Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Sep 1943, p. 3

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- i a . Uns 7? Calle) z= grin 3 $i 2 4 ' . 3 , LA » i! i Par FETT d 2 RAL EE iti ah da em id fried be A A th Wb hee lh pe HAT OITATET TRAN as ad tts lh adh ret, Sel wi ln Se A Wr hl he wi All - Vv 0 | C E UBIQUITOUS ARMY JEEF HAS NEW FIRE. Brigden ... 6 OTTAWA REPORTS tions of vast quantities of war pment -------- : FIGHTER ROLE Do of : | - OF _ THE Chatsworth 7-8 supplies. 3 The Appointment of "The an A T ' P R E S S a sy us ' Cookstown ... B-6 " / " Billions and billions of dollars : i Dorchester 6 Joint War Aid Committer, worth of munitions and food- s f TO LIVE LONG Fein we 9-11 Manned bY Canadians and stuffs will be routed around the . "eversham . 6-17 mericans or ttea's re At' Shenstone, England, Mrs. Hishaate 8 9 " vo oud on this Souistes s Fein: Lucy Sutton, 101, says the secret " © 6- fo the fiv Helo ; wendations. Just how many bil. of Tong life is rh, warm, "I Jousrsol To -5:3 & Toure Hive EE Jay lions of dollars' worth of supplies have a woollen vest, calico chem-" Mar anada and the United States no one at the Canadian' capital ise, flannel petticoat and Ln } Melbourne . previously _have joined economic cares to estimate. But Canada's underskirt," she said at her cot- * Moraviant Indi and military resources for the Mutual Aid program alone in- : : 3 3 : i " Qwn . ndian volves a billion dolars' worth of : wl icy Jago i Nori birthday. E, pa Reserve . : most efficient prosecution of hiring Rss 2 = i 7 fo Ry en--all-the--year--round'"' [4] : N ey ray ) rer 5 Ss, BR s Lease- i pass on this tip without comment 4 Congly (Simcoe oT Janie: Arion fear po] has Lend schedules visualize distribu- $2.50 SENDS 1,000 EL L3 Be ceeeaeeee A= J dded a sixth, the most im- tion involving " > billi : 5 Stratford Beacon-Herald Quran i & 1 portant sof all, petals, in. ity o hu , a nts pitions "BRITISH CONSOLS™, CAEGION®, == F , ort Hope ~ 8-9 ultimate bearing on United Na- MACDONALD'S MENTHOL", PROOF IN PROBLEMS Ridgeiowa . 2 tions victory, The committee really consti SCOTCH BLENDS" or "EXPORT" According. to a London doctor © iy Foi . It has been named the Joint tutes a liaison between the two Cigarettes ! i ling te y Roseneath . 14-16 i o i i North American Governments --a ud memory is at its best between the Schomberg 15-16 War Aid Committee, United ; © i to any single Military Address Ov 5, ages of 11 and 14. And if Dad Simcoe (Norfolk Co.) :- 1 States-Cannda, and. theoush the hogy of Mpeits 2 foardinate i ye Conad a. ok v Ine Th i " ) . . 4 i 'abi i 1e various requests fo ¢ Conadian Army LY: doesn't believe it, let him try Ln 3 \ = a (55 Smithville .... . 6-7 Dodi of Gabines comainecs needy United Nations Hh: ony lil iS ¥ some of the problems Willie pol- » soa SR £0 VR, RG SEAT Streetsville . 8-9 : A If a United Nati b k Hane i ) ished off in his entrance exams " : hy intents and purposes will direct a United Nations member asks Mail Order and Remittance to r= \ | - Ottawa Citi s First of 15 "jeeps" to be converted by the Canadian Army for Tara ........ - 6-17 and control the flow of surplusses Canada for machine guns, for | OVERSEAS DEPARTMENT PX --Ottawa Citizen, use as fire-fighting equipment has rolled out of the Canadian Mechan- Teeswater . . 6-6 OR } - : instance, the committee will de- . i ical Trans : : : ' 7 from the vast arsenals and agri- ' W. C. MACDONALD INC... port Shops at Ottawa. This is a side view of the world's Tiverton ... . 4-6 " : . i cide wheth th ed best ar SERVICES RENDERED first "jeep" fire engine. Walsh Bn] viurs) fiskis al the dno ativan. 