iN IY 3 yi! \ eB i LI SN y FAL Fld A i FO | 51 \ i; . i i EER, ASE "of An indication of what skies over Europe will look like when the Allies invade Hitler's continents! octress is given in the spectacular photo above, showin; wiaused descent by U. S. paratroopers in England, put on fo T me inister Winston Churchill and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, supreme Allied Commander, Hitler's Objective: Farms Of Canada Perev 1. Philip, Ottawa corres- pondent of the New York Times, spoke recently to the Canadian Club in Montreal and said something else apropos of this war's participation and objectives that should be borne in mind by the people of the Dom- inion, "It was not the roeky Hills Scotland that Hitler wanted for the vital space of the German peo- ple)" said Meo Philip, "it the rich plains and farms ofp Canada. There are too many of vou even now --it 1s a common tault--who think that vou have done all that vou have done for Britain or vacue- Iy for someone else. It You did it protect vourselves, That is what we alt dvd" Brant- ford Expositor. a was isn't 10 Loose Talk Tips Javanese When To Leave Kiska Loose talk, radiating from the CAdaska embarkation port of Seattle, enabled the Tapaneie to pull thou- sands of troops out of Kiska last August, Major Albert I. Stowe, an Arioyv intelligence sspokesman, savs thereby leaving invading U, S. forces "with a hollow tantamount toe defeat" "Common was the knowledge in Seattle that we plannel to attack Kiska and, prior to the invasion, unauthorized persons, both mili- tarv and civilian, openly disclosed the D-date, Aug. 15. "As a result the Japs got out voluntarily. Not one remained on the island when our troops arrived at 3 o'clock in the morning. Some scattered machine-gun fire the day befare, reported by our reconnais- sance fliers, indicated presence of hostile troops then. I'ven these were gone when we got there," Major Stowe said. "They knew we were coming-- and when," he asserted. "So ac- curately aid so fan in advance were the Japs tipped off that had they chosen to implement their forces they might have annihiliated us." victory true, 'garding Have You Heard? At the mecting of a local councll there had been some discussion re- the type of milk which should be provided for the school children, oi To conclude -the debaté, the chairman rose portentously to his feet. + "Gentlemen," he declared, "what this town needs is a supply of clean, fresh milk, and the vouncil should take the bull by the horns and demand it" --O-- "What happened, George?" - "Puncture." "You should heve looked out for it. The guide book says that there is a fork in the roac just about here." » ---- A Scotsman applied for a posi- tion as a partrolman on the Lon- don police force. Scotland Yard asked him this question: "Suppose, McFarland you saw a crowd cangregated, how would you disperse it quickly?" And without an iustant's hesit- atton, MeFartand answered: 1'd pass thee hat!" h K, - ---0-- A sailor home on short leave consulted a doctor about a sore throat. After an inspection, the doc- tor said: "You had better try gargling with salt and water." "What again!" said the sailor, "I've been torpedoed three times."+* --0-- Seeking an' interviewf with his comminding officer, ter young man shyly asked for special leave. "Humph!" said the C.O. "And what do you want it for?" "Well, sir" was the bashiu! reply, "a lady friend of mine is getting married and -- er -- she rather wants me to act as bride-groom." T if Freddie: "Poor old Tom fell intg a fortune last year." "Frankie: "Why poor?" Freddie: "He fell int hard that - he went il - tt so right SMOKE SIGNAL OF DANGER" BS Tlie remarkable photo, made from the Naval Air Transport Service plane whose nose appears at right, shows Mt; Veniamanof, on Aleutian Island ¥ of the Alaskan Peninsula, sending up