Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Mar 1944, p. 4

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PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 16th, 1944 ' Wanda Holmes, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Holmes. Mr, and Mrs. Grant Gerrow were visitors to Toronto on Thursday of last week. enjoyed the past Miss June Sale jad 2 y wit er aun week-end in Whit Miss L. Sonley. Messrs. George Channell and Jack Whitmore spent Saturday in Hillier with George's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Chgnnell. Cpl. O. S. Beare, R.C.A.F., of Tren- ton, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs, E, Beare. Pte, Ken. Jackson, of Kingston, is Port Perry. Mrs. Isabel Rennie, of Stouffville, Wsited friends in Port Perry, on Tues- ay. Pte. Sue Gow, of Montreal, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, V. E, Hayden last week-end. Mrs, T. C. Hayden, of Montreal, spent last week with her husband's parents, Mr, and Mrs, V. Hayden. Cpl. J. V. Ottrum, who has recently returned from Overseas and Mrs, Ott- rum, were visitors with Mrs, Hugli a iy, Harold Brock a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Davey, Whitby, were Sunday visitors with the form- "er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey, The Senior Girls' Auxiliary of the Church of the Ascension met at the home of Miss Clare Glass on Monday evening. 2 About twenty-five members of Com- posite Lodge, AF. & A.M., Whitby, visited Fidelity Lodge, Port Perry on Tuesday night. W. Bro. Curtis and the Whitby officers conferred the lst degree on a Port Perry candidate. After the lodge meeting the members gathered in the banquet room for a social hour of singing and speech- making. There were also visitors from King Solomon Lodge, Toronto. The Evening Auxiliary. of the "United Church W.M.S. held a very successful Pot Luck Supper in the basement of the Church last Thursday evening. Interesting slides, with Miss G. Stovin as narrator, were shown fol- lowing the supper. Misses Betty Haskell and Irene Leahy, of Oshawa, were week-end visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Leahy. PR: A.C. E. L. "Ted" Le&hy, R.C.A.F., who has been stationed at Mount Pleasant, P.E.I, is enjoying a fur- lough with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. Leahy. Mrs. N. Wilkinson is visiting' in Oshawa for a short time. Mrs. M. Stones is spending some time in Toronto with relatives and * friends, Misses Thelma and Donna Crosier spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Crosier. Mr. George Channell is visiting friends in Toronto for a couple of days before leaving for his new home in Bloomfield. Mrs. G. Cann received a letter the other day from her son Tpr. Charles Cann, saying he was back again in ro 3 Italy, hoping to rejoin his unit. vid El Charlie was injured last October and : oi $ since that time has been in hospitals hl in Sicily, and North Africa. i 7) vi { FR Captain W. R, Smeltzer, of Toronto, 3 ia 2 accompanied by his wife and daughter fey Gail, was the guest of his brother, H. R. Smeltzer and family, Sunday. Miss Jean Smeltzer, B, Comm,, of Toronto, spent Sunday with her par- ents = Tae) RE ' wens HS mate Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when Rumacaps "will give you quick wel- gome reer. Sold at Lawrence's Drug Pe Notice Saturday, March '18th, will be the + closing evening of the Port Perry Ice Arena for this season. There will be skating on Thursday and Saturday nights. I Id ae AN CARD OF THANKS Manchester Red Cross Branch wish to express their sincere thanks and > APpfetiation to the generous response » contributors to the present Cam- paign Fund, also to the canvassers for their free services, To date , Beven Hundred and Thirty-Five Dol: * Jars have been collected and forward- ed' to' Ontarlo Division, Toronto, oH . J. E. Holtby, Treasurer Appreciation am takin nk you all for es sent me while I was in hospital. will Jlever 'know just how much card or letter can mean till you have t some time on a hospital with ess and 8 g all around you. ow pig of my friends have had at ex nees Bossibly more than I v ges were too num- its be abi & fy shaver, ukividval. C a ou all once again, y Mrs. R. J. Siteliffe, this opportunity to spending a few days at his home in, WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheu-| A fF Jour very kind mes- | Phone Pertios OSHAWA 1o11 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Thursday, Friday and Saturday, : MARCH 16-17-18, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Starring TOMMY KELLY, Jackie Moran, May Robson, Walter Brennan, The picture you'll keep next to your heart. Filmed in Technicolor Monday-Tuesday, March 20-21 "Henry Aldrich Swings It" starring JIMMY LYDON, Charles