Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Sep 1943, p. 4

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jo Pp in (Bt nn So pel EY ER Ke oN ¥ yer - SNe any NOR Snide winba i heaind A 3 ENS A \ 3 \ . . 1) Mh Yor pi i dh Mt be 4 lg mtn nb wu h_-- A ~ : Nes ) : MERELY PTR FUE SERRE SSRIS SOON \ : -k LAP 3 \ at fond hth wt PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1948 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Graf and Misses Nicole and Elaine Graf, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Dre and Mrs. Lundy. : "Miss Edith Peters hay returned this week after spending most of the sum- mer vacation in Toronto taking. a short course in Typing at the Gregg College. She is holidpying at her parents' home une or beginning her duties at Blackstock school on Sept. 7th, Master Jackie Lewis has returned to his home in Toronto after a very pleasant holiday with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis. Master David Beverley, of Clare- mont, has been spending his holidays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Peters. Mr. and Mrs. John Bray and family, of Columbus, who recently bought Mr. Ira Anderson's house, have moved into their new home. We welcome them to Port Perry. Some of our boys who are fighting with the Canadian forces in Sicily are: Tpr. Victor Read; Tpr. Charlie Cann; Sgt. Fred Densham. ' Cpl. Dawson Kaufman, a former resident of Port Penry, is with the Canadian troops on Kiska Island in the Pacific. AY Miss Doris MacGregor is spending a few holidays in Detroit- with Mrs, Webster Aldrich. ' Mrs. Wesley Elliott is spending a few days with Mur. and Mrs.--A. C. 'Elliott, of Brooklin. Mrs. David Archer, -of Oshawa, a former resident of Port Perry, was a recent visitor with Mr, and Mrs. 1. R. Bentley. Mrs. Osborne was also a guest at the Bentley home. # Mr. Ed. Balfour and Miss Dorothy Balfour were visitors to Toronto dur- ing the week-end. Miss Mildred Palmer spent Sunday with friends in Toronto, Mr. S. Farmer is visiting this week at Denton House, Dentonia Park, in Toronto. ' «Mr. Bruce Gerrow has returned home after a pleasant week's holiday in Toronto. Mr. A. E. Baldwin was a visitor to Toronto on Sunday. Congratulations to Miss Marjory Wagner and Mr. George McKay on their recent marriage. Mastefs Neil, Donald, and Dale MacGregor spent a few days this week with their grandmother, Mrs. William MacGregor. Miss Audrey DeShane visited with friends in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. Geo. R. Davey attended a meet- ing of the Division Court Clerks, held at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, on Saturday. Mr. Owen CIiff, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cliff, Word has been received by Mrs, W. H. Harris, that Sccond Licutenant A. E. (Eessic) Crozier, W.R.C.N.S., has been transferred and is now stationed at H.M.C.S. Stadacona, in Halifax. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson and daughter, Lucille, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Cook. Lucille is staying for this weck. Miss Shirley Cook has returned to ~her--home in St.-- Catharines after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook. H Pte. Ronald Cliff, R.C.E. of Camp Borden, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. CIiff. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fossey, of To- ronto, are holidaying in town with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey. Pte. Grant Robertson, R.C.0.C., of Esquimault, B.C., is enjoying a fur- lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Robertson. Congratulations to Miss Irene Mac- Donald, on being the lucky winner on the punch board at Taylor's Restau- rant. She received a Ronson Combina- tion Cigarette Case and Lighter. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Boyd and family, of Toronto, are visiting this week with Mrs. 8. Farmer, . Mrs. J. D. MacMaster was a visitor to Toronto on Tuesday of this week. Mr, Frank Tripp, of Toronto, was in town on Wednesday renewing ac- ~~ quaintances. : > FREE Phone Parking 1011, A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE _ OSHAWA Thursday, Friday, Saturday, o September 2-3-4 JUDY GARLAND and VAN HEFLIN, in PRESENTING . LILY MARS with Fay Bainter, Richard Carlson,' Spring Byington, Martha Eggerth, . Tom Dorsey and his orchestra; Bob Crosby and his orchestra. SING OUT: THE NEWS--IT'S A HONEY OF A SHOW. Sundey Midnite Show after 12.05 a.m. CARY GRANT, in "MR. LUCKY" with Laraine Day, Gladys Cooper, Charles Bickford. The Top of the Tops in