Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Apr 1945, p. 4

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- Sot A = ae ad a he pRB Sa oe" _-- A aT Fo Rs ar I Wa my VR ar Ps TI fot RL Bar hf i at, A tt Yi i i en nr ARENT sp hE A J FA XL o Vi i Ta Ne nl gm a A) H ¥ y ¥ t eS a GS EN J "oe Ll i' CET Rg TA a PTI As i bh ) x %) ¥ 5 IND y Y \ 3 3 EE rtf ot ea Ral Ete w iret ------------ Te Ea Try Et te rar - 2h fh Ge, Ap ++ LOCAL NEWS ANE nse einai Miss Pearl Evans and Statf Sgt. C. S. Groundwater, R.C.AM.C, have been visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hall. Staff' Sgt. Groundwater has just returned from five years overseas and has vseen service in Sicily and Italy. Mr. Garnet Raymes, of Welland, spent the week-end with his father, Mr. George Raymes. Mr, and Mrs. S, Jeffrey and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris have just returned home after spending the winter in Florida where they had a most plea- sant time. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Titterton visited on Monday with the latter's brother, Gnr. Frank Lyle, Honeydale, before his return to Newfoundland. Gnr. Frank Lyle has returned to St. John's Newfoundland, after sending a twenty-five day leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. N. Lyle, Frank and Laura, spent a day recently with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lyle and Mrs. Doubt at Myrtle. Visitors at the Parsonage with Rev. and Mrs, Smith, were Mrs. Smith, of Janetville, Miss Hazel Rundle and Miss Wilma Down, of Courtice. Out of town visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reesor, during the past week were: Mr, and Mrs. Hartwell Powers, of Unionville, Mr. Sheldrick, of Dunnville, Mr. and Mus. Myers, and Mr. and Mrs. Mahon, of Toronto. Pte. H, Howard, of the Veteran's Guard, Bowmanville, was at home with his wife for a few days recently. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Howard is doing nicely after her re- cent operation. A carload of members from Warri- ner Lodge journeyed to Oshawa to witness a First Degree exemplified by Corinthian Lodge for nineteen candi- dates one evening last. week. Mrs.- H. H. Powers, of Unionville, was a visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. E. Reesor, on Wednesday. On Tuesday evening the Master of Fidelity Lodge, AF. & A.M, Clarke Williams, and Bros. H. G. Hutcheson, A. B. Cawker and Geo. R. Davey at- tended "McLaughlin" night at Cedar Lodge, Oshawa. Grand Master T. C. Wardley was present and. invested Bro. R. S. McLaughlin with the regalia of Grand Steward. All lodges of this district were represented, and mem- bers of the Craft were present from | Hamilton, Ottawa, Toronto, North Bay and other places. It was a unique night for Masonry in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, Sanderson are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Peel. Miss Irene MacDonald, of Toronto, is home for this week. " Mr. Gordon Reneau, of Toronto, visited at the W. E. MacGregor home during the week-end. Pte. Robert Carnegie is spending some time at his home here. Mrs. Bruce Beare spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Crosier. Mrs. Alan Calladine, Miss Ethel 'Baker and Mr, Frank Baker, all of To- ronto, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. R. G. Bekar and Mr, O. Swan. -- Mrs. David Jackson, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Dr. J. B. and Mrs. Lundy. . The next meeting of the Junior War Workers will be held at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Chapman, on May 1st. HOUSE FOR SALE Seven- roomed frame house and garage, corner of Caleb and Clark streets, Port Perry, Apply to Luther Smith, Little Britain, Phone 141 r 13, Little Britain, may3 WANTED TO BUY Perfection Coal Oil Stove, three burner, in good condition. Phone 198 r 21, Port Perry. WIN A TOURISTS' LODGE $13,000 Tourist' Lodge, a 1942 Chevrolet Sedan, 73 other prizes, 7b prizes totalling $20,000 or the equivalent in Victory Bonds, Mail this "ad". with ONE DOLLAR subscription to "The Kamloops Memorial Recreational So- ciety, 369 Victoria street, Kamloops, B.C. Proceeds to be used to erect a Recreational Centre for our returning Veterans and the citizens of this dis- trict. Date of drawing to be announced in the press. Don't delay! Act now! KILLED IN ACTION WHITE--Killed in Action on Tues- day, April 17th, Donald W. White, | C-W Commissioned Warrant Officer of the Royal Canadian Navy, beloved husband of Ida Mae White and dear father of Jo-Anne, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. White, three sisters, Mrs. Mary Gllespie, Bettly and Peggy White, and one brother Cpl. J. Robert White, of the Cdn, Signal Corps Overseas. . .. Funeral was at A. Comstock & Sons 305-Water Street, Peterborough. Ifi- terment at Little Lake Cemetery. Spencer Corsetiere For your individually designed foundation garments, Mrs, Chalifour, Registered Corsetiere, will be at Levinson's Store, Port Perry, every A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE . Thursday, Friday and Saturday, APRIL 26-27-28 BOB HOPE, in "The Princess and the Pirate" with Virginia Mayo, Walter Slezak, Walter Brennan. Watch Out. . . its Loaded with lovelies -- with laughs -- with Technicolor--Beality and Buccaneers. --ADDED-- "Canada Carries On" ROAD TO REICH FOUR DAYS Mon, Tues., Wednesday, Thurs., APRIL 30th to MAY 3rd "OUR HEARTS WERE YOUNG AND GAY" starring GAIL RUSSELL, Diana LYNN, Chas. RUGGLES Dorothy GISH, Beulah BONDI . James BROWN. It's Young .. It's Gay .. It's Wonderful. 