SMITH, John LITEL. It's a Jam Session--with Henry in a jam--as usual. And on the same program "ALASKA HIGHWAY" with Richard Arlen and Jean Parker. Brother vs. Brother in a battle of love. Wednesday and Thursday, MARCH 22-23 ® Another Grand Double Bill @ "THE IRON MAJOR" with Pat (O'Brien, Ruth Warrick and Robert Ryan, The Picture is. based on an original story written by the real Mrs. Cavanaugh. Also Secret Love Tips Killer--in a swank School-- The Falcon and the Co-Eds starring "TOM CONWAY, Jean BROOKS, Rita CORDAY. Ll E iil EL KE SR axl DEATHS HOWSAM -- At Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Monday, March 13th, 1944, Ida H. Cutting, beloved wife of the late George R. Howsam, in her 67th vear, VANCE--Suddenly, at Port Perry Hospital, on Monday, March 13th, 1944, Edna Margaret English, beloved wife of Wilbur A. Vance, in her 38th year. iE Bi rae ini CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. J. Thos, Dobson wish to extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to the rela- tives, friends and neighbors for their kind sympathy, assistance and floral tributes during their recent sad be- reavement. Sl i ,SS SN IN M EMORIAM RODMAN -- In loving memory of our dear Mother, who passed away March 21st, 1941. If all the world belonged to us, We'd give it all and more, To see her face and hear her laugh, And call her Mother once more. Her smiling way and pleasant face Are a pleasure to recall. She had a kindly word for each And died beloved by al Some day we hope to meet her, Some day we know not when, To clasp her hand in the better land, Never to part again. Fadly missed and ever remembered by Reta and Stewart. OBITUARY MRS. ELIZABETH ANN DOBSON Suddenly on Sunday, March bth, 1944, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Dobson, a highly respected citizen of Prince Ibert, passed away. She was Yor in Kent County, England, on Sept 30th, 1864, and came to Canada with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Gibbs, at the age of eight years, and settled near Port Hope. She was married to Joshua Thomas Dobson, in February 1885, who pre- deceased her eight years ago. They lived on the farm at Man- chester, now occupied by their young- est son Harvey, until about fifteen years ago, when they retired from active farming and moved to Prince Albert, Her life interests were. her home and her service to her church. She was a good wife and mother, and a good citizen, who will be greatly missed by those who knew her. Surviving are five sons and one daughter, Howard, Joshua and Harvey of Manchester; Hillyard and Everett of Toronto; and Mrs. Allen Jackson {Annie) of Greenbank, One son Rosswell of Oshawa ind one daughter Mra, R. G. Stump (Lottie) of Alliston predeceased her, One brother and three sisters also survive, The funeral service was conducted by her pastor, Rev. W, C, Smith, at the home of her eldest son Howard Dobson, Manchester, and intermeént wag made at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, Notice Township of Scugog Suspension of Fox Pelt Bonus. . Take notice that the Township of Scugog has suspended the Fox Bonus of % 00 per pelt until further notice, H. G, ha Fos ark- asurer Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST Taylor's Auto Electric PORT PERRY GENERATORS STARTERS FIELD COILS REPAIRED and EXCHANGED BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor Woman's Mission- ary Society of the United Church, There was a good attendance of the Woman's Missionary Society on Tues- day afternoon.in the school room of the United Church, The president, Mrs, A. W. Brock, opened the meeting with a short devotional period and then conducted the business meeting. Delegates to the Annual Presbyterial which is to be held on Thursday of this week, were appointed--Mesdames Brock, Smith, and Harper. Books from the travelling Presbyterial li- brary were distributed to several members. The fifth chapter of the Study Book, "For All of Life", was presented by Mesdames Davey and Nasmith; the topic being,* "Christ gives Power through Worship", Mrs. Brock read a most interesting article from the Reader's Digest, "Other Hands Than Mine", by Lieutenant James E, Whittaker--a story of eight men adrift for 21 days in tiny rubber rafts, a story of faith and how the author found his God. An impressive worship service, "the Bible a guide for daily living", led by Mrs, Koch, closed the meeting. en mm er ed AU ins saison \ Cadet Inspection The schedule for the annual inspec- tion of the 108 Cadet Corps in Military District No. 2 has been announced by Major C. E. Read, M.C., District Cadet Oflicer. The following is the date for Port Perry High School--April 5th at 10.30 a.m. ; Young People's Union Margaret Day and, Bruce Hull, con- vehers of Christian Citizenship, were in charge of the Y.P.U. meeting on Monday evening, Emerson McMillan, the new presi- dent, opened the meeting. with an In- vocation, A hymn was sung and Kay Day offered prayer. The Fit dee passage was read by Norma Hocklof. A hymn was sung. Owing to the jnabjlity of the guest speaker to be. present, Bruce Hull con- ducted a Quiz., Dorothy Balfour sang two solos--"My Heart Tells Me" and "Back Home Again in Indiana", ac- companied by Helen Willard at. the piano. Roy Wilkings, assisted by several other members of the Union, presen! bd a short skit, entitled, "The Three' Trees". The Minutes of the past meeting were read and adopted. 