Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Mar 1944, p. 4

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Almere 2 PORES = SE - 1 on Tuesday evening, March 28th, PRISONER OF WAR IN GERMANY We ure glad to hear that Mrs. Guy Rainville received word Sunday morning that her husband, Flt.-Lieut Guy Rainville, D.IF.M., who was re- ported missing, is now a prisoner of war in Germany, Cpl. Enid Wallace, R.C.A}., (W.D.) of Rockelitffe Station, and friend Cpl. McKay, were week-end visitors with the former's pprents, Mur. and Mrs. S. A. Wallace, 7 ' on Sgt. Byron Holtby, of Valcartiva Camp, Quebec, is visitng relatives in Manchester and Port Perry. Word has been received that Gor, Donald Glenn Stansfield, 21, son ui C.8.M, Joseph Stanslicld, Toronto, and grandson ot Mrs. Robt. Town, Whitby, was wounded Feb. 12, by high explo- sives, He joined up in 1940 at 17, and went overseas the following July, His father is a veteran of the last war. Donald attended Port Perry Public School for a time. AC Walter "Bud" Sonley, RICA, spent one day of last week at his home here. Flt.-Lieut, Jas. Kerr, R.C.AK,, and Mrs. Kerr, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, H, H. Stone. | gents FREE Phoue rane OSHAWA [Y) 4 FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE ---- green Friday and Saturday March 24, 25 RED SKELTON, in "WHISTLING IN BROOKLYN" with ANN RUTHERFORD, JEAN ROGERS, and RAGS RAGLAND Pucker up--Join the fun, Red's chasing blues and clues in the newest and funniest of all his laugh riots. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, MARCH 27-28-29 ERROL FLYNN, in "NORTHERN PURSUIT" with Julie Bishop, Helmut Dantine and John Ridgely Adventure sweeping thru a mil- Mur, Robt. Jelivey, of Toronto, spent the wee und Mrs. C, C. Jeffrey. Flight-Lieut, and Mrs. Joel Aldred, of 'Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mrs. N, I'. Aldred. Mr. and Mis. dlarold Cawker, of Peterborough, wore Sunday visitors with the former's father, Mr. W. W. Cawker, and othe and rela- uves in town, friends The W. A. of the Church of the As- cension, held their regular meeting on luesday atteinoon at the home ol Mrs. E. Hayes. Cpl. Oscar Beare, R.C.ALL. of Tren- ton, is enjoying a furlough with his mother, Mrs. Iu. Beave., During the week-end Oscar visited his sister Murs, CU. L. McKinnon, of Detroit. Miss Helen Iranklin visited her friend, Miss Irene MacDonald, on Sunday. \ Pte. Bert Howard, of the Veterans' Guard of Canada (A.F.) of .Bowman- ville, spent the week-end at his _home here. Mrs. T. J. Blight,: of Oshawa, re- cently spent a few days with her daughter Mrs, C., Reesor and Mr. Reesor. * Mr. Harry Brinkman of Ajax, spent the week-end ut his home here. Mrs. V. M. Englund, of Toronto, visited during the week-end with her parents, Mr and Mrs, W. I, Nott, Mr. Gordon MacMaster, of Toronto, enjoyed the week-end at home with his mother, Mvs, J.D. MacMaster, Pilot Oflicer George Stone, R.C.ALF,, has been transferred from Western Canada to Centralia, Ontario, where | he will act as an instructor. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Gerrow and son Bruce, and Misses Norma Hockley and Ellen Ploughman, were visitors to To- ronto, on Sunday. Pte. Rev. W. R. Tristram, of the Veterans' Guard, of Canada (A.I.) stationed at Bowmanville, spent a few days this week at his honie here. L.-Cpl. Joan Hayden, C.W.A.C., and friend of Ottawa, were week-end visitors with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. V. Hayden, Driver Clarence Butson, C.A.S8.C., of Camp Borden, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. Pavlich, of Toronto, was a weck end visitor at his home in Port Perry. Slendor. Tablets--harmless and ef- | fective. 