Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Dec 1943, p. 3

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- "% w EASE AAS nr or C33 sr 4 BANKERS ON TRANSITION ~ FROM WAR TO PEACE VITAL NATIONAL PROBLEMS DISCUSSED BY BANK OF MONTREAL PRESIDENT (Continued from preceding Page) volved would apply to everyone "else and pass the workingman by, "In its primary aspects the matter of nationalized banking is ene of monopoly versus competi- tion in the field of credit; and even within these limits it con. eerns everyone owning or de- pendent upon a Canadian enter- prise that may have need of day- cations the issue is that of indi- vidual liberty of action as oppos- ed to the concept of a central Government supreme not only in" the field of legislative powers and' responsibilities, but in the spheres of business, industry and nance as well, This would in- evitably mean the domination by THE BANK IN THE POST-WAR YEARS "For 126. years this Bank has played an important part in the commercial and industrial devel- opment of the Dominion. In all that time our facilities have been freely available to the Canadian ple in the exercise of banking unctions, conducted in all their aspects, without bias or political prejudice, and in - accordance with principles which experience has proven to be sound. In this, we have I think played a not un. soundness, sane and experienced management, fair and confiden- tial dealing, plus the competitive spur to progressive outlook and efficiency, have all combined to build this system that is serving 4he' public well. I am confident JHist your Bank is well equipped to do its important part towards meeting the problems and oppor- Vo J ¢ E PRESS FLEAS ON DISPLAY The suggestion to pay the war costs by caging Musso and Adolf and sending em on a world tour, admission 10 cents, isn't bad. But we think Tojo should be in- cluded, and make it a three-ring flea circus at 16 cents. --Ottawa Citizen, AND WITH PLEASURE Five German U-boats a week have been sunk by the Allies dur- ing the past three months. As they might well say to Hitler: "You build 'em, Adolf, and we'll sink 'em."'--Hamilton Spectator, CHEERS FOR OUR SIDE Says a German officer in Italy: ing in and trying to kill us." Are they really' as bad as the Rus- sians? Hurray! --Peterborough Examiner. . A CLEAN.UP The U. S. Government has re-- leased 100,000,006 pounds of lard for - soap-making. Between ~~ moc WIZ «QU A 0 0 Z~= December 26 GOD'S GREAT LOVE AND HIS GIFT Matthew 2:1.12, GOLDEN TEXT--For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoso- ever believeth on him should not Si but have eternal life. | John 3:16. MEMORY VERSE--God , . . loved us, and sent his Son. 1 John 4:10. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time--5 B.C, Place--The city of Bethlehem, eix miles south of Jerusalem, behold, Wise-men from the east came to Jerusalem saying, where is he that is born. King of the Jews. For we saw his star in the east, and are coming to worship him," Hered «was not a born king, and for a long time there had 'been no Jewish king by priv- ilege of birth. But at length there we go on trusting when the star ceases to shine, we shall see it again, and will have the assurance we are in the right path, and that God is guiding us, Adoration of the Magi "And they came into the house and saw the young child with Mary his mother; and they fell dowr. and worshipped him; and opening. their treasures they of. fered' unto him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh." They fell down before Him doing hom. age to Him d9-King\of the Jews. They presented /to IN to be presented moytirehs, and it was to Jesus, asa royal child, that they vere given by: the Magi. The Warning Drean "And being warned of God in a dream that they should not re- turn to Herod, they departed into their own country another way." In simple ways Goll works; in a no evidence the Magi promised to return to Herod. The warning vision: from Heaven would be a further confirmation of their faith in the Kingship of Jesus. They were defermined to obey God rather than men, whatever the consequences, The Book Shelf Boughs Bend Over * a : h ay) to-day or seasonal credit accom. fitting part as the oldest repre- | "The Canadians are as bad. as . The Newborn King . dream He warned the Magi of ob ' modation, In its broader impli. pentane ua We Cemadiny hivk, the Russians. They keep push. In the days of Herod the king, | Horod's evil intentions, There is Bye Maida Parlow French Boughs Wend Over is a vivid and colourful story of an carly Cane adian settlement, The Van Doorns are pioneers, Johu Van Doorn, a successful ate torney of Albany, New York, is, Sr 4 " ; » er becausé of his political activities, & s & ught to be was a born king, one born of . po vl the central authority of all bodies utnities of the post-war years in that and run Ag ky the Virgin Mary. This title, King How Do Children forced to flee. Taking with him ire nether public or Divals bis a Sontinued spirit of enterprise | "0 Cleaned: . ¥ Roa of the Jews, was unknown before Spend Spare Time? | °F Nis family he finds a new 4) : us ave recourse credi a ; A 0 hrict? Bl . ; J 'r St. Lawrence, ON 4 facilities. 