Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Mar 1944, p. 6

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Suis ood LV a . mr TAMARACK 71 King St. West - Write for Information GIBSON M. TO INVESTMENTS DELWOOD PORCUPINE SYNDICATE D & COMPANY . Toronto WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Counting Bullets How does a combat pilot know how many machine bullets are left in his guns? Let us assume, for an example, that the fighter plare under con- sideration is equipped with two machine guns of .30 caliber, and two more of .50 caliber, and that they are so located about the ship that the pilot cannot tell by look- ing how many rounds of bullets are left after he has been firing a while. He can obtain this vitally im- portant information, however, by looking at his Ammunition Re- maining indicator, developed by General Electric engineers. Re- gardless of where the guns are located on the plane, a glance at the instrument will tell him how many. rounds of ammunition are still available for use against the enemy. The indicator has four dials. Two of the dials, each marked from 0 to 300, are used to keep track of the supply of .30 calibre bullets, The other two dials, marked from 0 to 200, tell the facts about the supply of .50 calibre bullets. Electrical impulses operate the Ammunition Remaining the hand on each dial pointing to the number of rounds of bullets re- maining (if any) and this informa- tion tells the pilot whether to en- » gage a new enemy in combat or to turn tail and cut for home for lack of bullets to feed his guns. indicator," Enemy Agents Must Be Watched Germany Preparing For Next War By Scattering Agents Through Other Cguntries Already Germany is sending out agents to mingle with people in other countries, says W. L. Clark, in the Windsor Star. The Junkers and the Prussians have begun to prepare for the next war, Sprink- led through streams of refugees and in other ways the enemy is getting his agents at work, There will be an attempt to have these German agents planted in Canada. Sonie of them will try to find a place in Windsor. They will pose as workmen, as intellectuals, as musicians, as lecturers, as any- thing at all to get a foot in the door. There are so many European groups in Canada, it is compar- atively easy for a German agent to get infiltrated into the country and to make himself an influence among the people. It is not that the people want such agents, but the Germans are clever and they will worm their way into the minds of the people by hook or by crook. Canada has to watch closely to weed out these enemy propagand- ists. No matter under whose aus- pices they come, and no matter how lofty or dignified their avow- ed intention, they are still agents of the encmy, still tillers of the war soil, preparing for the next war when Germany hopes to con- quer the world, # ers is Bill Allender of the Wi Sr % HELPS STRAIGHT SHOOTERS One reason why U.S. Rangers an d paratroopers are straight shoot- - +, Arms C Conn., plant. y's New Haven, He has straightened more than 2,000,000 gun barrels by hand in 80 years, using the hand operated press seen in the photo. Master craftsmen like Allender straighten = the every tarbine that comes off the production line, barrels of "Curved" part of barrel is rested on die which, under Allender's keen eye and deli- cate touch, literally pushes out the curve, Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1, Should a man and a woman rise if they are dining in a public restaurant, and another couple stops at their table 'to talk' for a minute? 2. What should one do when he is at a social gathering and is seated. next to a person he doesn't know? 3. If one is buttering a picce of Eczema lich Stopped In 7 Minutes nearly 80 million tiny seams | Fane, karma ie 'Rael Thi fp Fisles, Hingworr, n 6derm stops the itchl i inte and foe Tight ta work curbing A quickly help m. in fact Nixe must sal Ih. return of empty peskage. Ger Nivbders ™ your druggist ay--see how ast 1b 'and how much better sou Jook. The money-back trial offer protects you, bread, should it be held in the left hand? 4. When dining out, on what sized bill should one apply the "ten per cent" rule? tr 6. If a- man and his wife are signing their names to greeting cards, whose name should come first? 