2 weeks' supply, $1.00; 12 weeks', $5.00. Sold at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. SUFFERING FROM BACKACHES, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is not necessary. Use RUMACAPS at once for quick relief. Sold at A. M. Lawrehee's Drug Store. rl Junior War Wogkers; The Junior War Workers will hold a Ten Cent Social at the home of Mrs, Robert Woods, on Thursday, March 23rd. Members please return their unsold dance tickets and money. The Junior War Workers will meot at thé home of Mrs. W. E. MacGregor - ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Graham, of Blackwater, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Lydia, to Ray Bruce Munro, son of Mr, and Mrs, Finlay Munro, of Epsom. The marriage to take place early in April, © : BIRTHS LEWIS--On. Murch 8th, 1944, at Port Perry Hospital, to Mr, and Mrs. end with his parents, Mr. | The in of wilderness. Northwest Mounted ACTION. lion miles | Hevoie Thursday, Friday, Saturday MARCH 30-31, APRIL 1 "GOVERNMENT GIRL" starring OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND, Sonny TUFTS, Jess BARKER Private Life of a Capitol Cutie. Eyes Examined (ilasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- I. R. BENTLEY'S Taylor's Auto Electric PORT PERRY GENERATORS STARTERS FIELD COILS REPAIRED and EXCHANGED BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor Young People's union The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held on Monday evening with Clare Glass and Bob Dowson, conven- ers of Christian Culture, in charge, The president, Emerson McMillan, opened the meeting with the Invoca- tion. A hymn was sung. Bob Dow- son offered prayer and the Scripture was read by Merle Hunter, Bob Dow- son and Wes. Jackson sang several Irish tunes, accompanying themselves on the ukeleles. A hymn was sung. Clare Glass introduced the guest TINE WL Dd St SR RL BR 4 DEATHS SMITH---At Pleasant Point, Ont, on Saturday, March 18th, 1944, Mary Flizabeth Brown, beloved wife of Luther Smith, aged 59 years, -- - IN MEMORIAM MEDD --In memory of a kind and loving mother, Marvy Jane (Jennie) Medd, who passed away March 23rd, 14035. Rae, Ola, and Darothy --p-- _ RODMAN---In loving memory: of 'my. dear mother, Mrs. Isaae Rodman, who died March 21, 1941. Tis sweet to remember a mother so dear, though absent from me, yet ever near. Unseen by the world, she stands by my side Aud whispers divide. Two little words, not hard to. write, dear daughter, death cannot But Ull remeniber them all my life, mother, 'The joys that she missed on life's highway, May she find $n God's garden of redt. Fondly remembered by Lottie, Jim, Ivan, Enid and Mona. my READER--In loving memory of my dear Aunt, Miss Rebecca Reader, who dred March 23, 1941, We do not forget you, nor do we intend; We think of you often, and will to the end; Gone and forgotten by some you may be, But dear to our memory you ever will be. Foidly remembered by Lottie, Jim, Ivan, Enid and Mona. READER and RODMAN---In loving memory of our dear aunts, Miss. Re- beeen Reader, who died March 23, 1041 and Mrs. Isaac Rodman, who died March 21, 1941, ' One by one they go before us, They are fading like the dew, itut we know they're waching o'er us, (hey the good, the fair, the true. They ave waiting" for us only, Where no pain can ever mar, Dear ones who left us lonely Watch us through the gates afar. [Fondly remembered by Viola and Mable. High School Notes _Ad Optima Last Friday evening, a dance was held in the High School Auditorium under the direction of the Students' Council. The hail was beautifully de- corated in St. Patrick's colours, A lunch was served, after which a short Ivish programme was given. Bob Dowson and Wes Jackson sang a few Irish songs, Dorothy Tristram gave Irish readings, and Lois Parr and Bernice Simmonds sang two Irish airs. On Friday evening, March 24th, at 8 pon, there will be a musical concert given in the school auditorium. . There will be piano selections and two choirs one composed of Grade IX pupils, the other of all the pupils of Grades X, XI, XII and XIII, under the direction of Mrs. Rowe, will sing several num- bers, A Special voice class will also give a few selections, The choirs have been preparing for many weeks, and this concert will be well worth attending. : Donald Lewis, of Enniskillen, a son, Richard Brian, f i p BS. etd " : CARD OF THANKS The undersigned is deoply grateful to his friends and neighbors for their ery practical kindness and sympathy tiding him over his immediate lifieulties af the time of the recent loss of his house through fire. 4 + Elwood Clements, Vi A CARD OF THANKS To all those friends and neighbours whose kindly deeds and thoughtful words of sympathy helped