273 Yelntuiness to the whole com CATCH HIM FIRST Candy.striped 100-pound aerial Christ's advent, and was applied . --_-- horse on i i o . hh 2 : Another lady writes in for ad-" | bomb means "shave and a hair only to the Messiah, If more parents took the trou- Wig 10 Hitites ? Doug bg ie 4 . - i! how to make putty. You " law : Herod and the Scribes h : Conia the forest bend over them. LS : vice on how to m putty : cut" to Navy men at a South " i ble to find out what their young This is also the story of John's - Jd 3 [ i can make it out of a man, ma'am; I pacific base. And when Herod the king -| oops' and daugnters were doing This is-also the story.of John's wad 7 RADIO REPORTER By but you have to find one who heard it, he was troubled, and between school closing and bed. sons, of Chris the restless, ot A - REX FROST isn't too hard to Handle, 1 2 Jeritalon hd img Why time they would possibly receive Petes i) Mtienasie, 2 ------ --Ottawa Citizen, hen was Herod troubled ) ; chock. Chi " i" chel his e, a : Have you de th nt th ini Do Frogs Drop thousand Pharisees had refused A great shock. Children are allow their little lost boy; of Rachel's you ma @ acquaintance at the shining headquarters of ' yet of that newcomer to the Sun- day evening airwaves between § and 7 o'clock over the recently in. augurated CBC station CJBC -- "Radio Hall of Fame"? Here's a full hour of top notch entertaln- ment woven of merriment, music and musings, Paul Whiteman fs musical maestro, and each Sunday stars of radio, stage and screen will visit the Hall of Fame eithét in individual personal interpre. tations, or in a condensed version of some popular screen, radlo or stage play. Everyone Is a welconie visitor to the Sunday sessions in the Radio Hall of Fame. ' + Jonothan, the Od Toy Maker, just before Santa Claus comes down the Chimney. * LJ * CFRB will greet Christmas Day with . special service of carols and symphony music commencing at 12 o'clock midnight and lasting until 1 o'clock Christmas morning, This has been a CFRB feature for many years. Vast Oil Reserves In The Northwest WHAT INFLATION IS One of the troubles about in- {lation is that it is called by too fancy a name. Right names for inflation are hunger, poverty, and total disorganization, --Stratford Beacon-Herald. i . i] A MATTER OF AGE The older you are the quicker Christmas comes and the younger ~you are the quicker it goes. ~--Sherbrooke Record. Bombs Are Used For Spraying Trees From The Sky? The other day a resident of Gananoque had reason to reflect on the old tale about frogs and other living creatures sometimes falling from the sky, says the Brantford Expositor, It scems he found two large and lively frogs in an eavestrough 20 feet from the ground. He discounts the theory that chil- dren. may have put them there. He doubts whether the frogs could have hopped that hgih. He is skeptical over the suggestion that somehow they might have 1 take the oath of allegiance to him and prophesied the kingdom would be taken from him. The announcement then of the star and the king was sufficient to ter- rify him. Those who were in the favour and pay of Herod were troubled also. "And gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them when the Christ should be born." It was.2" generally known that Christ "Would be born at Jerusa- lem but Herod would have author- itative counsel to be sure of a matter of such great importance ed to roam the strects at all hours of the night and many of them are attracted to places which are breeding places for crime and moral delinquency, The place to cure conditions is in the home-- far too many pavenis leave the bringing up of their children to the church and school, Fluid coal that will 'burn like gas in hot furnaces is a post-war possibility. It will be finely pul- verized coal suspended ir & com- bustible medium, mysterious secret, and of Peter's search for his lost son; and of Anu's tempestuous