"met ouit again as the Japanese staged an air Rn the og Let PARADOL Relieve your Headaches Backaches Colds Rheumatic For Quick Relief of Pain Blind Newt Holds Record For Fasting The cat which survived a 41- day voyage as a stowaway with- owt food, producing four kittens Into the bargain, must certainly be a rare specimen of endurance, though the licking of cosmogene from a crated engine no doubt helped to keep the wolf from the door. But the annals of the ani- mal world contain fasting feats even more remarkable, Passing over the case of the Liverpool dog buried during a blitz which survived after 20 days without food or water, the first of the really notable records is that of the marine iguanas from the Galapagos Islands, which ob- stinately refused food for three months before giving up their hunger strike. This, however, has been beaten easily by a 25-foot python in the London Zoo, which declined all focd whatsoever for 18 months and was none the worse when it began eating again, A Madagascar boa-constrictor, however, turned even this record into small beer by existing, in similar conditions, in the Paris Jardin des Plantes for four years and a month. The world's record 60 far is held by the &lind newt, the Proteus, one specimen of which spent five years between iwo meals, The record for a man, by the way, is 60 days. HONORED BY THE KING Captain J, H. Hubley, Master of the B.8. Colborne, of the Canadian Na- tional Steamshipe, received the insignia of .a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire at the recent investiture at Ottawa for his action in safely piloting his ship from Penang, an island off the west coast of Malaya, which the Japanese captured early in their campaign against Singa- pore. The voyage of the Colborne, J which in peace- time was known to thousands of travellers as one dies 'Vagabond Cruise ships, will likely-be recorded as one of the most remarkable and thrilling sea Stories of the Jar began in Can- ada in Septem: ber, 1041, and A when six months later Captain Hubley CAPT, HUBLEY ~~ brought his ship back to an Eastern Canadi an port with patches covering shrapnel holes in her starboard side the result of a near bomb hit while at Penang, he had 82,000 miles, much of that distance being through unfamiliar waters, and had brought her safely through several minefields, the outward voyage the ship earried cargo to Calcutta, afterwards ' proceeding to Penang whefd she arrived in time to encounter two aerial bombardments staged by the Japanese on December 9 and 11. On the second attack a bomb hit a lighter alongside tho Colborne and the shrapnel made more than 50 holes in the ship itself. 'The Captain headed for sea and con- tinued to Singapore, There the hull was tehed, loading completed and with Passengers on board. the Colborne... He brought the Colborne back to Canada via India, South Africa and the West Indies. Captain Hubley, whose home is in N.B., was born in Dundas, Edward Island. He has been eommander of the Colborne since 1932, uided- his ship for | TABLE TALKS SADIE B. CHAMBERS A Happy Christmas Christmas Dinner Jellied Tomato Bouillon Roast Turkey Apple and Sage Dressing Creamed Riced Potato Parsnips with Tomato Sauce Beet Salad Plum Pudding Carrot Sauce Beverage of Choice Jellied Tomato Bouillon cups tomato juice cup consomme slice onion cup water tablespoon lemon juice tablespoon gelatine tablespoons cold water Seasoning to taste Simmer tomato juice, consom. me, onion and water in covered pan for ten minutes, Remove the onion. Reheat to boiling, Sea- son, add lemon juice then gela- tine which has been soaked in cold water. Chill, Serve in bouil- lon cups. Serves 6. Apple and Sage Dressing 6 cups soft stale bread erumbs 134 cups diced apple 14 cup diced onion 8 tablespoons soft butter 1% teaspoons salt Dash pepper 1 teaspoon sage Combine all stuff the turkey, Parsnips with Tomato Sauce 4 large parsnips 1% cups tomato juice % cup diced celery 1 bay leaf 14 sliced onion 2 whole cloves 1 teaspoon salt Dash pepper Wash, peel and dice the pars- nips and par-cook in salted, boil- ing water for 156 minutes, Boil together all other ingredients and strair when cooked. Add parsnips and simmer for 10 minutes. Serves 6. Carrot Sauce 1 cup sugar 8 tablespoons flour 14 'teaspoon salt 1% cups boiling water 8 tablespoons finely grated carrot 2 tablespoons orange juice 2 tablespoons lemon juice 4 tablespoong butter Mix the sugar, flour and salt. Add the water and cook until thick and clear, stirring constant- Jy. Set over hot water; add re- maining ingredients and cook gently over hot water until ready to serve. BO bk bt fb ft i BO ingredients and Miss Chambers welcomes personal = letters from Intercated readers. She fs pleased to receive suggestions on topless for ber column, and is always ready to listen to your "pet peeves," Itequests for recipes or special menus are In order. Address your leiters to Sadie I. Chambers, Adelnlde St. Toronto." Send etamped self-nd- dressed envelope {f you wish » weply. 3 SCOUTING ... 