Ng eh Mrs, T. J. Blight, of Oshawa, has been spending a few days at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Reesor. At the recent Toronto Conservatory Theory Examinations held at St. Jo- seph's Convent, Lindsay, June Newton a pupil of Mrs. Wm. McClintock, ob- tained 1st Class Honors in Grade II Theory. _. : Mrs, Geo, MacMillan, of Toronto, visited during the week-end with re- latives in Port Perry, A.C. Ted Evans, R.C.A.F., of Tren- ton, is spending a few days at his home here, Mr. Jack Armstrong, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his father, Dr. H, H. Armstrong and sister, Marie. Miss Ruth Thompson, of Toronto, and Mr, Harry Brookes, of Weston, were week-end visitors at the home o! the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Brookes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reesor and Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Love were among those attending the I1.0.0.F. gathering in Oshawa, on Friday even- ing. Bris, M. Orde returned to her home on Saturday, after spending the past few months in Orillia with her son Philip. Phil spent the week-end at his home here, Mr. Gordon MacMaster, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. J. D. MacMaster. Mrs. V. M. England, of Toronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nott, during the past week-end. Mr. Harley Balfour, of Wycliffe College, Toronto, visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Balfour. During the elections at the College last week, Harley was elected to the Music Committee of Hart House for the 1944-45 season and was also elected Secretary of State of the Wycliffe College Literary Society for the coming season of 1944-46, Messrs. George and Jack Tinsley, of Toronto, were week-end_visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Tinsley. Pte. Bert Howard, of the Veterans' Guard of Canada (A.F.), of Bowman- ville, visited at his home part of this week. Rev. W. J. H, Smyth, of Blenheim, called on friends in town last Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reesor and family spent the week-end in Toron- . to, at the home of the latter's parents. Mr. Jack MacGregor left on Sunday night for Montreal where he will begin his training as a Wireless Tele- graphist in the R.C.N.V.R. . Driver Clarence Butson, of Camp Borden, spent the week-end at his home here, Boys of the Armed Forces who were home for the week-end: were: Pte. George Nott; Pte. Robert Carnegie, C.A.D.C., of Toronto; and 0.S. Harold "Tim" Gatenby, stationed at H.M.C.S. York in Toronto, We are pleased to learn that Rev. E. B. Cooke is able to return to his home, after a recent operation in a Toronto Hospital, - Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Fossey, of Tor- onto, were visitors on Thursday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Daves: Mrs. H. Hyland, of Toronto, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hutcheson. Flight-Lieut. James Kerr and Mrs. Kerr, of Toronto, were visitors during the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Stone. _ Mr. Bryce, of Oshawa, "called on his sister, Miss T. Bryce, on Friday. Mr. Bielby left on Monday for his home in Niagara Falls, where he will spend a few weeks, Miss Edith Peters, of Blackstock, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D., Peters. Mrs. H, S. Channell and Miss Helen Channell, of Hillier; Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Channell and Mr, Don Baitley, of Wellington, spent Rilday with Mr, George Channell. Mrs.'H, S. Channell remained for a few daya. 3 Sgt. Ivan Kerry, R.C.A F.,-has been shioying a furlough with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. N. Kerry. BACKACHES GO QUICKLY, often after first dose. RUMACAPS two- way action attacks the cause, relieves the pain. Sold at Lawrence's Drug Store. Slendor Tablets--harmless and ef- fective. 