'There has been a slight change in the Executive, as follows: President, Em- erson McMillan; Vice-President, Thel- ma Crosier; Convener of Christian Missions," Bob Williams, Asst. Con- vener, Norma Hockley, 'Business' ses- sion followed, and 'the! offeriiig :was taken. A hymn was sung and every- one repeated the Mizpah benediction, All the young Feopls then gather around the piano, ith Wes Jackson at the keyboard and led by Pte. Ken, Jackson, gveryone enjoye a snappy y sing-song' for a few minutes, meeting finall ly closed at 10 p.m, with the singing of God Save the King. rp -- en About inert five members of. the Y.P.U gathered at the Church last Thursday evening and after much scurrying around, were able ilo pro- cure several cars to take them to Whitby arena to attend a skating party of Oshawa Presbytery. After a couple of hours of skating gveryone I do mean hot) and erackers soon dis- appeared. Around 225 young people were present, ngs were into use, until it was time Toave for the journey home. 1] i HS Re rsa ¢ PAGET--On ed | pri PRINCE ALBERT Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, of Peter- borough, their daughter and' her friend, spent the weekend at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Grant Hunter. Mr, and Mrs. Norman McCrea and Neil, of Ottawa, spent a few days last week at the home of Norman's pa- rents, Mr, and Mrs, KE, McCrea, Mrs, Raymer is visiting relatives in Stouffville, Mr, Hutcheson, of Stouffville, visi- ted his uncle, Mr. R, Mann, on Tues- day, Spr. A. S. Harper, R.C.E,, is now stationed at Chilliwack, B.C, In a letter to Mrs, Harper, Albert says gardens are being put in there now. Mr, and Mrs. WW. Webb and daugh- s| ters, of Norwood, visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, A. Hun- ter and Mr, and Mrs, B, Smith, It was with regret that Prince Al- bert friends and neighbors learned of the passing of Mrs. Thomas Dobson last week. When health and weather permitted, Mrs. Dobson loved to at- tend Church, Sunday School and the Women's Association, It was a habit with her and what an honor to her memory. She was a good contributor to all worthy causes, preced several quilt tops for war work, which was much appreciated by our wur workers. So interested in the better things of life, how she enjoyed doing her bit. And so as Fanny Crosby wrote: "Blessed are those whom the Lord finds watching, In His glory they shall share; If He shall come at the dawn or midnight, Will He ity us vaghing there?" MANCHES TER The Campaign committee of Man- chester Red Cross Branch were enter- tainea at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Grant Christie on Monday evening. Mrs, Frances White has donated a quilt to the local Red Cross. Unit. 'the ladies will meet at her home on 'Lhursday p.m. to quilt it. is spending a furlough with his pa- rents. Keith Wilson, R.C.AF., was home last week- end." Alex Diamond, -R,C.A. visited at the nome of Mr, and Mrs. Joshua Dobson this week, Mr. Max Heidt is progressing fa- vorably at Bowmanville Hospital, He recently had the misfortune to break oue of his legs, of "Trenton, Myrile Station On Thursday evening the Sunday School held a social get-together in the church basement, There was a fair crowd and it was successfully carried through, Mr. and Mrs, 'Say- well and Mr, James Young of Oshawa, came out, bringing a lantern and slides. Illustrated hymns were thrown on to a sheet and everyone joined heartily in the singing. Words and music were new but easy to follow. The public school girls gave a de- monstration of three part singing as taught them by their singing teacher, Mrs, Parsons, and the primary tots sang one of their new songs. Pictures of Oak Lake Camp taken last summer while the summer school was in ses- | sion and scenes in the land of India, depicting native costumes, modes. of travelling, beautiful architecture, etc. were also shown in colors and explain- ed in a most interesting manner by Mr. Saywell and Mr. Young, At the close of a final sing-song refreshments were served and a vote of thanks tend- ered Mr. and Mrs, Saywell and Mr, Young for coming out and