Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Nov 1943, p. 2

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Roll your owners! Go for Ogden's Snowshoes were the accepted winter footwear for-old-timers in the West . . . Ogden's was their accepted smoke all the. year round. Follow their example. You'll find it's not just another * tobacco but a distinctive blend worthy of its famous name. Ogden's quality for pipe smokers, too, in Ogden's Cut Plug WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING SHIP LAUNCHINGS Ships, as a rule, are launched stern first. However, they have been ~laypnched upside down, in sections, ahd sideways. y The sideways method of launch- ing is quite commonly practiced -In Great Lakes shipyards and In shipbuilding located on narrow rivers. h One reason for sideways launch. ing is that there would not be suf- ficlent "water way" In a narrow river for the more orthodox stern- launching method. Furthermore, In the side-launching system It 1s possible to have a series of craft on a single set of groundways (broad inclined tracks of heavy timbers stretching from the land Into the water) each {n a succes- sive stage of construction, the ship nearest the water being the one nearest to completion, Still another advantage is seen in the fact that sideways launch. ing permits building the ship on an even keel, where stern-launch- ed ships are necessarily bullt on a slant or Incline which necessi- plants tates setting all upright members ) at an angle. An especially ingenious form of sideways launching has been de- «vised which eliminates the danger No permit required to have your passenger tires recap- | IRES ped, retreaded or repaired. All work guaranteed. TIRES We have thousnnds of retreaded or recupped and used tires In stock. tire rationing on request. We can supply representative, If you huve a permit, We have your size. See Your nearest I'rices glven MAIL, ORDER PATRONS--Ship your tires for retreading or re- capping to factory addreds: 121 DeGrassl St, Toronto. BILTRITE TIRE CO., 279 QUEEN E.,, TORONTO THE WORLD'S LARGEST RETREADERS Hundreds of office buildings and factories all over Canada are proudly flying this "38 Star Victory" flag. It means that over 90% of the personnel have invested 15% of their income in the Fifth Victory Loan. of capsizing which otherwise at- tends this method and limits {te use to vessels that are not top- heavy. A huge two-basin lock, similar to a canal lock, 1s used. The ves- sel Is constructed In one basin, Water {s then pumped into the lock and the hull is floated to the other basin to be fitted out. The water is then lowered to river level, and when the ship Is completed the lock gate Is opened and the ship can sail forth Into the river channel without further "launching." How C anl?? By: Anne Ashley . Q. How can I make putty? A. Putty can be made by mix- ing linseed ofl with sifted whiting, to the proper consistency. Q. How can I make It easy to apply varnish? f A, Fill a shallow vessel with hot water and place the can of varnish In it, while working. It will make the varnish flow much easier, and It will also dry in a shorter time. Q. How can I clean satin slip. pers? A. By putting three or four drops of lemon juice in 'a little alcohol, and applying to the slippers with a soft white cloth, Q. How can I make a good salad? . A. A delicious salad can be made of thinly sliced cucumbers, jellied in lemon gelatine. Add a ; little onion juice. Have You Heard? A lady going out for the day locked everything up very care- fully, and for the grocery boy's benefit left a card® on. the back "door. "All out. Don't leave any- thing," it read. On her return she found her house ransacked and all her choicest possessions gone. To the card on the door was added: "Thanks, We didn't leave much." Friend: "So you fined Miss Sweetly $5 for speed. ing. Is she appealing?" Magistrate: "Oh, very. But we couldn't let that affect our decision, you know!" A young Scottish recruit was put on sentry-go outside the gen- cral's tent. In the morning the general rose, looked out of his tent, and said in a stern