payment of ~-- oo 109, or more when you order the bonds Cay, ... and pay the balance with money #s Za, Sencay, you get it, over a period of six months. SL " 8%0liez,, Your Victory Loan salesman will give Foul, ot gs Cct ang, you a copy of the letter on the right. It i Gare eats is a request to your bank to buy bonds for ar fy ota 4. CA re gg " you. Any bank will lend you the money HE Lat "el, - Flore gy to do this and the. interest the bonds rk = Ch ay mea : 15 - : cd 2A earn pays the interest on the bank loan, after hour and day after d a worthy soldier never quite . reached. " 2 extra bond YOU might boy: = small bond thet at i ou would deny youre to you + + ° is so vital in the bucke make. Never have farms, quick possession, Home even- Apply LINES REAL ESTATE, ings. apr26 285 St. Juliens, Oshawa. "4 BLACKSTOCK The County of Durham is being asked to raise an additional $100,000 in the Victory Loan campaign, which brings thé total up to $1,650,000. Cartwright's objective is $65,000. It was previously announced that T. @G. Langfeld, Nestleton, veteran, would act as a canvasser in Cartwright, but on the advise of his doctor, he has decided it would be unwise to take on these duties. His place is being taken "by E. E. Staples, who for many years "More Vi Ei : Vu ¥ [! 3 tory e' A Si / \ get it when you need it. So, in most i homes, the Victory Loan salesman gets a cordial welcome. He offers an oppor- tunity to you to help your country's war effort by just saving your money. In case of emergency you can get cash for your bonds at any bank . . . but you know that when you put savings into Victory Bonds they .will likely stay there, intact . . . drawing good interest. Your savings are protected from your own temptation to use them. Buy all the Victory Bonds you can, with dll the cash you have. Bonds on the Deferred Payment Plan z4\IGTORY BON National War Finance Committee Sudbury, Copper Cliff, Nakina, Fort William and Port Arthur, and at the same time delivering public addresses, inviting subscriptions for the Loan. His tour started April 9th and ex- tends to April 26th, .. Congratulations to Mra, J. Johnston Sr., Millbrook, formerly of Cartwright and mother of Mr, Alex. Johnston, Cadmus, who will be 97 on April 26. She is in good health and able to knit for the soldiers. Oshawa Presbytery Young People's Union held its annual convention at Blackstock, on April 7th and 8th, in the United Church. _Rev. Lois W. Carlson, of Morrisburg, Field Sec'y, was guest speaker, About 100 dele- gates registered and enjoyed the week- well will preach in Anglican Church for a month, We hope then that Mr. Simpson will be allowed to resume his charge. Glad to welcome Mr. S, Jeffrey home after having spent the winter in To- ronto. Victorian W. I. held its "April meet- ing at_home of Mrs, A. Bailey. It was decided to help advertise the fact that another paper and rag drive will be held shortly, You are asked to leave same at corner store, Blackstock before May 16th, C. Bruce Hill, M.C., manufacturer of St. Catharines, assumed office as President, Ontario Division, Canadian Red Cross, at the annual meeting in Toronto, April 16th, ETTEY'S GREENHOUSE HOGG & LYTLE PORT PERRY, Telephone No. 1 SHUR-GAIN 16% HOG GROWER PRICE--$2.75 PER BAG SOLD BY H. H. GOODE GRAIN ELEVATOR MYRTLE STATION, ONT. "Phone 120 r 5, Port Perry ¢ financial support more 3 2 a 3 Owing to scarcity of help and gas rationing, I find it necessary to - continue the delivery of flowers and plants, etc., for this season. I also find it unsatisfactory to place aside any orders during the busy season. This season it will be--First Come, First Served. I thank you for past favours, and trust to give you satistaction in the] future. WM. ETTEY. PIANO FOR SALR Upright piano -in godd condition. Apbyy to Meredith Enghsh, Burketon ~ Shingles, Hardwood Flooring, Sash and Doors, Coal, Ice. ESTIMATES GIVEN LAKE SCUGOC LUMBER & COAL CO, Phone 240w LIMITED i grid ST TE TUL Tp SE - i - ih mre has been a resident of ign end i fh Yillngs, ie 5 Jadies Nak Cartwright Coma with hy Mr. L. Mountjoy or Mr. Staples will | served a banquet a o'clock Saturday e Council met on April 2nd wi f 1 DR ED BAI LEY call on you in due course. evening after which Miss Nellie Lewis | Reeve Green presiding. Among the i AE ° * Our individual contribution to the |of Toronto led the group in games and | communications received was a tender TA VETERINARY SURGEON war effort is very small compared | contests in the armouries, from Mr. Holman for crushing gravel ik Uxbridge and Port Perry with that of those who give their all.| The Sunday evening service closed | which was accepted. A by-law was 5 RT (ge , y All we are asked to do is, lend our|with an impressive candlelight ser- [passed licensing halls in the township. A) Phone 127, Uxbridge money to finance the job; give an oc- | Vice under the direction of Helen Jack- Auditor J. L. Joblin presented his re- : : 1 i, | Reverse charges on all phone calls | casional blood donation to help save i Frooutin. alin ih Pt, Clie Vewning Jonted. the Hk Aq SN fr Laie ar i wy ; the life of one who is doing this Jo r. Carlson's firs eme addréss y a . = 44 10 me oe high down a little on A su jon was on "Higher Levels" on Sunday |tons of calcium chloride was ordered. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO ! A 1 WANTED curtail somewhat on use 4 gasoline mornings his pgeon] unas Wag of. Council will meet at 2 p.m. May 7th. | a RT ; ; ; = Zi ) ort. "rile re and rubber tires, and do whatever war | 4 obler Furpose", and on oun- S : \ i i 1, 30,1 Postrel iss 100, 1 year old} C0 '\e wish to do, when it suits us. | day evening his final address was on| wo RD ob LIANKS of Sonu CARD OF THANKS . EL EO Via: PPL tO Fo] Mr.J. J. Mellor, formerly of Blacks | "Broad Horizons, : ave. 'wi ey / { Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Druean, Sea- : Bradley, Phorie 75R Port Perry, aprl) : grave, wish to express their thanks , 4 Vs : 1 stock, now ¢lerk of Clark Township,| At a convention in Orono Hall, Mr.| ® © appreciation' to their neighbours | Erave, wish to thank the Woman's As- : iz ~ : r 04) ] A Ol Lg | Secretary of Durham Fedération of | W. F. Rickard, farmer, Newcastle was) =o cto 2% 00 0 pov. Mr, Morris, | sociation for their kindness, also to : 'e , 9 ° IAL HOUSES AND FARMS FOR SALE| Auriculture, Leader of Orono Boy |again choice for Liberal candidate for for thelr Xn eas and sympathy dur- | Rev. Mr, Morris and all the good General Builders Su lies \ Hi 14 Several small houses, quick Possess. Scouts, has been chosen by the Na- Durham County Federal election. Mr, ing thew Rc. veatt: neighbours for helping during the - PP ab es pn tional Victory Jorn Comm iion for Rigkard has book, poHn LE soe Tous 'recent illness of Mr. Druean in the 4 , ; uF Ing, ' Ses: "| work of training salesmen at Tipmins,| Sorry to announce the 8 0 indsay H ; i ; : ; session, and several small and large Ah iy ow North Bay, | Archdeacon Simpson. Rev. Mr, Both- Lindsay Hespiisl Planing Mill, Wood and Asphalt . ey : i