making the evening such a pleasant one, The C.P.R.. extra gang unloaded steel in the station yard on Thursday, ready for laying later. Archie Parrinder attended the Dur- ham County sale of Shorthorns negr Bowmanville 'on Thursday. Mrs, Clarence Holman and Mrs. Merrill Ross and-children of Dagmar, spent Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs, James Dickson, Gordon Duff was a visitor in the Queen city on Friday. Canvassers are out this week to re- ceive donations to assist in the Red Cross appeal for funds, The need is reat and our wounded must be cared or; blood plasma secured; comforts sent to our fighting men; parcels sent to our brave men and women in enemy n camps, r. and Mrs, Chas. Armstrong of Whitby, visited on Saturday with Mr, gnd Mrs, Luther Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs, M. Cryderman and children were in Toronto on Sunday, the guests: of relatives. Mrs, Leonard Dalby and baby Arlun | of North Oshawa, and Miss Lorraine Bradley, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with their parents, Hugo and Mrs, Bradley. Mr. S. Saywell of Oshawa Socupisd the pulpit on Sunday afternoon, was, "The example of the Was it a sinh); a sacrifice; forgiveness met at the United Church. A period|of sins?' of community singing, led by Glenna| Service next Sunday at the 18 regulal Wilson, of Oshawa, was erijoyed, after bout, 4 p.m, when Re Jew P..L. which funch of hot tomato soup (and |B oki iil Bo ih cha rge. Mrs. James Edgar of Toronto, was a week-end visitor with the D, Luery household, Everyone knows how difficult it is to get coal these days. The pieces are almost as precious as potatoes were during the World War I, when they were eafled in Some places gold nug- are ol Jo at n joi rt M Ham Busan Ruth Port Pé 08] and HEY Bae Cutts), ad uehter, ets, Last week a rumor spread that Hr car of hard coal due to arrive any day, Those with coal bins very low or maybe empty, wore a alle of confidence when Speaking on the 4 Mrs. Dobson] subject of his third pre-Lenten sermon Jo ject, expecting to replenish the empty spaces, A new arrival in the village with a wife and small baby had no coal at all and only a small mount of wood. He also expected to get at least a part of a ton, The car arrived but what do you think was told the house- holders?" Why just this, that the coal was for chicken brooders! So, for those with empty or partly empty bins, it was a case of no heat or get it any way they could; the chickens came first, Jack Smith, relieving section fore- man, spent Sunday with relatives in Burketon. Mr. and'Mrs. Fred Hinton, of To- ronto, were Sunday visitors with the 1. Careys. A. KE, Jupp Construction Co. has the contract of sanding the highway dur- ing the icy spells. Un Saturday morn. ing one of their steam shovels and nine gravel trucks arrived and for several hours the three cornered lot where a huge reserve pile of sand and calcium chloride are placed, was a bee- hive of industry. The great shovel was made to open its jaws and bit into the frosty sand with the greatest of ease. 'Lhen it was lifted, swung out over the truck and the jaws were opened to release the sand into the waiting truck. Seven shovel fulls made the required truck load and as each truck was loaded, it transported the sand to a northern destination, Elwood Masters was in Pontypool on Sunday where he spent the day with this parents. Pte. Mildred Harrison of Niagara- on-the Lake, was home over the week- end." The springlike weather on Sunday melted the snow on the railway right- of-way causing the ditches to over- flow. To avoid any accident, some of the section men were called out at 8 p.m. and did not get in until 3 a.m, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hughson and Danny and Mrs. Turner, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of the Norman Hughsons, Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Paintet and children of - Prospect, were supper guests on Saturday of Elwood and Mrs, Masters, Later they all drove to Oshawa to share in the birthday festivities in honour of Master Neil John Christie, R.C.A.F., of Trenton, | Lynd On Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Frank Harrison, Gnr. Gordon Harrison, Pte, Mildréd Harrison and Mrs, R. Long, spent the day with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Scott" of Seagrave. The 'community hall. was well: filled on Friday night for: the euchre and dance. -Sixteen tables were played with Mrs. O. H, Lane, Mrs. Robert Bryant, Jack Smith and Harold Ham- ilton the prize winners. Jim Cooper, with his faithful violin and Mr, Bent- ley at the piano made music for the dancers, A stand was set up where hot dogs, chocolate bars and soft drinks were -sold to the hungry and thirsty ones. Ont, County Crop