and loud voice: "Who are you?" ~ The young man turned round smartly and replied: "Fine, sir! Hoo's yersel'?" Auntie: "How did Jimmy get on in his history exam?" . Mother: "Not very well, but it wasn't his fault, They asked him things - that hap- SAFES Protect your BUUKS and CASR from FIRE and THIEVES, We have o size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit us, or write for prices, ete. to Dept. W. J.6cJ. TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 143 Front St. BE. loromte Established 1835 "Grooming" Locomotives for Wartime Work = "Grooming" is onesaf the high- pA important jobs accomplished aily in Canadian National Rail Jays roundhouses throughout the tem. The term applies to the ys servicing of losomotives before they leave the stalls to start on a long journey hauling a troop train or one of those hig fast freights ~ made up of carloads of war sup- - plies and materials, at This grooming consists of fill- ing the engine tender with coal and water; cleaning, greasing and oiling; making necessary adjust- ments and light running repairs testing air brakes, electrical ang water pump systems, and a thor- ough inspection of the locomotive to ensure perfect operation, This requires an average of one and a half to two hours for a turn- about job, and three to four hours for a general servicing, ! The photograph shows a fleet of locomotives awaiting attention with one of the giant 6200-type, Canadian National's latest design, embarking on the turntable under the guidance of a hostler to go on a track for its train. ~School, Bobby," he said. CARRIED AWAY BY KINDNESS Unable to pick' his way over the rubble-covered streets of San Angelo D'Alife, Italy, because of a foot wound, a German soldier is carried to the rear on the back of an Army Medical corpsman. pened before the poor boy was born." : : Mistress (to charlady): "And you think your Lizzie would make me a good housemaid, Mrs. O'Brien?" Mrs. O'Brien: "Sure, an' she is that. She's up an' has all the beds made of a' morning before the rest of us is awake at all." Mother: "Harry, where are the apples gone that. were in the cellar?" Harry (after much hesl. tation): "They are with the cakes that were in the cup- board, ma." The parson met little Bobby ir. the village, 'I'm so pleased that you like going to Sunday "What do you expect to learn today?" Bobby answered brightly: "The date of the picnic, sir!" 7 Improve Your Health hy Correcting Sluggish KIDNEYS . 'a 9 . This Way is Swift, Economical Few conditions can wreck your health faster than disordered dneys and inflamed bladder. Your back aches miserably. You have restless nights. Y suffer leg cramps and rheumatic pains. When these things happen your kidneys need help in filtering out acids and poisonous wastes that are undermining your health, Give them. this help--quickly--with GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. GOLD MEDAL Capsules contain accurately measured amounts of the original and genuine Haarlem Oil (Dutch Drops). You will be gratefully surprised Normandie Rides On An Even Keel The former luxury liner Nore mandie, on even ..c'l after the completion of a $4,600,000 salv- age job, last week was formally presented to the U. S. Navy which will refit and overhaul it at an estimated cost of $15,000,000 be- fore sending it into active service us the transport U.S.S. Lafayette. Modern Etiquette By: Roberta Lee 1, It a couple know that thelr engagement is to be a long gQne, should a publid announcement be made? i 2. What Is the meaning of "cafe au lait" and how {is it pronounced? 3. Should a guest, who has accl- dentally broken something, replace ft with another? f 4. Is one justitied in asking for a book that someone has borrowed, it a long period of time has elaps- ed? ph 6. When should the guest at a church wedding extend best wishes and congratulations to the bride and bridegroom? 6 What. is the correct way to eat stuffed celery? NO TEMPORARY RELIEF FOR ME..I'VE SAID GOOD- BYE TO CONSTIPATION! Answers 1. Yes; but the announcement should {include "that no date has been set for the marriage." 