love-affair, Boughs Bend Over is primarily, however, the story of the settle ment of the land, the almost des- perate efforts of cultured people to accomodate themselves to the rough ways of pioneering--thelr struggles, their trials, thelr - ultimate trinmph and prosperity. Boughs Bend Over... By Maida Parlow French ... McClelland and Stewart. Price $2.50. A i » to himself. : ' got up there as a couple of "And they said unto him, In | YOUNGEST MANAGER | Last Sunday, December 12th, % Thee uot oily gold but there A new method of spraying Young Po ons £21 saved hie Bethlehem of Jadaea; for thus it [] n. witnessed the return to the afr- oil in the Pacific Northwest = trees with insectide when it is not they grew 'to amphibious matur- is written through the prophet, i -y ; 3 waves of always popular Fred a new empire backed by practical practical to use low-flying air- ity. i and thou Bethlehem, land of JIDBIZONEAL, Answer to Previous Puzale posed, Allen and his happy-go-lucky cast, | Planning and international good planes was described recently for So he is driven back to the | Judah, xt in no wise least among ball ma my 3 pea. No doubt he and "Laringylus" Jack will. Lawrence Drake, writing in the American Association of Eco- scarce-remembered yarn about it | he princes of Judah; for out of bi pai al rE i Benny will keep the airwaves Collier's, says most of the six- | nomic Entomologists, eastern sometimes raining frogs. Nor thee shall come forth a governor, 11 Type of fish 1 Intended A "warm -durlng- the coming winter | teen strategic minerals in which | branch. aa a need he be so reluétant to con. | who shall be shepherd of my peo- 12 Variety of fic slight with an exchange of heated "Plea- the United States is deficient are" Dr. Robert D. Glasgow of thé fess his suspicions. Such 'things ple Israel." . hho 2% 15 Pig i santries" mingled Into the gay found.in this region and it is rea. New York State Museum, Albany, have happened in this strange and Bethlehem was the city of Da- 14 Disposed to the Koran pattern of their individual pro- sonable to believe it has "exten- said the insecticide can be pack- | unaccountable world. For in- vid, and it was fitting that use slang. MANUEL 17 Concludes, grammes. Fred Allen has returned sive oil reserves." ; ed in bombs and shot out of four- stance, during a thunderstorm on Christ, of the royal seed of Da- 16 Courteous, ss, to his, tormer Sunday night spot Oil is being produced, he says, | inch mortars to tree height. A August 17, 1921, innumerable | vid should be born there. 18 Toa QUEION I Mvsitas, ""ovér an international network, in- in emall amounts in the Katalla | delayed fuse explodes the bomb little frogs appeared in the streets Herod's Command (Latin), 23 Pertaining fo cluding CFRB Toronto, 9.30 to 10 district of Alaska and further at just the right moment to scat- of the northern part of London, "Then Herod privily called the 19 Regret, gn p.m. a deposits have been located on the ter the powder over the trees, England. Wise-men, and learned of them 21 Surgical phy $89 Alaska peninsula, near Jute Bay, QL e:actly wha. tine the star ap- thread. 24 Withered. - As the result of a recent survey, and in the Cape Simpson area in . peared. And he sent them to Beth- 22 Compensation 26 New Zealand i 3 Claire Wallace, Ho Pui Northwestern Alaska. Prospects RETURN TO BOJANO chem, and said, Go and search (pl.). plant. VERTICAL ratite bird, vivacious personalityYot the Can. | have been found in the = Peace aia out exactly concerning the young 23 Coagulates. 33 Norse god. 1 He manages 27 Fabulous bird. : adian airwaves, has been acclaim. | River Valley of Alberta and the gi : child; and when ye have found 25 Lifeless. 40 Break oft an' American 30 Swards. ed the Dominion's. mostlistened- | Fort Norman wells, in the Mac. him, bring me word, that I also 26 He is the suddenly. team. 31 Conceptions. to feminine radio artist. Her cross | kenzie district, have already prov- may come and worship him." youngest ---- 41 Claim as due. a Meacure (pl.). 32 Bordered. * 'Canada atidience of "They Tell Me" | -ed successful, Drake reports. Herod wished to convince the of any major 43 Large, cuplike 3 Impel. 35 He manages is reported mounting all the time. The Pacific Northwest, extend- Magi that his feelings were as Jeague base- " Son jeep, }Inlet of the the Cleveland [5 People apparently lke to hear ing to the Bering Strait, he says, their own, "that 1 may come and " Jol team. 4 fsiaile Seer _ sea. ~ --, hts Claire's cheery optimism on the | ¢an support at least 10 million worship Him also." He made a pe osure for Jrow ot. 3 Onward. 