billows of black smoke as angry p : A boil within its depths, Oldest known volcano, Mt, Venlamanof ' ence was 18,000 to 20,000 feet high before it blew off the top of its : ; ecater long ago, not seek man's company in the first place, and, when it {5 thrust upon him, he is likely to abuse it. If he is pampered he expects more pam- pering. If he is given half a pie he will take the other half, if it is . within the reach of his powerful paws. Then there are complaints that he has become a nuisance, and lie is shot. And it really is not his fault: Con, _ Modern Etiquette By Roberta Les Ce t If someone is relating "Shme- thing that is very disagreeable, what should one do? 3 Would it be all right for a] mother to -give the bride away if the bride has no father? * 3 How should a man introduce his wife to a woman who is much older? : 4 Is it correct to have the date oli an invitation to he engraved as Wednesday, Maren 29? 5 Is jt proper to say to a woman "Here is a man I want to intro- duce you to"? 6 Is is all right for a person to leave his napkin in his chair when he leaves the dinner table? Answers, { Do not let it upset you, but sel the subject as soon as pos- "sible. Forget it and do not repeat it as only those things which are pleasant are worth remembering and repeating. 2 Yes, if she wishear 3 "Mrs Smith, I would like you to-know my wife" 4 No; the date should be spelled out, Wed- nesday, March twenty-ninth, 5 No, The man should always be presented to the woman, Say," "Here is a man © want to intro- duce to you" 6 No; the napkia should be left on tie table. RHEUMATIC Pains! WASH THEM AWAY! . Does Your Body Ache? Here's quick relief from misernble neuritic, rheu- muatle, arthritic and Jhon. bngo pains--Drink water abundantly and rely upon "IWWELK? herbnl remedy as nif infernal cleanser. As pnin gnd fever producing aclds are washed away-- Pain must go! Rellef may he felt right nt the start, 'Take Mulveney's "IVWIELL" regularly before retiring and wake up each morn- ing feeling fine! Sold nat all Remedies Ltd, Dept. A, 211 Ossing- druggists or NR. T., Mulveney's ton Ave, Toronto 3, Ont, Nothingismoredepres. sing than headaches... Why suffer?...Lambly's will give instant relief. Lok ache, toothache, painsin owels. ly'sisgood foc car. pi Head! back, stomach, 1 you suffer MONTHLY ™\ You who suffer cramps, headache, backache, and tired, nervous feel- ings--due to female functional dis- turbances ---- should try Lydia RE. Pinkham's Vegetable Solapennd. 5 has a soothing effect on one of wom- an's most {mportant organs, Also a fine stomach tonic! Made In Canads, Lin € Finns Ess ER Tr 3 Ar Re 3 Ji FEMALE PAIN)' 2 QUALITY quickly, theres is present. some adulterant Your Watch Does 17 Miles Per Day ~ Most modern watches 'tick five times every second, which is equi- valent to 18,000 timc: every hours The average size of a balance wheel is a little more than half an inch, so that in one hoyt it will travel 432 inches. At the end of -the day it will havé done nearly seven- -teen miles. } BABY CHICKS Britain Needs More Volunteer Drivers Thousands of volunteer truck drivers, including women, will be - needed this spring and sun.mer to , help in the invasion of the contin- ent, said the London "Daily Mail" recently. ' Women drivers will be required to drive' mediuni-sized trucks so that men can be upgraded to heavy long-distance trucks. Voluntary drivers will take the strain off the over-worked British railways. few stable compounds of high den- sity. _ All these vapors condense at higher levels, rain down and vaporize over and over again, At intermediate and higher levels water vapor (as much as 1.85 tons to the square inch) condenses and pounds 'down in the form of rain but never reaches the surface. At the outer limits of the planet there are free gases, very cold, When the earth cools down to 1,500 or1,200 degrees C, silica and sili silicates form. They cover the core of the earth to a depth of miles and miles and supplant all but a few metallic vapors, In fact, there are vast 1 : « ' ; ela e bE SRI Sud \ Ea WE + NOTA ha 3 " pr aasiile | . JIA ' : ie ; ; ; 3 3 x ; RRA by ARETE ia FUSE AVA FA PRIA ) PEATE 44 FRANCA a 3 14 ) : ¥ 2 q 7 H ; = A f -- z me SE ---- = : =3 . 