1 BU rin ve Hire 10, 8211529, Hock Ams ; a RIE $0 vi ihe a | mE Hose Cond i LW ps dant 3 8 Garden Riv Indi R Warkworth .. - 1-8 Chairmanned by an American, if a United Nations member asks THI OBr sabjct bo a47 change a fpbln lf oard a percentage from | arde er Indian e- Woodbridge oo... i..... 9-11 Major-General James H. Burns S 4 y 1St O a airs ) ) . ' for tanks, or aeroplanes, or guns : month's army pay for getting serve (Algoma) 21-22 N iti ; ; : vi ! HA DRG: OER GIS: y ) . ovem Munitions Assignment Board, it or wheat, the question of who fi him a new job. : And Esthibitions lalencoe " Nov is manned by Canadians and will supply and what country AU AE ass 5 A : : ¥ . . 7 ly, / ntr 2 --Christian Science Monitor. and fran) Yaley B 31-22 WaIkeTIon .voonseismmuimisnmns 24 Americans, experts in the fields can best provide the ships, will be Vv } 54 of military strategy, diplomacy, determined in the light of the s . - ff ANCIENT BUMBLE SRAY its issued by -Adricuniral So Hao 2 More than 70 per cent. of all and munitions production. Its de- knowledge and experience and expanded and continued into the pag ! legs Dre ped around its neck and Slotios peanch, Diario De- Iron Bridge 29 the casualties suffered by the cisions while not to be law in circumstances of the two nations. post-war era when hungry nations ARIA Jes op es partment of Agriculture Kagawong Tol.22 armies of the British Empire in themselves, will decide the course The work of the new commit- of Furope are begging for sus- \CRE seat must be older than we 0 Kemble .. 21.22 all the campaigns of 1940 and of action of Canadian and Amer- tee is calculated to prevent over- tenance from the two greatest thought.--Chatham News. September 1-11 I akeficld "91-22 1941 were suffered by United ican Cabinet directing bodies in lapping of effort and duplication food storchouses in the world, { Al Sept. Listowel 90.28 Kingdom troops. the disposition among United Na- of supply. It probably will be Canada and the United States. ¢ ARR - AIR FORCE, GAMP monte . «2-4 yckiow 22-23 : Te A peculiar thing about an "air Lh 34 McDonalds Corners 23-24 \ t Ry 3 A shile it shel- - Maberly ... . oon AEORER br ronda thm on | Coireile (ddingion 0 ation" ? BREWING COMPANY LIMITED is proud to reproduce from the AL its enemies.--Pathfinder. 0.) AE Minden i p 0 reproduce ron) II, mene Creek .. Norwich current series of British War Posters, this tribute tothe men of the HRN . Clite iis 1oloy ead ET MAE WESTS Coldwater Nana Merchant Navy who carry food and munitions to embattled Britain, BO rt Elgin ' . . Jorn BR Delta ..... Providence Bay .. 23-24 : i CERO SORES BRE SR it Dryden ... Ramona .......... Nie Dunchurch Riceville ...... i / Durham © Seaforth ...... : Ph Kiomira _-- Severn Bridge . , Emo Shedden Fergus Sendressedonn in Shelburne ..... a Georgetown South River Ror Kingston .... | Spencerville me... 5 Niomennt Spracedale $ é Milverton . Sh Falls | - 4 i Movie - Sunderland... Fo y Jaseronto Thedford / . Nowiagton Thorold cn 3 Do - ~ G September 27-October 2, & Porquis - Junctiqn .. 9-10 ) Sept. Oct. Hf Port Perry ... 4-6 Ancaster 28-20 ¢ i Powassan 10-11 Arthur His ' 1 { IY Richmond ...... 9-11 Ashworth (Stisted IR "1 South Mountain Hall) cnennenns 30 " is - ' Sundridge Aylmer .30 1-2 ; Tavistock Bayfield .. 8-290 Val Gagne Beachburg . 28-29 Vankleek Hill ... " Becton ... -30 1 Wikwemikong Indian Re- Belmont 30 oe - Ft serve (Manitoulin) ......... 8-10 Babes sgeon rr olton .20. September 13.45 Bonfield ..... 29 B Caledon . 1-2 3 apsp Caledonia. 30 1-2 - - : Ci bellford 28-29 The real thing and its imita- Blyth .. bh 8 98.29 tion get together as Mae West Bothwells Corn Dedbo or 98.29 " poses with R.A.F. Pilot Kenneth Bruce Mines ....... Dundalk " 28 29 . Baird, who is wearing the "Mae Burks Falls NEATH rane RES : West" lifebelt so named because Charlton .. Dungannon 30 1 PERRY of its buxom resemblance to the Comber Elmvale ..... 27-29 II star. ) Dresden i Florence ............ 29-30 ANA - Englehart 17-18 De Sra 26.29 a PENA = ort Erie . 28-29 Rr Th Fi h 1 Exeter oe 15-16 Gooderham b. e Fighting Sons | Gore Bay 16-16 | on 12 as Yanov orrie ... ; - Is . . anover .. Tlderton R ARI Of Fighting Men | nuntsie : i ' : Langton .. . 