2. It is a French phrase meaning coffee with milk. Pronounce kada ole, "first a as In ask, second a as in day, o as in no, e as in let, accents ° on last syllable of each word. 3. Yes, it is the proper thing to do. 4. Yes, and you would be fusti- fied in not lending them another. Negligence such as this fs geldom excusable, 6. This should be done at the reception that follows the wedding. 6. Litt it to the mouth with the fingers. stainless. your poor dogtio oder fof DID: PRESCRIFTH ATCH 5% ftchiog of ecseans, plmples, ath. lr ot lon cio Taihes aod other oa caused fi 3 lreiigtio dnd quickly ops mess ON, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ARTICLES WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Cornets, Trumpets, Clarinets, Saxophones, etc; S8helton-Sher- .wood Co, Ltd, 365A Yonge Bt, Toronto, Ont. ay FOR SALB DETECTIVE COURSE FOR SALE BLACKSMITH WOO work, farm equipment busineks, buildings, etc, Present owner car- ried on profitably forty Jears, Arthur Crone, Nottawa, On --_-- AUTUMUBILES--USED USED CARS WITH GUOD TIRES, Bee us first. Mount Pleasant Mo-- tors Limited, Used Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; Head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant load, To- ronto. Telephone HY, ¥181. 5 BABY CHICKS DAIRY EQUIPMENT, PASTEURIZ- er, etc, capacity four hundred quarts. Further particulars, Pat- terson Bros. Bala, Ontarlo, 3 QUILTING PATCHES FROM MEN'S suitings and remnants -for all Pysboses Ladies', Boys* and Men's year. Louis Rice, 361 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. ' TUO LATE -- TOU LATE NEXT SPRING DON'T LET IT BE sgid "too late." Send for our price list and order your baby chicks now. One dollar books your order, Goddard Chick Hatchery, Britan- nia Heights, Ont, ARE YOU SHORT OF LAYING pullets? We have some for im- mediate delivery, L.S, x N.H., B.R. and other breeds. Just right for the coming winter trade. Reason- ably priced. Send for prlcellst. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Ham- ilton, Ont. SHORTHORN HERD CONSISTING of ten cows, bull, yearling helf- ers 'and calves, tested, also two hundred and fifty acre farm with good buildings, J. McAninch,:' Guelph, R. No: 4. AYRSHIRE BULLS--ONE FIFTEEN months 100,811/ Ib, Dam, Six lac- 'tations 4.3 test, One six months, 21,170 1b, Dam, two lactatlons 3.8 to 4. test. Sire class A.A. 17 qualified - daughters. Apply Geo, PD, Maude,. Fergus, Ont. + HOME FOR AGED PROMPT DELIVERY ON FRER range pullets 12 weeks up to lay- ing: White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Hybrids and other breeds. Also fall hatched 'day old chicks. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick -Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. ELDERLIES COMFORTABLE Home. Plenty home grown food, spring water, warm and cheer- ful. Hannigan Home . For The Aged, R.R. No. 3, Woodbridge. HELP WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHOPPING' MILL AND FEEDS. Good town in Wellington Coun- ty. Stone building. Railroad sid- ing. Hydro power. Suitable for wood working shop or small fac- tory. Box 95, 13 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. BULLS FOR SALE SINGLE MEN AND MARRIED MAN for Guernsey cattle farm -- sep- - arate house, good contract for capable man. Glenorchy Farm, Richmond Hill, 'Ontario. CHORE MAN, AROUND DAIRY barn, able to do some milking; good home, single man; separate house . if married. Donald Arm- strong, Brampton, Route 5. DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS. Bulls fit for service, youngeér bulls and. bull calves. Thrifty, good size and bone, high produc- tion, choice quality. Ross Martin- dale, Caledonia, Ont. PULLETS . PULLETS, EIGHT HUNDRED, bred to lay, White Leghorn pul- lets. June hatched, excellent lay- ing strain, $1.25, Hawkins' Feed Co., Tillsonburg, Ontarlo. DYEING & ULEANING at the way they relieve clogged kid and irritated bladder. Go to your druggist now and get a 40¢ box. Be ste you ask for GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. 