1] - PREVIEW OF INVASION A Sailor's Letter How Can 1? DREAM COME TRUE WHAT SCIENCE | Loss Of Oil Wells Le m ) ) ) . yr ". 0 3 . g y v EO NL ow So From British Isles By Anne Ashley ; IS DOINE Won't Stop Huns : . . fr oe hot " KP - ° rod The following extracts from a Q.How can I remove scorched S : I'ne Red Army's advances im- oe " , naval officer's: Jetter home are well spots from clothing? . - Birth f Earth peril about 40 percent of Germany's hd sd worth passing on: A Rub with » white cloth mols a petroleum supply--about 6,000,000 > "Although this Is the first time tened with peroxide. - Dp not use . . w , tons annually--in Ploesti, Poland hd since June of 11042 I have been In on colored AROS as it will re- Granting that the carth was tora _and Estonia, but cven if the Ger- . ) the British Isles, the contrast ba- Hove tho : out of the sun by a, passing star mans lose it, the Petroleum Press Ny ec Hr tween then and now Is quite ap- or ih i in the form of a huge mass of gas; | Bureau safd dast night, "it would 1 . eed parent. - The people are just two Q How. cart |: save celery s0 that what was its carly history? asks be nmwise to look for paralysis of Pt _ A +# : 3 years more tired. «dreadfully tir- ft can be used later for flavoring? The New York Times. Dr. Perley the. German war effort." . @ J ® 7 ! p A ed; tired of blackouts, of rationing; A Aftér washing awd drying G. Nutting presents. this vivid It was explaiged that while the hd ' : ' . Vi Xple d bo - + vd rp : of "queuing .up, of war generally, celery tops place them in the oven picture. Germda army strategy "would ob- 3 ., ' . but there is no sign of any less de- until thoroughly dried: Store the I wagine a huge ball of dense viously be severely hampered," the - ro - " termination of seeing this thing leaves in air-tight glasses and use "ogas with a temperature of about | Germans woud be defending less through, When I was here last the them for flacoring,. Some. persons 5,000 degrees C. The outer layers territory in shorter lines of cone " fin #t big raid had Just gone over prefer them to "celery seed. cool first. During the cooling munication and thus w ald not need - Cologne, hi ts janeat was like a Q. How can I mend granite process "the gascous earth is as much oil as before, i - » oo tute 1a au Hialnad ossvar utensils? violently agitated, so that "some The bureau added that continued > -- since then he iggy als hide A Press some putty into the clements combine to form fiquids bombing of German synthetic oil 2 SE ; - -) continued with such regularity anc Co canite utensi "a : 'hich alternately rise and then y © eas scassnry bora ie af - - o~ 6" - 1 dulling monotony that the original biotes [1 Gage tensile and hate a by 2 termine he hl plants was necessary hecause: of » » - Fd - - . ' : : until brown in a hot oven. This fall back in the form of rain, widespread use of such fuels by the ~~ on «, - La W etfect of the tonic has worn thin, ; sifcetive hod Nau! arity and air Tore . - , N - "1. ~-, and {ts place Yizs heen taken by 8 an cltective method, After the temperature of the Nazi army and amr torce, >. - - oe ow - : that old fevling-ok dog-tiredness. I Q How can I remove the odor earth drops a thousand degrees the = --- - should think that the actual invas- of gasoline from clothing? first liquid core forms--a core of sniow-storms of these silicates. : fon will come like a Spring tonic A Hang the garment outdoors iron and iron alloys. At