romance, Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S Taylor's The Eating House of Quality and Service Ice Cream 'Soft Drinks Cigars "Tobaccos Cigarettes x BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor Special HOLIDAY Attraction Monday, Tues., Wed., Thursday, SEPTEMBER 6-9, Loretta YOUNG, Alan LADD, (1 " CHINA The greatest Picture of China's Heroic Struggle you'll ever see. It will shock women speechless. It will make men fighting mad. BI tel. Mr. and Murs. Albert Short, of Sea- grave, visited their unéle Mr. and Mrs. CC. Mills. Mrs. Harold Mills, Shirley and baby Bruce, of Enniskillen, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Cecil Mills, for a few days. Mr. H. Victor Smeltzer, M.Sc. of the Aluminum Co. of Canada, who has been spending his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. R. Smeltzer, was a week-end guest of his uncle Captain W. R. and Mrs. Smeltzer, of Toronto, before returning to Arvida, Que. DIED "THORPE--Suddenly, at Port Perry, on Tuesday, August 24th, 1943, Min- nie M. Henders, beloved wife of D. Arthur Thorpe. =~ CHRISTIE--Suddenly at his home in Reach Township, on Thursday, Aug. 26th, 1943, William Christie, in his Tlst year. _ - FORDER--Suddenly at Blackstock, on Saturday, August 28, 1943, Joseph H. Forder, beloved husband of Char- lotte Rutledge, in his 42nd year. T. C. Nicholls Dies at Uxbridge Formerly mayor of Uxbridge and for many years a drug practitioner at Uxbridge, Thomas C. Nicholls is dead. Mr. Nicholls graduated from Victoria college at Cobourg in 1885 and receiv- ed his pharmacy degree in 1899. He started business in Pokt Perry and later went to Uxbridge where he con- tinued until: his retirement. He held many offices in the Uxbridge United Church and was actively interested in the Business.-Men's Bible Class. In 1892 he married Caro McDowell, daughter of Rév: D.- C. McDowell and Mrs. McDowell, who predeceased him a year ago. He is survived by one son, Lyman, who is Uxbridge post- master; two daughters, Mrs. W. M. Meyer, Sudbury, and Mrs. P. A. Lapp, Waller Ave,, Toronto; one sister, Mrs. James E. Forfar, Carlton St., To- ronto, and a brother, Dr. William Nicholls, Kingston. ---- or ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hood, Scugog Island, announce the engagement of their second daughter, Mable Jean, to Ralph Edward Laing, R.C.A.F., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Laing, of Toronto. The marriage to take place quietly in September, ------te > BORN ALLS--Mr. and' Mrs. Alls, * Mud Lake, Myrtle Station, are happy to announce the arrival of their baby boy at Oshawa General Hospital, on Aug. 28th, 1948, Both doing nicely. SCUGOG The show of flowers at the Sunday service was greatly admired by a large attendance. There were twenty-two baskets and vases. Mrs. M. McLaren and Mrs. George Samells arranged them. Rev. Mr, Foley took as his text "And why take ye thought for raiment, consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin." He told how many of the flowers got their name. Rev. C. G. Park of Whithy, who is at a cottage here, attended the service Fund was invited to assist. The choir music was very pleasing. - Wedding bells are ringing again very clear. : The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Roy Henders, in the passing of his sister Mrs. Thorpe, of Port Perry. ' = Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Martyn attend- ed the funeral of their cousin at Bow- manville on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter and Mr. R. Hood attended the funeral of their cousin al Brougham. Mrs. Elmer Lee and her sister Joy, spent Thursday and Friday at the hall giving out the new ration books. Corporal J. L. Sweetman is on the way to-his new work in Alaska, where all his friends wish for him a pleasant time and a safe return. ' Mr. and Mrs. V. Netherington and sons John and Kenneth of Little Britain, visited her friend Miss Clara Hardy on Sunday. . Mrs. Russell Hood accompanied her daughter Mrs. Elmer Lee and Mr. Lee, to Trenton recently, where Mr, and Mrs. Lee will reside for a few months. We hope they will enjoy their new home. - Glad to hear Miss Grace Demara is feeling much better after her tonsil operation, CL Noreen Sweetman is spending her last week of holidays with her cousin Allene Sweetman. Visitors to the Fair in Toronto were Mrs. J. L. Swéetman and_ Allene and Mrs. George Burnett, Mrs. E. Fines, Norma and Victor Chilton, Mr. Owen Reader and friends. Mrs. Edgar Hora and her daughter of Hampton, were visitors of "her cousin, Mrs. R. Reader, on Sunday. ....Mr. Owen .Reader and friends visit- ed in Peterboro-on Sunday. Mrs. David Hope visited her son Roy on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. 