| SRG SHA UY a ar Aaataaiia A re San i pi » Rs E 3 TRLCARE, , » . LECTRATE IN STAT SRNR 33 ELT TORTIE ke Yas RANE RAR POA PURI ATA. % is a a a a a a a EE Ee a Ce] abliopniugs i bi sade udtantusiaiines pe drssicndion Using an old steel helmet for a selves a spot of Salada just back of the front line. They A SPOT OF TEA A de IN HOLLAND En oe oo SEO tea kettle, this trio of Canadian soldiers in Holland brew theme are left to right: Pte. Roy Saunders, Nanaimo, B.C., Pte. Don Angus, Penticton, B.C, and Pte. Harold Bailey, Grand Forks, B.C, VOICE OF THE PRESS COMPLACENT BOSSY Continuing shortages of butier are forcing a further cut in the ration of this' commodity. Ap- parently no one has yet been able 10 learn enough cow language to inform Bossy that there's a war on. . --Windsor Star --O0-- AS THEY WOULD Maybe the simplest way would be just to give Germany. and Japan the sort of peace we feel pretty sure they'd have given us. --TLondon Free Press cies LOOSE TALK "A bull is a bull," the Seaforth Expositor says, "and no more to be trusted than a German." It's that kind of loose Ld makes "wild bulls wilder. --Otalva Citizen Gre = All WE CAN DO There are so many conflicting reports about Hitler that about all one can do is hope for the worst. --Kitchener Record Sample Plywood Home Sent To U. K. A -shmple British- Columbia pre= fabricated "plywood house now is on shipboard bound for the Uni- ted Kingdom, where it will be in- spected to sce if it is suitable for Britain's post - war building pro- gram, it was announced recently by Hon. E. C. Carson, Minister of Trade and Industry. B.C. construction industry some months ago said it could supply 100,000 of these homes to Britain. The house is composed of a liv- ing room, kitchen, two bedrooms, and bathroom, ALLIES RIDE LVT IN GERMANY Residents of newly-liberated Saarlautern, Germany, get a good look at one of the Allies' most versatile war machines--an 'LVT (landing vehicle track) as it rumbles up the street. LVT's are duplicating their Pacific success in Europe, Allies Plan To Ban : Nazi Secret Arms ; Prime Minister Winston Chur- chill informed the House of Com- mons recently that the Allies were making plans to see that Germany could not carry out secret experi- ments to develop long-range | weapons, "We have a lot of regular people on the job and so have our Ameri- can and Allied friends," he said, ol AA "vhis Canadian soldier, Pte. J. 8, P. Bowen, Birch River one of the first CEnadians to wade ashore in: the assault upon Sigily on Jun 10, 1048 and now granted a 30-day Christmas leave i anada bids farewell to his little Italian friend in a village not behind the front lines in Italy, "KEEP YOUR CHIN UP, SONNY' % Man, Don't Scortch Earth Allies Warn Nazis Gen. Dwight D., - Eisenhower bluntly informed the German people recently that they "cannot count upon food, fuel, or clothing from the military government," and must rely upon their own re- sources. The "scorched-earth policy" of the .retreating Nazi Army will serve only to multiply the suffering and hardships of the German people, he said in a proclamation read over Allied transmitters in Europe and reported by the Office of War Infortnation. "The Allied armed forces will import the bulk of their require- ments," the proclamation said. "If they should be in a position to give help to the population of Europe, this help will primarily go to the population of the countries which have been ravaged and plundered. by the German armies, "The German people will have to rely on its own resources. It is of highest importance that these resources should not be destroyed by the Nazis' scorched-earth policy. . : \ Pigeon Parachutist Has Perfect Score Seventeen thousand pigeons have: been parachuted into enemy- occupied territory, "bringing back valuable information. from behind the enciny lines on many occasions when the use of wireless was im- possible," the British Radio re- ported, . According to the British Army's Disector of Signals, "Of the thou- safids of birds dropped into France, Belgium, Holland, and