'Lord Peter Baden-Powel), only | som of the Founder of the Boy Scouts is a Cubmaster in Africa, * LJ In the scrap metals campaign in the United States, 431,769 Boy Scouts took part and collected 292,008,406 , pounds of needed met- als, LJ * * A letter of congratulations to the Boys Brigade, on the occaslon of ita Djamond Jubilee has been sent by the Governor-General as Chief Scout on behalf of its broth. of Canada. LJ LJ LJ Pilot. Officer James @. Noel, for nine years a member of the 40th Vancouver Scout Troop, was the hero of a rescue when a woman jumped overboard from the 8.8, MAKE YOUR OWN QU ARES ER ARE] UEARITUTTRIRS Fine Cut MILDER TASTIER TOBACCO "er organizatfon, the Boy Scouis | ROSSEAU CHAPTER IX SYNOPSIS Dave Bruce, out of a job, arrives at Wilbur Ferris' Cross-Bar ranch. Curran, the foreman, promises him a Job If he can break a horse call- ed Black Dawn. When he succeeds, he discoverg Curran expected the horse to kill him. A girl named Lols rides up. She Is angry with Dave for breaking "her" horse and refuses to speak to him even after he has used his savings to help her foster father, Hooker, pay off the mortgage on thelr ranch. She leavés, and that night, while Hook- er ls trying to tell Dave a secret he has learned, Hooker Is killed by a shot fired through an open window, As Dave starts to town to get the sheriff he meets Lols, who Immediately believes him guilty. Now Sheriff Coggswell has Just arrested Dave for murder. For an instant Dave sized up the situation. It hadn't occurred to him before that he could possibly be under suspicion of having killed the harmless old man whom. he had befriended, For a moment the ignominy of his position maddened him with anger. But he hadn't a chance, with Sheriff Coggswell's gun covering his hearge. 80, with a shrug of his shoul- ders, he held out his hands. While Blms covered him in turn,-Coggs- well extracted a pair of handcuffs from his saddle bag and snapped them over Dave's wrists, "I guess you kin handle this bad hombre, Sims," sald Coggswell to his deputy, "Me and Miss Lois will ride up to the mesa and Investi- gate. Turn yore hawss, Bruce." In another moment Dave was riding back toward Mescal. Sims was at his side with a gun in his hand, while 'the sheriff and Lois were galloping back across the valley. Mescal, which. had appeared Princess Alice as she steamed into Vancouver Harbour. Noel, who had just received his commission was wearlng his officer's uniform for the first time. "I guess-it's christened now" he remarked. . . * The Chiet Scout for Canada, His Excellency the Governor-Gen- * eral has sent the following Christ. * mas message to the Boy Scouts of Canada. "Cordial greetings: and good wishes to all my brother Scouts and Scout Leaders. May they have a jolly Christmas, and remember in their thoughts and prayers their less fortunate broth- er Scouts in Europe who have had anything but happiness for more than four years. Let us trust that peace may be theirs and ours be- fore the coming of apother Christ- mas." APPLE-A-DAY APRON PET Vi 3 Fun to make, fun to wear is this simple, sprightly apron, Pat- tern 4576, You can perk li up with ruffles, decorate it with an apple for apple time (pattern for applique is included) or have it Just plain "n' mighty pretty, X Pattern 45756 is available in slzes small (82-84), medium (86- 38) and jarge (40-42), Small aie, takes 1% yards 86-inch rie. : Send TWENTY: CENTS (20¢) in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to Anne ams, Room 421, 78 Adelaide Bt. West, Toronto, Write plainly size, name, address, style number. empty the afternoon before, was now very much alive, Storekeep- ers were standing in thelr door. ways, looking on. Little groups of inhabitants, gathered at street chins formed In procession, run- ning behind the horses and hoot- ing loudly, It was evident that Lols' story of Hooker's murder had immediately become public property, . . tI was with a feeling of rellef that Dave walked up the stone steps of the jail. Passing through the anteroom, he was ushered in- to one of the two steel cages that comprised the cells, In one corn- er was a cot bed, and that was all, The deputy alanged the door. "Ain't you goin" to take these wrist-bands off?' demanded Dave. "Nope, not till the. sheriff gits back," answered the deputy, "Yo're a desp'rate killer, Bruce, and I ain't takin' no chances with yuh," It must have been midday before Sheriff Coggswell appeared, with Bims beside him. Each man had a gun in his hand, and the look on' the sheriff's face destroyed all atlon. ! "I'm takin' you before Judge Lon- ergan," said the sheriff, "Unlock that cage, Sims." "So you think I killed old Hook- or?" Dave demanded. "You kin argue that with the Judge. He's waitin," was all that Coggswell vouchsafed. : Coggswell led the way, and Dave followed, with the deputy's revolv- er pressing Into the small of his back. They went up a flight of stairs to a small courtroom over- head. The two dozen or so of seats were all filled, and other spectators lined the walls. Lonergan, seated on the bench, grinned viciously as Dave was brought in- front of-him; * * "You haven't lost any time since you hit Mescal," he observed. "Have you been through your list of wanted men yet, sheriff?" "No, I ain't had the chance," Coggswell responded, "but the facts is as clear as daylight. Yore honor heard him cheat old Hooker out of a half-share in that valuable property when the sald Hooker "was In a state qf Intoxication: Like- wise they was seen to ride away corners and watched the two men ride by, A bobtail of Mexican uF" Dave's hopes of immediate llber- ------------------------.