2 weeks' supply, $1.00; 12 weeks', $6.00. At Lawrence's Drug Store. PPO Junior War Workers The Junior War Workers will meat at the home of Mrs. W. Watson, on Tuesday evening, March 14th, EUCHRE Under the auspices of the Junior War Workers, to be held in the Odd- fellows' Hall, on Friday evening, March 10th, at 8 pm. Admission 26¢ AS UNITED CHURCH W. M. 8. The 16th Annual Meeting of the Oshawa Presbyterial of the W, M. 8, of the United Church of Canada will be held in Trinity United Church, at Bowmanville, on Thursday, March 16, Miss Maimie Gallan, of the Church of All Nations, Toronto, will address the morning session. Miss Winnifred Thomas, General Secretary of the Dominion Board will address the afternoon session 'and conduct "the Open Forum. rs Owing to extra advertising the uota of news for this week from hburn will appear in next week's | Z2gent i] FREE OSHAWA Phone Parking on A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Thursday, Friday, Saturdsy, MARCH 9-10-11 The Picture of the Year LASSIE COME HOME" starring RODDY MeDOWALL, and DONALD CRISP A picture packed with Triumphs Tragedies and Homespun Hap- piness, in the lives of real people In Glorious TECHNICOLO Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, MARCH 13-14-1§ First Great Story of the Fear- less Underground Army on the march, "HOSTAGES" with Loyise Rainer, Arturo de Cordo, William Bendix, and Paul Lukas See the Hun--on the Run COMING! Thursday, Friday, Saturday, IN TECHNICOLOR "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by with Tommy Kelly DEATHS ~ DOBSON -- Suddenly, at Prince Albert, on Sunday, March 5th, 1944, Elizabeth Ann Gibbs, beloved wife of the late J. Thomas Dobson, in her 80th year. = Ceo ---- BIRTHS WILBUR -- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, of Parkwood Farms, Oshawa, announce the birth of their son, on Sunday, Feb. 27th, 1944, at the Osh- awa General Hospital (premature). MacGREGOR--Mr, and Mrs, Leigh- ton MacGregor, of Beamsville, an- nounce the birth of a son, Glen Douglas, at Mount Hamilton Hospital, Hamilton, on Friday, March 8rd. EER LL .-,------- --S Muskrat Season Opens Word has been received that the season for trapping of muskrats in this district, officially opens on Friday, March 10th. BEN SMITH, Game Warden. POD -------- -- Euchre At the Yellow School, under the auspices of the Honeydale Women's Institute, on Friday evening, March 10th, Admission, 26¢. Lunch served. St. Patrick's Supper Plan on attending the St, Patrick's celebration in the basement of St. John's Presbyterian Church, on Fri- day, March 17th. . You'll enjoy the "Hot Roast Dinner" to be served there from 6 p.m, on. Admissjon 60c., and 80c. Civic Officials Attend Divine Service Last Sunday evening, the Council, Board of Education, Teaching Staff, members of the Library Board, and other civic officials, attended Divine Service in the United Church, Port Perry. Ey Rev. W. C. Smith delivered a very appropriate address on the Founda- tion and rise of Democracy, in which he pointed out the contribution made by Greeks, Romans and Jews to this government of free peoples, Greece planted the democratic idea, Rome the principles of law and justice, and the Holy Land established the foun- dations of "true worship and a thorough idea of righteousness, 'Service. to humanity was © pro- nounced to be the best of human dy- ties, The choir rendered suitable music, At the close of the service a hearty vote of thanks was tendered by the visiting officials to Mr, Smith for his Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S Taylor's Auto Electric PORT PERRY GENERATORS STARTERS FIELD COILS REPAIRED and EXCHANGED BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor IN MEMORIAM THOMPSON--In loving memory of Alice Alma Thompson, who entered into rest on Thursday, March 18th, 1943. ' No, not cold beneath the grasses, Not close-walled within the tomb; Rather in our Father's mansion, Living in another room. Her loving brother, W. F. Thompson. The C. G, L. T. The Canadian Girls in Training had a very happy time on Monday evening when they held a supper party in the Sunday School room of the United Church. After partaking of a de- licious meal the girls held a short meeting and then spent until eight o'clock in fun and games, During the program Margaret Colbear favoured with a piano selection, Twenty-nine girls were present with their leaders. HOCKLY Last Wednesday evening a game of hockey was played at the Port Perry Arena between Oshawa G. M. Pay Roll and Port Perry. ; played very good hockey and the final outcome was 7-4 in favour of Oshawa. During the second period, Nicky MacMaster, of the Oshawa team, re- ceived a gash over his left eye, which required medical attention. However, he was able to resume playing for the wst period. ; On Friday night, Pedlar's of Osha- wa, played against Scugog at the Port Perry arena. Pedlar's were victors. 