6. What time should a ball be- gin? Answers 1.The man should rise, but the woman should remain seated, 3, Hr should introduce himself, 3, No; hold the bread against the plate while buttering it. 4. If the ibill amounts to $2.50 or more. If less than this, the tip may be just as much as one wishes to give. 5. Whenever the titles Mr, and Mrs. are used together as a name the Mr. comes first. 6, Usually ten o'clock, but dancing seldom starts before about ten-thirty. Approximately 40 per cent of the total aircraft employees in the United States are women, J. A. Dundas, ant to the vice-president of finance, Canadian Pacific Railway, who has been appointed treasurer .of .the ' Montreal, assist. company... Mr. Dundas has been with the C.P.R. for 37 years, with all his service in the finance depart ment at headquarters. Have You Heard? argued ------a But, Doc", the sailor, "I'm only here for an eye exam, I don't have to take off all my clothes for that." "Strip down and get in line", shouted the pharmacist's mate, The sailor obeyed, but kept on grumbling. The man in front of him finally turned around and said: "What are you kicking about? I only came here to deliver a telegram." [4 ---0-- "I say, Bandy, whit aboot that thirty shullin's you owe me?" "Oh, that'll be quite aw right, Dougall I ken it's your birthday next Sawbath, an' I'm gaun to gie it tae you wi' ma congratulations." ; 'You just bring the sillar, Sandy, an' I'll congratulate ma-sel'." : --0-- A couple "of colonels were chat- ting. Said one: "How's Hemming- way, of the 80th Foot, getting on?" "Oh, he's getting on fine." "And. Cartwright of the 25th?" "Oh, he's very well" ¥ "By the way, how's your sister" 'Oh, she's gone off to Blackpool with gout,' "Gad, man -- not Gout of the 17th?" i "My dear, I never imagined You would marry the man you did," said Gladys. "Neither did I," replied her friend. "I disliked his ways, but I adored his means." --0-- e A Welsh regiment choir was singing outside the officers' mess. The colonel sent for the un- musical sergeant-major. "Go and tell the choir," he said, "tu sing 'Sweet and Low." The sergeant-major went out and bawled: "If you blokcs can't make less noise the colonel says you've got to clear off." How Can ?? By Anne Ashley Q. How cafi 1 prevent the smell of tobacco in a room? . A. The room will not have this odor if a lump of crystal ammonia is put into a jar with three or four drops of oil of lavender. Add a few tabespoonfuls of boiling water and let the jar stand uncovered in the room, Q. How can I make tinware rust- proof? . JA. If new tinware is rubbed with grease and then warmed slowly without burning, before it is used, it will not rust. Q. How can I remove indelible ink stains? : A. They can usually be removed by rubbing with equal parts of am- monia and turpentine, Q. How can 1 prevent chamois gloves from 'hardening? A. After washing chamois gloves they can be prevented from be- coming hard if a few drops of olive oil are added to the water." The oil also helps to preserve the chamois, "J. How can'I prevent spattering of fish when frying it? "A. It will not splatter so much if a colander is inverted over the pani The small holes will allow the steam to escape. RHEUMATIC Pains WASH THEM AWAY! Does Your Body. Ache ? Here's quick rellet from miserable meuritle, rheu« tle, arthritic ond lame palns--~Drink | fd retiring neh ne Ch . bloodtested stock, al Wise Farmer Will Buy Fertilizer Now From the fertilizer manufac- turers comes a warning that un- less farmers: will order and take delivery of their fertilizer early, they may not get it in time for use, This is due to labor prob- lems and to the fact that more farmers are buying more fér- AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES GUARANTEED METHOD OF HUMIDIFYING INTAKE AIR USED BY AUTOS, TRUCKS . AND TRACTORS, UNCONDITIONALLY GUAR- ANTEED TO SAVE GASO- LINE ELIMINATE CAR- BON DEPOSITS AND MAKE ANY GASOLINE ENGINE OPERATE MORE SMOOTH- LY. FEW OLD CAR PARTS MAKE COST UNDER $5.00 INCLUDING PLANS, PER- MANENT SATISFACTION. ORDER COMPLETE PLANS FOR 81.00 POSTPAID. GUAR- ANTEED SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED, FLEX tilizers than formerly, If the Spring season is a short one a situation will confront the fertilizer manufacturers with re- spect to labor and transportation which may be beyond their over- taxed capacity to handle. The wise farmer will see to it that his fe-tilizer supply is safely stored in his barn before this Spring rush begins, Of course, care must be exer- cised in storing it. Bags should TOO LATE ~ TOO LATR NEXT SPRING DUN'T LET IT. BE sald "too late." Send for our price list and order your baby chicks now. One dollar books your order. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Britan- be placed on either a thick layer of straw or a false bottom floor and piled as one piles cordwood, thus leaving plenty of air space between the bags, It should be stored in a dry place and in rea- sonably small piles, if possible, Farmers will "safeguard their own interests and help the gen- eral situation greatly if they will buy and take delivery of = their fertilizer requirements in the very near future, \ HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL Production of wheat for 1044 in Australia is estimated at 97,000,000 bushels. $ PETS WANTED LEARN HAIRDRESSING HE Robertéon method Information nm reques! regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- WANTED CANARIES, PUPPIES, Persian Kittens, Pigeons, other Pets. Send descriptions price to Seeds & Birds Co, 1230 St, Cath- nin Heights Ont emy, 137 Avenue Road Toronto erine -W., Montreal. ' 111 EATMENT PATENTS * 3 a) Slackitiiis A FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMIPANY iA : SETHERSTON HAUG COMPANY EVERBEARING BLACKBERRIES, GRAY HAIR Patent , Solicitors Established very hardy. Have 2eN success. a0; 1 ng est, orc fully transplanted on. Prairics-- may be caused by luck of Booklet of Information on re- well packed in moss, Heavy crop- VITAMINS quest Per ral, large, sweet and IF YOUR HAIR IS LOSING ITS in clusters. Order before Aptil 10th, vines for $1.00 Prepaid. A. Klein, Agassiz, B.C. - CORDWOOD Wi AN NTRACTOR D WANTED--CORDWOOD CONTRAC- tor to cut and put on railway cars 1,500 cords of wood in Hali- burfon County, Close to roads and railway. $7.50 a cord. A. C, ENGINEERING & DESIGN, Conway, 45 Adelaide St. East, 90 CHARLES EAST, TO- snl RONTO, DYEING & CLEANING AUCTION SALE HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS AUCTION SALE 75 HEAD OF REG. Holsteins - supervised and blood tested on April 5 'at one o'clock at John W, Brisco, Renfrew, Ont. dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. epart. ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street, To- color It may be because you are not getting enough of certain vitamins, Unless you are getting adequate amounts of these vit- amins your system may not be able to assimilate the calcium and other minerals yoy need for healthy, colorful hair. If your hair has prematurely turned, or is beginning to turn gray, you should take the RANDOLPH SUPER B TABLETS to aid in building up the health. These tablets are prepared to a special formula and are sold with our booklet "Diet, Hair, and Health", which shows how you may eat your way to vigorous health and beauty. Sold exclusively by the RANDOLPH. CO. SALES DEPT. 25 Howard St, Toronto, Special introductory package $1.00. Send money with order and we pay delivery charges, ARTHRITIC PAINS DON'T SUFFER FROM THE TOR- turing pains -of arthritis, rheu- matism or neuritis, Delay may be dangerous. Fermol Tablets (non- habit ferming) have brought re- Mlef in many cases through their gentle soothing action and de- serve attention. At all druggists or 2 months treatment $1.00 post- pald. Fermol Distributors, Lon- don. Ont. BULL FOR SALE EGGS WANTED HAIR GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS, LIVE AND DRESSED ayments made prompt- ly. Eastern Farm Products Co., 423 St. Paul East, Montreal, Que. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC Morons, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebullt; belts, pulleys, brushes, Allen Electric ompany Lid. 