Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Mar 1944, p. 8

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FANE EN SEE AAR or wu LESTE SAE RRLFY LER Capa 3 "NOTICE CANNING FACTORY GROWERS We will be in the field to Contract Whitby Factory for our Sweet Corn We would be pleased to discuss our Corn contracts with Drop us a line, and we will have our Fieldman you, : call at your farm. : We are installing a Corn Unloading Dump for unload: ing Corn, which will eliminate unloading by hand. You will find our Grower Service of considerable help to you during the Growing and Harvesting Season. OUR FIELD MEN are carefully picked and trained They will be available to give you all the help possi- by us. ble during the Summer. Food Fights | Stokely-Van Camp of Canada, Ltd. WHITBY, ONTARIO. PART SR re RE Se See ase See one abe ciel od for Victory Phone 893 NATIONAL SERVICE If You Employ Male Persons Have they all complied with the Military Under an Order signed under authority of the National Selective Service Mobilization Regulations: 1. Every employer of male employees must make an examination of the documents of these employees, and forward advice on those who fail to produce documents showing good standing under Mobilization Regulations, : 2. This examination must be completed by May 1st, 1944. 3. "EMPLOYER" includes industrial ahd commercial employers, and also farm operators, 4. "MALE, EMPLOYEE" includes all male persons working for you, including relatives. 5. A hooklet "" EMPLOYERS' GUIDE," has been sent to industrial and commercial employers. farm operators. 6. If you employ any male person, and have not been notified of st card, contact the nearest Employ- Selective Service Office and ask for the booklet. 7. Obligation to make the examination rests on each and every employer of male persons, and employers must act. 8. Penalties are provided for failure to carry out this examina- tion, and for male employees failing to assist by refusal te the survey by booklet or ment an produce documents. DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HUMPHREY MITCHELL, Minister of Labour. Call-Up ? 1 'return post card has gone to A. MacNAMARA, Director, National Selective Service, B.6-44-W ASHBURN (News of last week) Church and Sunday School sérvices were conducted as usual at Burn's Church on Sunday, March 65th. Owing to weather conditions and sickness there was not as large an attendance as usual. The Minister chose for his text, Psalm 27, verse 1-- The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? --the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall 1 be afraid? : The Ladies' Bible Class met at the home of Mrs. Edgar Heron on Tues- day, Feb, 29th for its regular month- ly meeting. The President, Mrs, H. shton opened the meeting by reading a poem "Prayer for Every Day", which was followed by the singing of hymn, "What a Friend we have in Jesus," For the Scripture lesson, a number of the members read verses from the Bible with reference to prayer, - The visiting committee gave their report. Mrs. *R.; D. Sherwin, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. D. Grant and Mrs. Edgar Heron were appointed for . the Program committee for the March meeting. It was decided to hold the March meeting in the basement of the Church on Tuesday, March 21st. . Mrs. Wes. Routley and Miss Vera Leach were appointed for the refresh- ment committee; Mrs, Frank Lynde consented to teach the class the second ~~ Sunday in March, A very interesting « program followed. Mrs, Ada Warren gave a paper on "Prayer" telling of | several instances where prayers had "been answered in the present conflict. Miss Vera Leach sang a beautiful solo "Garden of Prayer". Mrs, Wes Rout- ay read two short poems, Mrs. Robt. Heron then lay, an instrumental. This interesting meeting was brought to a close by the singing of hymn 1256 d Tepsating the Mizpah benediction. e Yo Reople's Society met in ment of the church' on Fri- h 8rd. ed with hy Paglm 96 wa read by Mids Mrs, Wm, Gardiner, the convener, had. charge of | She Little Windows o Tia [¢ 'm. Gard 41 en tol ator; h, Gardiner then Py oH and became The. meet- th i and the Lord's | Sch ing of a hymn and the Mizpah bene- diction. 