Denmark, about 1,700 brought back ir essages from the Resistance, "One bird, Roberta, survived three years' operational duty withs out making one mistake. Another; William of Orange, was with the Allied troops at Arnhem and flew the 260 miles back to London in the record time of four hours and 25 minutes," «The Financial Post. ally claim no special dislike for~ Have You Heard? A bishop attended a banquet and a clumsy waiter dropped a plate of hot soup in his lap. The clergy- man glanced around with a look of agony and exclaimed: "Will some layman please say something appropriate." In Before Mussolini invaded Greece he assured Hitler that 'the Italian army was in full running order. --0-- Two women were talking in the street when an acroplane went over. One looked up apprehen- sively. "It is all right, dear," said the other; "it's one of those old- fashioned planes with a man in it." --0-- "Morning Brown, everything at home?" "The wife's well, thank you." How's Serving Nazi Cause In casual conversations one fre quently hears the prediction that goes something like this: "Within five years we will be at war with Russia." Usually these forecasters claim some knowledge of" world history, but certainly they have no particular information on which to base their assertion, comments They usu- Russia, deep concern for the future, But if enough people start pre- dicting war with Russia or any other country, and if they keep on saying so long enough, then war will assuredly come, 0.K. WITH G.L's 33:2 >. ve Out of place in this setting? Not go you could notice it, say G. L's behind lines in Italy who see Rita Roper, Chicago dancer, shown leaving tent "dressing room," do her stuff as U. S. O, entertainer. LE] 'When American Come, Jungle Go' As a native in the Netherlands Indies watched an amphibian bri- gade engineer push down trees with a bulldozer, he was asked to compare the jungle fighting of the - Allies to that of the Japanese. "Aussie, him good jungle fighter," he answered. "Jap, him good jungle fighter." "American come, jungle go." INDUSTRY'S "D.S.0." Bright ideas of aircraft workers for faster, cheaper or better ways of doing their jobs have already saved Canada $715,358. erit Awards are presented an- nually for the 25 best production saving ideas of the year by aircraft workers. Workers in 11 altcraft plants throughout the country share in the honor list. Their ideas alone are caleulated to have saved the nation a total of $174.00 in ne Jer own plants ¢ ve bi Bo total of $0,921 in cash, a good part of which was smacked t back into Victory bonds, i Perfe¢t Car Built For Soviet Official British motor engineers, sworn to secrecy and working behind closed doors, have pioduced the perfect car for the use of a high Government official in, Moscow, re- ports the Daily Mail motoring cor- respondent, It is now on its way fo Russia, and the specifications have been "locked away and the drawings' for work have newspaper the luxurious body been destroyed. The learned, however, that the car. has . two compartments and that every- thing imaginable has been pro- vided for the comfort of six pass- engers. Both compartments are heated, and there is' an air-condi- tioning system which supplies warm air at an even temperature. The car's value has been put at approximately $20,000, EXPLAINED AT LAST! Women do not really talk "more" than men, it is simply that they love repetition. --London Free Press SETA HA sant my Bon the tank pictured above. plants, TWO UP ON THE pe ; +3 As SIPS 20 Be Any Yank who fought in North Africa, Sicily, Italy or France will tell you that the German 88-mm, gun, used on their tanks and tank destroyers, is a trouble-makin' baby. Now Uncle Sam has a pretty tough trouble-shooter of his own--the §0-mm. seen on Tank is the new "General Jackson" (M-36) produced at Fisher Body's Flint and Grand Blanc, Mich., GERMANS' '88' MR i HE 3S AGENTS. WANTED AN OLD ESTABLISHED CHICK hatchery wants agents In cer- tain localities in Canada to take orders for chicks in your spare time. "The cOGmmission is good and the chicks are well and fav- ourably known, Write for full details Box No. 182, 73 Adelalde W.. Toronto. BABY CHICKS 100 CHICKS FREE :' WITH EVERY ORUER OF 100 PUL- let chicks, we give 100 f:ee chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets $19 95 pei 100. White Rock Pullets $24.95 per 10¢. Brown leg- horn Pullets $24.95 per 100, 1 chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock. $1.00 books your order, balance C.0.