2 AS Kilsyth .. I : 27 2 i) Kincardine . .camington y Hs Polish Officers Says Canad- : Ay Colt 13.15 Manitowaning wi ian Soldiers Are Best a . 15.18 Markham 1-2 p vt p2rene i Massey .... hei Canadian soldiers are the most Lions Head 14-15 Meaford ER physically fit of all troops in this | McKellar .. 14-16 | weit hell } Pi war, in the opinion of Licut-Col. Magnete van 14-15 Mount. Forest ........... 29-30 nt Janusz Ilinski, Military Attache Maxville 16-17 ~ Muncey (United Indian fe to the Polish Legation at Ottawa, | Merlin .. 16-17 |p oserve) 28.20 fi The distinguished officer has just Metealfe -.17-18 Napanee _ 3 returned 'by plane from London Middleville 17 Qhsweken (Six Nations v : where he attended General Stkor- "| Midland .. 15-18 Indian Reserve) ....29 1 fiir ski's funeral. As an experienced | Mildmay . 13-14 © lon Sound 97.20 ints observer and professional soldier, New Hamburg . ...17-18 Prag or ee 1.2 xp Colonel! Hinski was able to see Odessa ........ ...16-17 Rodney 28-20 , the Canadians in England before | Orangeville . -14-15 St. Marys ) they went to Sicily. Oro ..15 Stirling : ose riit _ "I have no hesitation whatever Oshawa 13-16 Thessalon Ei Saying that" thie Cand@dians 'were | "Palmerstor. E718. fro ibe Lrriiey thé best soldiers in the last war," Paris .... 17-18 i 27-20 he said. Perth... 17-18 Flannery "30 n C " I I "In this war, they are uphold: Renfrew 14-17 & ised - v3) anadians too, are playing their part in the gigantic task Be foe Same talline) dase on Rockis + 16-17 | Geterson 28.29 which this British poster depicts. You take part when you em, ave talke v osseau, .......... b ' . I lave ylsited with them. Thelr Shannonville IT18 dy .30 i diet satbrdt tl accept the need for sacrifices--when you voluntarily cut morale (s magnificent. I think a Springfield ...14-16 ls ne ! Alimited number of full colour reprints, ) down your own purchases. As you keep your own needs lot of them "are thinking about Stella RX 156 Zurich 27-28 oT : . got 10% x 0,9 this poster are y p y Py via ; their fathers. They want to be | Strathroy . 13.15 October 4-16 Ital fo, Tuk slouigi ey to a minimum so do you release food to feed Britain. ' yahy sons. They wen " Show Tou Clon ...14-16 Aboriaie as Wolu as) int Jor ius 4 1, fo at they are not going to let the nderwood ... 14 "Poster, O'Keefe House, Toronto. older generation down, that they Tpsala Atwood ..... cy " can be as good as their fathers. | Warren ... Beamsville . hp. "The Canadian Army is what 1t Wellund hs : ™ is to a great degreo because these | Wellesley . { i or are the fighting sons of fighting Wiarton 7 ) : J fathers. . : Williamstown }! ft } i nadie wing 1 showy men | Whiametows itis REG'LAR FELLERS--Where There's a Will . . . By GENE BYRNES . fion Is this, and that is the rel 3 s ' TS Sa i belly ' " t ; eptember 20.25 N A477 Gab 8 atfonship of the officers toward » * Sept. . NOW YOU ROOKIES PAY {) 7 TAKE AI, READY. 4 WHICH ONE 1s 4 TQ. . the men. The. Canadian officers | Avon oo ; . 'GOOD ATTENTION TO ME. |} FIRE AT WiLL! WILL? 35% iC) NS : Wo realy look after their soldiers. T | soyon CAUSE (M THE PIELD a 1 Tr RIN say that In the Canadian Army Beaverton MARSHAL' HOW TWS } = i \ - REN arith e you must admire the real com- Belleville : 15 ve enemy SER? 2 RAR ie radeship between the officers and | po a . h "the! nbrool AT _the men, They take care of "thelr Blackstock boys ag nobody else does. ! NR Bracebrid TN "So it is no surprisé to me that Be ge : dg AR \ the Canadians are doing so well oe ji Ww, gS In Sielly. "~ Clarksburg A ; Clifford Munitions output in Britain in Cobden ...... the first quarter of 1943 has ex- Collingwood . ceeded the output of the first |- Desboro 4 quarter of 1942 by 40%. One '| Drayton . worker in three munitions--in- Embro .. cluding shipbuilding and heavy Emsdale engineering--is.now a woman, Galt

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