1 The regulat monthly meeting of the W,M.S. will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Stephen, Tuesday, March 14th, at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. N. Anderson will have charge of the third chapter of the Study Book "Under the South- crn Cross." Mr. Russell Richardson attended the annual Victoria County Shorthorn sale held in Lindsay on February 29th. Mr. John Miller received a shipment of Shorthorn cattle from Scotland re- cently. a : Misses Edith Stevens and "Grace Lynde, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lynde. : Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doble and Miss Florence Doble spent Saturday in To- ronto. ' Miss Marjorie Harris, of Brooklin, spent the week end with Miss C, Fisher. Several from here attended the euchre and dance at Myrtle Hall on Friday evening. . L.A.W. Muriel Hill and Sgt, Mar- garet Anderson, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Hill. Mrs. Lawrence Doble and baby spent Friday in Toronto. 1 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. Fisher on the arrival of a baby boy. fe ---- - 'There drive at all. DO YOU KNOW-- are over 36,000 persons in Ontario whose licenses to drive are under suspension because of their inability to secure insurance or file other proof of fin- ancial responsibility? They were convicted of offences '© against the motor vehicle laws following accidents. It is better to drive safely and avoid accidents than to find yourself unable GET YOUR 1944 MOTOR VEHICLE PERMIT J on sale, £1 a ® NOW is the time to purchase yours. P 1944 motor vehicle permits are now You may recall the long line-ups of other years. Do not wait "until the last minute to get your 1944 permit. Do not mutilate or destroy Wartime restrictions require that it be used another year. the use of your 1943 plate. back of the 1943 permit. form that may be used. . GEO. H. Minister of Highways Your motor vehicle permit fee remains the same. A windshield stamp will be issued with your 1944 motor vehicle permit, validating The application for 1944 is hove) on the Renew your driver's license at the same time, your 1943 plate. his is the only DOUCETT, Milburn as. special speaker. All branches were represented, After the card playing, after which lunch was served. Victorian W.I. held the March meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Harrison. Roll call was answered with "What to do with left-overs". A letter from the Navy League was read, telling of the great need to be met and asking for continued help in sending money and filling ditty bags. A letter was read from Mrs. Holmes, president of F.W.I.C. asking for a donation to the Emergency Fund. Collection of $2.00 was donated to the fund. Archdeacon Simpson conducted the Lenten service at Mrs, Crawford's on Thursday evening last after which an A.Y.P.A, meeting was held, Presi- dent' Leona Devitt read an extract from the A.Y.P.A. magazine, on work done by the branch' during the year. A letter from L.A.C. Donald Clarke, overseas, was read, thanking branch for box sent him. - A.Y.P.A, is giving Norman McCur- dy and Bob Carter engraved bill folds, both boys having recently enlisted in the army. White Rose, assisted by Wm. Tay- lor, sponsored an evening of pictures, followed by a dance in the hall on March 3rd. The four door prizes were won by Mrs. J. Rahm, McKee Bros, C. Veale and G. Capstick/ Music for dance was provided by Dr. and Mrs. Rennie, Cecil Hooey and Percy Hamilton. Articles sent to Red Cross in Feb- ruary: For Refugees -- 13 quilts (large), 1 afghan square, 6 scarves, 2 boys' pullover sweaters, 8 yrs.; 3 girls' sweaters, 3 yrs; 3 prs, chil- dren's mitts; 2 prs. boys' stockings; 1 child's toque; 1 woman's knickers; Seaman's Comforts--2 sleeveless pull- BLACKSTOCK Word has been received that Wm. H. Hooey, of Treherne, Man, a for- mer resident of this community, has passed away after a lengthy illness, Farm Forum meetings of Black- stock and pavpt 88 are being fairly well attended. The February meetings were held jn the homes of Carl Wright, Earl Dorrell, Herman Hooey and Rev. B. Harrison, Last Monda {he esting was held In the Hig 00). ; The W.A. of the United Church met for the February meeting at the home of Mrs, H. VanCamp. 