ON THE MOVE Richard Mec Lieut.-Gen. Sir Creery, above, heads the British Eighth Army in Italy, which after long months on a "forgotten front," burst out in a majbr of- fensive toward Po River plain. FINN OUT Nes Premier Juho W. Passikivi, above, of Finland, has resigned with his government, He conducted peace negotiations with the Russians., STRIKES IT RICH" Lt. Jack MacFarlane, above, of Hollywood, Calif., literally 'struck .gold" in Germany. The engineer officer supérvised blowing open of the salt mine vault at Merkers, where U. S. Third Arrly captured hoard of German gold and art treasures. TIGHTEN YOUR BELT Gos You'll eat less in 1945 and so will your Canadian neighbors, says Lt.- Col. Ralph W. Olmstead, above, Director of Supply for the United States War Fooa Administration, pictured as he gave the bad news to the Senate Food Investigating Committee. Relief requirements abroad have reached such peaks, they cannot be met without cutting CANADIAN ENGINEERS BRIDGE THE RHINE we aa 3 " " 2 Ree ut 3 ny Rd . al] w Sid ASR, AREA SE $3 RESALE NE Xe do. r x no small task when it comes to but the Royal Canadian Engineers have performed near--miracles in bridging the Rhine River after the Canadians' historic crossing. The top photo shows engineers sliding into position a section of bridge that crossed the Rhine near pace with the rapidly moving First Canadian Army is Keeping of communications, building bridges for their evergrowing lines the Dutch corner, and on completion was named "Blackfriars Bridge" after a famous old bridge in England. The lower picture shows engineers floating sections of a Bailey bridge into place. - This was later named "Melville "Bridge". Canadian armour is now rolling across the Rhine and other German rivers, on this and similar bridges in the final stages of liberating the continent. A ; ; : Vir eos AF oy HE i Bois 4 ihn 0 Aa re Bhs sie Be yal SrA a a EN UNWELCOME SIGHT TATE PAINS? = He SECS ne - ~~ = 3 in sd : FED A ---------- a a] with Lemon Juice Men and women who sufler nagging aches and pains caused by Rheumatism, Néurits, oi Lumbago wan o relieve such symptoms promptly To get such relief... try ALLENRU! Mix 2 wble- spoons of this fine medicine with one tablespoon of lemon juice in a glass of water. Untold thousands of folks use ALLENRU. Get ALLENRU today , of 85¢ at any drug store. It was bad enough to have been taken prisoner, but insult was added to injury for the German officers at right when they had to apaite for, utatiiadive bhookind watch Allied soldiers crossing the Weser River as: they forged Stafford-Miller (of Canada) Ltd, Dept. 9, 172 John 8t,, Toronto, Ont. deeper into Germany. Ja IY {= lo) AV oY oY L=Yel (oki Le) to the many friends of Wrigley's Spearmint, Doublemint and "Juicy Fruit' Chewing Gum WRIGLEY'S 8 wanuvacTune® { oum 'HOUSE HUNTING' YOU GET UP GLADLY ES when breakfast brings Maxwell House coffee. Its grand, satisfying flavor stimulates and cheers you. . | Packed in a Wartime Bag in an All Purpose Grind. 3 Headac 1) Nothingis moredcpres- 8 ; sing than headaches { Why suffer?.. Lambly's \ will give instant relief. Larmbiys good orcar oz ) ache, toothache, painsin Fieud/ back, stomach. bowels. HEADACHE POWDERS 1¢ t thoro oan % ] X ow that wo TR ] im e well KN earmint, D jo Armed Foroes e chewing flavors for. no mor : ¢ these th ho i finest quail ok Wrigley t honest TZ oth mill ering this and fo a 2% = of uniform, Until we oan oo o wo aro making ® P to help We prand wn You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL Members ofa jeep crew of an 'Allied Infantry Division take cover TORONTO behind their vehicle while searching out snipers hidden in a house ® Roo ith Bath, Show. in Fulda, Germany. : e Jorn Telephone. " on Single, £2.00 up-- Hie, 83.50 A SUPPLIES FROM THE SKIES @ Good Food, Dining und Dane = ing Nightly : Sherbourne at Carlton Tel RA 4135 Fd 4, An R.AF. aircratc drops sipplies to the Kast Africans on the far side of he Chindwi. River in Burma while gunners manning Bofors guns give an* -airc.aft protection, . civilian allocations, he said, . : / REALLY BLOWN up ta aii When an Allied homb suck near the railroad station in Muenster, a Germany, it tossed this locomotive and tender into the air, Loco- ' motive remained balanced on end of coal car. ois . » A a p™ ol «> LINE UP FOR VICTORY | ] = let's all buy Bonds Contributed by DAWES BLACK HORSE BREWERY k .