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto FOR SALE--A GOOD DARK RED Polled Shorthorn bull, Glenwood Impression X238377, senlorherd- She Norman Jayne, Baltimore, nt. CHICKS DABY CHICKS BARRED ROCK BLOOD TESTED Chicks, 1-4 day unsexed $17.00 hundred, Pullets $26.00, No wait- Ing. BE. J. Masse, 226 Bridge Ave. Windsor, Ont. - nAny Foust BALM BAUMEEKA FUOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 45¢c bottle Ultawa agent. Denman Nrue Store (itiawa W 1 GB, .TOUPES, TRANSFORM- ations, Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for Illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. HARRIS TWEEDS GENUINE HARRIS TWEEDS 3 AND 4 YARD ENDS AT $2.00 PER yard. High Grade half yard Suit- ings or. Gabardines, suitable for children8 clothes, 80c each, Post- age extra. Louis Rice; 361 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. HANDWRITING FARM EQUIPMENT WANTED CASH, I WILL PAY FOR LATE model used Tractor on Rubber and other Tractor Equipment. P. Verheyden, 253 Elm, St..Thom- as, NEIGHBORS TELL NEIGHBORS about Tweddle Chicks. Because our customers come back for Tweddle Chicks year after year, we know that satisfied buyers are our best advertisers. The right start is half the battle, Get Tweddle Chlcks™ and you get Government Approved hirds from bloodtested breeders that grew fast and produced heavily--strong, healthy stock, Start early and start all the chicks: you can handle safely. There'll be a mar- ket for every chicken and. every egg you can produce, Send for Tweddle catalogue and pricelist. A limited number of started chicks two and thfee weeks old for immediate delivery. Also special bargains on day old heavy breed cockerels. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. IF YOU WANT CHICKS IN A hurry this Is the place to get them, We are hatching thous- ands every day and can supply hon-sexed, pullets or cockerelas in all the popular breeds and ean ship on short notice. Top Notch chicks are high quality chicks produced from Government Anp- proved bloodtested stock. Tt wijl pay vou to purchase high-quality stock this year. Write for spec- fal price on two week old. started chicks. Also bargain prices on day old™ heavy breed cockerels for Immediate 'delivery. Free cat- alogue. 'Top Notch = Chickerles, Guelph, Ontario. CHICKS IN MOST RREEDS ARE allable for immediate delivery, Iso started chicks. but bookings continue heavy and we'd advise you contact us soon. We are equinned . to take care of. all oriere, Rray Hatchery, 130 John 100-ACRE FARM, DISCOVER YOUR HIDDEN TAL- ents. Complete handwriting an- alysis, $1, Use Ink, unruled paper. Send any fifty words to Caroline Sims 64C Burnaby Blvd. Toronto. HARNESS DRESSING FARM EQUIIMENT FOR SALE USED THRESHERS AND TRAC- tors of various sizes and makes for sale, wholesale and retail. For particulars write Huggards' Sales and Service, Wilson Avenue, Fssex, Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE 9 ACRES ALL IN BEARING /FRUIT NEW four-room cottage, ex- cellent location, good in- come. Also fruit and dairy. of every size and description. A. YOUNGLBLUT 100 ST. PAUL STREET, ST. CATHARINES 189 ACRES, GOOD LARGE BANK barn, medium sized frame house; soll In good fertility; Ratho sta- tion on same lot. See and buy this farm for a good home. Apply jo A. F. Christner, New Ham- urg. : FOR SALE AT WINLAW, B.C, near Appledale In Slocan Valley, 195 acres Jand or chicken farm, 10 acres cleared, 130 bearing fruit trees, 30 years old. [1 buildings; runhing water, $4,500, terms to sult purchaser. Dumont, Galloway, B.C. GOOD LAND, good buildings. 3 miles from Stratford, lot 42, con. 5. 8. East- hope. Apply Phillp Petrie. R.R. 8. Tavistock. P 200 ACRES FOR SALE--LOT 3, 11 Con. Township of Mountain, good 'frame house and barn, % mile from rallway station, close to church and cheese factory, Mrs. Mary J. Wilson, Kemptvilie, Ont. St N.. Hamilton, Ont. HIGH GRADE RILOOD TESTED Barred nnd White Rocks. Red and Leghorn Chicks immediate delivery. Eleven other breeds for later deliveries. Order at once. Dufferin Hateheries, 2048 Duffer- in, Toronto 10, FRUIT. AND . POULTRY 'FARMS for sale, 5 t0,50 acres In Niagara district. Easfly financed. R. C. McGhee, 9% Jackson St. West, Hamilton, Ontario. ~ WRATERN. LAND 15 FREE CHICKS BUY SUPERIOR QUALITY CHICKS "EXTRA PROFIT" All from Inspected approved or - certified blood tested breeders. Barred Rock Price per 100 Mixed 907 Cockerels Pullets . Day old 14.00 24.00 6.00 1 week old 17.00 27.00---" 9.00 2 wecks old 22.00 32.00 x 3 weeks old 26.00 37.00 15.00 To all who will buy chicks and take immediate delivery. We will give them 15 free chicks per 100, Bend order with deposit. Will ship C.0.D. by 'Express. z Ask for our Price List for 20 other breeds. ' WILFRED LEFEBVRE 2025 Amherst Street - Montreal P.Q. LICHTPFS 1044 CHICKS FIRST HATCH FEB. 1. PRICE LIST supplied, All birds for our 1944 hatching season have the Inter esting 0.B.8, Government