go much at the time of our sudden and sad be- reavement in the death of Harvey Edgar, we extend sincere and grate- ful thanks, The members of the Edgar family, Scugog Island speaker of the evening, Pte. the Rev. W. R. Tristram. He had chosen for his subject '"Anything'---the reason being that he had had no time ta pre- pare an address. However, the talk given by Rev. Mr, Tristram was most iteresting ----- Customs of Places and 1 cople and how gay can change dur- ing the course of a few years and how it is of vital importance what we think. He spoke briefly on the Be- atitudes and of a book "The Robe", which he had read recently. Then the tev. Mr, Tristram told two stories of Africa--the beliefs of some of the African tribes. Clare Glass thanked Rev. Mr, Tris- tram and Emerson McMillan added his thanks. A hymn was sung; offering was taken; minutes of the last meet- ing read and adopted. "Business dis- cussion took place, during which further plans were made for a concert to be held in the near future, Watch for the date. The meeting closed at 9.50 with the Mizpah benediction, Al rN . -- C. G. 1. T. . The Canadian Girls in Training met in the Sunday School room of the United Church, on Monday, March 20th, The meeting was opened by re- peating the C,G.LT. purpose, Mrs. Smith was in charge of the devotional period which was entitled "We Give Thee But Thine Own". We then sang hymn 3566 which was followed by the reading of Psalm 724, The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Annie Nott was elected as vice-president on motion of Marjorie Rider, seconded by Ena Rider, Mrs, Watson has offered to be assistant leader. The minutes were adopted as read.. The roll was called showing twenty-three present. The offering was taken, Mrs. Smith presented a short play, which consisted of three characters: Mrs. Watson, Jean Corner, and Ruth Snowdon. Afterwards a title was chosen for the play---*"Beautiful Hints for - Young Girls." The remainin time was spent by playing games an the singing of taps. Me . SEAGRAVE (Continued from back page) the topic given by Mrs. Tristram, en- titled "Canada's Quiz." The hymn 403 was sung, "I Think When I Read that Sweet Story of Old". This was followed by a solo bs Joyce Harding, entitled, "I Want to Kiss Daddy Good Night". The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and approved. It was decided that we give $56.00 to the Red Cross. The meeting closed with the Benedietion, A few games followed. A lovely lunch was served by the hos- tess. The Seagrave Orchestra held a con- cert on Friday evening, March 17th, in the Seagrave United Church, under the direction of Mr, and Mrs. Cephas Sleep, There was good crowd and a splendid program was given. The first part consisted of musical num- bers by the orchestra, Two solos by Marilyn Scott, entitled, "Say a prayer for the Boys Over There" and "Mairzy Doats", Mrs, Wm. Clark favoured with a solo "When Irish Eyes are Smiling", Rev, H, G, Lester sang, "Killarney". Mr. John Mark gave a short sketch of the Orchestra from the time it began until now. He gave much credit to Mrs, Sleep and Mrs, L. Scott on being able to hold an or- chestra together in a rural community. Marilyn Scott sang two more solos, "Paper Doll" and "Jesus Loves Me," The orchestra' continued with more selections and a humorous band num- hen Alsxiider's Rag me, B i bi s was thorougl enjo; en Wanamaker gave a Bomarol reading, and moved a vote of thal to the church, and to Mr, and Mra. C, Sleep "Lowest Market Prices CAWKER BROS for the hospitality they give to the orchestra at their home, The second part of the program consisted of "a one-act - play entitled, "The wVillage Band", This was given by members of the orchestra. Proceeds amounted to $20.00, which will be used to buy music for the orchestra, § Oshawa Presby- terial W. M, S. The sixteenth annual meeting of the Oshawa Presbyterial of the. Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada was held in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Thursday, March 16th, : In spite of inclement weather and resulting bad roads there was a good attendance of approximately 100 at the morning session and 1560 at the afternoon. session. An Impressive worship service was conducted by the Hampton Auxiliary members, The address of welcome was well phrased by Mrs, W. P. Rogers, presi- dent of Bowmanville Trinity Auxil- iary. An innovation in the form of a panel discussion by Presbyterial secre- taries proved very helpful. Mrs. G. Bray, Oshawa, treasurer, urged that the societies do not limit their endeavour in dollars and cents, but reach their allocation through prayer and strive to do more than their allotment. The self-set allocation of Oshawa Presbyterial was reached, $10,760.01, being the total raised, Blue books will be purchased and sent to every afternoon and evening auxilinry and Mission Circle to be used in planned programmes for the year, Mrs. Lloyd Courtice and Miss Aileen Busbee, Pickering were appointed delegates to the School for Leaders. Mrs. C. Smith, Port Perry, presented the Corresponding Secretary's report and read an inspiring letter from the Branch President, Mrs. Haggerty, of Cherry Valley. - Miss Maimic Gollan, the Church of All Nations, Toronto; was the guest EILEEN RS Esato essatenatatsss sss sss ss sstassaassassatssanssstssatsstasstsssesssassttssstsstssatssy .» Family Butchers speaker at the morning session. The Church of All Nations was opened in 1928, has thirty different nationalities, lined a Sunday at this church, In the morning four groups, Finnish, Eng- lish, Hungarian and Ukranian meet in separate sessions, In-the afternoon carries on a program of friendliness among all classes, Miss Gollan out- 27 or 28 nations are represented in Sunday School. ,At four. there is a Japanese service, at seven, Finnish, Dutch and Czechs and at 8.16 all groups together in English. Returned missionaries help with the language. The church now has elders among its own members, Daily, at all hours, groups in dramatics, fellowship, choir, etc., meet, Members are very much Canadian in spirit, have forty in the Services, an active Red Cross Unit, a post office of over eight hundred mail boxes in the church, They endeavour to overcome racial prejudices and hatred, stress the need for interna- tional brotherhood through a spirit of friendliness and co-operation. Courtice Auxiliary presented an im- pressive "In Memoriam Service", The afternoon session opened with an organ recital by Mr. W, E, C Workman. Mrs. S. Littlewood intro- duced the guest speaker, Miss Winnj- fred Thomas, General Secretary of the Dominion Board Toronto, who gave an inspiring address and conducted an open forum at its conclusion, Her subject was "the contribution of Christian women in not only winning the war but the peace," Peace will only come with effort, is not an end of striving nor drying of tears, not to be accomplished alone but with God. Strong in the strength that He pro- i vides we must carry on, not yield to ! the temptation to relax in the post- i war era. The major cause of war is hate which must be overcome with | Christian good-will and understanding ' Do we understand our position as Ca- nadian women in a political democra- cy? We must have -a passion for social welfare, a feeling for others akin to the affection for our own, We must use our political power for social reform. There is a great need for de- dicated minds of Christian women. We must work not as isolated members but one of a great body with greater Arena, Tuesday, Adolph Eyman. entertainment. DO NOT MISS THE GRAND Exhibition of Figure Skating by the Oshawa Figure Skating Club, at the Program will consist of solos, pairs, Club four, club dances, and the famous comedy -- 'PISTOL PACKIN' MAMA' by Miss Patricia Chown and Mr. One and one half hours of splendid Adm. Adults 26¢. Mar. 28, 7 p.m. Children 10c. Before you blame your telephone... '| Grove, . Pickering and Port Perry. 'Missionary Newcastle. Thursday, Mar. 23 Perry Lions. : Lawrence's Fist stit sti SARARARANRAIARANRANRRIAROAANOE Drug Store News You can Save with Safety at the REXALL STORE HIND'S HONEY and ALMOND CREAM Special package containing two regular Size bottles 79¢. FRENCH BALM ........20. and 49¢. LAWRENCE'S SKIN BALM JERGEN'S LOTION, 23c., 43¢., 83¢, ITALIAN BALM (large size) wade, VELVETTA BATH SALTS JERGEN'S CARBOLIC SOAP 25¢, and 39¢c, 3 Ibs, 69¢c. opportunity to serve, in and out of the Church and take our share in the tasks of the post-war world. The W. M.S. alone needs 50 missionaries in the next four years. Mrs. Shell from Ajax outlined brief- ly, in impromptu, the fellowship and work that is being carried on in the Protestant interdenominational church at Ajax. Miss Margaret Allin, Bow- manville, favoured with a fine vocal s0l0, The 1945 Nominating Committee will consist of Mrs. J.