1.O.O.t'. NEWS On Thursday night, March 2nd, the First Degree was conferred for the benefit of twenty-one candidates at Corinthian Lodge, Oshawa, A good representation from Warriner attended to support their candidates. Around twenty members and their wives and friends attended the gather- ing on Friday evening, March 8rd, which was held in the Collegiate in North Oshawa, The Degrees of Chivalry, which was conferred on Brother M. Penfound was very inter- esting and impressive. After the ceremonial part of the program was completed the rest of the evening was spent in dancing to the music of Russ Creighton ahd his orchestra. A splen- did time was had by all. About five hundred people attended this Oddfel- low's gathering. On Tuesday evening, of this week, several members from our local lodge attended the official visit of the Dis- trict Deputy Grand Master, Bro, W. Dixon at Phoenix Lodge, Oshawa. A splendid evening was enjoyed and the addresses very beneficial to those in' attendance, . - CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Graham wish to express sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for their great kindness during Mr. Graham's recent severe ill- ness, Flowers and fruit and cheery words have been evidence of real neighborliness, ee THANK YOU! Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Jemjson_ wish to extend a very sincere thank you to the Port Perry Fire Brigade for their prompt appearance and work at the recent fire at their Bakery. Thanks are also extended to all others who helped to quell the fire so promptly. The assistance of all. was greatly appreciated. * Nigh Shoo "Notes Ad Optima Margaret Hocken On the evenings of March 2nd and 8rd (rade X preaen a three-act play "The Adventures of Tom Saw- yer." The scene is in the small town of St, Petersburg, Missouri, Tom inspiring address. issue, : Both teams X Sawyer (Roddy Foster) and his chum Huckleberry Finn (Bruce Hull, Lloyd MacKinnon) decide to visit the grave- yard to try the cat cure for warts. Arrived at the scene of their experi- ment, they are suddenly confronted with the figures of Doc Robinson, In- jun Joe (Bill Williams), a yillainous half-breed, and Old Muff Potter, The two boys hide behind bushes and by the light of the moon see Injun Joe lunge a knife into Doc Robinson's ck, the knife that belongs to old Muff Potter. Then, when the old man is unconscious, Injun Joe places the knife in old man Potter's hand, and when he regains consciousness, fnjun Joe tells on Muff Potter that he murdered Doc Robinson. The boys flee from the graveyard, and because Injun Joe is such a dangerous char- acter, they are afraid he will drown them., They sign a pledge never to reveal the truth, Walter Potter(Grant MucMillan), son of Old Muff Potter, renounces his sweetheart, Mary Rog- ers (Helen Hayes), because he does not wish to bring disgrace upon her, and the two boys are beside them- selves trying to find a way out of their predicament when suddenly in comedy fashion the way is cleared for them, Muff Potter is saved from hanging and the real culprit is ex- posed. Tom and Huck find the hidden treasure that was buried in the cave, rescue Tom's romance Becky Thatcher (Jeanne Cuthbert), and become the heroes of St. Petersburg, All the lovable® characters of the American classic are here--Sid Saw- yer, Tom's half brother (Wilfred Ot- tenbrite, Bert Corner), who lives only to tattle; dear old Aunt Polly, (Lor- reine Smith, Doris Clark) with her sharp tongue and her warm heart; lisping Amy Lawrence (Louise How- sam), Joe Harper (Joe Ottenbrite, Nelson Hudgin)who is always getting a tanning; Mrs. Sereny Harper (Eliza- beth Fralick, Annabelle Hillier), shrieking her grief over lost Joe; the Widder Douglas (Audrey Graham) who lives alone and does not like it. Mrs, Thatcher (Jean Cook) a kindly neighbor who pays homage to Tom at the end. The next Literary Program under the auspices of the Student Council is to be given by Grade IX in the month of