Band, Culled and blood tested by De- partment Inspectors, SOLOMON LICHTI Milverton, RL. 1. Phone 00-24 *A-1 BARBY CHICKS FROM BLOOD- Tested flocks. Barred Rocks, large . type White Leghorns, Barred: k te Leghorns, Sussex Write for st to A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ont. BARBY CHICKS AND POULTS, Barred Rock and White Leghorns from Government apbroved and egRs get rom our own stack. Also White Hollagd and Broa dizensted Bronze Turkey Poulls, rice 1st. The Wright Farm, rockville, Ont. CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS or immediate delivery, Leghorns, Barred Rook, New Ha shire, Sussex and Hybrids, Write fof 44 Catalogue and _prie Mat: ONKTON. POULTRY FARMS, Monkton, Ontarlo. : GH QUALITY BREEDER HAT. bi HU OR inary Os opular. breeds, lid atchery, " Shakespeare, \ FARM '160 ACRES IN NORTHERN SASK- atchewan, all under good enltiva~ tion, good mixed. farming district, 3 miles from town with 5 ele- yators, on good highway: price $25 per acre, $18 per acre cash, balance arranred, Box 101, 173 _._AdeTalda WW. Taronto. . ST HELP WANTED WANTED, EXPERIENCED MAN for farm work, single or married. no milking, near town, Thomas Cook Jr, R.R. 1, Eri arin. RESPECTABLE, TRUSTWORTHY.: mnn without children to operate 10 acres aspararus, rasnberries, orchard. On main highway, 9 miles west of Toronto. Separate house Thiz world sult active re- tired farmer. Write fullv stating lowest ware wanted, Mox 122, 72 Adelatdna © Week Tarantn, HOME KINDERGARTEN MOTHERS! YOU CAN AID THE education of your pre- with our creative displays now. avallable for home as well as school use. They include cut-outs, silhouettes, borders, window. decorations, ete. ~instructions for construction with coloured papers, - crayons, éte. These are inspired by tested educational 1degs, Ten seasonal titlés In the series--one for eae month, complete $5.50. Single un- its yl each. Dominion Teachers ervice, cott St, Toronto. , HORSES FOR SALE . REG. PALOMINO QUARTER HORS. es and reg. Palomino Tennessee Walking horses of grand cham- Rien blood "lines, Stallions from eanling colts to serviceable ages; mares from weanling to brood mares in foal:to our out standing atallions; omino stock horses pleasure , hor very gentle, safe for ladies, chil< dren r inexperienced Sai soveral reir, Tenesses Walk show horses, Let me ki 0 requirements. Send' for w late pat d¢ker} Hive price Jiat,, vorla Arges edera a nok v, FISHER . PALOMING A Souderton, Pa, SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING -- Finest leather and harness pre- servatiye. Slipit also has many houeshold uses 25¢ up at most grocery, hardware apd chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto. INCUBATOR FOR SALE SECOND HAND MILLER HET water Incubator almost new, 375 egg capacity. R. MacLeod, Box 5, Dunvegan, Ontario. INSECT KILLER FIGHT THE WARBLE FLY WITH McVeety"s Warble and. Louse Killer. A dry powder, needs no water. Satisfaction guaranteed. Price per 1b, sixty cents post- paid. Apply Norman McVeety, Restoule, Ont. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patenl Attorneys, QUILTING PATCHES " QUILTING: PATCHES FANCY TOPCOATINGS AND HIGH grade Sultings,. some Scotch Tweeds, 6x18, 60 pleces $2.50 postage included. Louis Rice, 361 Snadina Avenue, Toronto. RHEUMATIC I'AINS GOOD RESOLUTION -- BEVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 333 Blin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. STAMPS STAMPS -- COLLECTOR' WANTS Britieh Colonials, Newfoundland. Send stamps for best offer. Ever- ett Drake, 34 Rosecliffe, Toronto. SONG POEMS WANTED TO BE SET TO MUSIC. Send poem, for immediate con- sideration. Five Star Music Mast- ers, 544 Beacon Bldg, Boston, SEED CORN WE ARE GROWERS AND MARK- eters of the famous Truck Load Ear Brand seed corn. Order early and save money, Belle River Grain & Seed Company, Belle River, Ont. SEEDS FOR SALE THOROUGHLY RECLEANED GOV- ernment graded Clover Seeds, Timothy and Cossack Alfalfa. Write for prices. J. E. Muir, Cey- lon, Ontarlo.' Jz "SEEDS NEW 1944 GARDEN ANNUAL YOU UP-AND-COMING_ VICTORY Gardeners! Send for Hick's new up-to-the-minute Garden Annual for 1944. Let the expert advice of experienced seedsmen guide you to succesg. Full descriptions and fllustrations of 1943 All America Winners and Hick's Introductions for 1944 in both vegetables and | flowerr. Send 100 