the Haw does life begin? Dr, Nutting x to a too-long Winter-suffering peo- for several hours, then bring 1t liquid surface the atmospheric pres- does not know. But he believes are t ple. "1 hope sa." into the house and hang where the sure is about thirty-two pounds to. | ¢1a¢ i originates in the polar J Me ho { g 2 lk CE RE the square inch, or more than twice regions, , _-- «TTT Ow. can test the quality what it is now, 1 R m I N of coffee? . Brean) of all bovhsad gs true ' . " ; ' 1 : t Really Is Not A Pour about a tablespoon of [ (OF TS Youngs th clephe Tin 14? Cat R E WwW A R D - ' - fee i + Pipi The first solids appear at a tem- The Bear 8 Fault ground coffee into a cup of cold of the Ringling Bros, Barnum & ) of 10 N judg dear : ------ vater. 1f the coffee floats and Bailey Circus when it arrived In perature of 4, 2 2 i 2 pus There {3 an urgent need for --_ . colors the water very slowly, It New York. He's pictured fear- C, and they probably float on the. cary to transport war "Workers Fhe black hear is one of the. most is pure. If any of the coffec sinks lessly patting the trunk of one of liquid "sphere. Deeper down are 3) and rom Jone Ir oy Luaw, . or E S - . N ) any 7 . pin ol SS a I X Jul. to the bottom, or stains the water the big fellows. heavy vapors of metal and of a which he has no essential use, nals, s still a bear. does {+ send us\hls or her name, address, make and year of car and any other information avallable, We Will Pay Up To $50.00 Reward for Information which results in the purchase of ma car. Our representative will pay you at your door top cash prices. Do Not Delay. Urgent! SHULLY'S R128 Yonge St, Toronto MAyfair 3844 BARY CHICKS MEDICAT, FOR SATLR SPECIAL PRICES FOR JUNE TWEDDLE CHICKS 'HAVIl AL- FRUIT JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL IGG BRUSHES -- DIRTY EGGS : AND JULY : ways given a good account of ingredients in Dixon's: Remedy made clean with a few strokes, Biurred Rock Mixed ..... .. 10e themselves, but this year more for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritia, Brushes, 60c. Refills, Thc, poste New Hampshire Mixed .... llc than ever we are receiving glow- Hold only Munro's Drug Store, paid, Special prices to Egg Sta- White Leghorn Mixed ...%7 10¢ ing reports about the livability 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpald $1.00. tions, A. IL. Relchmuth, March- Barred Rock Pullets ...... 17¢ of Tweddle chicks, When chicks - well, Saskatchewan. i White Leghorn Pullets a... 20¢ live well you can depend on it : Don't delay. $1.00 books your order, : Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Helghts, Ontario, BABY CHICKS, $13.00 PER 100. After May 1, 311.00. Thrasher'a Hatchery, Harrow, Ontario. RIVERSIDE. GOVERNMENT proved Daby Chicks from large type bloodtested Breedeps, noth- ing but 21 vz. ggs and over are set, assures vou big vigorous, fast maturing Chicks, Darred Rogks, White "Ieghorns, Light Sussexs. Write fap fplder, River- slide" Poultry Parmy--I Hickson, Ont. AP- PLAY SAD Govermmnent bred to lay NEIGHBOURS, pDUY approved Chicks and bred for quality, Leghorns & sarred Rocks are our specialties. Write now for price list, our orders are limited. Waterloo Chick Hatchery, Water- loa. Ont, CHICKS, ALL. OUR breeders selected and blood-test- edi only larce eggs set. Barred Rocks. New IHampshires, Light Sussex, White Leghorns, Hybrids, Hampshire NX DBgrred Roeks, Sus- %ex X Hampshire. Also hatching ees. Immedinte delivery, Write "for prices. Paul VW, Dobrindt & Sons, Route 3. Smithville, Ont, O. I. 8S. DARRIID ROCK CHICKSH from Pullorum-free, government approved breeders, Send for price list. Hanes Poultry Farm, Jeraey- ville, Ont. CHICKS--IMMEIDIATE also started chicks, and Leghorn pullets. Bookings for May and Inter delivery. heavy so we ad- Vise ordering what you need--- now. Drav Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont, <j -- NTA BUY PAYWELL CHICKS IN MAY AND JUNE. THE QUICK growth and early maturity of Paywell Chicks will assure you of plenty of [Fall eggs. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires and Hybrids avall- able. Loclierby Lea Poultry IM'arm, Jox 20, Lorne Park, Ont. : = ROP. SIRED Rocks, Leghorn 2X Rock, Sussex Leghorn, Reds, 109, discount on I'all Chick orders now. Hatching Eggs, Ete. runner's Poultry" Farm, Lucian Ont, : ps SHIPMIINT, INDIVIDUALLY that they are vigorous and will develop falp good layers and good meat birds. K. Hossfield, R.R. Walkerton purchased 600 White Leghorn pullets March 7th. haa still 600, has purchased 600 more 'for May. Buy Tweddle Chicks for livability and vigor. We can Bive prompt delivery on day old and starters, two and-three weeks of wage, in non-sexed -pullet or cockerels in .all popular breeds, ARo eight week old pullets and older. ree Catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, I'ergus, Ontario. . PULLLTS AND CAVPONS I'IIOM May and Juney, hatehed chicks. Our New Timm pshire Light Sussex hybrids, make excellent Inyers and choleest of meat birds. Weheo Poultry I'arm nnd Hat- chery, Rowute 2, Kitchener, Ont. ACT QUICKLY TI" YOU WANT ne of these good Tweddle two ard three week old started chicks inl non-sexed, pullets or Sp\cinl reduced prj lash Also day fd an 8 werks of age fand olde. Wr immediately leatalogfiy, TF dle Chick IPergus, Ontario. CHICKS FROM A BREEDIN FARM OF 5000 LAYERS DUE TO HIGHER EGG PRO- = duction and hatchability, Lake- view offers you limited number of day-old chicks, cockerels and spulleta for tmmediate delivery also limited number of starte chicks 1, 2, 2, and 4 weeks old and a few lots up to 6 and 8 weeks old. Act .now and don't be di winted. No started chicks able later on. Large Type Tite Leghorns, ex, Sussex X New Hamp. Sussex X Leg- horn, und Rock X Leghorn. Book BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM fonroya offensive odor Instantly, dbc bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store. Ottawa OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full for- mation sent "free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. IPHOTOGRAI'HY MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMUBERIALS FOR QUALITY, service and satisfaction. 6 or exposure films 20c; reprints 8 for Zhe. Imperial P'hoto Service, Sta- tion J, Toronto. + SPECIAL PRICES ON CuLuRLD AND rRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Linlargements 4x6" in Beau- tifur easel mounts, 3 tor 25¢, IFram- ed in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony [finish frames, on jvery mats 7x9", b¥c Je" Il _coidured Tic euch, AA ANY SIZE ROLL J. 0 or § cxpusures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25¢ "Gel prompt muil service on quality work at low cost. Satisfied 'custom- erg --qll over Cunada will tell you that Star Buapshot Service does' the bet wore 2 . . - DON'T TAKL RISKS WITH YOUR PFILMS Snapshots can never be tukeo agaln. Send your rolly to Canada's largest and tinest finishing studio-- STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE your order for May and June (129, Pus Termin: 1T "chicks NOW. Only limited pum- orl piu, Terminal a, Yoram ber left for May delivery. Send Plainly on Atl Orders : your order to Lakeview [Doultry ' I"arm, Wein Dros, Exeter, Onf. DYEING & CLIGANING HAVES YOU "ANYTHING NEEDS © dyeing or cleaning? Write to us ~.. for information. We are glad to answer your questions, epart. ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto . . 5 PATEN 2] FETHERSTONHAUGH & CUMPPANY Patent Solicitors, Iistablishea 1890, 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on Tre- quest : . 