11 call was answered with quilt blocks for 'Red ross. It was decided to send $10.00 fo, Ghina and India Famine Relief Kgl } Cartwright Township branch of the Federation of Agriculture held a meeting in -the Community Hall on the evening of Mareh 2nd, with Mr. » over sweaters; 1 turtleneck sweater; {6 prs. seamen's socks; 1 pr. heavy mitts; Women's Auxillary--2 "prs, ankle socks; 1 pr. gloves; Army and Air Force--2 scarves (khaki); 2 high neck sweaters (khaki), 18 pairs socks (khaki), 7 pairs socks (grey), 2 pairs gloves (khaki). EAGRAVE The meeting of the Blue Bird Branch of the Junior Red Cross was held in the Seagraye Public School, on Friday, March 10th, * The meeting opened with the Junior Red Cross song ollowed by the motto, The Secretary's Joport was read and approved. The following reporta were read: Health, Service, Humane and Treasurer. The collection amounted to 86c. Balance on hand for March 10th is $7.17 a] During the Business it was: decided "to hold a concert in the school on the program, the evening was spent in evening of Monday, April 10th, under 'Si-. "the auspices of the Jr. Red Cross. | The program opened with "There'll 'always be an England". June Billing- ham gave an account of Beethoven, the composer of Minuet in G; a piano instrumental by Joyce Harding; Leona Reynolds and Eunice Fishley, Marion Gordon sang accompanied by the guitar, 'which were much enjoyed by the pupils, A musical contest was con- ducted. Kenneth Short conducted the games. The program closed with the benedic- ion. Young People's Society The meeting of the Young People's Society was held at the home of Miss Jean Watson. The meeting was in charge of the Christian Fellowship convener, Morley Bruce, The meeting opened by all singing, Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus. Clifford Short led in prayer. This was followed by the Scripture read by Eunice Fishley from Psalm 121, verses 1-8. read a poem entitled "A Prophesy to Mother Simpkins" which was followed by the hymn 'Blest be the Tie that Binds". Mr. R. Scott gave a very interesting talk on his experiences in the last war. Mr. Lester continued with the study book. This was fol- ing entitled "Down on the Farm." Durjng the business session it was decided that the Y.P.S. give a dollar every month to the smokes fund for, ithe boys Overseas. It was decided to put on a play to raise money for our Society." The meeting closed with the benediction. Eunice Fishley conducted the games. This was followed by Junch served by the hostess. Personals : Mr. and Mrs. 8. Reynolds of Sea- 'grave, visited at the home of Mr, and W. Rogers, J ' Mr, and Mrs. R. Reynolds and (Leona of Seagrave, visited at the 'home of Mr, and Mrs. N. McMillan. i Mr. and Mrs, I. Wallace and family of Port Perry, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Tobin, also Mrs. Mason, of Toronto. Mr. S. Sparks, of Zion, visited at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Ww. , Mr, and Mrs. W. King, Vera and Mac Thompson, of Seagrave, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Dee King of Little Britain. ' ! Misses Marjorie and Ruby McCoy were home for the week-end. Don't forget Seagrae Orchestra Concert to be held in the Church at 8.16, Friday, March 17th. The pro- gram will consist of music, readings, solos, skits, followed by a one-act play entitled, The Village The cast of characters follows: | and. Marilyn Scott sang two solos Mrs, Tristram | Mrs, C. Sleep n Wanamaker Thomas Mrs. Hank Iry .. Seth Josh . Jill ... Sylvia Sue 1 Ole Hank Come and , mission 26c. fre Alma Frise Morley Bruce ... Earlby Thomas y a night of fun, Ad- Public School children, e, Mrs. C. Sleep, Business Manager Ontario County 'Annual Seed Fair at Beaverton on March 24th At a recent meeting of the directors i of the Ontario County Crop Improve- ment Association arrangements were made for the Annual Seed Fair to be held at Beaverton on the above date, Mr. Fred Clayton, President of the Crop Improvement Association, re- quests that all Directors make every "effort possible to sneotrage exhibitors Jand stated that the See age in most parts of the county. Sogge revisions were made in the Prize