today to W. W. Hick & Sons Limited, Lindsay, Dept. WW. ~ Ontario, STOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED TAMWORTH SWINE ~ either sex '$25.00. Shorthorn 'bull: ! calves $100.00. Newton Taylor & Sons, NRurketon, Ontario. SHOW BUGGY WANTED WANTED ONE HOUGHTON ROAD- ster Show Buggy complete with - top and pole. Please state con- dition and price. Box 121, 73 Ade- laide 1W.. Toronto. FOR SALE AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATOR Sales and Service new and re- built machines, American: Sep- 'arator. Sales Gaderich, Ont. 278 Bank Street. Ottawa. Canada. MEDICAT FOR SALE NATURE'S HELP--DIXON'S REM. edy for Rheumatic Pains, Neur- itis. Thousands praising it, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. $1.00 Postpaid. | KNITTING, WEAVING WOOL yarn, two ply, white, blue, réa, ~ khaki, black, green, brown, $1.59 er paund. Guaranteed, Refund. ._Goodz, St. Jerome, Que. MOTORS FOR SALE SHOTGUN WANTED NEW MOTORS FOR IMMEDIATE delivery," all sizes and electrical specifications, Large stock of re- built motors, machine shop equip. ment and wood-working machin- ery. Macy Machinery Co., 109 Kine East, Toronto. --_------ y MACHINERY AND ELECTRIC . MOTORS ELECTRIC MOTORS ALL SIZES 25 or 60 cycle--also air compres- sors and machinery. BE. Hoffman Machinery Supply," 181 King St. Eart. Toronto. 12-GAUGE REPEATING SHOT- gun: you -may have 1t.- Wm. Little, Box 852, Ottawa, ©Ontarlo, ee TRACTORS FOR SALE McCORMICK DEERING TRACTOR fifteen thirty, new rings, wris pins, radiator. ¥xcellent condi. tion, $500; half-horsé electric motors, '3 phase 220° volt cach $25. in A) shape. Fred-Robinson; Corbyville, . Ont. : TRACTOR WANTED \ NURSES WANTED WANTED, APPLICANTS FOR SIX month course in practical nurs Ing, starting April 17th. For par- ticulars apply. to Madalene M. Baker, 249 Victoria Street, Fon don. Ontarloe, NURSERY STOCK FREE -- COLORED .NUHYBRY falatogus Full line ok Frult < Trees: SVErgreens: - owering Shrubs; Perennials: Shade Trees: 0 fe A Drookdale-Kingsway Nurserire Rawmonviila Ontnrta rHoToGrArnY PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send your film rolls to Cunnda's largest photo finishing studio. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Size Roll--6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25¢ A customer at Berwick, NBS. writes "1 want you 'to.know how leased 1 am. with your wonder ul work and prompt service." We have such letters from all over Can: a: ENLARGEMENTS 1 for 25¢ 4x6" In Easel Mounts. "SPECIAL PRICES, ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4x6" on {vory tinted mounts 7x9" In Gold, Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or Black Ebony is frames, ¢ each. If enlargement coloured, 79¢ eac STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on |All Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL FOR QUALITY, service and satisfaction. 6 Fy exposure flims 25¢; r prints for 26c. Impatial Photo Bervice, Sta- , Toronto, ; tion T WANTED--LATE MODEL {:PEOW Tractor on rubbor for cash, Box 10," Bremen; Sask. TAIEWORM STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS oflen are the cause of lll-henlth In humans all ages No one im. mune! Why not find out if this ia your trouble? Intéresting var- Heulnre----Free! Write Mulveney's Remedias Specinliels Taranto 4, nt : -- ADTENTION! WOOL GROWERS MR. WOOL GROWER THIS OLD ESTABLISHED WOOL~ len Mil {8 under new manaces ment. We onerate a Registered Government Wool Warehouse and are, prepared to purchase. this Beason's wool cllp on Govern- ment Grading standards, and at Government stinulnted nrices, STRATHROY WOOLTEN Rrra TED, STRATHROY, Warning Preceded. Monastery Attack Following is the text of the leaf- lets dropped on the Mount Cassino monastery. in southern Italy be- fore Allied planes began to homb it: "Italian friends, beware! . We have until now heen echerfally care- ful to avoid shelling Mt. Cassino Monastery. The Germans know how. to benefit from this,<s But now the fighting has swept doses and closer to its sacred precints. = The time has conte when we must train our auns on the monastery itself, "We give you warning so that you may. save. yourselves, | We warn you urgently: Leave the mons astery. Leave it at once, Respect this warning. It is for yout bene "fit" "i ie by Ls J | .

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