3 RECTAL SORENESS AND | PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED it you are troublid with itching pllés ur rectul surenesw, av nol delay treatment sud cuu the risk of letting y this condition becume chronic. 'Any liching Of Burenvss or painful pusu- age of stool Is nature's warning und proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpos Hem-Kold from uny d use as directed. which 1s used Internally 1s a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly. relieve the Itching and soreness an aid In healing the sore tender spots. Hem-Hold Is pleasant to use, Is highly recommended and it seems he height of folly for any one.to risk a painful and chronic pile you try Hem-Roid and are not sntirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly 'return your money. (Rolless distros fom MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. Pinkham's Veget in b Us feelings. dus tional distur resistance a (cute days," weak, to monthly A e in Canada. HAVE YOU. ANYTHINU NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. ment - H, Parker's nye Limited, '791 Yonge Street. ronto. BLECTHICAL EQUIFMENT ELECTRIC MUTORS, NEW, USED, bought, suld, rebullt; belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen .Electric Company -Lid., 2326 Dufferin 8t., Torontu. : CALVES FOR SALE BULL AND HEIFER CALVES; 6 Shorthorns, 2 Polled Shorthorns, 6 Angus. These calves were bred for show steer; there being no shows will be sold for bulls, they are choice individuals. Alex Young, Mt. Hope, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE TOWNSHII" OF WILLIAMSBURG-- Concession 17, contains 200 acres about" 170 cleared, 30 acres bush, mostly hardwood, stone house, frame tool shed, drivifig shed and implement house, stable, barn, Ap- To- EE ply Mrs. M._ WW. Locke, Williams. _ urg. FOR SALE, 100 . ACRES, BANK barn, brick house, Mt. Forest 2 miles, . school close. Priced for quick sale. F. Forrester, Mt. For- est, Ontario, Highway 6. FARM WANTED - 7 WILL MAKE SUBSTANTIAL CASH payment on suitable farm. Mod- ern bulldings and conveniences Ppeferted. Box 96, 73 Adelaide St. «Toronto, Canada. i FOOT BALM BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor (nstantly, bottle. Uttawa agent, Drug Store, Ottawa. HAIR GOODS = Only firm In Canada manufacturin, Indies' and gentlemen's hair Koos fxcluslvely, rite us for particu. a 2 WHITE'S HAIR GOODS 4 Yonge St, Toronto, Ontarle HAIRDRESSING 8OHOUL " n a ----] LBARN HAIRDRESSING T Robertson = method. ag 8, on request' regarding' eo! agers iT athe, ARE . HERBAL REMEDIES Y THE BOOK OF HEALTH A pay ston, Jus Srlogs ares erbal Remedies om ledted nglish will Blige you lasting rellef, Rec- éd by thousands of Can- . Write for your Free copy today. Dept. 88, Health Products Ltd., Saskatoon, Sask, 460. . ' APPLICATIONS ARE ~ 1 Hospital. : Box 678, Toronto, 'WANTED FOR DAIRY FARM, single. man or married man wit no children, to live in. Apply C, H. May, Norval. : MARRIED MAN FOR UP-TO-DATE fruit farm on Nlagara River Boulevard, ' yearly employm good separate house, free Hydro, summer wood and garden spot. Please state nationality, age, farming ekperience, size of fam- ily and wages expected. C.- How- ard Fisher & Sons, Queenston, nt. INVITED from young women with' good education, to enter the School for Nurses, Toronto East Genera Limited vacancles In now commencing. Anply "Toronto * East General Hospital, Coxwell at Sammon Ave. To- ronto 6, Ontario. - 4 class LIVESTOCK WANTED RELIABLE FARMERS who have ample stable accom- modation and rough feed to win- ter young cattle. Write number coul be accommodated, how cattle would be fed and cash per head monthly. \Write Post Office PATENTS | FETHUERSTONHAUGUH & COMPANY Putent Solicitors, Established 18%0, 14 King West, - Toronto. Booklet of" Information on re- quest. PHOTOGRAIHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Heat, Ruin or Hall ~~ ~HAVE-YOUR'SNAPS no Any Bige Roll--§ or 8 DEY ¥ Delivered by Mall Any 6 or ¥ expusure film perfectly develuped and Supreme quality and (fast service guaranteed. printed for only 25¢. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J Toronto . CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN SNAPSHOTS Your negulives muke the must dis 'tinclive Christmas Cards you n BECOME A DETECTIVE -- MEN and women over 17, wanted. to learn Detective work, secret serve ice. Easy course by mail. Write for free information. M, Julien, Box 25, Station T., Montreal LIVESTOCK FOR SALR GUERNSEY hulls, COWS, HEIFER R.O.P, tested by teste bulls. Pure bred, accredited, Bangs free. Foremost line stock. Glene orchy Farm, Richmond Hill, Ont. ° MACHINERY WANTED ACETYLENE WELDING AND CUTTING OUTFIT Tate 18" lo 24" swing x 10' Bed, r Sheet Metal Shaper. A. Drill and Hammer. Rotary, Shears. Iron Planer, Ebersol, Milverton, Ont, ~.. MEDICAL STOP ITCHING TUORTURES OF eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, ath. lcte's foot and other skin Irritae tions with Elik's 'Ointment No. 5, prescription of noted skin spece falist. Itch relleved - promptly, skin healed quickly or money re- funded. $1.00, $2.00. Mail orders filled promptly, Order today from Elik's Medicine Co., Dept. 26, Box 234, Saskatoon. WINTROL USED EXTERNALLY tor Arthritic;, Rheumatic, Neur- algic, and. other pain. A pleas- ant smooth and potent Oil. Come forting, penetrating and heating. Trial 2 oz, bottle, send $1.00 and name of nearest druggist, Philip Patterson Co., 78 Adelaide W., Toronto, Ont. 1 » A TRIAL--EVERY SUFFERER OF Neuritis Remedy. 335 Elgin, Rheumatic Pains - or. should try Dixon's Munro's Drug Store, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. OFFER. TO- INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full Infor. mation sent free. The . Ramsay, Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PERSONAL 120 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY AT home in spare time,- 6 dollars a day, 'booklet of 124 pages one dollar postpald. Mike Ignhsh, 145 Margueretta Ave, Toronto 4, Unt. * POULTRY PULLETS 4 TO 6 MOS. SECURH your requirements before - cold yearling hens and Light Sussex Cockerels for hatchery approval flocks, Act quickly. Smith Chick Hatchery, Orangeville, Ontario. 4 RHEUMATIC PAINS HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIX. on's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It gives good results, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpald $1,00. SHEEP FOR SALE SHEEP FOR SALE--SHROPSHIRE and Suffolk rams and Shropshire See. J. F. Turnbull, R.R, 3, Or- 1a. K SHORTHUORN CATTLE TLET FALDERLEA"FARM{ SUPPLY out next dual--purpose 8hort- otn herdsire, Our present offer- ing includes choice .service age bulls und femules. Alan Alderson, Route 4, Hamilton. SHORTHAND -- TYPING Famous SHORTHAND AND TYPING--IN § TU 12 WEEKS SPEEDWRITING "NO-SIUN, NO-BYMBOL" V . System ' a Bet--cards that your friends treasure -- particularly friends on" your favourite We'll embossed greet- h pictures printed on malling--all for §9c. Order Sarr, (2 Photos on active service, Select negatives and to - us, envelopes for Calendars for 25c. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, I'ostal Terminal A, Toronto" A customer at Berwlek, N.S, wri us: ¥L received the beautiful' Chriots A Sdientific, "0 ca whi shorthand, * usin study easy and effective. rinciple System" of 8° the ABC b hd mitt tary services. The Course is concise and complete, making lear, ome 5 SPEEDWRITING SCHOOL OF. a 1016 Pigott Bidg., Dept. 7, Hamilton AK SWINE FOR SALR BERKSHIRE SWIN ELOPED AND 3 MOUNTED Framed Enlargements 4" x fvory tin jL Shiargement coloure c rint your name and address plain. ly on all orders, Exposures, PRINTRD 25¢ ENLAR Size 4 x 6" in i Hold oun . You can have enlargements colour. od by" hand for a small additional 8", on t mounts, In trames 7" x 9", Burnished Gold oF Silver, Circass| alnut or Black Ebony' finish 89; TAPEWORM both sex, Apply Em ALL AQpS, : Wood, Unt, ro. nie Bos, Him STOMACH AND SHRBA often are the cause of in humans all 8, N mune! Why not i is your troubl ticulars--Free! Hsmedies, Specialists, ron TRACTOR WANTED hese nd ith < this Interesti te Mulve AL to'¥, and best cash price. FARM TRACTOR WANTED ON rubber 2-3 plow. Give pasticuiars ' Adelaide St. W. Toronto, (3)

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