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontarlo. ORDER SPRING CHICKS NOW. Whether you take delivery early in the new year or later on it's desirable to order well in advance to get what you want in breed, quantity and delivery date. If you - can take care of them, you'll likely want January-February chicks. But whatever you want and when, we urge that you take stock and order well in advance, Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. - BUY GOVERNMENT APPROVED CHICKS EVERY BREEDER GOVERNMENT banded and blood-tested. Avoid disappointment by ordering your chicks early. Write for 1946 prices, and catalogue containing the proper brooding and methods used In raising better poultry. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS Monkton,- Ont. BARRED ROCKS, NEW HAMP- shire, White Leghorn and Hy-' brid pullets for. immediate deliv- éry. Also booking orders for day old chicks. Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ontario. - $1.00 BOOKS YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW, and not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. eggs or better. Barred Rocks mixe $12.00 per 100, White Leghorns mixed $11.00 per 100. Barred Rock $19.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed $15.00 er 100, white _Rock Pullets 24,00 per 100, Brown leghorns mixed $13.00 per 100, Brown leg- horn pullets $24.00 per 100. We uarantee 100% live delivery. alance paid C.0.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario, LAYING AND READY TO LAY immediate delivery. 7 pullets for - Barred Rock, White Leghorn, New Hampshire, Hybrids, Also booking orders now for day old chicks. Tweddle Chick Hatcheriés Ltd., Fergus, Ontario, _ EGGS AND MEAT ARB THE TWO cash sources of pou'try fhcome, get our calendar and pricelist and learn why our high egg rec- ord, large bodied birds will make more money for you. bia Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. Box W. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you want them, Barred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100, white leg- horns mixed $11.00 per 100, Bar- Ted Rock 'Pullets $19.00 jes 100, white leghorn pullets $22.00 per 100, Heavy Breed Cils. $6.00 per 100 Leghorn Ckls, $2.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 286 oz, eggs or better and from special mated flocks. Quaranteed 100% live delivery. $1.00 books your order, balance C.0.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontarlo. $100.00 IN CASH PRIZES WILL BE glven by Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries. Thirty-three lucky people who guess the correct or nearest correct number of ordinary white beans 'contalired in a full Imperiul uart Jar. Write to Tweddle atcheries for contest rules. Better hurry. Contest closes Jan- uary 16th, 1945, Book your order now for 1945 chicks, Liberal dis- count for early booking, also dis- count for early dclivery, You can't lose, price guaranteed against a raise or decline. Tweddle. chicks are rated high for liv- ability and fast growth. They are all from Government Approv- L.. ed bloodtested stock. Free cat- alogue. Algo laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate deliv: ery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont, BABY CHICKS THERE'S EXTRA PROFIT FOR you--right from the start -- with Top Notch chicks] Yés, - extra profits in the form of discounts (1) Discount for booking your order early. (2) Discount fof tak- ing early Delivery. Top Notch chicks not only save money from the start, every Top Notch chick is Government Approved from bloodtested breeders, assuring you of healthy, livable chicks. Send for catalogue today and read the succeéss our customers have had with Top Notch chicks. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immed- fate delivery. Top Notch Chick- eries, Guelph, Ontario. TWO CARLOADS, WELL BROKEN Draft horses, Percherons, Bel- glans, 4 to 7 years old, weighing 1500 to 1700 lbs. Apply Ross E. Matlock, Box 29, Gorlitz, Sask. ~ CANADIAN GROWN SAGE for sale, $1.15 per pound. Postage Wire Fox, Cockers, Dalmations, "many others. 4323 St. Dominique, Montreal, P.Q. COCKER SPANIELS, CHOICE PUP- ples, blacks, reds, parti e3l0red, ed on champion blood lines Shi owick, approval, Dr. Watson, Ques JERSEY BULLS FROM :SILVER Medal Dams, by our AA Senior Sire Edgeley Standard Noble Lad, classified very good, by the Silver Medal Sire, Brampton Jester's Standard 2nd Reagonabl R. 2, Maple, Ont. Te FIVE REGISTERED SHORTHORN bulls, to 12 months, $100 and 'ooup. J. D. Jackson, Harrliston, Ont. ers, young males $5.00, young females $6.00, yearlings $7.00. Avmmureng Brod, R.R. 1, Parls, nt. 1-13 INCH VESSOT GRAIN GRIND- er guaranteed like new with dust collector and bagger. 1 Massey- Harris grainggrinder 15" in good condition. Both. thee machines are llke new. Gerald Miller, Ad- dison, Ont. POULTRY GRITS BUY CANADIAN GRITS AND SAVE 259, and produce 'better eggs. We have available for immediate shipment in carload lots or less, white soluable (989, Calcium; Carbonate and white insgluable 1% Write for prices and samp- es, z . STINSON REEB SUPPLY €O.,, LTD. 5585 Delorimler Ave, Montreal, Que. 44 ACRES BLACK SAND, GOOD e¢nsh. Mike XKricfalusia, R.R. Bb, Tilbury North, PASTURE MIXTURES--ALFALKA ALFALFA SEED-ONT. GROWN DON'T , ORDER. -NOW. Quantity limited, secufe your re- quirements while It lasts. of hardy, adaptable Some grown seed of high purity and germ- fnation, positively the best seed we have ever offered. Fancy No. 1 Government graded.- seed 37c per pound dellyered; samples .on request. Also hybrid seed. corn, asture mixtures, registered oats, eans and peas. Wa supplied the Ontario Department' of Agricul- ture during 1944 with special we Br P held. Box 5s, go t h oh Untarlo. fr ridse Tri fast growing prepaid, McGuigan's Orchard, - Cedar Springs, Ont. AIRDALES, BOSTONS, COLLIES, .Priged, Vaughan Acres Limited,' BROWN FBRRETS, SURE HUNT- (over 99¢, Silica): Agents want- land. Good building, $3,500. Half. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A, BODDINGTON BUYS, sélls, exchanges musical ingtru- ments. 111 _Chureh, Toronto 3. FARMS FOR SALE $12,000--100 "ACRE FARM, LAKE frontage situated on No. 8 High. way near Palmyra, Ont. Tiled about every 4 rods to lake. Good buildings and very goo soil, Apply to Box 2, Glencoe, Unt. 176 ACRE FARM, § M!LES FROM Excter, sandy loam all under cultivation, no wastd and, abunds« ance water, 70 acres Fall Wheat, Brick house, hydro, telephone, banked barn 70 by 40, 2 concrete silos, Joule house 60 "by 40, three floors, capacity 4,000 lay- ing hens, tool shed, 1 acre or- Chard Price $12,000. Apply to: Ontario. MEDICAL GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys oftensive odor Instantly, 45e¢ bottle. Ottawa agent Denman Drug Store, Ottawa STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of lll-health in humans, all_ages, No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your troubld? Interest ng par< ticulars--Free! Write Muiveney"s Remetlies, Specluliste, Toronto 8. IT'S IMPORTANT -- EVERY SUF- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335- Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. BRBEENATONE HEALTH SALTS positively does relleve Arthritis and Rheumatisih. Painful, gwol=- len joints reduced no matter how long you have suffered. Months supply $1.00 postpaid. Indian Fanedien Box 118, Vancouver, OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN -BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA] LITADING 2CHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hair. dressing Pleasant dignified proféssioh, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest svs- tem, Tllustrated cataloguo free. Write or call MARVEL JA RRRESSING SCHOOLS #68 BLOOR W. TORONTO Brafithts: 44 King 8t. Hamilton, 74 Ridean Street. Qttawn PATENTS. _ FETHERSTONHAUUH & COMPANY Solicitors. Established ing West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest, PERSONAL "ELIJAH (COMING REFURB Christ," _wonderful book free. Megiddo Misslon, Rochester 17, CHOTOGRAPAY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your filme properly developed and prinfe 6 UR 3 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25¢ REPRINTS § ror 25¢ FINHAT BNIARGING SERVICE You may' not get all the films yuh want this year, but you ean get all the quality and sérvice you desire by sending 'your films' to IMEERIAL, PHOTO SERVICE { tation J. Toronto | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, CHELT- enhamm, 9 miles Bratiupton, 7 room brick house, oak floors, modern conveniences hot-air. hedting, verandah, good lot, garage $4500, 00. Bramptojn Real Estate, Brampton. HANDY GIFT, PLASTIC CIGAR- ette case, nssorted colors In fane box, postage Included = $1.25, * quantity. limited: J. E. Beause: joun 4557 Papineau Ave; Mon- real, . ye COMPLETE SAWMILL. 10 TO 15- thousand capacity, ready to go Steam tractor, power-edgér, cut- off, ete. Will consider part cash. part lumber. Contact H, V. Zim: merman, Manager, at Pinewood. Ontarlo, or write Pennington Lumber Co. (Canada) Itd., Birn- amwood, Wisconsin, 25 FREE CHUCKS OUR FOUNDATION STOCK 18 refzistered and pedigreed Birds, Nothing Metter in Canada. Order now, Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar: red Rocks, $12.00 per hundred: White Leghorns, $11.00; White Rocks, $15.00: Brown horns. 13.00. Pullet rices: arred pels: $10.00; hite Leghorns, White . Rocker 3 0; awn Leghorns, sat00. 2 free s, our choice, Ww for each 200 mixed chicks ovaers 5, Vt fe SE Ree u Hatchery, Bri- Ontario. DYRING & CLBANING $id Goddard Ohlck tannia eights 7 100 ACRES, CLAY LOAM, LEVEL. . 15 acres bush, good drainage, two storey brick house, 2 harns, good water dnd roads, 8 miles, from West Lorne. Good arket for sash crops. Prices $6.500, Discount or ch BREEDER TURKEYS, NANRRA- anset And géruine brondbreasted i hronas A HEovernmant tested stock, ales Up fo 25 And 30 18, Decémber delivery, ndon McDonell, Greenfield Ont. % FOR SA) Be CLYDESDALJ] arLD: ihg and fiy FAR 1 1 are aor, oh alince, RR. 2 8t, Paul's, On HAVE YOU ANYTHING NERDS, {Yeing or Slsaningl Write to us r information. 'are glad to Answer your Questions. epart: ment , Parker's ° orks Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To: ronto, . HAIRDRESSING LEAT N HAINDRESSING THE son method, Information n_ request Jaizarding classes. oberteon"s Haolrdressing Acad. emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. : ' sh. it Box 190, 73 Adelaide St. W,, Toronto * | GENERAL TART TIR WI STAMPS! ACADIAN BTAMP CO. BOX §8, Masson, Que. Free. Set 4 Ecua- dor, Darwin Corhm. to purchasers of our 80c, 100 different packet, requesting approvals.. Post free, WE. BUY STAMP JLLECTIONS-- * best time to sgéll--good prices pald. Send in for offer. Also fine stamps on approval. York Stamps, ' Toronto 1. FETE RATIGRY SUPPLIES NEWLY "INVENTED AUTOMATIC Snare Trap." The simplest and fastest trap, Anybody can make it In 10 minutes, con set snare 3 times size of ordinary sets, can use any kind of wire, Excel lent for: gnaw sols, Guaranteed will eatch any suspicious animal from ber weasel, $1.00 fop plan and Insiroction Peter Zep- ILS Saltham, Quebec. 'WURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSE, $00 PER month, room" and board theluded, $80 gladuate hiLEs Der month, room an OAT: neluded, Appl Waterford Private fi epital, Waterford, Ont, 5 id DUTY GRADUATD Reg, Nurkes, 10 hour day, 6 day" week: alternating ety cod or night; $40.00 ménthly with maintenance. = Cornwall General H , Cornwall Te WANTEN ; BASSWOOD LOGH OF VENBEN quality. Will {ake &: swell Der: cetniE of elm Ane ORKYOTY Baske , Limited, Oakville, Opt. ¢ ISSUE 53 -- 1944 Reid, Box 103, Chatham, - ER