List, one of which was in regard to the number of bushels offered for sale of each variety exhibited, Any exhibitor showing oats must have at least 20 bushels of a similar quality at home, either for his own use fi eed or for sale. In the event that s growers have sold their seed just prior to the Seed Fair they may be en- titled to exhibit a sample of similar quality. In view of the fact that there is a quantity of 1942 seed oats on some farms a class has been included in the Prize List for these oats in the com- mercial 'classes, Prize Lists will be forwarded to all interested and might Uxbridge, within the next week. A number from here attended the dance at Brooklin, under the auspices of the Junior Farmers. All reported a food Sime, : e Bluebird Club met at the home of Mrs, H. Kerry for a social evening. Six tables of Progressive Euchre were c Spring to do this year, REESOR"S FUE Phone { GERROW BROS. was served, The April meeting will | be held at the home of Mrs, Fred Ballard. , Pte. Reta Henry, of the C.W.A.C,, Halifax, spent a furlough at her home here. ; ik, Driver and Mrs. H. Harper spent some time at Mr. R. Harper's, Pte. Leslie Leighton, of Kingston, was home over the week-end. Pilot Officer Melvin Lakey, of Que- bee, at his home here on Saturday. The funeral of the late Mrg, George a Ahead NOW IS THE TIME TO ARRANGE for that Spring Repair Work you are planning § We.have a Full Line of 'Gyproc FIREPROOF Wallboard Donnaconna FIREPROOF Wallboard Asphalt and Wooden Shingles 5 8 L & LUMBER Bw F. G. Reesor Neg A RA FRESH BAKING DAILY BIRTHDAY CAKES A SPECIALTY Orders Given Prompt Attention Saturday Speeial--"Coffee Rolls" - Phone 32 ABBAS AS SA RE ROFITS [VIAKE OULTRY [1] ORDER HOOK'S 'HI-QUALITY' BABY CHICKS Howsam was held in Kendall Ceme- tery, on March 15th, The Red Cross held a meeting at the home of Mrs. H. Walker on Sat- urday evening, : Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Kendall at- tended the General Motors dance in' Oshawa on Friday evening. | Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fisher! (nee Muriel Kerry), of Ashburn, on! March 5th, a son. | - Glad to hear Mrs, R, Wilbur home from the - hospital, improving in health. - en Sorry to report Mr, Henry Davis on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. SONGSTRESS Eleven top-flight Canadian radio entertainers, including attractive songstress Frances Cramer (above), make up the company of broadcast stars who twinkle through the after- noon programs of The Liptonaires, Monday to Friday at 4.30 p.m. EDT, 5.30 p.m. ADT. The show's musical HEALTHY VIGOROUS GROWTH-- NEW HAMPSHIRES The "MORE PROFIT" Strain NEW HAMPSHIRES X BARRED ROCKS-- Heavy Layers, and Ideal Market Fowl. All Breeders are Blood-Tested by a Government approved laboratory. All Chicks are hatched in Jameayay Electric Incubators... .. Jn. Poultry Farm and Chick Hatchery GREENBANK, ONT. director is. Jack Allison, a Canadian boy who once sang with Rudy Val- lee's » gang, : - Phone to H. V. Hook & Son, B81 r 11, Port Perry UNITED KINGDOM NEWS London.--The savings effort of the British Home Front has increased steadily throughout the war, despite the immense increase in all forms of taxation during the same period. In _ all, a total of more than $26,000,000, 000 has been subscribed--any average of more than $5660 for each man, woman and child in Britain, New Delhi--The post of Governor - of Bengal is the highest-ranking among the Provincial governorships in India. There is much significance in the fact that it has recently been given to Mr, Richard Casey, of Aus- tralia. : 5 ; Fair would| lowed by Morley Bruce giving a read-!pa of particular benefit this year in|- | view of the serious seed grain short- be obtained at the Agricultural Office, | - ; Be -- Songs." Here they are with accompanist, Heard over the played, after, h a delicious lunch THE OLD SONGS - Wearing the elegant accourtrement of an earlier decade, "Four Gentlemen of Studio A" present a gallant picture gathered around the pianoforte to sing "The Old charming Jean Dean, their 7 CBC Trans-Canada Network on Tuesday, at 7.80 p.m. EDT. i a eit A GREENBANK | RTT i AIA AN DAN SRS TH

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