4g SIDS HAIRDRESSING STARTED CHICKS, SUSSEX, * Etc. FROM 1 WEINK OLD TO 2 MONTHS old. Several thousand available now. This is not a sideline. These chicks are raised under (deal conditions from day-old to 10 days fn battery brooders In a large moist basement room and trans- ferred to a spaclous 700 x 40' building under electric bhrooders. Order Now (as started chicks . and pullets won't be available a little later on) 'and buy from a real Poultry Breeding I'arm of 5000 Breeders on ONE Plant. Lakeview Poultry IFarm, Wein Bros, Exeter, Ontatio. PROFIT COMES I"ROM AIMING AT perfection, That's as true in the chicken business. as any other, The less you leave to chance the more succeagful you'll be. If you buy the besf chicks lyou can get for the money - and give them your beat care and the most ault- able feed you can find--then you'll ba lessening every rlak and improving eyery chancs for a successful season. There Is a wide variety of breeds for you te choose from, Government Approvs ad, bloodtested breeders. Day-old, non-sexed, , pyjlets or cockerels, ' Also started chicks two and three weeks old ard older pullets eight weeka and older. Send for oat. alogus and pricelist, Top Noto Chickeries, Guelph, Ontarlo, LAKEVIEW OFFERS YOU BROAD BREASTED RUSSEK cockerels if you want a real heavy breed cockerel., Hybrids or New Hamps, If you want something In a fast maturing bird for broller or up to 1b. dressed roaster. Heveral theusand avallabla for fmmediate delivery {f you aot quickly. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Waln Broa, IxetaF, Ontarle, 'AMBITIOUS GIRLS and ~ MIDDLE AGE women, learn hairdressing at Can- ada's finest ands largest schools. Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call fon free: liter- ature. Marvel Hairdressing Schools, 358. Bloor Street, Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, Hamilton, and, 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. LiuAKRN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method Information "on request rekarding classes. Robertson's Halrdressing= Acad. - emy, 187 Avenue Road. Toronto. WE ARE GROWERS AND MARK eters of the famous Truck Load Lior Brand seed corn. Order early and save money, Belle River Grain & Seed Company, Belle River, Ont : te WHITE SWEET CLOVIS, $6.00 bushel, Yellow, 37.00. One purity timothy, $6.00. Alsike, ' $156.00. Above Grade two. Mammoth (late red), $16.50 bushel, Barly Red, $15.50. Timothy 407, Algike 300, Red 809, $1700 per 100 pounds, Timothy-Alsike . (359% ° Alsike), $11.00. Above Grade three, slight- ly discolored "but good germin- Ktion, bags 40c. Iixpress prepaid. ¥. Muir, Ceylon, Ontario, - WI G8 .TOUPES, ations, BSwitches, Curls ~and all types of finest quality Halr Gooda. Write for fllustrated cat- TRANSFORM- alogue. Toronto Human s Halr Supply Co. 628 Bathurst Street, Toronto. . f MEDICAL DEAF © THE NEW STREAMLINED coms' pact Potter - Telephone {a tha smallest hearing ald avatlabfe, It é \ Iron. SA LE 75 ACRES FARM and stock for pale. Apply to Mrs, G. H, Graham, LR. 2, Mono Road, Ont, FARM, 100 ACRES, + MILES FROM Aylmer, Que, 9 miles from Ot- tawa, 60 acres cultivated, balance pasture and woodlot, auitable dairying, gardening. Taxes 8 mills, Reasonable. Fred I'erris & Sons, Aylmer, Que, . is cloar, powerful, makes con- FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, BRICK versation edsy anywhore and {is 'house, three barns, 1 achine most reasonably priced. Try It. house, - good .roofs and' fences. Write Potter Earphone Company, Stable, (fifty-two . cattle, nine 220W Yonge Ht, Toronto, Eatab- hordes. Rural mall, telephone. lished for better hearing for a Herbert Campbell, Route ob quarter of a century, Smith's Falls, Ont, ' WANTED, EVERY BUFFERER OF INGLISH SETTERS REGISTER. Rhoumatic Pains or Neurltis to ed, Sportsman's Improved Closa® ry Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Working Strain, yearlings, train- rug Htors, 885 