Improvement Asso. FIFTH ANNUAL SEED FAIR ONTARIO COUNTY TOWN HALL BEAVERTON -- on -- FRIDAY, MARCH 24,44 10 a.m, to 4.30 p.m. Guest Speaker-- MR.' S. L. PAGE Ont, Dept. of Agriculture, Barrie, An interesting program has been arranged: Seed Judging Competition, Boys' Public Speaking Contest. "Afternoon program starts at 1.30, 'Never before has there been such a| serious shortage of. good seed as that required to sow in 1944, and it is the unanimous . opinion of all dixgctors that every bushel of good seed: grain should be made available to farmers within the. county and that a Seed Fair affords. this opportunity in 'a excellent manner, = Good seed in fo year is good économ; , and in 'wartinie 'an important part o: 'a National War effort. Come and. bring your neigh- bours. Prize Lists may be obtained at the Secretary's office, F. H. Clayton, Beaverton, President. F. M. Campbell, See Treas, Uxbridge St. Patricks Supper Plan on attending the St. Patrick's ce ebration in the basement of St. 's Freabiyisrian Church, on Fri day, March 17th. foul] enjoy the "Hot Roast Dinner" to be served there: from 6 p.m. on. Admission 60¢., and 80¢, ; an eats LONDON-The * war effort of the British' people increases with every Jor of war, This is well Wl ustrate y. their record in small savings, in 1940, eig! stamp and gif t were Pn J Ein pd Small savers holding certifi: 17,000 which is over 50. toe ol of the oO British adult popul io: Over half jie 1948 savings tot Sontibuted by sm 1 savers, Yow! | was fi {milar incréas in large sing, every. sav } You can Save with Safety at the REXALL STORE HIND'S HONEY and ALMOND CREAM Special package containing two regular Size bottles 79¢. FRENCH. BALM LAWRENCE'S SKIN BALM JERGEN'S LOTION, 23c., 43¢c., 83¢c. ITALIAN BALM (large size) ... VELVETTA BATH SALTS 29¢. and 49¢. ~ 250. and 89¢. 9c. 3 bs, 69¢. JERGEN'S CARBOLIC SOAP 3 for l4e. A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 Port Perry Lions The talk by Chief Holmes on "The Policeman and the Citizen" was a practical "outline of the duties of both. The speaker said at the outset that it is the duty of the police- nian to protect. and not to perse- cute--to keep order, The ideal policeman is friendly with the children, so much so that they will go naturally to him |. when they need help. It is the duty of the citizen to keep the policeman informed as to violations. of .the law. Such information is confidential. Considerable discussion ; took Place regarding the speeding. of trucks and automobiles down the Borelia Hill. The practice is very dangerous, and it was felt that it must be stopped. The matter will receive attention. Three events to be remember: ed are--1. The Dance on the 21st at the High School. Music by Russ Creighton, 2. Next meet- ing Thursday, the 23rd. Dawes Midget Hockey Cup to be pre- sented. 3. 'Farmers' Night on Friday, April 14th, Jot these dates down. "CBC GOVERNOR | William J. Parker, of Winnipeg, | is the newly named member of the' ' Canadian Broadecastin board of governors. many. interests, FI veteran of ' the, First. World War, graduate of Manitoba Agricultural College; prac- tical farmer, + pr; sident of the! Mani: toba Pool Elevators and chairman of numerous committees," Mr, Parker was naned to the CBC board early in February, He is a'native of Sanford, Manitoba, and now serves as a mem- ber of the Dominion Food Advisory Council, Corporation's e is a man of 7he Rexall swe SIBILLLLLILLILEILILLLILILLELLLILALLILLLLLLLLLLLILLLILILLLLLLLLLLLL PORT PERRY INCOME TAX RETURNS R. J HARPER, ? Phone 204 NOTICE All Kinds of Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to Household appliances All makes and sizes of Eleotric Motors repair- ed and Reconditioned 3 h. p. Fairbanks Gas Engine for Sale. MACHINE REPAIR SHOP STAN. CAUSLEY,, Proprietor Port Perry," Ontario BILTMORE THEATER, OSHAWA * FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 17-18 ANN MILLER, ROCHESTER, . FREDDIE MARTIN and His Orchestra, in What' s Buzzin' Cousin? " © ADDED ® . First Oshawa Showing-- "I he Falcon Strikes Back" . with. TOM CONWAY, HARRIET HILLIARD, EDGAR: KENNEDY, and * CLIFF EDWARDS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, MARCH 20-21-22 WILLIAM POWELL and GINGER ROGERS, in "Star of Midnight' © ADDED © . FRANCHOT TONE and MARSHA-HUNT, in "Pilot No. 5" Continous Daily from 1 p.m. NOW is the time to fresh Come in. and gee our: 'AGE ~ 48 HOURS. JAP-A.LAC PAINTS ~ Try our ROCK SPAR VARNISH FLORENAMEL SPEED WALL, Ni Gloss and Semi-Gloss "Also the good MEZZONTONE WATER PAINT which covers in ONE COAT over Plaster, . Wood, or Papered Walls, and you gan wash. in en up with JAP-A-LAG OF COLOUR 800K _-- Nix of "Phone 240w. vo "LAKE $0UG0G w mar a 00AL oo. LIMITED

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