--. "added. together, and by the prisoner's own admission him and Hooker spent the night together in the cabin "And Miss Hooker?" asked Lon ergan, "She spent the night out on the mesa with her hawses. Didn't like the looks of the hombre's face, and reckernized him for the feller who beat up Curran at the Cross-Bar yestidday, Well, yore honor, we brung Hooker's body into town, He was killed instantly with a forty. five slug through the brain, which the doc extracted, Likewise there's one shell fired from the prisoner's forty-five." . "Looks like you killed that poor, harmless old man," rasped Loners gan, "hoping to find some money or something. What have you got to say?" LJ . "All T got to say is," answered Dave, "Mr. Hooker woke up be- fore daylight and started talkin' to me, and all of a sudden a masked man stuck a gun through the win dow and shot him dead. Did my best to ketch him, but he was too slick for me, He was away in the _, dark before I could get near enough to shoot." "Anything to corroborate that story, sheriff?" asked Lonérgan. "Nary thing," responded Coggs- well. "No trail nor nothing, Looks to me this is an open and shut case." "Well, what dld this masked man look like?' Lonergin demanded. "You say you saw him, How tall was he? What sort of build did he have? Could you identify him if you were to see him again?" "Nacherally not, him being mask- ed and it being dark as pitch," Dave returned. "But he was about yore build, judge, and he stood about as high as you do, and he had a look like a mangy yeller coyote, and--" "Silence!" roared Lonergan, banging his gavel down on the desk. "You'll get nothing by those tactics, Bruce. I'm holding you with. out bail fer the coroner's jury. Keep him in close confinement, sheriff, and see that no one is al- lowed to visit him." (Continued Next Week) 'Milan Church Bells Taken By Fascists The Swiss radio reported that "210 church bells weighing over 100 tons were removed in Milan at the order of the Fascist author- ities." This is about one-third of all church bells of Milan, the report "The bells of the Milan cathedral* wera left in place. purpose! 1% cups Saxon Brand (pastry) our : OR 1% cups Quaker (hard- wheat) Flour 23% teaspoons baking powder 34 teaspoon salt oy 3° tablespoons sugar salt and sift again, together, bining after each. utes. Makes, eight Puffs." Cornflake Cranberry Puffs Other jams than cranberry are delicious also in these little cup- desserts--marmalade too, when you feel inclined to use it for this Serve the Puffs very hot, with sauce or cream. 4 tadlespoons shortening tablespoons sugar 1 egg ¥% cup milk 14 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup Quaker Corn Flakes Cranberry Jam Sift the flour once before measuring, Add baking powder ang n. Combine the shortening and sugar, beating well Beat and add the egg. with the milk, making three additions of dry, two of liquid, and com- Add vanilla 'and Quaker Corn Flakes. two-thirds fill greased medium-sized muffin pans. 3 spoonful of jam. - Bake in moderately hot oven, 875° ahout 20 min Add dry ingredients alternately Use to Top each with a He's only ona of millions, b Be they on gles of New nies, afloat on foe-infe! all their hearts will be th CHRISTMAS PRAYER ut he typifies the spirit that all Al ' lied fighting men will have as they kneel to offer a Christmas prayer. bloody Tarawa, in mud-bound ial the steaming in England, Iceland, ted waters or in the training eamps at home--in e same 'prayer--for victory, a speedy peace and the return of /good will among men. ST un- hina, India, somewhere - ' for them. They will be lonely --of experienca tells us that death . Dotato crop Is estimated at $17. Women Fly Ferry - . Route For Russia Russian women pilots have played and are playing a prom- inent role in the United Nations lend-lease scheme by piloting planes from Alaska to the Rus- sian front after they have been flown to the far north from the United Stutes factories. % While not all the pilots are women, they have been acting as ferry pilots for the Russian Gov- ernment after the U. $5. manu- factured military aireraft are turned over to the Russians for- combat. duty against the Germans on the war front. . Planes bearirg the Soviet in- signia, a plain red star, have been seen by Albertans in Ed- monton and along the Alaska Highway for some time. The planes are transported by the United States Air Transport Command from U. 8, factories to « Edmonton and then along the string