- McKinney, of Brooklin, Mrs, A, D. Cornett, Oshawa, and the presidents of Courtice, Maple Rev JJ, E, Griffith conducted the in- stallation of the following officers for 1944: Past President, Mrs. Geo, Honey Newcastle; President, Mrs, S. Little- wood, Orono; 'Ist Vice-pres., Mrs, T. Norton, Locust Hill; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs, W. P.' Rogers, Bowmanville; Rec. Sec., Mrs, S, W .Keown, Whitby; Cor. Sec., Mrs, R. H. Wiley, Columbus; Treas., Mrs. Geo. Bray, Oshawa; Sec'y Christian Stewardship and Finance, Mrs. J. V. McNeely, Oshawa; Se¢'y Mission Circles, Miss May Brown, Lo- cust Hill; Sec'y C.G.I.T., Miss. Edna Green, Greenwood; Sec'y . Mission Bands, Mrs, I. Munday, Bowmanville; Sec'y Baby Bands, Mrs, J. McKinney, Brooklin; Associate Members Sec'y, Mrs. N. L. Rickard, Newcastle; Supply Sec'y, Mrs, N, J. White, Brooklin; Community Friendship Sec'y, Mrs. A. D. Cornett, Oshawa; Literature Sec'y, Mrs, Bruce Harrison, Blackstock; Monthly = and World Friends Sec'y, Miss Mabel Davey, Orono; Temperance and Christian Ci- tizenship Sec'y, Mrs. W, N, Affleck, Oshawa; Sec'y of Affiliated Societies, Mrs, J. A. Plant, Enniskillen; Candi- date Sec'y, Mrs. M. F, Kirkland, Osh- awa; Press Sec'y, Mrs, Ken Werry, Tickets on Sale at Taylor's Restaurant Port Perry Lions TO-NIGHT This is a busy week for. Port Russ Creighton A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 2. Rexall swe PORT PERRY Engineers designed the mouth. icce of your telephone to give hest results at one-quarter of an inch from the lips. When your lips are farther away than this, your voice is transmitted less strongly . . . less clearly, Failure 'to remember these simple facts accounts for the great majority of "trouble" reports, Help avoid needless 'service check-ups, and at the same time let those you talk to hear yon without strain. Just remember: Talk clearly, normally, directly into the telephone, with your lips just one-quarter of an inch from the mouthpiece, If need to teach actos "your a u talk, the phone a ion, ! o 10 on ips. kept them stepping on Tuesday evening, -- they enjoyed the fun --the big crowd made them hap- py. It was a rousing affair. On account of the concert at the High School on Friday even- ing, the Club will meet To-night (Thursday) -at the Conimunity Room. The feature of the even- ing will be the presentation of -|the Dawes Cup to the 'winning team in thé Midget Hockey Con- .|test. Encourage the boys. Be on hand if you possibly can. INCOME TAX RETURNS R. J. HARPER, Phone 204 NOTICE All Kinds of Electrical and Mechanlcal Repairs All makes and sizes of Eleotric 'Motors repair- ed and Reconditioned. 3 h. p. Fairbanks Gas Engine for Sale. MACHINE REPAIR SHOP , STAN. CAUSLEY |, Proprietor Port Perry, - Ontario BILTMORE THEATER, OSHAWA Thursday, Friday, Saturday, MARCH 23-24-25 BARBARA STANWYCK, MICHAEL O'SHEA, in ~~ an Adaptation of Gypsy Rose : Lee's Great Novel "The G-String Murders" "Lady of Burlesque" -- Plus -- First Oshawa Showing! THE 3 MESQUITEERS, in "Raiders of the Range" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, MARCH 27-28-29 The Mighty Epic, 'Bataan' Story of a Patrol of 13 Heroes, starring ROBT. TAYLOR, with George Murphy, Thos. Mitchell, Lloyd Nolan --_ Plus -- ""T he Palm Beach Story" starring Claudette Colbert, - Joel McCrea, Rudy Vallee, : Mary Astor, "Always a show after § p.m." 48 HOURS, » JAP-A-LAC PAINTS NOW is the time to freshen up with JAP-A-LAC Conte in and see our AGE. OF COLOUR BOOK Try our ROCK SPAR VARNISH FLORENAMEL SPEED WALL, Gloss and Semi-Gloss Also the good MEZZONTONE WATER PAINT | + which covers in ONE COAT over Plaster, Wood, or Papered Walls, and you ¢an wash in « ¥ ! x 3 Phone 240w LAKE SCUGOG LUM ow ER & COAL CO, s to Household appliances >

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