20 million laughed at the book . . The whole world will ROAR AT THE PICTURE. BUY VICTORY BONDS . ... INVEST IN THE BEST. PTE. CLARENCE BUTSON WOUNDED Mrs, C. W. Butson has received two cable messages. One notifying her that Clarence was wounded; and the other that he is seriously ill from the wounds. We regret to hear this report. JOHNSTON--RICHARDS The marriage of Miriam Eileen Richards, daughter of Rev. R. T. Richards and Mrs. Richards, London, Ont., to Lieut. James Rodney John- ston, R.C.N.V.R., son of Rev. W. J. Johnston and Mrs. Johnston, Toronto, was solemnized in Eglinton United church, April 13. Both Dr. Johnston and Dr. Richards officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street-length dress of carnation pink crepe and a matching veil caught with a rose, Her corsage was of pink roses and gardenia. Miss Joyce Forman, her only attendant, wore soft silver- gray jersey, accented with black, and a corsage of carnations and sweet peas in pastel shades. The groom was attended by Peter Bryce. The bride's mother was attired in bleu de ciel crepe, and the groom's mother wore a navy ensemble, Both had cor- sages of crimson roses. Later the wedding party dined at the Royal York hotel and attended the supper dance, After a short honeymoon in the north, the bride will return to her studies at the University of Toronto and the groom to his naval station. BORN TRIPP -- Mr, and Mrs. Irwin B. Tripp, Port Perry, wish to announce the arrival of their son, on April 10th, 1945, a brother for Dorothy. MANNING--To Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Manning (nee Ruth Carnegie) a baby boy, Douglas Wayne, on Monday, April 16th, 1946, at Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital, North Bay. 8T. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister--Rev. J. A, MacMillan Sunday-- 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.--Worship Service. During the winter months, service will be held every Sunday evening. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (ANGLICAN) Sunday, April 29th-- 7.30 p.m.--Evensong. E. G. Bruton in charge. Also survived by | Friday. For information Phone 209, Port Perry; or 1674R, Oshawa, mal7 ) PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, April 29th-- : 10 a,m,--Sunday School 11 a.m. -- Rev. A. C. Hoffman, Senior Missionary from West China, will speak. 7 p.m,--At What Price England! A patriotic sermon lecture based on Philip Gibbs' war novel "The Battle Within," PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: P. Taylor 11 a.m.~--Morning Worship. 2.30 p.m.--Bible School 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service, Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Dr. R. S. Irwin QUEEN S8T., PORT PERRY Office Hours: 2-4 pm. 7-8 p.m. Sundays b ADpeintment. PHONE 208 Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY | OPTOMETRIST White Kitchen Restaurant Is re.opened for business. Walter Cook, Proprietor 2 SLENDOR TABLETS -- harmless and effective. 2 weeks' supply, $1.00; 12 weeks', $5.00. At Lawrence's Drug Store. Corns instantly relieved with Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve--the effective corn remedy, 50c. at Lawrence's Drug Store. PEKIN DUCK EGGS FOR SALE Also Ducklings at 15c. each. Apply to Mrs. Bolton, R.R.2, Seagrave, just north of Honey's Corners. AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th--Grant Christie is offering in Dispersal sale, 34 accredited Pure Bred Scotch Short- horns, 24 accredited good grade Shorthorns, 32 choice Yorkshire Swine and 35 registered Shropshire Sheep. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp, Wednesday, May 16th, at Dundrennan Farm, Lot 14, Con. 4, Reach Tp., half mile east of Manchester. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. PROMPT SHIPMENT Plenty of Government Ap- proved Bray Chicks | for ptompt shipment in these breeds and hybrids: BARRED ROCK" WHITE LEGHORN NEW HAMPSHIRE New Hampshire x Sussex Sussex x New Hampshire New Hampshire x Rock Rock x Leghorn New Hampshire x Leghorn Minorca x Leghorn y ZHI DOES THE TRICK/ "Phere will b& a demand for every pound of Grade A and Grade B poultry meat that can be produced in Canada in 1945", says a statement from the Poultry Industry Committee of On- tario. "Distributors will be hard pressed to take care of all demands. "Producers can count on these as what they should ask for--and get--dress- ed, F.0.B. country processing plants: Chickens, Grade A Milk-Fed--30c per ® Ib.; Grade A--28; Grade B Milk-Fed 98: Grade B26." We have always been careful --28; Grade B--26. R . about blood-testing. This cea- son we have put on the most ambitious re-testing cam- paign in our history. We now have breeding flocks totalling 55,000 birds without a single reactor. Tell us your chick requirements, and we yill give you full information on Bray Chicks (10 breeds, 6 hybrids, Gov- ernment Approved). Prompt service, early shipment. FRED W. BRAY, LIMITED, 120 JOHN STREET N., ° "HAMILTON . It will pay well, this year, to raise and finish your cockerel chicks. Many people make the cockerels pay full cost of raising the pullets, and with reasonable luck you should be able to do the some. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, 1946 Phone 32 for FRESH, CLEAN BAKING Orders Given Prompt Attention Satiiday Special-- 'Coffee Rolls Phone 32 . GERROW BROS. a JEMISON'S BAKERY 18 DEPENDABLE FOR GOOD BAKING Phone 93 Ww ART. JEMISON, Proprietor A. R. Gray, R.R. 2, Poret Prry--Agent C.G. LT. 8th VICTORY LOAN 8th Victory Loan sales across Can- The meeting was held or Monday, | ada totalled $75,066,450 on Tuesday. April 23rd. The meeting opened with the singing of God Save the King. The C.G.IL'T. "Purpose" was repeated, followed by the Lord's Prayer. Hymn 488 was sung and Psalm 689 repeated. The minutes of the last meeting were read which was followed by the Roll Call. Business was discussed, and all went to their groups. You may use Instead of special home canning sugar coupons, twenty extra preserves coupons in Ration Book No 5 are being made available for the purchase of sugar for canning. These coupons are good for half a pound of sugar each or the stated'value in commercial preserves, for they are the same as any of your preserves coupons. For tasty, nourishing and economical winter desserts, most Canadian housewives. will again do some preserving this year...jams, jellies and all kinds of fresh fruits. Sugar is still very scarce. We must continue to conserve our supplies. This year, the allowance for home canning will be the same as in 1944--ten pounds per person. Be sure to use your ration sparingly. HOW TO GET SUGAR FOR CANNING for canning. any other valid preserves coupons to SUGAR FOR CANNING COUPON CALENDAR EINER EE ER. BUNA £ BBR. (oF Be. A Aad NERA o BRN I BER 1h bo) USE ONLY AS REQUIRED The twenty extra preserves coupons for sugar for canning will remain valid until declared invalid by the Ration Administratior., You do not have to use them immediately. You will be given plenty of notice of their expiry date. purchase sugar, also at half a pound each. No_exchange is necessary. Your grocer will accept any valid preserves coupons when you purchase sugar There are now only two kinds of coupons for sugar. The regular sugar coupon, good for one pound of sugar, and the preserves coupon, worth half a pound of sugar, her ration book. RATION ADMINISTRATION THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD -y SUGAR 15 SCARCE -- USE IT SPARINGLY GUARD YOUR RATION BOOK If you lose your ration book, the extra preserves coupons 'which have already been declared valid will not be replaced. It is up to each consumer to look after his or ' CLIP THIS CALENDAR FOR READY REFERENCE "| BILL TAYLOR : 3 Combined purchases for Monday and Tuesday reached $142,851,7560. These figures compare with $77,269,800 for the second day of the 7th Victory, and $145,630,100 for the first two days of that loan. National War Finance Committee. Taylor's Auto Electric ' PORT PERRY GENERATORS STARTERS FIELD COILS REPAIRED and EXCHANGED Proprietor In days of uncertdinty, reliable INSURANCE is essential. s Whatever your Insurance needs may be, consule H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry PASTURE FOR RENT Pasture for cattle, plenty of water, good shade. Lots 14-15, con. 7, Reach Township. For particulars, phone or write Abe. Wallace, Phone 3R, Port Perry P.O. apr26 BioonsT SHOW VALUB IN OSHAWA Bilt Smoking In The Loges THEATRE, OSHAWA Continuous Show Daily - Thursday, Friday, Saturday, APRIL 26-27-28 "Northwest Mounted Police" | IN TECHNICOLOR with GARY COOPER, MADELEINE CARROLL, PAULETTE GODDARD, PRESTON FOSTER, ROBERT PRESTON Haim Tamiroof, Tynne Ovesam, George Bancroft, and Walter Hampton. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; APRIL 30, MAY 1-2 FRANK SINATRA, GEORGE MURPHY, _ GLORIA de HAVEN, ADOLF MENJOU, in STEP LIVELY -- ADDED FEATURE -- MICHOEL REDGRAVE and | BARBARA MULLEN, in "Thunder Rock" Invest in the Best---Buy a Bond a ~% during 8th Victory Loan rive | og? Eh " y ;

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