of Alaska Highway air- ports to Fairbanks, where they are taken over by Russian pilots, From Fairbanks the planes are flown to the Russian front. The planes follow a chain of seven airports, most of them war- built. UNWORN MEDAL Axis troops never got to wear the medal pictured above, appar- --ently struck off by optimistic Germans and Italians anticipate ing triumphal entry into Alexana dria, Egypt. It shows an Italian and a German soldier pulling the teeth of a crocodile, representing the Nile River. country... It was brought to Washington by Com modore William Sullivan, Navy salvage expert, whose divers found thousands of them In the hold of a sunken Italian freighter, No Bailing Out Over The Atlantic Fliers Would Be "Lonely Dots On The Wide, Widé Ocean' Crews of big bombers and patrol afrcraft flying far out over the At- lantic do not favor parachutes, says the Windsor Star. Bxperienced fliers perfer to go Into the sea in their ship, if it comes to being shot down or forced down. - There is a reason for the choice. The flying boats and big craft used for the long range patrol work are sturdily built and huge parts will 'float indefinitely. If the craft goes into the sea, there is always the chance of a wing" breaking off and providing a raft. : Or, a landing may he made in such fashion that rafts can be launch: ed. Then, the aviators have nothing to do but wait, hope and pray for rescue, x But, if they ball out over the Atlantic, there 1s not much hope dots on the "wide, wide ocean, floating about walting death from exposure or exhaustion. One flier would come fairly quickly in winter owing to the cold, but it would be a bit of a slow process in summer, The boys going down in the channel can anticipate rescue fairly quickly. They can go down in chutes. They have dinghles equip. ped to thelr apparatus and they carry a whistle to keep blowing it they are floating around in th drink. With the boys coming tows far out In the Atlantle, it is dit- ferent. ' 1943 Potato Crop Worth $17,143,000 The value of this year's Ontarlo 143,000 by the Ontario: Agric) tural Department, almost $5,000, 1000 higher than last year and the bighest return since 1926. Potato 'acreage this year was ' 'the' lowest in more than 60 years but the average yleld per acre was Increased over last year. The Department sald - that quality of the product also showed marked "Raba improyement. My Growing cant wait for Peace! That's Why | Need Whole Grain Quaker Oats... Richest of All Natural Cereals In-Growing Factor Protein} Yes, real oatmeal leads all natural cereals in protein, the very thing that is meat's main element, Children must have pro tein for normal growth, Adults must have it for stamina and to help fight fatigue. Nature richly stored so many important food elements in Whole-Grain Oatmeal. It stands alone among cereals, Give your family its wonderful protection now that so many foods --1 are scarce and rationed, Get a package at your grocers today--start eachdaywiththiswhole- some, delicious, Whole- Grain breakfast, The Quaker Outs I fy rhoe and The Book Shelf Barrie & Daughter "By Rebecca Caudill pr "A girl's got one calling," Blanche Barrie told her daughter, "To get married and housekeep. Against her wedding day, she can teach school." This was agreed in Poor Folk, with no dissenters ex- cept Peter, Fern's father, and Fern herself, ~ Fern's story 1s more than a novel about enterprise and cour- age. It Is the delicately handled relationship between a young. girl and her parents, and a double lov story: of Blanche and Peter Bag- rie, and of Fern and Clint Stacey. This Is the mountain country of a half-century ago, when it took ten yards of sprigged calico to make a dress, and Uslle Ratliff couldn't belleve that folks exist. ed so lazy they would buy a quilt 'stead of making their own. But the underlying theme of honor and justice, and the Kentucky hills with the frail spring lady- slipper, the summer calico bush "like a thousand candles burning bright," the fall pawpaw trees and the -plnes, are eternal.' And when the Barrles set out' to right certaln wrongs in the valley, they found "that victory, then, as al. ways, belongs to the stout of eart." " Barrie & Daughter .-. . By Ress" becca Caudil! si, . The Macmillan Company-.-.-» Price $250. : \ Meeting Reported + In 26 Languages / The Overseas Branch of the United States Office of War In- formation worked full blast to = carry to.the ends of the earth the stody of the historic Roosevelt Churchill-Stalin * conference at Teheran, . Shortwave radio beamed the story in 26 languages and dialects out of New York over 20 east" coast transmitters, with relays t, Palermo, Beri and Naples, hod {1/44 COLDS- BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE IN Toronte. or i =z St. Regis Hotel '® Every Room with Bath, Shower and Telephone. Double, $3.50 up. ® Good Food, Dining and Dancing Nightly. : Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA, 4135 ISSUE No, 62-43 aily, ® Single, $2.60 up-- |. ~--ag gs from London, Algiers, Tunis, * _ A