'Mills, 'Mr. and -Mrs. Cecil Mills and children. Barbara and Joyce, of Port Perry, and Mts. H. Mills, Shirley and Bruce, of EnnigKillen visited there in the evening as little Ronald had been bitten by their dog, but is improving under the doctor's eare. Mrs. A. R, Wilson has sold her love- ly summer home at Seven Mile Island, to Mr. Eli of Toronto. We will miss Mrs, Wilson. : : The Red Cross met-in the hall on Wednesday with enough present to quilt another quilt and pack the fol- lowing articles: 6 large quilts, 6 cot quilts, 1 medium size quilt, 6 sleeve- less sweaters, 3 pairs nien's gloves, 3 scarves, 10 surgical towels, 34 pairs socks. A special feature of the meet- ing was the drawing of the lucky ticket for the pretty quilt. The ticket was. drawn' by four year old Marie Long who handed the ticket to Mrs. C. Wannamaker to read. ~ Mr. Baker, of Port View was the lucky person. The Red Cross wish to thank every person who helped to raise the $39.10 from the sale of tickets The Head Community Club met in the Church on the evening of August 25th, with an attendance of 35. The meeting opened with the singing-of a couple of hymns, followed by prayer by Rev, Mr. Foley. Three different Psalms were read by Myrtle Dowson, Evelyn Reader and Marie Sweetman. Lois Reader and Edna Samells, the representatives from the Head Church to Summer School at Oak Lake, gave very interesting reports of their work and amusements. They both report having had a good time. Mrs. Kerry also spoke of her work in preparing the meals at the camp. The attend- ance was eighty-four, double that of last year. Community singing with Mrs. Redman at the piano. The pro- gram committee for the next meeting are Laverne Martyn, Clifford Redman, Donald Gerrow. The resignation of the president, Mrs, Pogue, was accept- ed and Mr. Anson Gerrow was elected. Anson then led in a contest as did Mrs. Sweetman. Lunch was served in the tea room. - Birthday greetings to Harry Brown and Joyce Reader for Sept. 2, Phyllis Tetlow for the 3rd, Ralph Lee for the 7th and Merle Hope for the 8th. Pte. Russell Fines of Petawawa is spending "a couple of weeks at his home here. Rev. Mr. Foley is very pleased with the way the men came out to help Mr. Parry with thé foundation of the new church last week. The men are also PORT PERRY Picture Show PRESENTS The Thirteenth Chapter of "THE GREEN HORNET STRIKES AGAIN" TOWN HALL, Port Perry At 7.00 and 9,00 p.m., on WED., SEPT. 2nd ALSO RAYMONDGMASSEY and LAURENCE OLIVIER, in "49th PARALLEL" with Added 'Attractions PLUS TAX Leading her C.W.A.C. band on a coast-to-coast recruiting tour, comely Pipe Major Lillian Grant, of Victoria, B.C, told reporters: "Women make just as good pipers as men." v Vv helping take down the foot church to have the material when needed. 7 ~Service on Sunday at the' usual hour. fe toe .Myrtle Station Mr. S. Saywell, of Oshawa, had charge of the church service on Sun- day evening, using Acts 2:14-36 for his New Testament reading. Mr." Saywell chosesfor his subject, "Voices" from verse '1. It was a sermon well worth hearing and the few who were present appreciated it, commenting favorably upon it at the close of the service. Mr, Saywell 'expects to con- duet the church service next Sunday at 7.30 pm. R 'Miss Marlene Barton of Gorrie, has been visiting--with Mrs. D. Duchemin for the past week. © Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kirkham and Johnnie, Gordon Harrison and Dorothy Conroy motored to Maberley and Perth on Friday, returning on Mon- day afternoon, : AE OR Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Redman and children of Aldershot and Mrs.- Roy Parrott of Sutton were very recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Red- man. lin, and A.W.2 Lois Tordiff, R.C.A.F. (W.D.), Guelph, were Saturday cven- ing visitors at the Luery home. George Cooper, R.C.AF., of St Thomas, was home over the week-end. Jim and Catharine Hamilton en- joyed a 'happy week with little Osha- day. T. Smith, of Manilla, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. 'Cooper, and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith of Brooklin, were also guests at the Cooper home, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alls on the recent arrival at Oshawa General Hospital, of a young son. Harry Briggs and Miss Edna Pear- son of Oshawa, were in Agincourt on Saturday afternoon when they attend- ed the wedding of Edna's sister, Miss Marjory Pearson and Earl McDonald, of Sarnia. Harry was best man and Edna was her sister's bridesmaid... Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir of Osha- wa, were Sunday guests of Harold and Mrs. Hamilton, Alvin Coy and his chum from Osha- in Rochester. : Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blatch and Sunday visitors enjoying the nice weather, with their brother and uncle, Mr. Wm. F, Armstrong. Saturday last, all sunny and bright, several Toronto cars found themselves in this district, picnicing, all munition night workers. were C. J. Armstrong and wife, and her sister, Miss Happy Wallis with their brother Mr. Wm. Armstrong. In the same party were two other de- fence workers, Robert Armstrong and his fiance. « Word has been received that Mr. Wallace T. Armstrong, who joined up in 1941, and was sent overseas that year, is now being stationed in Scot- land, where he is to be married shortly to an Aberdeen lassie. He will be re- he often played music at the local churches. | tegic defence areas in. Newfoundland, | Labrador, evn Mr. and Mrs. Levi Tordiff, of Brook- wa friends, returning home on Sun-' © Mrs, Ivan Rodd and her father, Mr.* wa, are visiting this week with friends |- daughters Violet and Peggy, were] Among the tourists] membered by many in this locality as' Canadian troops are located in stra- Alaska, and islinds ade jacent to the West Indies and the Adults 26c¢. Children 15c.|] ! Lawrence's Drug Store News Te ha You can Save with Safety at the REXALL STORE "LAWRENCE'S "for School Supplies Public School Opening, Tuesday, Sept, 7th High School Opening, Monday, Sept. 13th We are prepared for-both of these events. Supplies is as complete as can be secured under present conditions, Text Books, Note Books, Literature Books, Art Supplies, ete. In fact, everything in School Supplies at the Right Price. Our stock of School Boa i i Se , East coast of the United States. i is a plain black beret. A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 7a Rexall swe PORT PERRY WPT a I LE TI SHC SMC SERS eh WRC WR SW ue Sei ec) 'WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS MAY BE, Consult' : HAROLD W. EMMERSON Phone 41 i Port Perry | Ha ERE RENE '> i A TR a INT Ne The Canadian Armoured Corps cap J - Picture shows: Miss Yates, British aircraft worker and former waitress, working on the auto-pilot ("George") in a Lancashire bomber factory. Some idea of what the combined Canadian-American' landing on Kiska means in a geographical sense came from Ottawa Army headquarters which announced: "The Canadians are more-than half way to Tokyo. When" they landed on the rocky, fog-satu- rated shores of Kiska, they were 2500 air miles from \jictoria, B.C. or less than 2,000 miles. from 'the Nipponese capital. They are just-800 air miles from the nearest of the Japanese Chishtma (or Kurile) Islands and an cual distance from the Japanese air and naval base of Horomushiro-to tat the southern end of the Kamchatka | Peninsula. The idea that they are . "somewhere in the far north" is er- ee ---- ------ | \ 70 YEAR OLD MALTESE WOMAN HELPS THE R.AF. ' White-haired Kate Falzon -has lived all her 70 years on the island of Malta. She endured the days of siege and non-stop blitz with the quiet courage which earned the George Cross for the people of Malta. Now, whenever volunteers are required for any job which will help the R.A.F, Kate Falzon is always aniong the first to step forward: Kate working in the glare of the Mediterranean sun, helping to water- « Proof the roof of sleeping quarters used by R.A,F, pilots, Picture shows roneous. Actually ,Kiska is far to the west and is approximately on the same parallel of latitude as Saska- - toon--or Berlin." g v v v The Txades Company of the Cana- dian Signals Training Centre have as their creed: "The impossible we do-- immediately. The miraculous some- tines takes a little longer." BILTMORE ~ THEATRE AIR CONDITIONED - Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "South American George" featuring GEORGE FORMBY. -- 2nd Feature -- "In"Old Cheyenne" with ROY ROGERS and GEORGE "GABBY" HAYES. SUNDAY MIDNITE at 12.05 "also Monday and Tuesday" "The Black Swan" In Technicolor with TYRONE POWER and MAUREEN O'HARA. -- 2nd Feature -- 'The Devil with Hitler' with MARJORIE WOODWARD and HERMAN BING Wednesday and Thursday FRED MacMURRAY and ROBERT PRESTON, in % . "New York Town" - -- 2nd Feature -- BORIS KARLOFF and BASIL RATHBONE, in "Son of Frankenstein" ATTEND OUR MATINEES - ERR R ~~ ld a A a yr

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