RIgin, Ottawa. ad gun dogs, pups, worked week- ostpald $1.00. . " ly; Pheasants, Hungarians, Twen- STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the oause ill-health fn humans all ages, No onb Im- mune! Why not find out If this is your trouble? Interasting par. . hia rane! Wr ulveney's omediea, Specialists, Toronto 2, NSA Le 3 £ A i % ty-fiva to One Hundred Dollars, C. V. Ellis, Iroqyols, ont. NEWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS of our armed forces in perfect condition. Speclal $3.25 delivered, Money back guarantee, size, send money order, & Co., Peterborough, Ont, a 1 DeWALT SAWS AND WOODWORK- ing Machines. Newest types avail- able from direct. factory repre- sentatives for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on applleation, DeWalt Disher Corporation Ltd. 402 West Pender St, Vancouver, B.C. : GRINDIEER--Greey, fifteen inch, double action, babbit bearings, workable condition. Pulleys, shafting, hangers, belting elevat- ors.' Cheap. . BELT--Fifty-cight ft. two piece, extra heavy 8". Twenty Dollars, BLACKSMITH'S WHEEL: PLATE-- Fight dollars. N JARDINE TIRE UPSETTER-- + Twelve dollats. Fquipment in Orono. Rowland Smith, 16 Wroxeter Ave., Toronto. = EX-KENT GUERNSEY ASSOC- foiion offers Heifers, Bulls, R.O.P, reeding. Write A. Kendrick, Lssex. ' FOR SALLE, COUNTRY STORE AND service station, complete equip- © ment and stock. Good location, - Pike Road, Busy Bee Corner, Raymond Deslippe, Amlerstburg, Ont,, RR. 1 . LSLIPIT HARNESS - DHESSING -- I'inest leather and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many, houeshold uses 25c¢. up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, , Toronto. R HOMES, $1,200-87,600, I'ay like rent. Send 26c, for 32- page book, Howard St, Reming- ton Park, (Windsor, Ont, - ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold," rebullt; belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electrio Company Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St. Toronto. . J APR NE -- COLORED NURSERY Catalogue. Mull line of: Fruit Trees: Iivergreens; Flowering Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; R o's e 8B; Brookdale-Kingsway, ALADDIN Nurseries, Bowmanville, Ontario. WANTENY WANTED IN YOUR DISTRICT some one to take orders for day, "old chicks in spare time for a. large Canadian Government, Ap- proved Chick Hatchery, No "ins Avestment required. Liberal Com mission paid, Write for full de- : tails, Box No. 130, 73 Adelaide. ~ W., Toronto, * or _m , TEACHERS WANTED, PROTEST. ant, for school term 1944-45, with elementary ob intermediate di- plomas; salary $800 to $900 per school term. Send applications to School Board of Aylwin, No. 1; Leigh McConnell, Sec.-Treas., Kazubazua, Que., stating quali- fications and experience, WANTED FOR CASH, lands, cut over lands, river or highway, State lot and concession numbers, township and all details of interest In first letter with lowest cash price, - PO. lox 43, Postal Station K, Toronto, WASTH on lake, t + CHISALTILY PUPPIES ALL BREEDS also Persian Kittens, Canaries, Parrots, Pigeons, Bantams, other pets, Quote lowest price to Seeds & Birds Co., 1230 W. St. Catherine, Montreal. FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS OF all "descriptions; highest prices paid. For particulars wiTte to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Bald- win 8t, Toronto, EXPERIENCED TRACTOR ° MAN for Fruit Farm, single. 'Also ex- erienced man for Pruning Fruit 'rees, references required. Coates Fruit Farms, Stamford Centre, Ontarlo, : I HAVE CLIENTS IN WINDSOR and Detroit interested in pur= chasing farms. If you have any, for sale please Rive me full par ticulara as to price, terms, locas tion, bulldings, water, fencing, amount of mortgages if any. and 4 Yearly taxes. II, Rn, Marentette, » HY randotte 8t. W., Windsor, Contact ) » 0