36 Glades. subject of Victory, and her chatty more people and' may be the solu- show of being religious and sin- 2 ema es 6,Doctor of 37 Mimics. anecdotes of the--brighter human tion of America's No. 1 post-war cere, but he was already plan- biden ey ds R Ra Science. 39 Ancient He- side of things. She is heard over | Problem--jobs for returning sol- nin, how he would destroy Christ bina , oman 7 20, brew Sing the network of the CBC Monday diers and for millions of the civil- to make his own throne secure, 20 Cr title & fa ol : Bag bo gag: i g through Friday, 1.45 to 2 p.m. and ian army that 4will be demobiliz- The greatest wickedness often 4 ie bil ny ib 0 Series of 40 City oF Alor 829 ies of 'war, piety or friendship. J-!ns he- Eon a has, ical aly. 7 3 , -- trayed his Lord with a kiss. He- 2 avine. magnitude. 42 Invalid. 5 £3 FILA nl i i Pe ous Piss as hot 2 worship 35 Yellow bugle 49 Spanish title. 9 Was indis- 43 Conduct, pd 2 iJ . ut to kill and to destroy. . - ; delight youne sng oii won uy | Banks Of Canada The Guiding Star i 3 phantasies of Yuletide. = 6.30 is In Sound Position "And they, having heard the el . the time, CBL, Toronto, the 3 king, went their way; and lo, the i 3 Station, Monday through Friday One of the most effective argu- star, which they saw in the east, {Hix nightly until Christmas Day. Once '| ments yet volced against the Soc- went before them, till it came ees again the Magic Green Door opens falistlc | concept of nationalizing and stood over where the young A to. the gentle push of Billy and banks is contained In the address child was. And when they saw 'Bunty, closely followed by Skooty, delivered to the -annual meeting i |, the star, they rejoiced with ex- the funny, runny little mouse, and otf the 'Bank .of Montreal by Mr. ceeding great joy. ) rad Bey Topsy; the 'Angel Doll. Old friends | George -W. Spinney, its President. _ The star which they say in the 7 Ter are back .again to share the He punctured many of the shallow East had not continued to be vis- exciting adventures" taking place | ideas which have been advanced ible to them during their journey, " In_an attempt to show that Can. 2 hap, for the #7eter Jers of x " ' adlan finance and economy are in er pilgrimage ey ad STAFF OFFICER the hands of "money ih and "walk by faith, not by sight". (h made ics "blg interests" Those who have __They believed that God -who-had-- { : L | been begun by the faneitsl-{-- brought them hither would not foe 5 : theoriea of the nationalistic. school leave them in the dark. Nor did Capt. Madeleine St. Laurent, daughter of nada's Justice. Ministery 3 now gait officer for e Canadjan Women's . Army Corns in Military District No, 12 with headquarters at Regina, She hid of he eo oificers appointed when the C.W.A.C, was med in 1041 and has held ap- Jeintiuinis dn Montreal and Que- _bec. She returned from a tour of duty overseas earlier this year, ¥ of thought wonld do well to study his remarks, says the Windsor Star. i Chief among the arguments of the Socialists is the claim that monopolies are detrimental to the national life of Canada. Yet, .as Mr, Spinney points out, they ad- vocate the creation of a great fin- ancial monopoly, as opposed to our present systém of healthful com. petition between ten chartered banks, To bring them all under Governmental control would mean that anyone seeking credit could be denled it by the one big Gov- ernment bank, and he would have no recourse to any other source. The granting of credit wonld he- come a political: matter, and this would he fatal to our economic progress and development, The 'soundness of the position - and the methods of the Bank of Montreal as displayed In its annual reports, which {s reflected also In the operations of all our other sim- ilar institutions, should make them ' proof against the inroads of the nationalization theory. Clear think- ing of the kind indulged in by Mr, Bpinney 1s needed' to combat this fallacious tendency, £m YE Sticks snd stones are all that's left of her home as this Italian woman reti.rns from tho bills to her home at Bojano after the war rolled by. He, for the star appeared again to guide and to comfort them. Sometimes we feel Divinely led to take a certain step; the star of guidance shines bright and clear beckoning us onward. Then all becomes dark, wncertain; we won- der if we were mistaken, $f we have made a false move. But if POP--The Colonel Lets Everybody Know % 2 HOW GREEN 1s, MY VALET

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