April, Other school events that cast their shadows before them are: a St. Pat- rick's dance on March 17th to which all ex-students are cordially invited; a Musical Programme under the di- rection of Mrs. Rowe on the evening of March 24th, To each of these a small admission charge is being made. The following are the results of the girls' basketball games played accord- ing to schedule: February 24th, Grade XIII versus Grade XI1--38-30, February 28th, Grade XI versus Grade XII--14-20, i March 2nd, Grade XI versus Grade {--8-28. Assisted at the Sunderland Clinic The following persons assisted at the 7th Blood Donors Clinic at Sunderland (186 donors)-- . Mrs, Whitmore; Mrs. Sleep Mrs. Archer, and Mrs. Dymond, Mr. Sleep drove the party out from Port Perry, and gave gen- eral assistance at the Clinic as was required of him, Good co-operation, Port Perry Lions « Friday, March 10th (this week) is Lions Club 'night. Members will meet .in the Public Library Community Room. The finishing touches will be put on the Dance program for Tuesday, March 21, at the High School Assembly hall. 'Russ Creighton and His Moun- taineers have been booked. «Chief George Holmes will tell the Lions something of the rela- tionship between the" policeman and the citizen, By the way, the Club meets at 7.30 p.m. It would. be a great note if 'everybody would -be on time. : SCUGOG p An Easter service is being planned or. Mr, Maurice Fralick gave the black- board talk at the close of the classes, The subject was "Areoplanes must be prepared" especially when dropping into the sea, We should also have faith and be prepared for we know not what hour we will be called. The at- tendance was good. A questionnaire will be presented next Sunday so come prepared. The Supt, Mr, F. Crozer, resented the bell to the S. 8, that Rev, H, W., Foley. prepared to be used at the end of the' lesson period, - The W. A, meeting will he held in the Town Hall on Tuesday afternoon, March 14th, Mrs, R, Tetlow and Mrs, A. MacMillan are the program com- mittee, The patched aproA and the donation box will be on hand, Group 6 will be hostesses and invite one and all to come and enjoy the meeting. E. Hance are improving in health. All will be glad to know that three trestles have been put in place for the roof of the new church, Mr. Stanley Ploughman and his men were assisted by Scugog men, Mrs. F. G. Joblin 'and daughters Gladys and Mrs. Westney, and Mr, H. Westney, visi the parsonage on Saturday and packed the rest of the household effects re to move to their new home, Mrs) Foley and her daughter, Mrs. MacMllan returned to the parsonage recently. : We are sorry to hear that Rev, F. G. Joblin does not feel well enough to carry on the work here, Mrs." Gordon Hope, and daughisrs, Mrs, Creig Wolsey and little gir s Kay and Joyce of Kindersley, visited Mrs, D. Hope and Mrs, H, Long on Thurs- d y F ay. ; > Mrs, J. L. Sweetman and daughter Allene spent a pleasant week-end in 'l'oronto, , Mr, David Hope spent the week-end with his son Roy and Mrs. Hope, in their new home west of Port Perry. Scugog folk extend sympathy to Mrs. Alan Jackson, in the sudden passing of her mother, Mrs. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Crosier, of Man- chester, and Mr, and Mrs. R. Reader, were visitors of Mr, and Mrs, Gedrge Samells, on Sunday. Miss Clara Hardy visited her cousin, Mrs, H. Long, on Friday. 'he Head Community Club met on Wednesday evening, February 23rd;-at the home of Mr, and Mrs, G. Freeman. The President, Anson Gerrow, took charge of "the meeting which was opened with the singing of two hymns, A minute of silence was observed in memory of Rev. H. W. Foley. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. It is -an impromptu program for the next meeting. The refreshment committee for this meet- ing were Lois Reader, Ruby Brown, Inez Martyn. Mrs. Freeman gave a very interesting contest which was followed by a reading by Mrs, S. Rod- man. Mr. Freeman gave selections on the accordian. Mrs. E. Sweetman gave a reading. Anson Gerrow read a number of humorous verses, Mrs, N. Kerry gave a reading as did Mrs, C. Samells, Mrs, J. Reader conducted a. contest, Mr. Freeman played the bagpipes, Mys. E., Reader gave a reading and there was community singing. A vote of thanks was tend- ered the program committee and those taking part, also to Mr, and Mrs, Free- man for the use of their home which was followed by singing "For They are Jolly Good Fellows". Mr. Gordon Hope is busy helping Mr. F. Reesor, of Port Perry, in the woods. Mys, Thos, Redman visited with her brother, Mr, Jones, in Toronto, last week, : Sgt. Ivan Kerry is enjoying a fur- lough with his parents, He has been stationed in the West, but will now go to the east at St. Hyacinthe, Que, Mr, and Mrs, Harris, of Montreal, are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. O. Reader, Mr, Harris is now to be transferred to the West, Mr, and Mrs, Angus Wilkinson, Mr, and Mrs. S. Rodman and Mr. Chas. Reader, attended the funeral in Peter- borough, on Friday, of their cousin, Kenneth Reader, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Reader, and grand- on of Mr. Ephraim Reader. Ken- neth died suddenly following an oper- ation. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved Jenisy: A.C. Ralph Laing and Mrs, Laing, of .Brantford, and Joy Hood, of Osha- wa, shen) the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. R. Hood. Birthday greetings to Mrs. A. Mark and Mrs, H, Collacutt for March 10th, Mrs. John Burnham for the 11th, Pte. Russell Fines, Mrs, R, Prentice, Mrs. Jonathan Aldred Mrs. A. McKenzie and Mrs. Fred Jackson, for the the, 12th, Mrs. H. Gibson and Jimmie Ball for the 13th, Connie Leighton aud Beverley Phillips for the 14th, Mrs. R. Tetlow for the 16th, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hancié, son Len, and Mrs, A, Martyn, visited in To- ronto one day last week. . : PROSPECT Miss Helen Wilson of Mount Zion, is the guest of her sister, Mrs, L. Smith, SE Sorry to report that Mrs. Frank Vernon is in the Oshawa General Hos- pital. We hope.she will soon be re- stored to good health again, Mr, Alex. Lee, of Uxbridge, was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs, E, Diamond on Sunday, * Pte. Alan. Gilroy of Guelph, was at his home here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A, Gilsoy, Miss Edith Cochrane of Brooklin, spent the week-end with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs; Harold McDermaid, of Oshawa, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Bray on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Thorne, of Oshawa, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. W. Holtby, j Mr. S. Saywell of Oshawa, occupied the pulpit on Sunday. We are always pleased to have Mr, Saywell with us, Miss Eva Gregg is visiting with friends in Toronto. A : Mr. Charles Munroe at Mr. and Mrs. A. Gray's, recovering after an opera- tion in Lindsay. Hospital, Word has been received by Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Smith that their son, Robert Smith, D,0.C., has arrived in Africa. 5 t Congratulations to Mr, Jas. Byers on his 83rd birthday, Feb. 26th. His faniily attended a dinner in his honour in his home on the 26th, "Cadmus Red Cross ladies held a Euchre and dance in the Community Hall, Feb, 26th. Winners at cards BAAR ANRIRRIRNS Lawrence's Drug Store News Itititttttttttttttistittsttttttttssttttttttitittity You can Save with Safety at the REXALL STORE NEW LOW PRICES on GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN 12 tablets .. 24 'tablets ... 100 tablets (effective immediately) Pal Lifebuoy Shaving Cream, ...33¢., 44c. Briten Tooth Paste Squibb Dental Cream .. Forhan's Tooth Paste .. Pepsodent Tooth Paste, ,. Listerine Tooth Paste molive Shaving Cream, 35c., 49¢. It is no longer necessary to have empty tubes Shaving Cream or Tooth Paste when purchasing ee I Ls Tt I LL LL LS SSE 000000 tates ttts testes ss A. M. LAWRENCE ~ is ill in Bowmanville Hospital. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Sadler is very much missed in the community, because she. contributes so unselfishly to the musical activi- ties. Mrs, R. Taylor is taking her; place at the organ in the United Church seryices, : the Rectory and other homes. Mrs, McKee, Mrs. Bruce and Miss King attended the presentation to Mr, and Mrs, and. Miss, Lathangue, when some 100 neighbours and relatives gathered at their home and presented them with an electric bridge lamp and end table before their departure from Cadmus to live in Bowmanville, Fifty some relatives and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Forder Saturday evening, March 4th, to celebrate with them their 26th wedding anniversary and present them with a bridge lamp. and table. Mr, L. Byers acted as chairman. Pro- gram, lunch and games were enjoyed until midnight. : ~The first Blood Donors Clinic held in Port Perry, Feb, 25th, was a huge success and in. view of the grand re- sponse of donors, it is 'going to be possible to run a ¢linic every five weeks, The next one is to be held on March 31st. 'Donors from Cartwright were: M. Nesbitt, Miss E. Campbell, B. Veale, R. Malcolm, O, Stacey, Mrs. Robt. Ewers, H. Malcolm, S. Staples, A. Davidson, Fred Philp, H, Thomp- son, N, Malcolm, C. H. Porteous, Dalton Dorrell, Ivan Mountjoy, Ralph Larmer and Grant Ferguson gave do- nations. at- Oshawa Clinic the same day, It was the 6th donation given by Dalton Dorrell and Ralph Larmer, We hope that it will be possible for all those who volunteered, to be taken at - Port 'Perry's next clinic. Cart- wright Red Cross stands ready to help and also our nurses have volun- teered. It is expected that they will be called later, Dr. John McArthur was one of the four doctors in at- tendance at the first clinic. Messrs. Gilbert, Porteous and Reeve Green are on the committee and donors may re- gister with any of the local merchants or with Mrs, Arthur Bailey. The Junior Commandos Branch, Jr. Red Cross, held their regular meeting on Friday. afternoon, March 38rd, in' Blackstock Public School, with the' president, Richard VanCamp, in.the chair, The minutes of the last meet- ing were read by the secretary, Joyce Venning, The collection which amount- ed to'30¢ was then taken. The trea- surer reported the sum of $9.26 on hand. The following knitted articles | were brought in to be handed on to. Mrs, V. Archer; who has charge of that part of work for the Ontario Red Cross Branch in Cartwright: a girl's sweater, knit by Grace Graham; a pair of socks, knit by Doreen Van Camp; and 2 girl's scarves, knit by- Barbara Jackson and Betty McArthur, Congratulations, girls. A short pro- gram was given, and the Somaiiider | of the time spent in games. The Geography Match, which had been started at a previous meeting, was finally. brought to a close, with Ro- nald Middleton's side winning, | FOR SALE : A quantity of Cedar Posts, Bass- wood Logs, and Cedar Poles, Apply to William Perry, R.R. 4, Port Perry .(Utica.) si : ' FOR SALE About 8 tons of Clover Hay; also a General Purpose Colt, .2 years old. Lenten services are being held in|' PHONE 49 77 Roxall swe. PORT PERRY YT eit sere siasasinsiatatiniiatatentinaiisizsesetadaiesis (3330313 chestra, Lunch was sold during the FOR SALE hd 5 to report that Mrs. Sadler Harrow; Plow; Horse Wagon; Horse Sleigh; 1 set Single Harness; and 1 Scuffler. Apply to Ted Roberts, Corbett's Point, R.R.#2, Whitby. Phone 850 r 12. ~ NOTICE All Kinds of Eleotrioal and Mechanical Repairs to Household appliances All makes and sizes of Eleotric Motors repair- ed and Reconditioned 3 h. p. Fairbanks Gas Engine for Sale. MACHINE REPAIR SHOP STAN. CAUSLEY, Proprietor Port Perry, BILTMORE THEATER, OSHAWA Thursday, Friday, Saturday, MARCH 9-10-11 ABBOTT and COSTELLO -in their Funniest "Pardon My Sarong" .. --plus-- First Oshawa Showing "Rubber Racketeers" with Ricardo Cortez, - Rochelle Hudson, Barbara Reed. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, MARCH 13-14-15 BETTE DAVIS and PAUL HENREID, in "Now hs --plus-- First Oshawa Showing of "Sweetheart ; of the Camvus with RUBY KEELER, : HARRIET HILLIARD, J) La Continuous Daily from 1 p.m. Apply to Chas. N. Howsam, Port Perry. Phone 90 r 11, Come in and see our AGE FLORENAMEL SPEED which covers in ON Wood, or Papered Wa 48 HOURS. JAP-A-LAC PAINTS NOW is the time to freshen up with JAP-A-LAC ean Try our ROCK SPAR VARNISH Gloss and Semi-Gloss Ki ; Also the good MEZZONTONE WATER PAINT OF COLOUR BOOK WALL, aidan E COAT over Plaster, lls, and you can wash in . oN were C, Venning and Mrs, J, Watson. lc was provided by Cadmus Or] Glad to hear that both Mr, and Mrs. | Musi A) / Phone 240w : LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO., Ontario Voyager' | OZZIE NELSON and his Band | T